Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1348

Shen Lang said calmly, "domain is the most direct embodiment of the martial arts in the understanding of heaven and earth Avenue, and it is also the most significant sign of the great emperor. Where is it so easy?"

"It\'s really a little reluctant to attack the field with my cultivation of the triple heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm."

"The most suitable realm in the field of cultivation is actually the great emperor\'s martial realm of more than five days."

"However, these five months of enlightenment have not yielded nothing."

"At least now I can see the scenery ahead..."

"The field of destruction in front of me now is like a film. Through this film, I can see a lot of things."

"Once this film is broken, everything will be solved."

Shangguan invincible said in a startled voice: "this is the most pure destruction. It is invincible, invincible, and its attack power is higher than any artistic conception..."

"If the emperor is successful in this field of destruction at this stage, doesn\'t it mean that even the great emperor is fearless?"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "you think too much. The power of the great emperor is not just because you have the field."

"Even if I really achieved this field in the triple heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm, it\'s impossible to use this field to deal with the great emperor."

"Not to mention these, you two have encountered a bottleneck in your cultivation? Why did you suddenly stop?"

LAN Shishi subconsciously rubbed his chest and mouth and said, "yes, a few days ago, under the guidance of the emperor, we broke through the double heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm... On the one hand, we refined the power of the emperor\'s blood, on the other hand, we also absorbed a lot of life energy. I thought it would be smooth with the wind and water next. I didn\'t expect to encounter many problems at the beginning. I couldn\'t understand it."

As soon as he finished speaking, LAN Shishi rubbed his chest - mouth again.

Shen Lang glanced at LAN Shishi with a headache and asked, "Shishi, why do you always rub your chest and mouth?"

LAN Shishi was coy for a moment and said in a whiny voice: "didn\'t the emperor slap someone else that day? That slap hurt them so much! The emperor was really cruel and even hit someone else!"

"When people stand in front of you now, they think of the scene that day, and they can\'t help it..."

"Speak human words... Forget it!" Shen Lang\'s black line interrupted LAN Shishi\'s words, then pointed to Shangguan invincible and said, "invincible, you speak."

Shangguan invincible endured so hard that he didn\'t make himself laugh.

The blue flag leader of the five color flag is flirting in front of Shen lang. if it\'s spread, it\'s estimated that a large number of people will be scared to death.

But then again, LAN Shishi, who is usually very cold and gorgeous, really can\'t resist Shen Lang.


Time just passes by.

Shen Lang stayed in the rebuilt xuandaozong and didn\'t leave.

He is waiting, waiting for someone to come.

Until the sixth month after the destruction of xuandaozong.

The man such as Shen Lang finally appeared over the newly-built xuandaozong!

"Brother Shen Lang, it\'s not easy for me to come all the way. Are you going to shut me down?"

The loud voice resounded through the sky of xuandao.

The mountain like figure brings people a terrible sense of oppression. It is the Taotie devil who sits in the East wasteland, the master of the house, Taotie!

"Ha ha!" Shen Lang laughed and rose from xuandaozong: "I didn\'t expect brother Taotie to come to xuandaozong. I\'m far away!"

Taotie\'s eyes coagulated when he saw Shen Lang: "brother, I can\'t see through your cultivation now... It\'s only a little more than a year since you left yumudong that day. Are you so strong?"

"Even if I\'m in the demon temple, I haven\'t served anyone, but you really make me fall to the ground!"

"Brother Taotie is flattered." Shen Lang shook his head and said, "my little brother\'s cultivation is nothing, but brother Taotie and these people in Taotie mansion have unstable breath and are hurt. What\'s the matter? Who can hurt you so much?"

The smile on Taotie\'s face immediately disappeared, and the killing intention in his eyes was filled with: "brother, we Taotie mansion fought with Zhulong mansion a few months ago, and it was dark!"

"Just after the war, I heard about you and Princess rosefinch. I brought them to Xihuang for the first time."

Shen Lang shrunk his eyes slightly, made an invitation gesture and said, "these things will be discussed later. Brother Taotie and you come all the way and are dusty. Please go down and have a rest first."

"OK!" Taotie stepped down carelessly.

The party and Shen Lang immediately entered xuandaozong.

At this time, although xuandaozong had been rebuilt, various arrays and other projects were still being arranged, and the disciples were busy.

When Shen Lang led Taotie and his party of more than ten people into the secret room, Taotie couldn\'t wait to say, "brother, I like to go straight, so I won\'t go around with you..."

"Come to my Taotie mansion!"

"As long as you like, I can give it to you!"

"As long as you can help me kill the candle dragon!"

In the secret room, the other Taotie strongmen were shocked.

They all know that Taotie came in such a hurry to win over Shen Lang.

But it\'s a bit unexpected to let all Taotie mansion leaders out.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "brother Taotie is really funny. If the owner of Taotie house gives it to his younger brother, is it still called Taotie house?"

"I\'m not polite to brother Taotie. To tell you the truth, I have no interest in the so-called power."

"The \'King of the sea and water\', one of the four heavenly kings of Tiangang Disha in front, came to xuandaozong personally and wanted me to go to Tiangang Disha... According to him, the black dragon demon king has the intention to expand Tiangang Disha. If I like, the four heavenly kings of Tiangang Disha are likely to become five heavenly kings."

"But I declined."

Shen Lang picked up his tea cup and said, "I\'m only interested in strength."

A group of people in Taotie mansion were surprised!

Strictly speaking, although the devil general\'s house is not under the jurisdiction of Tiangang Disha, Tiangang Disha is the direct power of the black dragon demon king and is absolutely superior to the devil general\'s house.

Shen Lang even refused Tiangang Disha\'s sincerity?

If he doesn\'t even pay attention to the position of Tiangang earth evil king, won\'t a group of people in Taotie mansion come in vain?

At this time, Taotie sighed and said, "brother, I know that even if the Taotie house Lord gave it to you, it also wronged you."

"I know you are indifferent to fame and wealth, but I really can\'t find any other help to help me deal with the candle Dragon..."

At this point, Taotie turned his head slightly.

The ten strong men of Taotie mansion immediately got up and walked out of the secret room.

As soon as these people went out, Taotie waved his hands, made several prohibitions, and set up a boundary in the secret room.

At this time, Taotie said word by word: "I have six yuan force fragments in my hand. As long as my little brother is willing to enter my Taotie house, I will present these six yuan force fragments with both hands."

"And my little brother is on an equal footing with me in Taotie mansion. He shares the resources of Taotie mansion with me, and can come and go freely without control!"

With these words, Taotie stared at Shen Lang nervously and waited for Shen Lang to reply to him.

The cost of six yuan force fragments is not large.

The vitality contained in each piece of Yuan force fragment is unimaginable.

Every piece of Yuanli fragment contains a wisp of rules of this world. If you can understand it thoroughly, its benefits will even far exceed the surging vitality contained in Yuanli fragment itself!

But all this is not attractive enough for Shen Lang.

But Taotie can\'t get anything better.

Shen Lang put down his tea cup and said, "every demon general\'s house wants to win me over. It\'s just to expand the power of the demon general\'s house."

"And brother Taotie mainly wants me to help you deal with the candle dragon, doesn\'t he?"

"The cultivation of Zhulong itself and Taotie\'s eldest brother are nothing more than Bo Zhong. Ten thousand years ago, he was severely damaged by the northern underworld polar sect, and the Zhulong mansion was greatly weakened by you. This time, Taotie mansion went out on a large scale, why did he fail?"

Taotie was overjoyed when he saw that Shen Lang\'s attitude was a little loose. He suddenly patted his thigh and said, "brother, you don\'t know. I\'ve been looking for the candle dragon for thousands of years, but I didn\'t expect that the candle dragon was hiding in my East wasteland!"

"This time, it\'s more than my Taotie mansion. Even Princess lanmengling, with the rosefinch mansion, killed the East wasteland!"

"I heard that the matter of your xuandaozong was secretly provoked by the candle dragon?"

"So Princess rosefinch was so angry that she led the strong people of the whole rosefinch house to attack me on both sides and killed the candle Dragon House crying for her father and mother!"

"However, Phoenix House... They are one family after all. Under the obstruction of Phoenix House, the war did not go so smoothly."

"This is not the most critical..."

"The most important thing is that the candle dragon can bear it too much!"

"The battle was dark and bloody, but he didn\'t show his real strength until I joined hands with Princess rosefinch to find him and want to kill him!"

Shen Lang moved his eyebrows and eyes: "real strength? In this way, the candle dragon has not only recovered from the injury, but also broken through to the martial realm of the great emperor?"

"Pa!" Taotie patted another thigh: "brother Shen Lang expected things like God, that\'s it!"

Shen Lang couldn\'t help rolling his eyes.

You have to anticipate things like God? Fools can guess, okay?

When he joined hands with Lan\'er who was angry and wanted to kill, he was beaten so badly by the candle dragon. Can you find any other reason except that the candle dragon has advanced to the martial arts of the great emperor?

Taotie hate said, "I never thought that the candle dragon endured it until the last minute!"

"If it weren\'t for mother-in-law Feng of rosefinch house, I\'m afraid you wouldn\'t see me, brother..."

Shen Lang\'s eyes moved: "since grandma Feng has shot, the candle dragon is still alive. Did you say that the black dragon demon king intervened?"

Taotie was impressed: "yes! Sure enough, everything can\'t hide from you!"

"It was me that the candle dragon wanted to kill. He didn\'t dare to move Princess rosefinch, but Princess rosefinch rushed forward crazy. Finally, she was hurt, which angered grandma Feng."

"Really?" Shen Lang twitched his eyes and lowered them.

He can imagine the madness of LAN Mengling.

He made all this.

Taotie continued: "with the strength and speed of mother-in-law Feng, even if the candle dragon has advanced to the martial realm of the great emperor, it has no chance to escape."

"We thought the candle dragon would die this time."

"But unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the messenger of the black dragon demon king suddenly appeared and prevented mother-in-law Feng from killing the candle dragon."

"Is he right?"

Then Taotie picked up the tea on the table and drank it: "brother, you must help me. If you don\'t help me, let alone kill the candle Dragon... If the candle dragon wants to deal with me, I can\'t resist it now!"

Shen Lang\'s five fingers interlaced, as if still hesitating.

When Taotie couldn\'t help it, Shen Lang raised his head and youyou said, "give me the position of the left envoy of Taotie mansion. In addition to the six yuan force fragments, I also need a drop of blood essence from brother Taotie."

"In the future, I will be the left envoy of Taotie mansion. I will help you kill the candle dragon."