Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1347

Hearing LAN Mengling\'s words, you surprised Bailiping: "but... Your highness, what about the plague land?"

Use the power of the rosefinch house to kill xiangdonghuang. This is not a simple resentment between the house owners!

The three demons killed the mansion together, which is

"Hmm?" the blue dream spirit tilted his head and a pair of beautiful eyes were dazzling.

The endless killing intention made Baili Bing fight a cold war!

Baili Bing fell on his knees with a bang: "I see. Kill the candle dragon and level the candle dragon house!"

What plague land, what order of the black dragon devil, where can you take care of it at this time?

All the strong men of Zhuque mansion knelt down and shouted in unison: "kill the candle dragon and flatten the candle dragon mansion!"


When LAN Mengling led Zhuque mansion to kill Xiangdong wasteland, Nalan Ziyan was silently wiping the blood on Shen Lang\'s body.

For a long time, she couldn\'t help saying, "why, why let herself bear everything?"

"Mingming is reluctant to give up. Mingming has a lot of heartache, but he has to do such a thing?"

"You said those heartless words, in fact, even ghosts don\'t believe it..."

This tough woman, who usually behaves carelessly, is actually very careful. She has long seen Shen Lang\'s insincerity.

Shen Lang has only a little doubt about what LAN Mengling has done.

Nalan Ziyan, however, decided that Shen Lang was lying and did it on purpose.

Shadow moon led a group of powerful demons to encircle and suppress xuandaozong in the name of Zhuque mansion. When you think about it carefully, there are many flaws.

Even those in xuandaozong who are not very clear about the identity of the left envoy of shenlang Zhuque mansion can know that something is wrong.

How can Shen Lang, who is so intelligent and close to the demon, fail to see through all this?

Shen Lang closed his eyes and said faintly, "if only someone believed it."

What he said about "someone" is naturally the blue dream spirit.

Nalan Ziyan sighed and didn\'t speak again.


The first World War of xuandaozong soon began to ferment.

In just three months, it spread all over the four wastelands in the southeast, northwest and Zhongzhou.

Shocked the whole world!

After all, this involves the two five-color flag owners of the God of war hall.

The mysterious five color flag is directly subordinate to the main war emperor of the God of war hall.

It is said that every one is earth shaking. If you don\'t do it, it will be like thunder!

Two five color flag leaders of the great emperor\'s martial arts territory suddenly sneaked into an unknown young generation.

In the end, they were killed on the spot by the other party when they used the terrible killing array of "ten thousand lotus sword array"... Whether it is the God of war hall, blood clan, demon God hall, and countless forces in the world, large and small, were shocked to pieces!

If the means of Shen Lang in the plague land is not enough to attract the attention of the real peak strong in the world.

Then the first battle of xuandaozong was to let him and xuandaozong really embark on the stage of the world!

This battle is known to the whole world. There is such a talented person as Shen Lang!

It is also known to the whole world that there is xuandaozong, a sect with multiple sects and multiple ethnic groups.

In troubled times, Shen Lang and xuandaozong were born.

The Beiming Jitian sect, which disappeared ten thousand years ago, even gathered together and was recruited by him

In the whole world, no one dares to underestimate the door of this small purple Chu country!

For a moment, there were four focuses that attracted everyone\'s attention.

The first focus is the ancient magic Jedi, one of the three Jedi in the western wilderness, the dark gate;

The dark gate connects the blood ancestral mausoleum. When the nine stars and beads are not complete and the blood ancestral mausoleum is not born, endless blood families enter the world from the dark gate.

Now the temple of the God of war has disappeared, and the four great emperors have led the Allied forces of all ethnic groups to the door of darkness.

Want to block the blood clan in the dark door.

The second focus is the seal gate of Tongtian Canyon in the foreign battlefield;

This is the only channel connecting the devil Kingdom and the human world.

The demon clan is ready to move. It is said that it is constantly attacking the seal door recently and wants to return to the world.

The first people to reach the seal gate were the Zhulong mansion of the demon God hall and the Murong aristocratic family.

It is said that the two sides had a big fight in foreign battlefields, and the Murong aristocratic family had the upper hand.

If the door of the seal is opened by the demon family, what kind of trouble will this stormy world fall into?

The third focus is the Western wasteland of plague;

The legendary eternal tree appeared in people\'s eyes when the cracks in the earth appeared.

In order to destroy the eternal tree on the edge of all the cracks in the earth, the blood clan made an idea on the eternal tree, secretly attacked the moonlight forest land, and forcibly destroyed the moonlight forest land into a plague land.

Fortunately, the strong in the demon God hall joined hands with the strong in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, and finally leveled the blood clan in the plague land!

With the help of this event, the demon temple has gained great reputation.

The fourth focus is the xuandaozong of the purple Chu state in the West wasteland and snow region;

The two flag leaders of the five color flag were killed. It\'s hard for people not to pay attention here.

The war temple has been the strongest force to command the Terran for thousands of years.

No matter what kind of gratitude and resentment, it is natural for xuandaozong and demon God hall to be labeled evil in people\'s eyes.

Countless forces all over the world are not good at looking at xuandaozong.

However, Shen Lang and xuandaozong don\'t care about other people\'s eyes at all.

More than three months later, when various forces paid close attention to xuandaozong, xuandaozong began to give birth to the strong emperor Wujing here.

One or two strong imperial martial mirrors may not let some peak forces care too much.

However, in more than three months, more than 40 powerful imperial mirrors were born, which is enough to deter any force!

Shen Lang didn\'t hide anything about this, because he wanted to push xuandaozong onto the world stage.

Just as he wildly said that he would make the blood family blood shadow emperor pay the price.

Sometimes, we have to show our own strength and power in front of people in order to really frighten the enemy.

Especially to frighten the blood race, which eats soft and fears hard.

A year ago, outside the blessed land of yumudong, Shen Lang inflicted a heavy blow on the blood shadow emperor, but he relied on the strange magic power of the immortal sword, which can never be used again.

Now, Shen Lang, who killed two five color flag leaders with one person, has enough capital to call the blood shadow emperor.

This strength is enough to make the peak forces all over the world look at each other.

Of course, it\'s difficult for Shen Lang to hide even if he wants to... Because all major forces in the world have noticed here. The purple Chu state has almost covered with spies from all forces and has become a mixed place.

In this strange atmosphere, the power of xuandaozong is rising.

I don\'t know why there was no movement at the war temple after losing the two flag leaders;

On the other side of the blood clan, a large stronghold hidden in the wilderness was completely leveled by the three adoras who were subject to Shen Lang;

Shen Lang also said that the blood shadow emperor would pay a heavier price. It is said that the blood shadow emperor was furious when he knew it;

The Allied forces formed by the four great emperors in a hurry have gone to the dark gate and want to snipe the blood clan. It seems that they don\'t pay too much attention to the affairs of xuandaozong;

And the demon God Temple, through this thing, announced its existence to the world!

The whole world knows that there is such a huge terror that it is enough to crush the war temple!

The wind and cloud rise again, and the whole world is completely stirred

Inside the demon temple, it is said that after Shen Lang broke up with the rosefinch house, the major demons and even Tiangang and Disha began to send strong people to the purple Chu state in the western wilderness and snow region to win Shen Lang over;

However, Shen Lang has closed the door to thank his guests for some time, and even the strong Tiangang and Disha who came here have been closed the door.

In fengtianding, Shen Lang lay on a rocking chair and closed his eyes.

This posture doesn\'t seem to be practicing at all.

However, around him, a circle of visible ripples are constantly rippling.

Surrounded by this circle of ripples, the waves are as strange and wonderful as being in another space.

Not far away, LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible, who stopped practicing, saw this scene, all sweating!

This is the destructive artistic conception of the great circle!

It\'s impolite to say that when Shen Lang fought with them, if the destruction of this great perfect realm was about to come out, they didn\'t even have a chance to escape!

Shen Lang didn\'t use any strength in that war

The destruction artistic conception of the great perfect realm, one step further, will become a field!

Five months have passed since the first World War on that day.

In these five months, Shen Lang\'s separation and cooperation, crazy cultivation;

The power of gods and demons in the fragments of demons and gods has also been swallowed up;

At present, Shen Lang began to absorb the power of gods and demons from the broken empty knife, one of the heavenly magic soldiers. The cultivation of "thousands of miles a day" is not enough to describe in four words.

Shen Lang\'s original statue is to put aside everything and completely immerse himself in the artistic conception of breaking through the great perfection.

At the level of Shen Lang, and under the condition of ten million separation, the only thing that can make his Buddha spend so long time and energy to impact is the field of destruction.

Although the war emperor had multiple fields, he did not understand the field of destruction.

Shen Lang can only study and cultivate himself by relying on everything he understands in that destructive space.

Now Shen Lang\'s cultivation is already the triple heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm. Once destroyed, the artistic conception will go further from the great circle to the realm of destruction... I\'m afraid there will be no invincible hand under the great emperor!


Shen Lang exhaled a foul breath and opened his eyes.

The mood of destruction around him was immediately taken back.

LAN Shishi and Shangguan looked at each other and walked up cautiously.

"Emperor, still didn\'t successfully impact the field?" Lan Shishi couldn\'t help asking, "is it really so difficult to destroy the field that even the emperor can\'t cross this last step?"