Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1349

In the morning, on the top of the mountain, the cool wind is blowing.

Shen Lang sat on the edge of the cliff and looked at the white fog and clouds below.

Mo GE\'s silver hair floated slowly to the edge of Shen wave and sat down.

"Now you are the cultivation of Emperor Wu Jing, and I have found the heavenly book for you; I have also opened a small mouth for you to seal the power of gods and demons in your body;"

Shen Langtou said without looking back: "I don\'t know much about the power of Tianshu and gods and demons. In the future, your cultivation can only rely on yourself. I can\'t help much."

There are only two people in xuandao sect who can make Shen Lang feel that he can\'t help in cultivation.

One is mo Ge, the other is Chu Qingcheng.

The mystery of Chu Qing City is even far above the Mo song of the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor.

However, after the first World War of xuandaozong, he suddenly disappeared without a trace and disappeared inexplicably.

Even if Shen Lang wants to find him, he doesn\'t know where to start.

As for Mo Ge, Pangu Protoss once said that he was the incarnation of the emperor of heaven.

Lord of heaven

The sense of existence of the Lord of heaven is so weak that Shen Lang often ignores him.

If what Pangu Protoss said is true, the power of terrible gods and Demons sealed on Mo Ge may be able to explain.

"Tianshu, is it really the best shortcut to the avenue of heaven and earth?" Mo Ge asked.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I don\'t know."

"All I know is that the legendary ultimate fear also mastered a heavenly book; the evil god blood ancestor also mastered a heavenly book; and the predicted Imperial Star also mastered a heavenly book."

"Every heavenly book corresponds to a law. If you can practice it to the extreme, you can master this Law and be the Lord of God and the devil emperor."

"Once you become a God, you can become the supreme of all worlds, and hundreds of millions of creatures admire you!"

"As soon as you become a devil, you will lose your life. The gods and demons in the heavens are exclusive!"

"Mo Ge, do you want to be a God or a devil?"

Mo Ge said coldly, "in my eyes, there is no difference between God and devil."

"When I was very young, I only fought for survival, but I didn\'t understand the meaning of my survival and what I lived in this world for."

"Now, I understand a truth... Some people in my heart have some things that I need to protect. Even if these really important things will die, I will protect them with both hands."

"If you dare to hurt the people I protect, I will let them disappear."

The voice is very light and the tone is very soothing.

But it\'s a heroic dry cloud.

Mo Ge, known as the "stone face", is very close to Shen Lang at this moment.

Shen Lang just nodded slightly and didn\'t speak.

Mo Ge said again, "I heard you\'re going to let the sword edge go down the endless abyss?"

"Well," Shen Lang said faintly, "the endless abyss is the battlefield to temper him and the place where he can grow up quickly."

"There\'s not much time... The flowers growing in the greenhouse can\'t live long in this troubled time."

After pondering for a moment, Mo Ge suddenly said, "let me go back to the devil kingdom."

"Whether it\'s killing battle armor or killing heavenly book, it takes endless killing to grow."

"By the way, I\'ll help you bring the soul eating demon sword back from the demon clan."

Soul devouring magic sword is one of the five Heavenly God soldiers. It is now left in the demon domain.

Shen Lang sighed and said, "you\'re going. I won\'t stop you. In fact, I\'m worried about the soul eating magic sword in the demon domain."

"But you need to convince elder martial sister Su Rong and Jun qiluo first."

Mo Ge was silent.

Shen Lang glanced obliquely and Mo Ge said, "a big man, why dare you hate or love?"

"Now that you already know what position they occupy in your mind, why bother?"

"Listen to me, if you love, you will love deeply; if you abandon, please be thorough; live in the present and cherish the people in front of you."

Mo Ge stood up, walked out of five or six meters, stopped and said, "I see."

Shen Lang smiled and looked through the layers of white fog and saw the hillside.

On the huge martial arts field on the hillside, the disciples of xuandaozong are practicing hard.

Among them, there are many familiar faces of Shen Lang

Iceberg beauty Tang Yiyi, lecherous Tian Hao, fierce Yan Qi, Qingli Ruxian water dancing, Linghan in Yaowang valley.

And Shen Lang\'s two best friends in Tianfeng City, Lin Feng and Su hen.

In addition to them, there are a large number of Yan demons and monsters on the martial arts field, who are training with these people.

Tian Hao obviously saw the beauty coming. When fighting with Tang Yiyi, he stared at Tang Yiyi\'s chest - Department. As a result, Tang Yiyi was a little stronger when he shot. He slapped Tian Hao on the chest and broke his four ribs.

Two flaming demons came running, threw Tian Hao on a stretcher and carried him out.

This action is a little too skillful.

Yan Qi has a simple mind and ordinary talent, but this guy works hard. Others rest, and he is still humming and hawing;

The warwolf commander Yinghuo and Heisha are practicing the "thunder god formula", which makes lightning and thunder over the martial arts arena;

Shen Jianfeng played with the long gun, and Chen Tianci and others cheered.

The sword blade was proud for a moment. He pointed his long gun at the sky and shouted, "who dares to fight with me!"

With a "click", the nine day thunder force gathered by yinghun and Heisha directly fell on Shen Jianfeng\'s long gun and beat Shen Jianfeng down.

When the nine day thunder burst wildly, he still held a long gun and pointed at the sky. Who will he split if the sky thunder doesn\'t split him?

However, under Shen Lang\'s training, this guy is already the cultivation of emperor Wujing, and his flesh is strong. He didn\'t do anything after being struck by lightning. He scolded and got up again.

Instead, it was the spirit of Jiuxian dragon gun, Jiuwu, who lay on the ground and foamed at the mouth and greeted Shen Jianfeng\'s ancestors for 18 generations.

Xiaotui, the spirit beast of the sword edge, felt really ashamed. He knocked Jiuwu unconscious with a punch, carried it on his shoulder and moved to the bottom of the tree outside the martial arts arena.

The blood Saint Alice is like a leaping butterfly, flying here and there, with her silver bell like laughter everywhere.

Kuruno, the blood clan who first submitted to Shen Lang, ran around with Alice like a follower.

It\'s actually the safest thing to put Alice in the sealed tripod.

As long as it is in the sealed heavenly tripod, even the blood ancestor may not be able to get her.

But Shen Lang believes that everyone has his own destiny. It\'s too cruel and overbearing to forcibly rewrite the fate of others.

Alice, who grew up in the blood clan and couldn\'t speak of laughter, is now happy every day and affects others with her laughter. Isn\'t that very good?

Shen Lang\'s eyes turned to the other side, where Shen Jianfeng\'s brother Shen Daofeng was chased around by a ghost shadow.

Fengping, the second ancestor of xuandaozong, pulled the ghost: "fourth, did you forget to take the medicine? Didn\'t Xiaolang say that your body collapsed and you should stay in the spirit storage bottle for three years? You ran out to die!"

This ghost is the Dongfang sword, the fourth ancestor of xuandaozong, who chose to destroy the flesh when facing Duanmu Rongrong.

Dongfang Jianqi didn\'t fight and shouted, "this little rabbit told me that he helped me find a good body..."

"Such a filial child is rare." Feng Ping sighed with emotion.

Dongfang Jian was angry: "filial piety! He found me a four legged... Don\'t run! I promise I won\'t kill you!"

Duanmu Rongrong hurried up: "second brother, give him to me. The old man is disgraced again!"

As soon as the voice fell, a small bottle in her hand fell towards the Oriental sword. As soon as the light at the mouth of the bottle vomited, she directly took the Oriental sword in.

At the top of the mountain, Shen Lang looked at all this with a smile and only felt peace at the bottom of his heart.

If there were not so many disasters in the world, but laughter everywhere as now, how beautiful would it be?

With a smile, Shen Lang turned around, looked at the empty void without human shadow and said, "you moon, what can I do for you?"

In the void, youyue, one of the five commanders of the war wolf, appeared.

She saluted Shen Lang gracefully and generously. A pair of thin eyebrows and Phoenix eyes revealed a kind of tenderness like water. She said softly, "a young man who calls himself your cousin has come to xuandaozong."

"Cousin?" Shen Lang\'s face was cold.

The Shen family in Tianfeng city moved to tianque city more than a year ago.

Now more than 90% of the children of the Shen family depend on xuandaozong, who refuses to go.

Who else can come out at this time and call himself brother Shen Langtang?

Seeing that Shen Lang\'s face became cold, youyue immediately added: "the man\'s name is Murong Ningfeng, from Murong aristocratic family in Mengxing region."

Shen Lang snorted, "I know."

"Go and tell xian\'er and let her find a reason to spread the flower soul..."

"Forget it. It doesn\'t matter whether it\'s sooner or later."

Once the sleeve robe was thrown, a circle of clouds held Shen Lang and youyue, and disappeared on the spot.


In the reception hall of songduofeng, a young man in his twenties was sitting, holding a tea cup and blowing the heat gently.

Behind him stood a man and a woman.

The man and the woman, with huge breath and towering mountains, are all the accomplishments of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror triple heaven!

The quasi emperor\'s martial mirror is a triple heaven strong man, but he is just a follower.

No wonder Murong Ningfeng is so arrogant.

Murong Ningfeng\'s eyes were always on the tea cup in his hand, and he didn\'t even bother to look at Zhuge Xianer and others opposite.

He seemed to be born with a kind of pride and dignity. He would rather keep his eyes on the tea than look at people more.

Because looking at people more is a kind of charity to him.

Opposite Murong Ningfeng, Zhuge Xianer smiled and didn\'t care about all this.

Behind her, on the left is the evil zombie duanmuxie, on the right is dinaros, the king of the Yan devil with great momentum, and the gatekeeper in front of the living room... Is adola, the strong blood clan!

Murong Ningfeng took a sip of tea and said, "you can call me fengshao or master Ningfeng. In short, I don\'t mind."

"However, the furnishings in the living room of your xuandaozong meeting are really terrible. In my opinion, these tables and chairs are all rubbish... Xiaozong door is Xiaozong door. Even if its strength grows a little, it still looks like an explosive household without any taste."

"If I hadn\'t prepared early in the morning and brought some superior Xianwu tea with me, I\'m afraid I would die of thirst in your xuandaozong? Hum!"

Duanmu evil and dinaros, the king of the Yan devil, immediately blackened their faces.

Yes, I\'ve seen arrogance. I\'ve never seen such arrogance!

You don\'t think about who you are standing in front of!

How dare a follower with two quasi emperor martial mirrors be so rampant?

He? We are all the blood families of emperor Wujing bachongtian!

You bullshit?