Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1346

Only the xuandao sect with a huge Tiankeng remained.

The bottomless sinkhole did not attract people\'s attention for long.

The scream of Lu Tian from the sealed stone pillar in the center of Tiankeng has not been paid much attention.

Everyone\'s eyes are focused on Shen Lang at the moment.

Shen Lang sat in his chair, his eyes had recovered calm, but the fatigue on his face was obvious.

He glanced at everyone here and said coldly, "Lengyue, flower soul, wind knife and frost sword, you four, together with bone one bone two bone three bone four, are responsible for the four directions of the southeast and northwest of the purple Chu state."

"Cooperate with the night soul\'s intelligence network to clean up all the people of these sect forces who blocked the purple Chu state before. Don\'t let go of any of them!"


Crazy murderous spirit swept the audience.

Boundless killing, bloody, will be set off by Shen waves!

Shen Lang won\'t let go of any of these guys who want to kill all the people of xuandaozong!

There is only a dead end waiting for them!

The spies of all forces of the purple Chu state who are paying attention here are trembling at the moment.

Then he saw the cold moon four people and four bone demons step out and say in unison, "yes!"

In a flash, four bone demons with Leng Yue disappeared on the spot.

Xuandaozong people looked at each other.

Bone one bone two, they are now the bone emperor of emperor Wujing!

The people of the sect are the strongest, that is, the people of the limitless demon sect, followed by the people of the dark gold level forces such as the evil blood demon sect.

The worst ones are those black iron level forces.

The main force of the evil forces under the leadership of the limitless demon sect has been completely destroyed by the xuandao sect.

The remaining forces that besieged the purple Chu state were just a mob in the eyes of the powerful xuandaozong. Now they have become birds and animals.

In the face of these only remaining evil forces, the bone emperor who sent out the emperor\'s martial mirror, did he make a mountain out of a molehill?

But no one dares to speak at this moment.

Shen Lang is very calm now, but everyone can clearly feel his anger and murderous spirit!

He needs to vent, and xuandaozong needs to announce his existence to the world!

Shen Lang continued to order: "Mo Ge, Duanmu Zheng, old ape, you three, together with the five warwolf commanders, take all the members of the warwolf and be responsible for destroying all the sect forces that participated in the encirclement and suppression of xuandao sect, such as Wuji demon sect and shaxue demon sect!"

"Take all their resources."

"Anyone or force dare to stop..."


Duanmu Zhenghe didn\'t break the ape, and the commander of the five war wolves came out.

Mo Ge shook his head: "I refuse. I have to practice. I don\'t have time to do these things."

Everyone was surprised.

Mo Ge is the only one who dares to speak to Shen Lang at this time.

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and said, "for you, killing is cultivation. Go and finish it. When you come back, I will help you unlock the seal of power in your body and help you find it."

Shen Lang\'s "that thing" is naturally the killing book in Mo GE\'s body.

Over the past few months, Mo GE has tried his best and still doesn\'t feel the killing book, let alone use or cultivate the killing book.

Mo Ge pondered for a moment and nodded slightly, "OK!"

The crowd immediately breathed out, and a hanging heart was put down.

At that moment, the ape, without breaking his sleeve robe, disappeared into the sky with all the wolf members and Moko.

Shen Lang thought and threw out three blood families, such as adola.


Shen Lang threw the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" into Adora\'s hand: "take this and destroy the nearest blood clan station in the wilderness..."

"If the blood emperor ladaos dares to touch me, I will make him pay a heavy price!"

"No grass, no chickens and dogs!"

He had checked adola\'s memory before and knew that there were many blood clan stations in the wilderness.

The nearest one is only more than three million miles away.

There are at least more than 100000 blood families, large and small, and there are as many strong people above the martial mirror of the quasi emperor.

It was from there that Adora came and attacked xuandaozong.

At the blood clan station, there are at least three strong men whose accomplishments are not weaker than adola.

With the three of adola, there was basically only a group beating.

But with the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" in hand, that\'s another situation.

Shen Lang has ordered the spirit of "trapped in heaven, bound in the earth and destroyed the magic lock" to cooperate with Adora. As long as he uses it properly, it is easy to kill the strong man of the nine heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror!

The first great merit after surrender was so obtained that adola and his three people couldn\'t wait.

"Master, don\'t worry. With this thing in hand, I promise, there will never be a blood clan alive!"

Adora respectfully saluted and took two strong blood clan men who were also called emperor Wujing bachongtian, turned into a blood mist and disappeared on the spot.

At this time, dinaros, the king of the devil, came out with expectation: "Sir, is it our turn? What shall we do?"

The seven general of Yan devil and duanmuxie all followed, rubbing their hands and eager to try.

"You don\'t have to do anything." Shen Lang\'s words were like cold water pouring down his head. Duanmuxie and others immediately hung their heads like frost beaten eggplant.

However, Shen Lang almost made them jump up: "within three months, I will let you, all the people in xuandao sect with quasi imperial martial mirror more than five days, reach the imperial martial realm."

There was a dead silence.

Then, the roar of the king of Yan devil and Duanmu evil resounded through the sky of xuandaozong!

It\'s not that these two people are not good

In fact, even the 130000 alien leaders, as well as a group of strong people of the northern underworld polar sect, were red and excited.

Under Shen Lang\'s training, even bone demons like bone one and bone two have become imperial martial mirrors, not to mention the strong ones in the middle and later stages of these quasi imperial martial mirrors?

What else can Shen Lang not do?

Relying on the power of his chaotic God\'s blood and the powder ground from the fragments of the demon God, Shen Lang is fully confident to build the Yan devil in the Huangwu realm into a strong emperor\'s martial mirror within three months.

Unfortunately, the fragment of demon God is only so large. Now it is used a little less.

Shen Lang is not prepared to waste the fragments of demons and gods for a group of strong people in the late period of the quasi emperor martial mirror and the leader of 130000 alien races of the northern underworld Jitian sect.

These people themselves have reached the peak of the quasi imperial martial mirror, and half of their feet have stepped into the imperial martial mirror.

Shen Lang only needs to give them a hand and supplement them with the pure and incomparable energy in the Tai Chi diagram. It\'s not difficult to break through the imperial martial mirror normally.

"Xian\'er, send someone to pick up all the xuandaozong disciples sent out, and choose a blessed place to rebuild xuandaozong on the edge of the wilderness outside the Tianxuan mountains."

Shen Lang said, closed his eyes, waved his hand and said, "if you need to heal, find a quiet place to heal; if you are not hurt, listen to xian\'er\'s orders to rebuild xuandaozong."

"It\'s all gone. Let me be alone."

Zhuge xian\'er looked at Nalan Ziyan, and Nalan Ziyan nodded slightly.

The dense crowd moved quickly towards the west of Tianxuan mountain, leaving only Nalan Ziyan and Shen Lang.


Leave the purple state of Chu for more than a million - Li.

The rolling mountains are like crouching dragons. Countless wild animals with huge bodies walk in the mountains and forests. Where they pass, trees break and mountains destroy.

At the top of one of the mountains, the lost blue dream spirit is quietly listening to the thin shadow telling all the things of xuandaozong.

Right envoy Bai libing and others stood nearby, and their faces were very gloomy.

After saying everything that he knows, he is hesitant to say, "shadow moon" has never seen the face of the adults, and has no hatred for the future. It has been rather baffling to make such a thing. And it is the princess\'s highness that she has chosen to pull the relationship between the princess and the left.

"When the left envoy was ready to extract the shadow moon\'s memory, the sealed shadow moon suddenly exploded. It was obvious that someone had quietly imposed a ban in her memory."

"This shadow moon is obviously used by others..."

Blue Mengling\'s eyes were about to burst out fire: "who? Who is it?"

In a low voice, he said, "it is a bit of a grudge against the left, and so much about the relationship between the left and the princess, so that shadow moon is most willing to work for him. Besides the candle dragon, I can not think of second people."

"But what my subordinates say now, there is no evidence, just speculation..."

At this time, Bai libing said coldly, "as a member of the rosefinch house, yingyue has drifted outside the rosefinch house with various excuses over the years and hooked up with the candle dragon. It\'s no secret in the demon temple."

"Thirty years ago, this man used the name of the rosefinch house to help the candle dragon. I once told the princess that he wanted to get rid of this man."

"But the royal highness of the princess said that the grandfather of the shadow moon is a loyal family servant of the rosefinch family, and has done many things for the family of the rosefinch.

"Based on these news..."

Suddenly, a little rosefinch escaped from the void and flew towards the blue dream spirit.

LAN Mengling reached out and grabbed the rosefinch, who was only slapping and laughing.


The little rosefinch burst open, and the virtual shadow of a heroic woman appeared in front of a group of people in the rosefinch house.

The woman knelt at the dream of blue mansion respectfully and respectfully, and said in a long voice, "the royal highness of the princess of the East, who is the Lord of the East famine, has gone to the east of the desert.

"My subordinates learned from the population of Taotie mansion that Taotie mansion learned from a mysterious man that the original candle dragon was hiding in the dead place of Donghuang!"

"Lord Taotie was overjoyed. Taotie mansion poured out and wanted to kill the candle dragon and level the candle dragon mansion!"

"When my subordinates sent out this note, they had already started!"

The blue dream primate rose up, and his murderous spirit surged. He said in a cold voice, "give me the coordinates where the candle dragon is hidden!"

The preacher stood up and scratched a few times in the void. A small map appeared, and then she was grabbed by the blue dream spirit.

Blue Mengling\'s rosefinch fire soared, and with infinite killing intention, he drank coldly: "pass my command, concentrate all the power of rosefinch house and go to the East wasteland!"

"I want the candle Dragon..."

"Whole family death light!"