Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1345


At the moment of seeing LAN Mengling, Shen Lang, who was bleeding all over, shook away the thin shadow and stood up.

He stared at LAN Mengling coldly and said hoarsely, "are you happy to see all this?"

LAN Mengling\'s eyes were full of confusion: "what are you... What are you talking about? I don\'t understand what you mean?"

"For... Why?"

She came from the direction of xuandaozong and naturally saw the destroyed xuandaozong.

The culprit who made xuandaozong such a crime came from yingyue of Zhuque mansion.

LAN Mengling couldn\'t understand all this.

She couldn\'t understand that Shen Lang would look at her with such eyes now.

This is a look... Full of hatred.

So strange, so terrible, so... Heartbreaking!

Shen Lang\'s face was cold: "isn\'t this the result you want? Because I went to the plague place with Shiyin, do you want to destroy everything I have and kill my family?"

"Blue dream spirit, I read you wrong!"

Shen Lang smiled darkly: "I\'m really confused. The Lord of Zhuque mansion in the demon God hall controls the Western wasteland. With an order, we can change the color of heaven and earth, make blood flow into a river, change the sovereignty of an empire overnight, and destroy hundreds of millions of creatures!"

"What else... Can\'t you do?"

A murderous spirit swept out of Shen Lang and pointed to the blue Mengling opposite.

LAN Mengling looks pale: "Xiaolang, listen to me. I didn\'t do this! I didn\'t instruct yingyue to do this. I came here after receiving the voice from Ling Xue!"

"Hum, ha ha!" Shen Lang laughed wildly, "do you really think of me as a three-year-old child?"

"Did you come here after receiving the voice from Ling Xue? Zhuque mansion is at least seven million miles away from here. No matter how fast you are, can you get here in such a short time?"


"I think you just hid around here early in the morning!"

When he said these words, Shen Lang\'s heart was like a knife, and he felt out of breath.

However, at this moment, his inner struggle was revealed on his face and body, but people mistakenly thought that he was hating lanmengling

At this time, LAN Mengling\'s anger erupted: "I didn\'t do it, I didn\'t do it! It\'s no use how you frame me!"

"Frame up?" Shen Lang stared at LAN Mengling with a ferocious face: "did you expect yingyue to die without proof, so you have full confidence?"

On the other side, the shadow shouts loudly: "left your Lord, this is all misunderstood. It is the shadow moon\'s framing the princess\'s highness and not being blinded by hatred."

"If the Royal Highness is what the princess has done, will I and the ice snow men help Xuan Tao to resist the enemy?"

"If I want to attack xuandaozong, how can the people of xuandaozong be safe now?"

"Shut up!" Shen Lang shouted violently, put on a look of anger and attack his heart, and said, "don\'t play in front of me!"

With that, Shen Lang shook his wrist, pulled out the immortal sky knife and pointed to LAN Mengling.

LAN Mengling\'s face turned red and his whole body trembled.

She has never experienced such a thing as being misunderstood.

Being misunderstood by the person you like, I haven\'t thought about it.

I feel like a needle in my heart

Is there such an uncomfortable feeling in the world?

"You... How can you trust me?"

The proud and noble princess rosefinch, shrouded in anger and grievance, still said such a "low voice".

Looking at the blue Mengling trembling all over the opposite body, Shen Lang loosened his palm and almost dropped the immortal blade.

At this moment, he just wanted to rush over and hold LAN Mengling tightly

Everything else, fuck!

However, after the mire is deep, the final may only kill lanmeng Lingxiang Xiaoyu.

Should a man sacrifice the people he loves for himself, for a moment of comfort and sweet love?

Such a person, how qualified to stand in this world!

Shen Lang clenched his teeth, spilled blood from the corners of his mouth, and the light on the immortal sky knife soared: "Lan Mengling, take my knife, and you and I will break our friendship from now on!"


When this sentence was uttered, Shen Lang clearly heard a broken voice at the bottom of his heart.

It seems that something that has been guarded for a long time is broken.

LAN Mengling was pale and retreated again and again. His eyes were full of grievances and panic.

Shen Lang raised his hand and threw the sacred fire order symbolizing the power sign of Zhuque mansion to LAN Mengling.

At the same time, the smell of terror on the immortal blade became stronger and stronger.

Shen Lang held the immortal sky knife in both hands, as if holding the whole heaven and earth. He lifted the immortal sky knife very hard.

"Ambassador Zuo!" Shuying and Ling Xue and Ling Yue shouted.

"Heaven devil sword, destroy heaven and Jedi, God death and evil destruction!"

In the roar of Shen Lang, a terrible knife ran through the world and fell towards the blue dream spirit!

"Hide! Hide!"

Shen Lang\'s heart shouted wildly.

The blue dream spirit on the opposite side finally reacted when the knife light fell and staggered back!

At this time, an old figure appeared on crutches, grabbed the blue dream spirit, broke the space and disappeared on the spot.

Grandma Feng can\'t see it anymore.

At the moment of disappearance, mother-in-law Feng looked back, glanced at Shen Lang and sighed.


Shen Lang seemed to be too hurt to bear the power of the knife. With a bang, he knelt on one knee in the void and hung his head.

At this time, Baili Bing, the right envoy of Zhuque mansion, appeared in the void with a large team of people and horses.

Shuying quickly flew over and told Baili Bing what happened here.

Bai libing glared at Shen Lang: "ungrateful guy, you will be punished!"

As soon as the voice fell, a group of strong men in Zhuque mansion disappeared again, but they chased LAN Mengling.

Shen Lang bowed his head, and his long hair covered his face.

Tears streaming down my face

I always thought that I and Lan\'er were not in the mire of love.

I always thought I could distance myself from her and go my own way.

Until now, Shen Lang understood... I don\'t know when to start. Lan\'er has occupied such a position in his heart!

My heart is like a knife, and I\'m in pain

Many times, he proudly thought he had controlled his destiny.

In fact, all along, he is still controlled by fate!

The real master of the destiny is towering. Now is he looking at all this jokingly in an unknown place?


Shen Lang roared wildly and stood up straight again.

When one day, heaven and earth are in my hand.

I\'m afraid I can\'t go against this little world!

Kill the black dragon demon king and seize the soul blood in his hands. Everything will bloom in spring!

Sealed the pain, Shen Lang\'s indomitable breath bloomed again.

Turning around, Shen Lang walked slowly towards the location of Zhuge Xianer and others in Fengyun mountain.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that only Shen Lang and LAN Mengling are left.

One left, one right;

One is black and blue, the other is broken.

Two people, walking away, one hand can\'t hold yesterday.

Who said goodbye and never see you again

Who said tomorrow, but didn\'t give any time.

I\'m the luckiest to have rubbed my shoulder with you