Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1344

Let\'s say Shen Lang slapped Shangguan\'s invincible head.

The atmosphere of overbearing and tragic swept the audience, and LAN Shishi couldn\'t help closing her eyes.

All dead, but one in front and one in back.

How do you want to see the tragedy of the one in front?


There was no big noise in the imagination. Instead, there was a dull sound.

LAN Shishi opened her eyes in surprise and turned her head desperately. She just saw Shen Lang\'s sunshine smile.

At this time, Shangguan invincible also stared at Shen Lang in disbelief.

What burst into his body was not the power to destroy vitality, but the pure and extreme life energy!

In addition to this life energy, there is a vast and unimaginable power!

"What are you staring at me for? Concentrate and absorb the life energy and chaos power." Shen Lang said, leaving Shangguan\'s invincible head with his palm, and then slapped it on LAN Shishi\'s forehead.

Rao is Shangguan invincible, a strong man who has experienced countless lives and deaths. At the moment, his head can\'t turn around.

But he knows one thing. The most important thing is to absorb the life energy and the... Chaotic divine power!

At present, Shangguan invincible and LAN Shishi both closed their eyes and began to absorb the energy of Shen Lang into their bodies.

They were surprised to find that Shen Lang had untied their seal just under that palm!

Pure yuan force and life energy are unimpeded in their bodies!


"Trapped in heaven, bound in earth and destroyed the devil lock" was collected by Shen Lang, and the shackles of Shangguan invincible were completely lifted!

Both of them were in a flash. They almost couldn\'t help standing up at this time.


Shen Lang exhaled a foul breath and sat down in a chair to close his eyes and refresh himself.

A whole hour passed.

LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible opened their eyes at the same time.

At this time, the two people were no longer seriously injured.

Shangguan invincible\'s two broken arms grew out under the nourishment of life energy.

Shen Lang\'s power to break into their bodies is mysterious and beyond any pill or natural treasure they know!

"Why?" Lan Shishi stood up and asked in a cold voice.

All this is too weird and abnormal.

Shen Lang not only didn\'t kill them, but also saved them.

However, LAN Shishi did not appreciate it at all.

Their eyes were full of questions and precautions.

At this time, Shen Lang opened his eyes

A bright star burst out of his eyes, followed by the emperor\'s will to visit the world!

The imperial breath that controls the world disperses from Shen Lang!

His long hair dances, his eyes are like demons, and his breath is unpredictable!

Just when LAN Shishi and Shangguan were stunned, countless golden words of "war" came out from Shen Lang with the surging sense of war.

All the golden words "war" gathered on Shen Lang\'s forehead and combined into a new word "war".

This word "war" combines the artistic conception of the emperor and the sense of war, which makes people dare not look at it!

Shen Lang slowly raised his head: "invincible, poetry, long time no see."

LAN Shishi and Shangguan are invincible.

Then, with tears in their eyes, they knelt down on one knee with a bang

"Black flag officials are invincible;"

"Blue flag, blue poetry;"

"See the emperor!"

Shen Lang\'s sleeved robe shook, and a strong force helped them up.

As soon as LAN Shishi stood up straight, she suddenly made a bold move and threw herself directly into Shen Lang\'s arms, crying loudly!

Although Shangguan invincible did not move, but this fearless man facing death, his tears could not stop flowing down.

"OK." Shen Lang patted LAN Shishi on the back and said, "let you worry about me, but I\'ve come back, and the war temple will come back soon."

LAN Shishi wiped her tears and stood upright. She opened her mouth several times, but she didn\'t say a word.

Shen Lang sighed and said, "as you can see, I am now the left envoy of Zhuque mansion."

"But soon I will break with the Lord of the rosefinch house. If I break with the rosefinch house, there will be other demons to win the house... No matter which demon general house I am in, in short, I have entered the demon God hall."

LAN Shishi was stunned: "break with the Lord of Zhuque mansion... Why?"

Shen Lang\'s eyes were dark and didn\'t speak.

After a moment of silence, Shen langcai said, "I fought with you before. First, I just came back and I didn\'t release my anger. Second, I wanted to force you into a desperate situation, face death, break and then stand."

"What I enter into your body is the life spirit from Pangu and my own chaotic divine power."

"Take more time to completely absorb these two forces and take them as your own. Then you will have a thorough understanding of the gains from this war. Your cultivation will be thousands of miles a day."

LAN Shishi\'s tears fell down again: "the emperor thought so well for us, but we used to treat the emperor as an enemy, open and shut up animals... My subordinates deserve to die!"

Shen Lang snorted, "it\'s not you who are guilty, it\'s me."

"Well, now is not the time to say these words."

"Now that I have come back, I can take a moment to build a Dharma array to guide the return of the war temple."

"You are in my heavenly tripod and practice with me for a period of time."

LAN Shishi and Shangguan are overjoyed: "yes!"

Shen Lang brushed his right hand gently, and the situation outside the tripod immediately appeared around the sealed tripod.

Just outside the Fengtian tripod, the uncontrolled sword lotus are slowly rotating, releasing the sword meaning and sword spirit.

Shen Lang pointed to the ten thousand lotus sword array and said, "in a moment, I will open the channel outside the fengtianding, so that the divine thoughts of poetry can communicate with the ten thousand lotus sword array again."

"Then I go out and you will detonate all the sword lotus in an instant."

LAN Shishi was stunned. LAN Shishi waved his hand and said, "how does this make? The power of each sword lotus is equivalent to that of his subordinates. If it all explodes..."

As soon as the voice fell, small black scales on Shen Lang\'s body escaped, and then suddenly became bigger and put them on him one by one.

Black Pluto armor!

Wearing the black hell armor, Shen Lang said calmly, "the power of the ten thousand lotus sword array is really terrible, but without your mountain and river map, I can continue to welcome energy and lose your control. I put on this armor and then reach the edge of the ten thousand lotus sword array... When you detonate the ten thousand lotus sword array, I will leave at full speed."

"In this way, it\'s just a little injury at most."

Shen Lang said and stretched out his hand to LAN Shishi: "give me the geocentric yuan magnetic mountain detained by your mountain and river map."

"From today on, both the people in the war god temple and the people in the demon God Temple will think that you have been killed by me."

"Make the people in the demon Temple happy for a while, and I will naturally make them cry."

"Let the people in the temple of the God of war suffer for a while... In this troubled world, far beyond the current cruelty, they will appear one by one. They have no choice but to turn grief into strength."

LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible nodded fiercely. They just felt that a sense of war that had never existed had risen from their hearts.

The unimaginable future became clear after Shen Lang appeared in front of them.

In this world, what can make their blood boil more than the return of the war emperor?

This one is the youngest, most talented and strongest war emperor in history!

Shen Lang said again, "there is a piece of Yuan force fragment here. You can practice here during this time."

"I will try my best to help you reach the realm of the great emperor in the shortest time."

"The great emperor..." Lan Shishi and Shangguan are invincible. They are really surprised and happy.

Seeing Shen Lang\'s indisputable eyes looking at him, LAN Shishi reluctantly took out the geocentric yuanci mountain and handed it to Shen Lang.

After taking a deep look at the two people, Shen Lang\'s body moved and he had made a sealed tripod.

At this time, the power of the ten thousand lotus sword array has been greatly reduced because there is no continuous energy supply of the mountain and river map.

Shen Lang broke the arrogant silver eyes and found out the weakest part of the edge power of the big array.

In a flash, Shen Lang had passed through the heavy sword lotus and appeared at the edge.

From this edge to the outside of the array, it is less than 800 miles.

Shen Lang took a deep breath, and all the powers of the chaotic divine body came out!

Then he spread a message to Feng Tianding: "let\'s start."


The people of xuandaozong always pay attention to the Wanlian sword array through the water mirror;

Shuying, as well as Ling Xue and Ling Yue, are far away and pay the same nervous attention to the 10000 lotus sword array;

As time goes by, when everyone is about to lose perseverance

Endless white light suddenly bloomed from the ten thousand lotus sword array!

"No!" Shuying screamed.

Then he saw that in the terrible white light, a dark shadow came through the space as if it had passed through the space!

"Boom, boom!"

Although Shen Lang\'s speed is fast, it is still not faster than the self explosion of Wanlian sword array.

The shock wave of terror caught up with him and flew out directly.

Originally, it used all its strength to rush the Shen wave, which was swept by the shock wave and thrown out at a faster speed.

Then roll in the air one after another, and the air explodes!

A mushroom cloud far beyond the explosion of the silent God thunder king rose.

Where the terrible shock wave passes, it becomes powder.

The scene of doomsday, even the strong one like Shuying, was stunned

"Ambassador Zuo!"

Ling Xue on the edge cried.

Shuying was shocked and finally reacted.

At this time, the Shen wave has reached beyond the limit of the shock wave, like a meteorite, smashing down towards the mountains below!


The Qi at the foot of the thin shadow exploded and rushed towards the Shen waves like lightning.

Thousands of miles away, in an instant.

When the bloody Shen wave was about to fall to the ground, Shuying finally caught him!

"Ambassador Zuo!" Shuying shouted.

Shen Lang raised his hand hard, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and smiled: "don\'t worry, you can\'t die."

At this time, Shen Lang suddenly sensed something and turned his head slowly with a little difficulty.

Shuying was stunned and looked at the position he saw. He was stunned

Standing in the distance and looking at here, it is the magnificent Zhuque mansion master, LAN Mengling!