Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1343

In the sealed Tianding, Shen Lang completely sealed it, and threw the two people locked with the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" on the ground.

And he himself, Shi Shi ran, sat in a chair.

It has to be said that these two people are worthy of being the leaders of the five color flag.

It forced out most of his strength.

And it made him a little embarrassed.

Even Shen Lang was a little surprised when such a thing happened when the force completely crushed them.

With Shen Lang\'s current strength, it won\'t be too troublesome to kill a triple heaven strongman of emperor Wujing.

Two great emperor Wujing, the flag owners of the five color flag, with the help of different treasures, fought a wonderful battle... No generation of the five color flag is weak from generation to generation!

"You two, do you have any last words to say?" Shen langyouyou said, "of course, before you say your last words, can you make your intentions clear?"

LAN Shishi sneered: "I\'m not as skilled as a man. I have nothing to say. If you want to kill or cut, you\'re welcome."

Shangguan invincible looked at Shen Lang coldly and didn\'t speak. The corners of his mouth were still overflowing with blood.

Shen Lang said faintly, "I have no resentment with you for a long time. Recently, I have no hatred. I also promoted the cooperation between the demon God hall, the God of war hall, the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall in the plague place, and finally leveled the blood clan."

"There must be a reason why you want to kill me without saying a word?"

LAN Shishi despised Shen Lang and said, "why? A guy who has been a monk for a few years, climbed to the top of his accomplishments, and then entered the demon temple and became the evil star of the positive and evil... Isn\'t that enough?"

"If you continue to develop, I\'m afraid there will be a demon king ten times and a hundred times more terrible than the black dragon demon king in the star continent?"

Shen Lang said expressionless, "just because you were bewitched by some old guys in the God of war hall, can you ignore the orders of the war emperor, leave the secret place and come here to deal with me?"

"Because of this, you can watch more than 200000 innocent people of xuandaozong being slaughtered by the devil and stand idly by?"

As soon as he said this, LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible suddenly raised their heads!

"You... What do you mean? Why do you know the emperor\'s order to us? Why do you know so much about the war temple!" Lan Shishi\'s face was shocked.

Shen Lang said with a smile, "I really know the order left by the emperor of war... Isn\'t it dormant, then look for yuan force fragments and build a large Dharma array?"

"Hum, I\'m afraid you still don\'t understand what the Dharma array you are preparing to build is for?"

"You don\'t know, but I know."

Shen Lang paused, smiled and continued: "the emperor of war should have expected his fall and that the God of war hall would escape into the crack of time and space, so he buried some of your chess pieces to prepare for the return of the God of war hall."

"The large Dharma array you have built is actually the spatial coordinates of the world in order to guide the return of the war temple."

"You..." the blue flag leader of the five-color flag was panicked and incoherent when he heard Shen Lang\'s words.

Not only her, but also Shangguan invincible, who didn\'t blink even if her arms were broken. At the moment, her eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

This matter is so secret that even the old guys in the God of war hall don\'t know it.

When the five flag owners of the five color flag were together, they also doubted.

However, they are only skeptical. When the Dharma array has not been really constructed, they are not sure that it is the spatial coordinates used to guide the return of the war temple.

How could a left envoy of the demon Temple know such a thing so clearly?

Shen Lang continued, "now, you should have countless questions in your heart, right?"

"That\'s easy. Why don\'t you answer my questions first and I\'ll answer your questions later?"

After saying this, Shen Lang looked at LAN Shishi and stopped talking.

Lanshi and Shangguan were silent.

Relatively speaking, this business is quite cost-effective.

For them, Shen Lang\'s problem is just a small matter, and it will not bring crisis to the people in the God of war hall;

What they want to ask is related to the five color flag and the whole God of war hall!

The only trouble is... It\'s useless to ask the amazing secret from Shen Lang.

Because Shen Lang has just said that he will kill them later.

Even if they know a lot, they have no chance and time to spread it.

After a moment of silence, LAN Shishi hesitated and said, "are you serious?"

Shen Lang smiled: "it doesn\'t matter to you whether it\'s true or not."

"Anyway, I\'ll kill you later, so it doesn\'t matter if I tell you all the secrets I know."

"Here, the connection between your self and your separation has been cut off. Even if you hear or know any secrets, you can\'t spread them, including your separation."

"But I know that if you don\'t ask clearly, I\'m afraid you can\'t rest in peace even if you die, right?"

LAN Shishi looked at Shen Lang and gnashed his teeth.

We all know these principles, but taking out these principles and talking about them is purely tormenting their spirit!

Shen Lang said again, "don\'t worry, I\'ll try my best to answer your questions and make you feel at ease and turn into fly ash."

"But this requires a premise, that is, you answered my question first, and I will solve your question only when I am satisfied..."

"Come on, why do you, who are directly under the emperor of war, listen to others, leave the most important thing in your hands and come here to fool around?"

"Why do you, who are known as the head of the right way, ignore the more than 200000 innocent lives of xuandaozong!"

"You open your mouth and shut your mouth and say that I am the devil in the demon God hall. What\'s the difference between you and those evil people?"

Shen Lang\'s anger was obvious when he said this.

Whether it was the "betrayal" of these two people or the fact that more than 200000 people of xuandaozong almost disappeared, Shen Lang could not tolerate it.

LAN Shishi pondered for a moment and said with hatred, "we came here because we were really bewitched by some old guys in the God of war hall."

"But we didn\'t listen to them. We just accepted their suggestions because we had no choice!"

"The war temple has completely disappeared into the void. Whether it can return is completely unknown... You\'re right. The five flag owners of our five color flag don\'t know what to look for yuan force fragments to build a Dharma array for."

"Now there are only five color flags and eight heavenly kings left in the God of war hall, as well as other forces walking outside."

"Such a little strength is far from enough to face such a chaotic situation."

"Those old guys were born at this time. We naturally understand that they want to seize the power of the God of war hall by taking the opportunity of the fall of the emperor."

"But their conditions are so tempting that we have to do... As long as we kill you, they and the power in their hands will be born."

"The nine star beads are about to take shape, and the blood Zuling is about to be born, and the demons are ready to move. We have no choice. If they can be born, we will get a powerful help!"

"Our five color flag is directly under the emperor of war. For more than two years, we have never participated in all kinds of intrigues or power struggles in the war temple. We only know that such a help can save many people in this troubled world."

"If we can save many people and eradicate you, the devil in the demon temple, why don\'t we do it?"

Shen Lang nodded slightly: "this explanation barely makes sense."

LAN Shishi said again, "as for what you said, we stand by and watch the life and death of more than 200000 people of xuandaozong. Hehe, do we stand by and when will we get your murderous devil to tell us what to do?"

Shen Lang said lightly, "do I kill people like hemp? Who did I kill?"

"..." Lan Shishi was speechless.

Speaking of, among the information she knows, there is really no case that Shen Lang indiscriminately kills innocent people.

As for killing people like hemp... These four words are correct for 99% of the people in the demon temple.

So LAN Shishi blurted out that Shen Lang was a murderous devil.

At this time, the silent Shangguan invincible said, "we are not standing idly by, we are just waiting for the last time."

"When Lu Tian appeared in xuandaozong, I used a secret method to break a wisp of knife into his body."

"We didn\'t expect that xuandaozong would have a silent God thunder king, and detonated it without hesitation..."

"When Lu Tian finally prepares to destroy xuandaozong, if you don\'t come back, I will detonate the sword intention in his body and let it disappear."

"Whether you believe it or not, I don\'t care."

"I don\'t need to explain what I did to the people in the demon temple. My Shangguan is invincible, indomitable and open, just for a clear conscience!"

Shen Lang knows Shangguan\'s invincible temperament.

At this time, he doesn\'t have to lie.

What\'s more, Lu Tian is still alive. He is imprisoned on the seal stone pillar by Shen Lang and suffers unspeakable suffering.

Whether Lu Tian has Shangguan\'s invincible sword will be known by checking.

"Very good." Shen Lang nodded slightly and stood up.

A terrible force in the palm of his right hand began to gather madly: "now, I\'m going to kill two, but do you have any last words?"

LAN Shishi screamed, "Shen Lang, you bastard has broken his word!"

"You just said that after we answered your question, you also answered our question!"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "I remember I also said that you must die. Since you must die, it doesn\'t matter whether you know the answer or not."

"Even if it\'s evil, the strong have their own dignity! Shen Lang, we were surprised by your powerful power before, but now... I despise you!" said Shangguan invincible coldly.

"What last words do you have? I just want to advise you before you die that you will die if you do more injustice!"

"Don\'t think you can act recklessly if you cultivate all the sky. You\'re doing it and the sky is watching!"

"No, it\'s not time!"

With these words, Shangguan invincible closed his eyes and calmly welcomed the coming death.

A generation of strong people are brave and fearless before their death.

LAN Shishi, tied behind Shangguan invincible, didn\'t speak, but looked at Shen Lang coldly, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"Well, that\'s it, isn\'t it? I\'ll see you off."

Shen Lang smiled indifferently, turned his wrist, and slammed into Shangguan\'s invincible head as fast as thunder!