Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1342

Having made up his mind of close combat, Shangguan was invincible and pressed step by step.

LAN Shishi, who had a tacit understanding with him, knew the idea of Shangguan\'s invincibility without his divine thoughts. He immediately urged the countless sword lotus to entangle the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock"!

"Within five meters of him!"

Shangguan invincible was like a wild lion. The tiger soul sword in his hand stirred in the air. Both his hand and the knife brought a series of residual shadows, breaking the air thousands of times per second and cutting down towards Shen waves.

The situation of close combat is rarely seen in the battle of the strong at this level of Emperor Wu territory.

If the strong at this level do it at will, tens of thousands of miles of areas will collapse.

But now Shangguan invincible regards melee as the hope to turn the situation around!

Shangguan, who cultivates Sabre skills and holds tiger soul sabre, is invincible. He is undoubtedly the best at melee.

The spirit of the tiger\'s blade is condensed. After dozens of blades swing open the "trap the sky, bind the earth and kill the devil lock", in the long laughter of Shangguan\'s invincible, he approached Shen Lang and cut obliquely into Shen Lang\'s chest!

"You laughed a little too early."

Shen Lang\'s face was expressionless, but his heart moved. The "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" slipped like a snake and wound around the tiger soul knife!

"No!" Shangguan invincible could not imagine that under the frequency of thousands of times a second, husoul Dao could be so easily bound!

How strong are the waves in front of us?

Without waiting for his reaction, "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" suddenly rushed out of the tiger soul knife, clattered and wrapped around his arm like a snake!

In this case

If Shangguan invincible abandons the tiger soul sabre, even the tiger soul Sabre will be robbed by Shen Lang;

You can\'t attack with the tiger soul sword for a long time. If you lose the tiger soul sword, you\'ll have to die.

If he doesn\'t give up the tiger soul knife, the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" will wrap his arm along the tiger soul knife and finally trap his whole body!

The last time I was locked by the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock", and then I escaped easily, because the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" has not been really controlled by Shen Lang.

Now, Shen Lang has completely captured the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock". If it is tied again this time


What an invincible Shangguan. He gave a violent drink and missed the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" wrapped around the snake head with the palm of his left hand.

Then, his whole body strength gathered in the right hand holding the handle of the knife. He pushed the tiger soul knife wrapped in a circle by the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock", and stabbed it straight like a sword!

The light on the tiger soul Sabre soared. Between the electric light and flint, it shook the chain slightly and stabbed Shen Lang\'s chest!

"Much better than before."

Shen Lang sighed in his heart and vomited the power of his right hand. The "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" in his hand suddenly pulled the tiger soul knife away from the direction.

When Shen Lang turned sideways and the tiger soul sword crossed his chest, Shen Lang grabbed his left hand in an instant and held the pulse gate of Shangguan\'s invincible right hand with unparalleled accuracy!

"Bang bang!"

The fierce right foot kicked by Shangguan invincible was trampled on the instep by Shen Lang and pressed back.

Shen Lang\'s "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" rattled and shook, entangled Shangguan\'s invincible neck!

At this moment, Shangguan invincible did not retreat but advance. His right wrist was fighting the risk of being pinched and burst by Shen lang. his strength vomited wildly, shaking Shen Lang\'s palm!


The energy exploded, and half of Shangguan invincible\'s body became numb!

Although Shen Lang\'s palm was shaken open by him, Shangguan\'s invincible wrist also burst at the moment. The skin and flesh turned over and the meridians were broken!

Such a thing could not have happened.

The pulse gate is held by people. For most martial artists, most of their strength is difficult to urge.

If it is forced, it is like a blocked pipe, and the meridians will burst instantly.

Shangguan invincible is tantamount to self destruction


Like a mad lion, Shangguan is invincible and directly abandons the tiger soul sword.

He didn\'t go to avoid Shen Lang\'s slap on his chest. His bones were broken and blood gushed!


After being slapped by Shen Lang, Shangguan invincible opened his hands and hugged Shen Lang!

He\'s really killing himself!

"Poetry, go!"

The voice of fierce and fearless death sounded in the ten thousand lotus sword array.

At this moment, the tiger soul sword was full of Qi and power, and suddenly broke free from the "trap of heaven and earth to destroy demons lock".

Then he turned into a huge white tiger, roared and rushed out, grabbed the sword lotus transformed by the mountain and river map, and wanted to rush out of the ten thousand lotus sword array!

At the same time, the power of Shangguan invincible soared wildly, releasing a destructive breath!

He even wants to explode and die with Shen Lang!

"Old black!"

The desperate voice of LAN Shishi with a crying voice came from Jianlian.

"Can\'t go!"

Shen Lang was also angry. The chaotic power suddenly broke out and directly shattered Shangguan\'s invincible arms!

The next moment, Shen Lang clapped his palms together and banged at the ears of Shangguan invincible!

"Pa Pa Pa!"

A series of clear and crisp sounds sounded, and Shen Lang\'s hands beat all over Shangguan invincible\'s body like lightning!

In an instant, Shangguan\'s invincible Danying was sealed!

Although Shangguan invincible is accumulating strength, LAN Shishi has not escaped after all. He doesn\'t dare to explode immediately.

In this moment, it was enough for Shen Lang to seal Shangguan invincible completely.

When Shen Lang\'s powerful forces broke into Shangguan invincible

The destructive breath released by Shangguan invincible suddenly dissipated without a trace, as if it had never appeared at all.

His eyes were filled with despair

The leader of the black flag of the five color flag can\'t even die together in front of this man?

For many years, there has been no such feeling of despair and suffocation.

In particular, now I have broken through the cultivation of the great emperor\'s martial realm, and unexpectedly

"Tong Tong!"

Almost at the same time, ten thousand ghost flags appeared in the "ten thousand lotus sword array".

Instantly trapped the white tiger who wanted to break out of the sword array!

This was laid quietly when Shen Lang pursued the mountain and river map!

The figure in the air flashed, and the blue poem\'s long sword cut the ten thousand ghost flags horizontally.

And the countless sword lotus around also frantically cut at the ten thousand ghost flags!


Eighteen ten thousand ghost flags shrank rapidly. After bearing the blue poetry and sword lotus, they tied her with the white tiger into zongzi.


"Trapped in the sky, bound to the earth and killed the devil lock" twitched in the air and tied LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible together.

Without waiting for the two to speak, Shen Lang urged Feng Tianding to take them in directly!

Countless sword lotus lost control and turned straight in the air.

In the remote wilderness, Zhuge Xianer and others are looking here nervously.

However, the Wanlian sword array obscured all information. All they could see was endless vertical and horizontal sword Qi and dazzling sword light.

Closer, Shuying stared at the WAN Lian sword array, waiting for the final result.

"Even if it is the killing array in the temple of the God of war in ancient times, it is impossible to get the left envoy!"

Shuying\'s confidence in Shen Lang has reached the point of blindness.

But in fact, this sentence can not completely convince herself.

Because of the terror of the ten thousand lotus sword array, even the strong people in the demon temple are frightened!


I\'m going to Dongguan today... Don\'t get me wrong. It\'s not what you think. It\'s just that a friend of the author checked in his new house and went to have a wedding wine.

I\'m not in good shape these days. Fortunately, I\'ve been writing for two days. Finally, I\'ve got two more chapters, so that I won\'t break.