Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1336

Far away, duanmuzheng, ape Bupo and four bone demons tightly protected the xuandaozong people and kept retreating.

They, who were already emperor\'s martial mirrors, were in full bloom at the moment, which stunned everyone of xuandaozong.

But no matter how surprised, it can\'t equal the shock brought by the five-color flag in the war temple.

The five color flag of the legendary god of war hall sent two flags to deal with Shen Lang?

"What to do, what to do? Why did the God of war hall deal with brother Shen?"

Even at the moment when xuandaozong was destroyed, Zhuge Xianer was calm, and his face was full of panic.

In addition to snow poetry, Zhuge Xianer is undoubtedly the person who knows the details of Shen Lang best.

Although he didn\'t know that Shen Lang was the emperor of war, Zhuge Xianer already knew that Shen Lang was from the God of war hall.

And in the temple of the God of war, the status will never be low!

Shen Lang basically didn\'t hide anything in front of her. He also said many times about the God of war hall.

The strength of xuandaozong has been determined since Shen Lang was established... It is the blood clan and the demon God hall!

How could the people of the war Temple attack Shen Lang?

And fierce!

Zhuge xian\'er has known what happened in the plague place and what happened to Shen Lang\'s blood clan from several people in Shuying.

If the blood clan regards Shen Lang as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, it makes sense to want to get rid of Shen Lang and send such a strong person to come quickly.

But what happened to the God of war hall at this time?

According to the time, the flag leader of the five color flag appeared at this time. Obviously, they had made the plan before the plague place was over!

When countless thoughts flashed in Zhuge Xianer\'s mind, the thin shadow of decadent face appeared in front of her.

"Lan Shishi and Shangguan invincible are already the accomplishments of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm. You can\'t participate in this level of war... Even I am not qualified at all!"

Shuying\'s face was very ugly and said, "xian\'er, take everyone away from here immediately."

"The farther the better!"

Zhuge Xianer didn\'t speak.

Thin shadow shouted: "if you stay, you will only make the left envoy tied up!"

"If he is distracted, he is likely to be taken advantage of by LAN Shishi!"

"Is this what you want to see?"

Zhuge Xianer\'s eyes turned red and his sleeve robe shook: "everyone go to Fengyun mountain with me!"

Fengyun mountain is the edge of Tianxuan mountain, close to the wilderness.

It is more than 4000 li away from xuandaozong.

The so-called cunning rabbit three caves, where Zhuge Xianer also set up a large array early in the morning and left a remote portal.

At the moment, four bone demons and other powerful imperial mirrors guarded everyone and fled as fast as possible.

It is impossible for the flag owner of the five color flag in the God of war hall to put down his identity and fight against them, but even if it is a aftershock, they can\'t bear it now.

In terms of power, if you compare it, the full blow of the strong in the military realm of the ordinary emperor is equivalent to the explosion of a silent God thunder king!

It\'s hard to imagine how many great emperors fought against the powerful in the martial arts!

Even in the chaotic place of the plague, I\'m afraid this has never happened?


When the owner of xuandaozong fled towards Fengyun mountain.

Shen Lang here looked down at the chains trapped in his muscles and sneered.

"Those old guys in the war temple really look up to me. They sent out two strong emperors in the martial arts and asked you to use the \'trap heaven, bind earth and destroy demons lock\' to deal with me?"

The five color flag and the eight heavenly kings were pieces deliberately left by the emperor.

And he is directly under the emperor of war.

After the God of war hall retreated into the crack of time and space, the five color flag and the eight heavenly kings are still dormant.

Originally, it was impossible for anyone to command them.

Unfortunately, the temple of the God of war is still wandering in the cracks of time and space.

Some old guys who had been hidden from the world before the final World War I more than ten years ago seem to have finally been unable to restrain themselves and come out to give directions.

Shen Lang has no doubt about this.

Because now his "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" is in the hands of those old guys!

Emperor Lien Chan didn\'t get it!

Inside the war temple, it\'s not an iron bucket.

When the war emperor was born, there were a group of old guys, but he was very unhappy.

If it weren\'t for the war emperor\'s amazing talent and thorough cultivation, how could he hold down those old monsters?

Under the internal differences of the war god temple, many old guys left the war god temple and didn\'t appear in the world.

The former destination of Shen Lang, Tianxing Pavilion, was created by one of the old monsters, but it was very unfriendly to the war temple.

So in the amber dream, Mo Qingwu, one of the eight heavenly kings, asked Shen Lang to hand over the Tianxing pavilion to them, and Shen Lang flatly refused.

To put it better, Shen Lang wants them to practice in the amber dream and break through the martial realm of the great emperor as soon as possible.

To put it mildly, those of the eight heavenly kings can\'t do anything about the Tianxing Pavilion!

Shen Lang raised his head slowly, with anger and killing intention in his eyes!

At this time, the blue flag leader LAN Shishi and the black flag leader Shangguan are invincible, which has been the cultivation of the great emperor\'s martial realm.

Such two strong men even used the legendary earth shaking "trapped heaven bound earth killing magic lock"!

It seems that those old guys in the war temple really look up to themselves!

If others don\'t know, how can Shen Lang not know the power of this "trapped heaven bound earth killing magic lock"?

This treasure was trapped by a real demon God!

Once you are bound by this "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock", you can cultivate into heaven, and the power of your whole body will be sealed instantly.

The whole soul will be completely locked!

Even the great emperor is afraid of this thing!

At this time, the leader of the black flag, Shangguan invincible, smiled and said, "Lord Zuo knows our God of war hall very well."

"Yes, those old guys who are hidden from the world think that Lord Zuo is in the limelight recently. We must do our best to ensure everything is safe."


"Hum!" Shen Lang\'s eyes were slightly cold.

He doesn\'t like those old guys either.

If they were not dissatisfied with the latest generation of war emperors, why would they leave the war god temple and hide from the world?

"Did you come all the way to kill me?" Shen Lang said coldly, "look at this. Have you been peeping on the side for a long time?"

"Let the blood clan in the world not deal with it, and watch more than 100000 xuandao people stand idly by when they are facing the disaster of destruction. Is this what the people in the war god temple who command the human clan do?"

Shen Lang, this is not an affectation.

He\'s really angry!

It doesn\'t matter whether those old guys in the war Temple know his identity or not;

He didn\'t care what reason he dealt with him;

Well, we\'ll figure it out one day.

Now he has enough strength to deal with many things.

But LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible, two bastards, watched the destruction of xuandaozong, but ignored it.

This is not what Shen Lang can tolerate!

This is not just because of xuandaozong.

If it\'s any other sect door, it\'s the same!

More than 200000 people, more than 200000 lives

Seeing that they are about to be killed by the blood clan and the limitless demon clan, they are even watching a play!

This has touched the inverse scale of Shen Lang!

"I\'m in a bad mood now... On the count of three, if you don\'t let go of the \'trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock\', don\'t blame my men for being merciless!" Shen Lang\'s momentum broke out madly, and his murderous spirit was awe inspiring!

LAN Shishi and Shangguan were surprised in their invincible eyes. They both pulled one end of the chain and quickly introduced the surging and unpredictable power!

"My men are merciless?" blue flag leader LAN Shishi sneered and said, "envoy Zuo is now the \'evil star\' of the famous demon temple. Do you even know the word merciful?"

"If you don\'t kill too much, Lu Tian, the Wuji demon sect, wants to destroy xuandao sect, but you kill him. No matter how much hatred it is, it makes sense."

"But Zuo emissary is not afraid of heaven\'s anger and God\'s resentment when he uses such a vicious method to deal with Lu Tian?"

Shen Lang didn\'t speak, but his eyes were getting colder and colder.

LAN Shishi said sarcastically, "in addition, the left envoy of the great demon God hall can\'t protect his men. He still wants me to help you protect your men in the God of war Hall... Don\'t you think it\'s too ridiculous?"

"One." Shen Lang said the first number.

LAN Shishi\'s anger flashed in her eyes and suddenly shook one end of the chain with Shangguan invincible.

The "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" clattered, tightly tied the part of Shen Lang, and immediately came out countless runes, quickly circulated and shrunk hard!

"Click, click, click!"

Shen Lang\'s body immediately sent out a frightening bone explosion.

"Two." Shen Lang reported the second number.

At this time, the part of chains that tightly bound Shen Lang was like a centipede stretching out its long feet, and there were tiny chains with faint light.

The top of those tiny chains is as sharp as a needle!

As soon as it came out, all the small chains were lifted up, and then stabbed down at Shen Lang at the same time!

As long as you are pierced by all these small chains, you will be caught as a devil!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The sound of gold and iron, accompanied by a series of sparks, surprised the two flag owners: "how possible!"

The small chains issued by the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" were all bounced off by Shen Lang\'s body!

There is no body that can penetrate the waves!

Shen Lang, who has been trapped by the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock", should be unable to use any power at the moment, only the passive defense of the flesh.

Unexpectedly, only relying on the passive defense of the flesh, it blocked the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock"?

"Three!" Shen Lang reported the last number.

As soon as this number was said, Shen Lang\'s bound hands suddenly exerted themselves one by one!