Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1335

Adora wanted to exchange her life for the weakness of the demon blood.

This attracted Shen Lang\'s attention.

Shen Lang looked slightly moved and said, "this message is really valuable, but you have fallen into my hands. Even your life is mine. It\'s a little unreasonable to exchange my things with me?"

"If I want to know this, I just need to extract your memory. I don\'t need to exchange so much trouble."

"When I grabbed you, I sealed you completely. You can\'t commit suicide or erase your memory."

Adora swallowed a mouthful of water and said, "but this memory is not in me, but in my separate body!"

"My Lord, even if you extract my memory, you can\'t get this key thing!"

"The power of demon blood descendants is unimaginable. It is definitely the biggest threat to your demon temple, or the whole world. As long as adults leave me, I can swear and give my soul blood to be loyal forever!"

"Then, I will call my part to me and offer that memory!"

"Oh?" Shen Lang finally smiled: "I thought the blood clan were some arrogant maniacs and some idiots. I didn\'t expect to meet a slightly smarter guy?"

"Seal the most important memory on your body and leave a possible way back for yourself."

"It\'s a little interesting."

A duozong sighed and said, "to tell you the truth, this move is not just to deal with possible crises in the future. The most important thing is that I have no position in the blood clan."

"This kind of thing should not have been accessible to me."

"If I stay in my own memory, the risk is too great... If they know by the blood shadow emperor, I will be doomed!"

"So I put this memory on a separate body, and then hid this separate body in a very secret and safe place."

Shen Lang nodded slightly: "your wisdom, together with that memory, is really enough to change your life... So, for the way you left behind, you should leave the relevant information of sealing that memory on the Buddha?"

When adola saw Shen Lang\'s heart, she nodded fiercely and said, "yes, adults can read my memory now. I seal this memory in the deepest part of the sea!"

"If after my separation arrives, the adult finds that I have cheated, then he will deal with Lu Tian again. I have no complaints!"

With that, Adora told Shen Lang the formula to unlock the deepest memory seal of knowing the sea.

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "well, let me see your memory now."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang covered adola\'s head with his five fingers and began to read adola\'s memory.

Adora\'s face showed a look of pain, but she clenched her teeth and suffered.

After a while, Shen Lang loosened his five fingers.

Adora was sweating and completely paralyzed.

Shen Lang was silent for a moment and smiled: "your intelligence saved your life."

With that, he shook his sleeve robe and collected adola and other three blood families into the fengtianding.

"Eh, why did you let the three blood families go?"

"It must be useful."

Everyone around looked at each other and whispered. I don\'t know why Shen Lang let go of the three blood families.

It\'s not easy for Adora to survive when Shen waves are angry.

At this time, he saw Shen Lang turn around and look at the last person, the shadow moon of Zhuque mansion!

The people of Zhuque mansion have unique marks in their bodies and can sense each other.

At this time, the shadow moon has no enchanting demeanor at all. After half of her body is broken, now she is like a demon.

A little different from the devil is that the shadow moon looks at Shen Lang with fear and panic.

It\'s like the shadow moon is the devil, and Shen Lang is the king of the devil!

"Do you have anything else to say?" Shen Lang\'s voice was very cold.

"Left... Left the adults in the mirror." shadow moon screamed at this time: "all this is what the princess has asked me to do, I am just an executor."

"If you want to blame, you should blame the princess, not me."

Shen Lang smiled coldly and said, "Oh? Did Lan\'er send you to do all this?"

The shadow moon shouted, "yes! Because you are in a plague spot and snow Shio is in love with me. Princess Royal is going to destroy Xuan Taoism and give you a little punishment!"

"Blame yourself!"

"Women are jealous, not to mention a highland princess."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of thin shadow came from a distance: "shadow moon, you fart!"

"Don\'t trust her, my Lord. She\'s making irresponsible remarks and pulling a wedge!"

Shen Lang shook his sleeve robe, sealed the thin shadow skill flying here, and then flew out: "I\'ll tell if it\'s nonsense. I don\'t need you to be wordy!"

With these words, Shen Lang sighed and closed his eyes.

How can you hide this rough separation from the waves?

In addition to the "Beware of candle dragons" warned by the witch family before, even if yingyue doesn\'t say anything, Shen Lang can guess 7788.

Take ten thousand steps back, even if you can\'t guess, now directly extract the memory of yingyue, and all the inside information can be known.

In Shen Lang\'s mind, LAN Mengling appeared.

The first time they met, the second time, the third time

Everything LAN Mengling did for him, including looking for Xuanwu blood essence, including going to the plague place in person, and finally rushing into the Moonlight City and ghost zunye Youming to rob the source of pain... Everything.

"The existence of the Lord of the demon God hall and above must hand over the soul blood to the black dragon demon king."

"The black dragon demon king can be said to be the lifeblood of the powerful generals in the master demon temple."

"No strong man in the devil general\'s house can resist the black dragon demon king."

"No matter how strong he is..."

The voices of Ling Xue and LAN Mengling sounded in Shen Lang\'s mind.

"If the soul blood is not taken back, everything is in vain."

"A person who has been lonely for ten thousand years has been looking for his own people for ten thousand years. Why should I bring her such a difficult choice?"

"Since the choice is so difficult, I\'ll let her have no choice... That\'s all."

Shen Lang felt a stabbing pain in his heart, which was unbearable.

He grabbed the shadow moon with his palm and said, "is it true or false? After extracting your memory, you can know."

"No, you......" there was panic in yingyue\'s eyes, but she couldn\'t struggle at all.

Shen Lang\'s palm pressed directly on the head of yingyue, so he had to extract his memory.

The memory began to be extracted, and the shadow moon trembled and screamed.


The shadow moon stared round, as if she saw something incredible!

At this moment, it is like the destruction breath of the silent God thunder king about to explode, which is released from the shadow moon!

"No, she\'s going to explode!"

Duanmuxie and other six people who were healing moved and stood in front of Zhuge Xianer and a group of xuandao people!

How powerful is the self explosion of the six heavenly strongmen of the imperial martial mirror?

"How can it be so easy?"

Shen Lang snorted coldly and clapped at the chest of yingyue, directly breaking the latter into the space crack!

Just like catching Adora, Shen Lang\'s palm passed, and in an instant, the shadow moon appeared hundreds of thousands of miles away!

With the power of the great emperor\'s martial realm, he almost reached the point of arbitrary space control with the memory of the war emperor surpassing the great emperor.

It was precisely because after reaching the great emperor\'s martial realm, he reached such an amazing level in space that he could rush back to xuandaozong in a short time.

"Candle dragon, you are cruel!"

Under the cover of Shen Lang\'s mind, the shadow moon gave a sad scream, and the whole body gave out a dazzling light like the sun.

Then, with a bang, it exploded!

The power of terror centered on the explosion point and swept in all directions.

The towering trees and stones in the wilderness are all powdered!

Although the xuandaozong people here didn\'t see the scenes hundreds of thousands of miles away, they all understood the risks they were facing.

Even Zhuge xian\'er now has a cold sweat on his face

"I captured hundreds of thousands of powerful imperial martial mirrors eight hundred thousand miles away, and sent the shadow moon to the remote wilderness through space... What level has big brother reached now?"

Zhuge xian\'er looked at Shen Lang and was both surprised and happy.

Besides the surprise, Zhuge Xianer felt extremely guilty.

If you know that Shen langxiu has reached such a terrible level and that he can return at this time, you should not implement the final plan before.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.


"Candle dragon, hum!"

Shen Lang\'s killing intention flashed in his eyes.

The shadow moon was indeed used by the candle dragon to pull out the separation.

He not only used it, but also secretly arranged prohibition on yingyue.

Once the shadow moon is extracted from memory, the prohibition will start immediately, so that the shadow moon will explode directly!

If Shen Lang hadn\'t reached the level of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, I\'m afraid he would be in a hurry in the face of such a move!

After all, he doesn\'t care about this level of power attack, but there are tens of thousands of xuandaozong people here!

"Candle dragon, don\'t worry. I\'ll go to the demon Temple soon. At that time, the new and old accounts will be calculated together!"

Shen Lang turned and looked down.

At this time, xuandaozong was full of Cangyi, and 9981 peaks were destroyed.

In the center, there is a big black hole with no bottom. The endless force of thunder is still raging madly inside and outside the black hole.

Even the emperor\'s martial mirror is strong, I\'m afraid he doesn\'t dare to approach at this moment?

Shen Lang threw his sleeve robe, and his figure appeared out of thin air in the center of the black hole below.

The terrible thunder and lightning seemed to be attracted, gathered towards him and shrouded him all over.

Shen Lang propped his hands up: "star sucking - Dharma!"

A huge black hole that makes people dizzy just at a glance suddenly appeared on top of Shen Lang.

The whole xuandao sect, the endless violent energy, immediately gathered towards the black hole!

The chaotic and violent energy left by the silent God thunder king was swallowed up by the Shen wave in a short time.

Shen Lang stretched out his hands and held them up!

The huge black hole below made a loud roar, countless mountains and rocks gathered madly, and a huge stone pillar came out of thin air.

Shen Lang swayed back to the top and kicked Lu Tian into the center of the stone pillar with his right foot.

On the stone pillar, spiritual lines and runes immediately appeared.

Completely sealed the land and sky!

Lu Tian\'s scream kept coming from the stone pillar, and people\'s hair stood up.

"This seal stone pillar will be put here in the future. I want the whole world to know that this is the end of those who provoke me!"

"I don\'t mind who is my enemy, but whoever dares to touch me, I will make him Regret living in this world!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang\'s face changed, and his palms suddenly pushed forward!

Before everyone here reacted, they were coerced by an unparalleled force and moved out!


The sound of a crisp chain sounded, and a huge dark chain pierced out of the void behind shenlang.

Like a boa constrictor, Chi slipped and tied him up!

The two ends of the chain were held in the hands of a man and a woman!

"The five color flag of the God of war hall, the blue flag, and the blue poem;"

"The leader of the black flag is invincible;"

"I\'ve seen the left envoy!"