Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1337

"Boom, boom!"

Unparalleled strength broke out from the contact point between Shen Lang\'s hands and the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock"!

The "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" held by LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible at both ends has been loosened!

"How could it be so?" Lan Shihua lost her color.

Both of them, as well as the old guys in the God of war hall, spoke highly of Shen Lang.

Otherwise, it is impossible to send out two flag masters who are already in the great emperor\'s martial realm and bring the "trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock" when judging that Shen Lang is the Ninth Heaven cultivation achievement of the emperor\'s martial mirror!

But now it seems that everyone still underestimates Shen Lang!

"Bang bang!"

A few loud noises came. Shen Lang broke the seal with his hands and broke free from the chain!

"You two really make me angry!"

Shen Lang grabbed one end of the chain with both hands and said fiercely, "today, I have to teach you a good lesson!"

The terror of "trapped heaven and bound earth to kill demons lock" is that it can block the meridians and then lock the pill baby.

Danying is not only the soul of the warrior, but also the source of the warrior\'s strength.

Strictly speaking, the body is as powerful as the corpse emperor. If it is tied by this object, the cultivation will be greatly reduced.

Because the power of the corpse emperor does not come from the powerful flesh.

But Shen Lang is different. Shen Lang has abandoned the cultivation of traditional martial arts and specialized in chaotic divine body!

Dan Ying\'s power is only a small part of Shen Lang\'s power.

No, to be exact, the traditional master Danying is only one tenth of Shen Lang\'s power!

The power of the chaotic divine body doesn\'t need to rely on the Lord Danying at all.

Now Shen Lang has tens of millions of Dan babies, all over all areas of the divine body!

What\'s the use of locking the main pill baby in Shen Lang\'s body?

Shen Lang has tens of millions of Dan babies!

And the power of Tai Chi map!

With a "poof", the endless rosefinch fire burned on Shen Lang.

The rosefinch\'s divine fire instantly loved the chain tied to him and wrapped it tightly!

"Trapped in heaven and bound to kill demons" on the lock was like pouring oil and burning!

Under the impact of the fire power of the rosefinch, the power of the rune on the "trapped heaven bound earth killing magic lock" was greatly reduced.

It was at this time that Shen Lang grabbed both ends of the chain and gave a severe shock!

The dreadful rosefinch fire immediately swept away along the chain towards the blue flag leader LAN Shishi;

At the other end, the Qi of the yellow spring and evil energy are entangled together, and rush towards Shangguan invincible along the chain!

Shen Lang was very clear about the cultivation skills and power attributes of the two people.

When you do it, you also use the method of relative restraint against their power!

The rosefinch\'s divine fire and the gas of the yellow spring were like electricity. He roared away along the chain. After a long time, LAN Shishi and Shangguan were invincible to each other: "if you are bound by the \'trapped heaven bound earth demon killing lock\', can you make such power?"

"It\'s obviously a Terran warrior. How can you use rosefinch divine fire and evil energy?"

"What the hell is this freak!"

The two people held the chain with one hand, and the formula of one hand changed, which urged their strength to resist the fire of the rosefinch and the gas of the yellow spring!

These terrible forces immediately fought on the battlefield of "trapped heaven, bound earth and killing demons lock"!

"Freak?" Shen Lang smiled coldly, grabbed the chains at both ends with both hands, pulled them suddenly, and then shook them severely.

"Hua la la!"

The chains at both ends are like boa constrictors, which entangle LAN Shishi and Shangguan invincible!

"Impossible!" Lan Shishi and Shangguan\'s invincible face changed dramatically!

Shen Lang\'s simple toss shocked LAN Shishi and Shangguan.