Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1334

When Shen Lang said those words to Lu Tian in a "calm" way, Lu Tian, a demon giant, felt cold and couldn\'t help himself.

In front of Shen Lang, Lu Tian, the devil who dominates the holy summer region, has no momentum at all.

If you have to compare, Shen Lang standing in front of Lu Tian is the real "devil"!

The real king of demons!

In the eyes of the king of demons, there is only destruction.

Destroy everything, destroy everything!

An unspeakable chill penetrated into the souls of Lu Tian and yingyue.

It made these ferocious demons tremble.

At this time, Shen Lang stretched out his left hand and grabbed Lu Tian.

"The limitless demon sect Lu Tian? You seemed to play very well before?"

Shen Lang said, his fingers stabbing Lu Tian dozens of times!

Finally, it poked at Lu Tian\'s heart.

A sharp pain swept Lu Tian\'s whole body. The devil couldn\'t help opening his mouth and shouting!

Shen Lang youyou said, "this power starts from your heart and makes you feel the feeling that thousands of ants eat your heart."

"Then this feeling will spread slowly, first to all your internal organs, and then to every inch of your muscles and every cell."

"The feeling of deep pain will stop for a while. When your knowledge of the sea is exhausted, this feeling will stop."

"When your sense of the sea recovers again, this feeling will continue to occur."

Shen Lang seemed to be telling a very common thing, and continued: "when the feeling of ten thousand ants devouring the heart and bone marrow hits, you will want to die, but you can\'t die; you will want to faint, but you will find yourself more awake than ever."

"When you know that the sea is consumed and the sharp pain disappears, you will slowly wait for the next time with fear."

"In this way, your soul will become stronger and stronger, and the feeling of life is better than death will last longer and longer, and the pain will be magnified ten times and one hundred times."

"I said before that if anyone dares to touch me, I will make him Regret living in this world."

"One of my strengths is that I never like to tell lies."

The chilling words continued to come out of Shen Lang\'s mouth: "Oh, by the way, when your soul is strong to a certain extent, I will start to burn your soul with the dark earth fire of Duanmu evil."

"Why not use rosefinch fire instead of netherworld fire? Because rosefinch fire is too overbearing and easy to hurt your soul. How can I bear to hurt your soul?"

"The netherworld fire will make you suffer a hundred times more pain than before, and then your soul will become stronger and even... Mutate."

"During this period, I will use a variety of spirit grass and fruit to refine and expand your soul and warm your soul."

"Through these means, soon, you, the soul of the seventh heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror, will break through the great emperor\'s martial realm."

"When your soul reaches the level of Emperor Wu realm, I will erase your consciousness and memory and use your soul to help my people reach Emperor Wu realm."

"At the same time, I will take away your soul mark, and then instill the memory of your bone marrow and life and death dilemma during this period, and then put your soul mark into the crack of time and space."

"Let you endure this pain forever;"

"Forever regret what you have done to xuandaozong!"

"Regret offending me, Shen Lang!"

The evil words were unbelievable. Let alone Lu Tian and Ying Yue, even the people of xuandaozong shuddered!

Such means are more vicious than the so-called "soul pumping and soul refining" of the devil\'s way!

Soul pulling and soul refining, the power of the soul is constantly losing.

Ten years, a hundred years or a thousand years, will eventually be scared.

And Shen Lang\'s practice

Lu Tian shouted hysterically, "no! You can\'t do this to me!"

"Don\'t kill too much. You killed my son. What\'s wrong with me to revenge you!"

"When I lose, you kill me. Why torture me like this? I don\'t accept it!"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I don\'t need your clothes."

"I just want to tell everyone in the world through you... I Shen Lang is not a good man. If I annoy me, I can do anything!"

"Whoever dares to touch my family, I will make him Regret living in this world!"

"Whoever it is!"

Like a proclamation, the words spread in all directions with xuandaozong as the center.

In such a big purple Chu country, everyone heard Shen Lang\'s voice.

Those evil forces that blocked the purple Chu state were so scared that they scattered birds and animals in an instant.


Lu Tian couldn\'t move. His face was completely distorted and shouted wildly.

To the strong at Lu Tian\'s level, any one is mentally firm and difficult to shake.

It can be seen how much pain they bear if they can make the strong people of this degree scream so hysterically!

But his body and soul have been sealed by Shen Lang.

At this time, even suicide is impossible.

Can only bear all this brought by Shen Lang\'s revenge!

In this inhuman scream, many people with weaker cultivation in xuandaozong were panting and could not hold on.

Listening to such a cry, looking at Lu Tian\'s distorted face and the dense thunder and lightning on the xuandao sect below, always gives people a feeling that this is the feeling of being in purgatory!

Shen Lang turned around and looked at the three blood clan adola.

Adora three people were torn off their arms by him. At the moment, their arms were slowly growing.

But they obviously don\'t care about the pain caused by their arms.

What they care about is what Shen Lang just said.

Those words still apply to them!

Sure enough, Shen Lang looked at Adora and said coldly, "what happened to Lu Tian will also happen to the three of you."

"Three, are you ready?"

The three of Adora were sweating.

There are not ten thousand or one thousand cruel means of torture among blood families.

But no one can compare with Shen Lang!

This is to bear inhuman pain forever

You can\'t die if you want to!

Finally, even the soul mark has to be broken into the crack of time and space, which is difficult to return!

The imperial martial mirror is a soul mark that can only be opened by the strong. It is difficult to destroy.

Even if you are scared, as long as your soul is imprinted on you, you can still enter reincarnation and reincarnation after a long time of warm care.

But if the soul mark is broken into the crack of time and space, I\'m afraid there will never be a day of return!

Not only can not return, Shen Lang will also pull away the painful memory and instill it into the soul mark.

At that time, there will be a little conscious retention of the soul mark.

Not only bear the inhuman pain forever, but also feel the endless darkness in the crack of time and space, look forward to the dissipation of consciousness, and pray to let yourself die completely

"Forgive me, sir!" adola gasped, "we have no hatred with adults, and we have not hurt anyone of xuandaozong. We just act according to orders... It is the blood shadow emperor who ordered us to come!"

"Sir, it\'s easy for you to kill us, but we are the cultivation of emperor Wujing bachongtian after all. We still have some value!"

"We are willing to submit to adults and be slaves and servants for generations!"

The other two were obviously a little worse than Adora. Although they were also saying words of mercy, they were incoherent.

The people of xuandaozong looked at all this and listened to these words. Their blood was boiling and they couldn\'t help themselves.

The emperor Wujing is a strong man in the eight heaven, and he is also a strong man of the blood clan who calls himself the Protoss. Now he is like a dog begging for mercy in front of Shen Lang

God, in the past, many people didn\'t even dare to think about it!

The most powerful of the 18 countries in the whole snow region is the quasi emperor Wujing Liuchong sky.

In front of the strong eight heaven of emperor Wujing, the quasi emperor Wujing six heaven is no different from mole ants!

It\'s such a terrible strong man. He can\'t even stop a move in front of Shen Lang, and he cries bitterly and wants Shen Lang to spare their lives!

The people of xuandaozong feel it\'s too cathartic!

In particular, the original group of people of xuandaozong clearly knew that Shen Lang was just a Lingwu realm when he entered xuandaozong a few years ago!

Now, it has stood at the peak of martial arts in the world!

"Under his leadership, how far will xuandaozong develop? It\'s really expected..." Yizu Jiang Haitian and others looked at each other and burst into tears.

At this time, Shen Lang said calmly, "Emperor Wu Jing\'s eight heavy heaven is nothing in my eyes."

"Instead of collecting the three of you, it\'s better to send your soul to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm through purgatory like stimulation."

"Finally, the people who help me attack the great emperor\'s martial territory."

Adola was frightened and hurriedly said, "Sir, you let go of my seal of knowing the sea, so that I can read and convey to you... I have a major secret that can be used as a condition for exchanging my life!"

Shen Lang took a faint look at Adora, gently pointed his finger towards Adora\'s forehead and released the seal a little.

Adora was overjoyed and immediately read aloud and said, "my Lord, I know the fatal weakness of the demon blood... I don\'t know if it\'s enough to exchange my rotten life?"

"The weakness of the devil\'s blood?" Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, showing an interested look in his eyes.

He has a batch of fragments of the demon blood lineage in his hand, but so far, he has not found any fatal weakness of the demon blood lineage.

In those years, the Allied forces of ten thousand nationalities fought with blood families for hundreds of thousands of years, and suffered countless losses on the blood descendants of demon bones.

Similarly, no one has been able to study the weaknesses of demon blood descendants.

Shen Lang now wants to deal with this demon blood descendant. The only way is to create a large number of "pseudo demon gods" through simulated methods and his own blood.

But this move requires too much resources... The demon God body and even the fragments of the demon God are not so easy to find.

And this move, the most deadly is not resources, but time!

It is only a little more than four years since the birth of xuezuling.

In four years, ah, it\'s so easy to create a large number of "pseudo demons" in the great emperor\'s martial realm in a flash?

If this demon blood descendant really has any fatal weakness

The value of this information is too great!