Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1331

A short ruler fell from above the body of Dongfang sword.

The crisp sound woke up Alan and Duanmu Rongrong.

"There\'s no reason. I\'ve only loved one person in my life. How can I lose what she gave me... In the dark cycle, I sigh half a sigh in yesterday\'s life and this life. If the front edge is like washing, what joy is there in life and what fear is there in death?"

"Rongrong, you finally got what you wanted."

The sound of the Oriental sword sounded in the soul melting bracelet.

"No!" Duanmu Rongrong screamed bitterly.

As soon as the Oriental sword entered the soul melting bracelet, the power in the soul melting Bracelet immediately began to refine the Oriental sword.

All the memories of Dongfang sword are constantly emerging at this moment and entering Duanmu Rongrong\'s mind.

The tangled entanglement, hatred and evil fate for half a life have dispersed at this moment

In a magnificent hall, an oriental sword in white knelt in front of his great grandfather and refused to get up.

"My Dongfang sword will not marry Duanmu Rongrong in this life! You can kill me, but it is absolutely impossible for me to be with any other woman!"

Great grandfather sneered: "I will not kill you naturally, but if you continue to be so stubborn, I can\'t say I will kill your sweetheart myself!"

"Even with the protection of Duanmu family, it\'s easy for me to kill Duanmu Rongrong!"

Dongfang Jian laughed miserably and shouted hysterically, "hahaha, OK, go kill her! Come back and tell me after killing her, and I\'ll kill myself and go with her immediately!"

"You can see if I dare!"

The great grandfather was so angry that he fainted: "you... How can my Oriental dragon have offspring like you!"

"Do you really think you can coerce me? I can save her life and kill all her relatives and friends, making her miserable!"

Dongfang Jianqi smiled back: "is this the so-called Dongfang dragon, the ancestor of xuandao sect? Even if it is evil, it can\'t be as mean and shameless as one tenth of your ten thousandth!"

"Hum, despicable or shameless, I\'m just a bad old man! I\'m just thinking of xuandaozong and my Dongfang family!" Dongfang long said angrily.

Dongfang Jian sneered: "for the sake of Dongfang family? For the sake of xuandaozong? What a high sounding reason!"

"After all, you just want to sell me, let me go to double - repair with the descendants of the demon sect, and then bring yourself glory and wealth!"

"Presumptuous!" the Oriental dragon was furious and slapped the Oriental sword.


Dongfang sword had no power to fight back. It was directly slapped and flew out.

The murderous spirit flashed in the Oriental longan: "since you are so stubborn, I\'ll kill all the family and friends of Duanmu Rongrong now! Let you see with your own eyes the pain of your beloved!"

"Wait a minute!" Dongfang Jian, who was lying on the ground, raised his hand and said with blood all over his mouth, "OK, I compromise. I promise you never to see Duanmu Rongrong\'s face again in the future. You don\'t hurt her again!"

Dongfang long shook his head slightly: "just don\'t meet. I want you to explain to her in front of others and make a clean break!"

In my mind, pictures passed by. Duanmu Rongrong slowly sat on the ground with her hand over her chest.

"Ah Jian, you must take this ruler with you. Don\'t lose it."

"Why do you like to give me something? You give me a jade pendant and a ruler... This is a low-level magic weapon. What\'s good? I\'m such a great expert. It\'s not good to hold such a bad magic weapon."

"Fool, it\'s a magic weapon refined by myself. It\'s specially used to hit your hand! As long as you dare to look like other girls, I\'ll hit you with her once!"

"Wow, Rongrong, are you too cruel? So many women in the world have to fight once to see the same. I\'m not afraid. I\'m afraid you\'re too busy!"

"Poor mouth! I want to be beaten now, don\'t I?"

"No. It\'s enough to have you alone in this world. Even if there are thousands of other women, I\'ll treat them like wood."

Duanmu Rongrong took the short ruler in his hand, and a drop of clear tears fell on the broken jade pendant in his hand.

"Duanmu Rongrong, are you annoyed? I told you that I lied to you before. How could my Dongfang sword be handsome and handsome? Even if I really liked you, how could I give up the whole peach forest for you? Put your heart away and find an honest person. I\'m really not suitable for you."

"Where\'s my short ruler? And my jade pendant!"

"How can I keep that crap? I threw it into the abyss long ago. If you want, I can get you a dozen."

The dejected Duanmu Rongrong walked away step by step.

But she couldn\'t see it. Just behind, a pair of cynical Oriental swords turned around, and two lines of hot tears fell slowly

Duanmu Rongrong\'s own memory is mixed with the memory of Dongfang sword.

For a time, even she couldn\'t tell who the memory belonged to.

"I thought I was strong, but I didn\'t expect that there was something worse than death in the world."

"Clearly can see, but can\'t be together again; clearly love, but hate to death."

"One day, I saw a magic weapon in my elder martial brother\'s hand, which was refined by people in the devil\'s way and sealed countless souls. I suddenly thought that if Rongrong had such a magic weapon in your hand, how good it would be. You can seal me and let me accompany you forever without separation..."

"I bear the responsibility of revitalizing the sect. I don\'t know how long I have to wait until a child named Shen Lang appears... It\'s a pity that he came too late."

"I made a poisonous oath in front of my grandfather. I can\'t be with you, otherwise my soul will never live in peace - I\'m so cruel. I know that I\'m not afraid to make me swear with my own soul in order to be with you!"

"However, even with the talent of my ancestors, I still didn\'t expect that I would have such a way to crack it."

"I\'m a genius. They always say that."

"This genius has been waiting for hundreds of years and decided to go to you regardless of everything. Don\'t you want to hit my palm? In fact, I really want you to dig out my heart and have a look. The heart born for you has never changed..."

"Woo..." Duanmu Rongrong hugged the soul bracelet and cried bitterly.

"Silly girl, we can finally be together. You have avenged yourself. Why are you crying? After that, we can never be separated..."

"You bastard! You liar!" Duanmu Rongrong cried and scolded.

Allen jumped wildly from the corners of his eyes, grabbed his five fingers and photographed the soul Bracelet in Duanmu Rongrong\'s hand.

"Ding Ding!"

Allen\'s finger counted on the soul melting bracelet, sighed and said, "I can only seal the soul melting Bracelet temporarily to prevent the soul melting bracelet from refining the Oriental sword."

"If the Oriental sword is thoroughly refined, even if Lord Shen Lang comes back, I\'m afraid it will be powerless to return to heaven."

"The soul melting bracelet is damaged. The Oriental sword will also be scared and will never be reborn!"

"I don\'t understand you humans..."

As soon as Allen threw his sleeve robe, a group of fire surrounded Duanmu Rongrong with blank eyes and disappeared on the spot.

The killing continues.

Night turns into day.

When the sun rises

Zhuge Xianer\'s face changed: "Lu Tian is about to break the seal. How\'s the war wolf Beiming department going?"

Chen Tianci, who had recovered the barbarian\'s true body and was tall, walked quickly and said, "the efforts of more than 20 strong men of the northern underworld polar sect have reached the last moment, and the magic Qi stuck in the crack of the big array by Lu Tian is about to be cracked!"

But it turned out that when the invaders were crazily hanged in the big array, more than 20 strong men of the northern underworld polar sect were desperately urging the thunder skill to dissolve the magic Qi stuck in the crack of the big array!

As long as Lu Tian\'s evil Qi is dissolved and destroyed, the crack of the array will close immediately!

As long as the array is complete again, the time can be delayed for at least three more days!

At this time, a purple and black skeleton about two feet tall came to Zhuge Xianer and said in a hoarse voice, "miss Xianer, it\'s too late... The magic power of Lu Tian in the seventh heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror is unparalleled. Although the skill of the northern underworld Jitian sect curbs the evil way, it\'s not enough time!"

This is salakal, the head of the skeleton clan.

In salakal\'s sunken eyes, two ghost fires jumped and reflected everything above the void.

The sixth of the top ten pupil techniques is the soul catching pupil technique. Although it is far better than the first broken false silver eye, it can at least see more information that other quasi emperor martial mirror strongmen can\'t see!

Salakal sighed and said, "it will take at least an hour for the strong of the northern underworld polar sect to completely dispel the magic Qi stuck in the crack."

"But Lu Tian, I\'m afraid it will break the seal in about half an hour..."

Everyone around turned pale.

At this time, support for three or four more days will give you a glimmer of hope.

No one wants to take the last step before the last moment

The last step is to completely abandon xuandaozong!

"Half an hour?" ZHUGE Xianer sighed, then his face sank and drank softly: "inform Ling Xue and Ling Yue, as well as duanmuxie and others, to let them run away and run away to the wild direction immediately!"

"Yes!" two strong men of the northern underworld extreme heaven sect immediately closed their eyes and swept out their powerful thoughts.

Ling Xue and Ling Yue, who are fighting with yingyue over there, immediately retreat and rush towards the wild direction!

Duanmu evil and the king of Yan devil tried their best to force Bao Jinyun of Wuji demon sect away and fled!

That shadow moon and Bao Jinyun had the upper hand before, but they couldn\'t take these people for a while and a half. They were secretly angry.

They were stunned at the sight of these people running away.

Zhuge xian\'er continued to order: "let the people of the war wolf Beiming department come back and take back the nine holy stripe pillars!"

"Everybody, all retreat!"

All the strong people who had been prepared for it, whether they were injured or not, immediately acted according to the orders of Zhuge Xianer.

More than 20 strong people of the northern netherworld Jitian sect at the end of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror also returned.

In the loud sound of "boom", nine holy grain columns rose into the sky, turned into nine streamers, and fell into the hands of Zhuge Xianer.

Xuandaozong\'s array worked again, and the dense fog completely hid the whole xuandaozong.

Zhuge xian\'er looked back at the sky and took the people into the portal without expression.

On the void, Ying Yue and Bao Jinyun, who lost their opponents, appeared on the edge of the thunder prison that trapped Lu Tian.

Before that, they wanted to come to help Lu Tian break the seal. Unfortunately, they were entangled by Ling Xue and others and couldn\'t get away.

The two stood in the South and the north. At the same time, they clapped their hands at the thunder prison!

At the same time, Lu Tian in Lei prison gathered all his strength and suddenly released it!


In response to the outside, the thunder prison that trapped Lu Tian burst open.

In those nine days, the Thunder Dragon also burst into countless pieces.

The endless power of thunder almost enveloped the whole xuandaozong, making this space feel like the end!

"I want you xuandaozong to have no grass and no chickens and dogs!"

Lu Tian\'s crazy, violent and murderous voice resounded through the xuandao sect.