Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1332

Lu Tian breaks the seal and leaves. Ling Xue and Ling Yue have fled.

This has doomed the demise of xuandaozong.

Even those large and small forces who secretly pay attention to around them are afraid to withdraw their divine thoughts and dare not approach again at this time.

In the face of such a big devil as Lu Tian, the power of the whole purple Chu country is not enough for him to pinch with one finger.

"Ha ha ha!"

Lu Tian laughed wildly and went through the crack of xuandaozong\'s big array in an instant!

And shadow moon and Bao Jinyun followed!


Lu Tian was stunned when he entered the xuandaozong array.

In their powerful thoughts, there was only silence, dead silence

The owner of xuandaozong disappeared without a trace;

Only a small part of the shadow moon army led by the Wuji demon sect is still turning around like headless flies in the big array;

Shadow moon\'s eyes shrunk: "something\'s wrong. Even if there is a large array of shielding, the people of xuandaozong can\'t completely hide under our eyes!"

Lu Tian frowned: "no matter what they do, this time, I must crush the whole xuandaozong into powder!"

Then Lu Tian took a big hand and pressed it towards a mountain below!

In the void, a huge palm immediately appeared to block out the sky and the sun. With a rumbling sound, the air was expelled and suddenly pressed down!

Songduofeng, just below the huge palm, was directly patted into powder with a loud noise!

Endless smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the nearest peaks to Songduo peak swayed violently, like a big earthquake

In the remote wilderness, Zhuge Xianer with a group of strong men stood in front of the water mirror and quietly looked at the water mirror.

In the water mirror, it is the picture of Lu Tian grinding songduofeng into powder!

"It\'s over."

Zhuge xian\'er\'s palm slowly lifted up.

Everyone is holding their breath


Zhuge xian\'er shouted angrily and shook his open five fingers suddenly!

It was at this moment that the silent God Lei Wang, whom she placed in xuandaozong, exploded!

Not only the silent God thunder king, but also the silent God thunder placed around xuandaozong burst at the same time!


Above the water mirror, a terrible mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Xuandaozong 9981 peak was destroyed at this moment!

Warwolf commander Yinghuo and others looked at this scene and cried bitterly!

Although all people now regard xuandaozong as their home, these people are not comparable to those who grew up in xuandaozong.

Seeing their homes destroyed in an instant, is there anything more cruel than this?

Zhuge Xianer\'s final plan is this silent God thunder King

This is the only silent God thunder King Shen Lang left her.

It is also the only card left by xuandaozong.

This card can kill Lu Tiansan, but the price is the Mountain Gate of the whole xuandaozong!

I saw the huge mushroom cloud grow wildly, rush to the sky, and expand in all directions.

When the terrible force hit the xuandaozong array, the huzong array was like a balloon. Under the impact of this force, it expanded rapidly!

Although the "balloon" swayed, it seemed that it would burst at any time.

But they still coerce and encircle this terrible force!

If it weren\'t for the power of the guardian group to surround the explosion of the silent God thunder king, the tianque city nearest to xuandaozong would be razed to the ground at the first time!

"Boom, boom!"

The crack of xuandaozong\'s Protectorate array let the fierce power find a vent.

A terrible beam of light rushed out of the crack and went up to the sky!

The sky above xuandaozong is covered with thunder clouds and lightning flashes, like the end of the day

This situation lasted for more than half an hour, and the power of xuandaozong\'s Protectorate array seemed to be exhausted.

The huge "balloon" shook violently twice and finally burst.

The aftermath of the explosion of the silent God thunder king, without the cover of this large array, immediately swept away in all directions.

The mountains and forests around xuandaozong were swept by the afterwave and turned into fly ash.

Fortunately, these aftershocks only rushed out for hundreds of miles and dissipated.

In front of the water mirror, everyone looked at the water mirror and their eyes were red.

Not all victories can make people rejoice.

In a more distant position, Shuying shook away the entanglement of the three blood clan strongmen, and came to xuandaozong with anger.

She didn\'t know Zhuge xian\'er\'s final plan.

I have seen the shadow of the silent God thunder King several times in the plague land. I am no longer familiar with this feeling of destruction.

Left envoy Shen Lang\'s xuandaozong, if it is so completely destroyed... Shuying doesn\'t dare to imagine what the consequences will be!

"No! Look!"

Salakal, the head of the skeleton clan, suddenly pointed to the water mirror and shouted!

Everyone was shocked and immediately stared at the water mirror!

In the water mirror, the power of destructive thunder is still raging.

The thick smoke and dust dispersed slowly.

At the western edge of xuandaozong, a black tower more than three feet high appeared in front of everyone.

The black tower was surrounded by runes, but half of them were blown up, which was very strange.

Only half of the black tower is left, with an equally huge and broken black lotus.

The petals of black lotus are full of holes, leaving only a rough outline. The light goes out from time to time, as if it was going to collapse completely at any time.

Through the broken petals of the Black Lotus, I can see that there is a square bluestone in the Black Lotus.

The bluestone is full of cracks and holes, but it doesn\'t completely break in the end


The huge bluestone exploded at this moment.

Two pieces of armor broke and ragged figures rushed out.

It\'s the shadow moon and Lu Tian!

As for Bao Jinyun, the third heaven of emperor Wujing of Wuji demon sect, he has completely lost his trace and has disappeared.

At this time, only half of the shadow moon\'s body was left, and his whole body was bleeding like a ghost;

Lu Tian, however, was not much better. His left shoulder and left arm of his upper body were missing, and the cracks of muscle turnover on his body were shocking and bleeding;

They gasped in the air.

All the wounds on their bodies had the power of destructive thunder, which was working and crackling.

Their breath was weak to the extreme, and their bodies shook, as if they were going to fall at any time.

"Haha, haha, haha!" the shadow moon danced and laughed wildly: "it\'s so easy to kill me!"

Lu Tian slowly raised his head, like a crazy lion, and roared: "xuandaozong... Xuandaozong! Ah!"

In this roar, the storm rose again and swept xuandaozong.


A dark shadow fell like a mountain above the sky.


The roar of zombies followed. Duanmuxie rushed down with a trident in his hand!

Half dead Lu Tian and yingyue didn\'t react at all. They had been pierced by the trident of Zhu Tian!

They were like a string of grasshoppers, strung together by the Trident in Duanmu evil\'s hand!


Zhutian Trident took these two people and flew out at the speed of Duanmu evil and nailed them to the wall of a big mountain!


Lu Tian and Ying Yue screamed at the same time.

The violent power on the Trident is destroying their vitality very quickly.

The two people, who were already weak to the extreme, were caught by the Trident, and their breath suddenly dropped by a large part!

They desperately wanted to break free, but the only power left was the Trident that could not shake one of the ten Heavenly weapons!

"Bang bang!"

There was a sound of air explosion in the void. Dinaros, the king of the Yan devil, and Shi Hao, the leader of the stone people, like two giants, clenched their huge fists and rushed from left to right!

The void they trampled on was a circle of air ripples.

A fist with a burning flame, like a meteorite outside the sky;

A fist is completely a hill, with great power!

The two fists with a sharp sound of breaking the air seemed to beat Lu Tian and Ying Yue into meat sauce!

If Lu tianruo was in his heyday, or was not pierced and suppressed by the Trident, would he pay attention to the strength of the king of Yan devil or Shi Hao?

But at this moment, he and yingyue lost their power. This degree of attack is enough to pose a threat of death to them!

Lu Tian saw that the fist of the king of Yan devil and Shi Hao was about to explode. Regardless of the blood pouring all over his body, he opened his mouth and spit out a Black Lotus!

The Black Lotus drops slipped around and turned upside down, directly covering him, yingyue and duanmuxie!


The fists of dinaros, king of the Yan devil, and Shi Hao exploded on the huge black lotus at almost the same time!

A circle of terrible energy bounced back, and the giant king of Yan devil and Shi Hao screamed and were directly bounced back!

Their right wrists fell down and trembled constantly.

"Duanmu evil!"

The king of Yanmo roared, shook his left hand, took out a giant axe and quickly turned around the Black Lotus twice.

Considering the Duanmu evil inside, the king of the Yan devil didn\'t dare to cut off the giant axe in his hand.

At this time, there was a flash of thunder in the air, and the other three strongmen of the northern underworld polar sect who were with them had also rushed back.

The five people looked at each other and didn\'t say anything. They surrounded the Black Lotus with a very tacit understanding!

Five people as like as two peas, and one hand, one hand, one, and the same as the same.

This is the joint attack skill that Shen Lang passed to the war wolf at the beginning!

Several strong men caught in xuandao sect can unite together and use the combined attack technique!

Once used, the power of this combined attack is definitely not as simple as one plus four equals five!

The figure of the five people began to rise slowly and rose to the sky over heilian.

"The seventh move of Yu Lei Shen Jue, nine days of thunder!"

Once the "nine day thunder", which is a higher level than the "Thunder Dragon falling from the sky", is displayed, the violent thunder power left by the explosion of the silent God thunder king immediately converges towards the center of the five people\'s heads!

A breath of destruction came down from the heads of the five people.