Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1330

Xuandao sect.

The nine holy stripe pillars, which seemed to connect heaven and earth, roared up.

The strange and powerful power is connected between the nine holy stripe columns.

In the xuandaozong protectorate array, another terrorist killing array is superimposed!

The nine holy stripe pillars formed for a while. After Shen Lang\'s successful arrangement, he arranged seven generals of Yanmo, duanmuxie and the king of Yanmo to control one holy stripe pillar respectively.

This makes this killing array more powerful.

After the strongmen of the northern underworld jitianzong came one after another, and 130000 alien races joined, Zhuge Xianer selected a strongman of the imperial martial mirror and joined the killing array of nine holy stripe pillars.

At present, each of the nine holy stripe pillars is controlled by at least four strong people in the mid-term of the quasi imperial martial mirror, and then assisted by a large number of strong people in the imperial martial realm.

The power of this killing array is no less than that of the great array of xuandaozong!

Among the shadow moon legion, in addition to the strong emperor Wujing who is still fighting outside and the trapped Lu Tian, the strongest person of xuandaozong is the late quasi emperor Wujing.

These people can really be called evil lords, and their cultivation is terrible.

Unfortunately, under this double killing array, there is no resistance at all!

The nine holy stripe pillars run rapidly, and the wind, thunder, earth and fire come out together, constantly killing the invading powerful demons.

This is a complete one-sided massacre!

On the 9981 peak

Warwolves can be seen everywhere. Every time they appear, they will reap the lives of a group of demon warriors;

The alien strongmen who suffered in the plague place vented all their grievances here, beat and shook hard, and constantly killed these invaders.

In the multiple superimposed killing array of xuandaozong, the strongman of the legendary sect Wuji demon sect has no place to play, and the casualties are heavy;

Dark gold level forces such as blood demon sect and Youming sect have no resistance and can\'t escape;

The warriors of spirit copper level forces such as white bone hall and blood wing demon sect fell down in pieces like straw;

As for the dark iron forces such as burning heaven Valley, Baihua palace, Shengguang sect and beast palace, they can\'t even be called cannon fodder... Before the power of the big array appears, it\'s just that the puppets of the warwolf members on each peak are separated, which is enough to crush them into ashes.

The devil, who treats xuandaozong as a xuantie sect, thinks that he has broken through the xuandaozong array and wants to kill wantonly. Before he reacts, he is completely in the shadow of death.

Some of the peaks of xuandaozong are filled with endless thunder, just like the purgatory of thunder;

Some of the flames were blazing, the flames dyed half the sky red and burned everything;

Some flood, surging blood, destroying all

In such a situation that they completely gained the upper hand, the people of xuandaozong were retreating quickly.

The portal of the back mountain keeps shining, and figures leave through the portal.

By the transmission gate, Zhuge Xianer, under the protection of a group of strong men, looked up at the sky and was calculating the time when Lu Tian broke the seal.

In the endless killing, xuandaozong certainly has the complete upper hand.

But all this will be completely changed after Lu Tian breaks the seal!

Facing the devil like Lu Tian, it is not enough to gather all the power of xuandaozong.

This is why xuandaozong retreated quickly at this time.

It is also a part of Zhuge Xianer\'s last plan!

"Elder brother, I\'m sorry, I\'m afraid I can\'t support you back." ZHUGE Xianer\'s eyes were red: "you regard xuandaozong as your home and all the people of xuandaozong as your relatives..."

"But now I can only choose to protect these people and give up this\' home \'."

Suddenly, with a flash of fire, Allen, one of the seven general of Yan devil, appeared in front of Zhuge Xianer.

Allen said helplessly, "miss xian\'er, we have captured all the Duanmu family alive. But Dongfang Jian is crazy and no one is allowed to interfere in his affairs with Duanmu Rongrong."

"Now Dongfang sword has been seriously injured. It may be at any time..."

DORO on the side was furious: "stupid! What do you say about Dongfang sword? Just grab Dongfang sword and Duanmu Rongrong?"

"When are you still fooling around!"

Ellen stared round. "Er... Why didn\'t I think of it?"

Zhuge xian\'er sighed and said, "Dora is right. Alan, go and forcibly trap the fourth ancestor Dongfang sword and Duanmu Rongrong and bring them here. Lu Tian will break the seal at any time. There is not much time."

"Yes!" Alan shook his body and disappeared on the spot.


On purgatory peak, Dongfang sword, the fourth ancestor of xuandaozong, fell to the ground with a long sword in his chest.

Duanmu Rongrong\'s eyes are full of hatred, approaching step by step.

"Dongfang Jian, you are as conceited and stupid as before."

Duanmu Rongrong said coldly, "you are all over the strongmen of xuandaozong in the big array. You drive them all away and want to end the old resentment with me one-on-one?"

Dongfang Jian gasped and said, "Rong Rong, let go. You can\'t escape from xuandaozong if you kill me. Why?"

"Ha ha!" Duanmu Rongrong laughed hysterically, his face twisted and ferocious: "can\'t escape xuandaozong? Who told you I want to escape!"

"Over the years, I have lived with great hatred to kill you!"

"As long as I can kill you, I don\'t care at any price!"

"Hahaha... I\'ve been waiting for this day for hundreds of years! Today, I finally get what I want!"

Dongfang Jian coughed fiercely twice and struggled to stand up: "after so many years, the hatred in your heart has not decreased at all, but has it accumulated to this point?"

"I just face you alone because I don\'t want you to continue to live with such hatred and can\'t let you live like this. Don\'t you understand?"

"I have difficulties in those years..."

"Shut up!" Duanmu Rongrong waved his long sword, and a sword split towards the Oriental sword.

Dongfang sword didn\'t resist at all. He let the sword flash on his chest, snorted and flew backward, shaking a huge stone into fly ash.

Duanmu Rongrong smiled coldly and said, "it\'s no use putting on airs and rhetoric in front of me. You can deceive others, but you can\'t deceive me!"

"Today, either you die or I die!"

Dongfang Jian sighed. Just about to speak, a figure suddenly appeared in the thick fog on the left. Without saying a word, he chopped at Dongfang Jian with an axe!

"The emperor is strong!" Dongfang Jian was surprised.

The coming man was surrounded by a demon spirit. His evil spirit was amazing. It seemed that he was a member of the dark gold force Youming sect or the seven evil cult.

The eastern sword thought and detonated the silence thunder near the man\'s position.


The silence annihilation thunder exploded, and the strong man in Huangwu territory who had just emerged did not react at all, and was directly blown to pieces.

"Silence God thunder!" Duanmu Rongrong\'s face faded.

Seeing the power of the explosion and the power of violent thunder, she remembered the legendary thing.

The annihilation thunder is so powerful that if Dongfang sword had used it to kill her before, she would have been destroyed

Duanmu Rongrong\'s eyes showed a strange color.

"Why, you hide such a hindhand, but you don\'t use it to deal with me?" Duanmu Rongrong stood a few meters away from Dongfang sword and asked, "because you feel guilty? Because you want to make atonement?"

Dongfang sword leaned against the slope, and his mouth kept bleeding.

"Do you want to make atonement? I really want to forgive my beloved for letting him live a life worse than death for hundreds of years." Dongfang Jian smiled and said, "can you put down this hatred only when I die?"

"Death?" Duanmu Rongrong sneered and said, "do you think it\'s just death?"

The turbid eyes of Dongfang sword suddenly lit up and said, "I know, you just want to extract my soul and refine my soul. Do you have the magic weapon of killing demon flag in your hand? If so, you can seal my Dan baby into it so that I can never be reborn."

Duanmu Rongrong couldn\'t help taking a small step back and said in a shrill voice, "are you going to die? Are you confused? How do I deal with you? You need to teach me! Do you think I\'ll be soft hearted if you say that!"

Dongfang Jian didn\'t answer Duanmu Rongrong\'s words. He gasped and said, "do you have a magic weapon like the demon killing flag?"

Duanmu Rongrong took out a bracelet and said, "there\'s no demon killing flag, there\'s a soul Bracelet!"

"Old fellow, do you really think I\'m bluffing you? Do you really think I won\'t beat your soul and refine your soul!"


Duanmu Rongrong urged Yuan Gong fiercely. The soul melting bracelet was thrown out like lightning and hit the chest of Dongfang sword!


Dongfang sword groaned and flew out, lying on the ground silently.

"Dead? If you die like this, it\'s too cheap for you!" Duanmu Rongrong walked over step by step.


Duanmu Rongrong lowered her head and saw a blue heart-shaped jade pendant that had been trampled into two halves on the ground.

"Why..." Duanmu Rongrong was struck by lightning.

She squatted down and picked up the split jade pendant. Her body stumbled, her face was bloodless and said, "why? Why are you still carrying it? Didn\'t you say you threw it into the abyss hundreds of years ago? Why!"


At this time, the body blood of Dongfang sword erupted and burst.

In his body, a small man half a foot tall rushed towards Duanmu Rongrong like lightning!

Duanmu Rongrong was stunned for a moment. It was too late to dodge. He could only cross his soul bracelet and long sword in front of him!

As soon as the half foot tall villain arrived near the soul bracelet, he slipped and turned into a wisp of cloud and smoke, which was accepted by the soul bracelet.

In the void, a big hand shrouded in flame grabbed the little man, but it still slowed down and grabbed the space.

"Oriental sword..."

Alan, one of the seven generals of the Yan devil, stood in the void and was speechless.

She thought she had come fast enough.

Unexpectedly, it was still a step slower.

She was even more surprised that it would end like this!

Is this wretched little old man who is famous in xuandaozong such a kind of love?

Only those who are crazy about love can do such crazy things