Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1329

When Dora, one of the seven generals of the Yan devil, said this sentence, Li Tianyan of the evil blood demon sect laughed wildly.

"You want my life? You deserve it!"

Li Tianyan is the five heavenly strongman of the martial mirror of the quasi emperor.

DORO is just a quasi emperor martial mirror triple heaven.

Although the Yan devil\'s body is strong and has some bonus, the Terran warrior also has great advantages in skill and method.

At the level of quasi emperor martial mirror, even if it is only one day different, it is already very different.

Especially now the xuandaozong formation has been broken. In Li Tianyan\'s view, the people of xuandaozong have become bereaved dogs!

And this homeless dog, now dare to arrogantly and domineering say he wants to harvest his life?

Li Tianyan sneered. After a few words, the broken jade double hooks in his hand flashed and directly hooked towards Dora!

DORO refused to let go, holding a red axe in his hands!


Above the void, a terrible thunderbolt fell down, connecting the red axe in DORO\'s hand!

The power on the red axe soared dozens of times in an instant and cut it off with an axe towards Li Tianyan!


The unparalleled axe light broke the attack sent by Li Tianyan\'s double hooks. Lightning fell and cut Li Tianyan in half.

It\'s just Dora\'s own strength. It\'s difficult to kill Li Tianyan.

However, the heavenly weapon, coupled with the power of this array, is another scene.

DORO shook his left hand, took out a gourd burning with flames, and closed it to Li Tianyan\'s body

Chi slipped, Li Tianyan\'s Danying turned into a streamer, and the gourd took it in without resistance.

Inside the gourd, Li Tianyan\'s terrible voice immediately came out.

Dorothy snorted coldly, stepped back, hid in the thick fog and began to look for other prey.

Such a scene is constantly being staged in the 9981 peak of xuandaozong.

The powerful demons of xuandao sect who rushed in and wanted to keep the chickens and dogs alive completely didn\'t know... They had become prey, and death was waving to them.

The strong of xuandaozong reaped the lives of these invaders one by one.


On Songduo peak, Shen Jianfeng shot Nalan Ziyan\'s beast circle and flew out.

Now his accomplishments have far exceeded Nalan Ziyan, but when Jiuxian dragon gun came into contact with the beast circle, Shen Jianfeng felt numb in his hands and almost threw all Jiuxian dragon guns out!

Nalan purple smoke showed his eyebrows and said, "Jianfeng, do you know what you\'re doing!"

Just in front of them, two women with broken armor and bleeding corners of their mouths were sitting on the ground panting heavily.

These two women, one is Xiao Hongyue of the blood wing demon sect, and the other is Tang Wenqing of the white bone hall.

Both of them had entangled with Shen Jianfeng before.

At the end of yumudong blessed land, Shen Jianfeng saved the two women.

This time, as soon as they appeared, they were seriously injured by Nalan Ziyan, who was already in the early stage of Huangwu territory.

When Nalan Ziyan was about to kill, Shen Jianfeng rushed out and stopped the fatal blow.

Otherwise, the two women may have died.

Shen Jianfeng flattered Nalan Ziyan and said, "sister Ziyan, please let them go. They are not bad hearted. They just came here when they were kidnapped by the zongmen..."

"Just when I was up there, they told me to run quickly!"

Xiao Hongyue of the blood wing demon sect sneered, "I let you escape because I don\'t want to see you die too miserably! You don\'t have to plead for us like this! I\'m not rare!"

Tang Wenqing of the white bone hall smiled bitterly and said, "it\'s not just Shen Jianfeng, Miss Nalan, you all run away... The xuandao sect protector array has been broken, and the thunder prison can\'t hold Lu Tian for long."

"This time, our white bone temple and blood wing demon sect are just small minions. The leader is the legendary demon sect, the limitless demon sect, and... There are a large number of dark gold forces!"

"I... I secretly sent a note to xuandaozong five days ago to remind you whether you have received it?"

"Alas, it\'s too late to say this now. Run away!"

"Pass notes?" Nalan Ziyan\'s eyes moved slightly: "what kind of pass notes?"

Xiao Hongyue grabbed Tang Wenqing\'s words and said, "what kind of notes can it be? Of course, it\'s to remind you that xuandaozong escaped!"

"When the people of the white bone hall and the blood wing demon sect gathered together, I sent it together with Tang Wenqing, engraved with a pair of blood red wings and a white skeleton."

"At the same time, we also named the bastard Shen Jianfeng!"

Shen Jianfeng was stunned: "aren\'t you afraid of being discovered by them when you send us information?"

Tang Wenqing did not speak.

Nalan Ziyan\'s face improved a lot and smiled: "it\'s true that I saw it when the messenger fell into xian\'er\'s hands. But why did you do that?"

Tang Wenqing and Xiao Hongyue raised their heads at the same time, looked at Shen Jianfeng, and then quickly lowered their heads.

After a while, Xiao Hongyue said, "Tang Wenqing and I grew up in the blood wing demon sect and the white bone hall respectively, but we have no feelings for these two sects."

"It\'s not where people stay. They never treat us as human beings."

"The people inside are selfish, cruel and cruel. The martial brothers cheat each other, and the father and son fight constantly. They can do anything for strength and power!"

"It\'s a hell like place. Since I was sensible, I wanted to escape..."

Xiao Hongyue seemed to be telling a story about someone else, and said leisurely, "in the big comparison before the yumudong blessed land trial, we hurt the people of xuandaozong; in yumudong blessed land, I also chased and killed the people of your xuandaozong and Shen Jianfeng."

"But I never thought that when Tang Wenqing and I met a crisis in yumudong blessed land, it was Shen Jianfeng who helped each other..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hongyue blushed. After taking a look at Shen Jianfeng, she didn\'t go on.

Nalan Ziyan is usually careless. In fact, he is as careful as hair.

As soon as I saw this situation, I already knew what was going on.

But it turned out that these two evil women who kill without blinking have been moved by Shen Jianfeng!

Shen Jianfeng first won the favor of Shang Xiaoran, and then captured the hearts of two evil women. He is very lucky!


Nalan Ziyan suddenly looked a little moved, and the animal soul in the beast circle sent a message to her.

Without any hesitation, Nalan Ziyan threw the beast circle to the right.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The beast circle turned around in the air and suddenly became bigger.

Then, with the power of all the beasts galloping, with a bang, beat an old man who was hiding his body and vomited blood and flew out!

"It\'s the ancestor of Huangfu!" Tang Wenqing screamed.

It was Huang Fuqing, the ancestor of the white bone hall, who was frightened by Shen Lang when he just entered the blessed land of Yumu cave!

Huang Fuqing wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and said with a ferocious face, "two bitches who eat inside and eat outside!"

"I even collude with people like Shen Jianfeng. I dare to inform you. You can\'t stay!"

As soon as the voice fell, Huang Fuqing grabbed the white bone in his hand with a terrible evil spirit and grabbed it towards Tang Wenqing and Xiao Hongyue!

"You are cruel, old and immortal!" Tang Wenqing smiled miserably.

She and Xiao Hongyue are just accomplishments in the Xuanwu realm. They are still seriously injured. How can they cope with the attack of the strong in the Huangwu realm?

They closed their eyes at the same time, ready to die.


Before Shen Jianfeng attacked with his long gun, the beast circle flew out like lightning and smashed the white bone.

As soon as the beast circle turned in the air, it reached the head of Huang Fuqing who wanted to escape.

Then he fell down and set Huang Fuqing straight!

"Bitch, you..."

Before Huang Fuqing finished, the beast circle suddenly closed and directly cut it into two sections!

Then, the beast circle turned around and swallowed the blood fog and huangfuqing\'s Danying!

Two mummies fell to the ground with a puff.

"Handle your own affairs by yourself. Xian\'er\'s plan is advanced because of you. Eight foreign leaders and chiyanfeng are seriously injured because of you. I\'ll settle this account with you later!"

Nalan Ziyan left a cruel word and hid in the black fog.

Shen Jianfeng took a quiet look at Xiao Hongyue and Tang Wenqing, sighed and turned to go.

"Stop!" Xiao Hongyue screamed, "you... What do you mean by leaving us here?"

Shen Jianfeng stopped: "leave here, or you will all die."

"You!" Xiao Hongyue moved her mouth, and her mouth was bitter.

Those words just said to Nalan Ziyan were actually said to Shen Jianfeng.

It\'s almost "confession"

Didn\'t the fool understand her and Tang Wenqing\'s mind?

This bastard, who has such a strong personality, has the cheek to say those words, but he is indifferent?

Tang Wenqing turned his eyes and said, "I\'ve been broken by Nalan Ziyan. If you don\'t help me, I\'ll really die here!"

"Oh, Xiao Hongyue\'s right foot is also broken. Shen Jianfeng, do you want to watch us die here?"

These two women, one just and one soft, one stubborn, one like a fox.

Eat Shen Jianfeng to death.

Shen Jianfeng scratched his head and turned around: "my cousin is right. Women are trouble!"

With that, he ran over, put his arms around a woman, turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared into the thick fog.


A group of people in the back mountain of xuandaozong, the blood wing demon sect and the white bone hall were affected by the multi-layer superposition of death artistic conception. They went crazy one by one, took any living creatures around as enemies, cut them down and killed each other.

In the thick fog, a pair of evil and vicious eyes stared at these people for a while, and seemed a little impatient.

"It\'s boring. It\'s too slow to die. It\'s hard to explain to xian\'er if you drag it down."

Evil eye Lord lingxie yawned, and his mind moved, detonating the silence thunder buried in the back mountain of xuandaozong.

Terrible explosions followed one after another, and the violent force of thunder swept the whole audience, turning the back mountain of xuandaozong into a purgatory of thunder!

The people of blood wing demon sect and white bone hall screamed and fell down one after another.

Many people broke their hands and feet and were in chaos on the ground.

Before the smoke and dust had dissipated, lingxie waved his big hand: "little ones, it\'s time for you to play prestige!"

Hundreds of monsters rushed out from behind him. With red eyes, they rushed at those living demon warriors and tore them crazy!

The scream of people\'s cold hair reverberated in the valley of xuandaozong\'s back mountain

Lord evil eye listened to these sounds and felt comfortable all over his body.