Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1328

"If we don\'t kill you, we can\'t kill you! But if we want to cook you, there are at least a thousand ways!"

Lu Tian smiled proudly and grabbed the stones with his five fingers.

The stone immediately came towards the palm of his hand!

Seeing that Mo Ge was about to fall into Lu Tian\'s hands, a huge figure in the oblique thorn rushed out!


Unicorn, a mountain beast!

It\'s chiyanfeng!

The big mouth of the kylin made by ChiYan weathering swallowed the stone wrapped with Mo Ge directly!

As soon as he swallowed Mo Ge, Qilin was in a flash and had fled to the north of xuandaozong!


How can Lu Tian give up when the duck he got flies?

Although Qilin is fast, Lu Tian is ten times faster than Qilin!

It\'s just a flash. Lu Tian has appeared on Qilin\'s back and hit Qilin\'s back with a simple fist!


The startling sound made everyone around hurt in their eardrums and rumbled in their heads.

Kirin\'s mouth opened and blood gushed out.

And his body also smashed at the xuandaozong protectorate array below!

Just a few days after the emperor\'s martial mirror was advanced, even if it turned into a Kirin, it was still too reluctantly to deal with the seven strong heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror.

Just such a punch, chiyanfeng is broken and fractured, and has lost his fighting ability

When the ChiYan wind fell like a meteorite, the xuandaozong array opened a gap.

Eight foreign leaders at the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, as well as 22 strong people of the northern netherworld Jitian sect, appeared outside the array!

Wing clan, Shura clan, skeleton clan, Luocha clan and caveman... Eight alien leaders stood in eight directions and made a light. In an instant, a big net was formed, including the crazy Kirin net!

Under the impact of the huge Kirin, the big net stretched long, dragging eight leaders to quickly fall towards the gap of the protectorate array.

"Hum, your kindness will kill you!" Lu Tian was robbed by chiyanfeng. Mo Ge was in a terrible mood.

At this moment, seeing that xuandaozong had opened a gap in the protectorate array, how would he be willing to abandon such a good opportunity?

Without this gap, he would have to play for at least three days and nights with his strength before he could break the big array.

But with this gap, it\'s different

Lu Tian didn\'t pay attention to the 22 people coming from below.

Qilin, the divine beast of emperor Wujing, was half beaten to death by him. It\'s just a quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian. What\'s it?

In the eyes of emperor Wujing qichongtian, the people who rushed up were just like mole ants, but where could they threaten him?


Lu Tian totally ignored the twenty-two people who rushed up and shouted at the xuandaozong protectorate array!

I saw a black paint column coming out of his mouth, coming first and hitting the back of the unicorn that had entered the gap!

Kirin uttered a sob and smashed down with eight alien leaders.

At the time of crisis, chiyanfeng opened his mouth, and a whirlwind sucked all the people on the blood spirit peak below into his mouth!


His huge body smashed the blood spirit peak, one of the main peaks of xuandao sect!

In the roar, the fierce and unparalleled energy swept in all directions.

Eight foreign leaders screamed and were blown out!

Just such a move, chiyanfeng and the eight alien leaders were all badly hurt!

However, xuandaozong\'s protective array was stuck by the black light column and could no longer be closed!

The figure below flickers, and many strong people have flown towards chiyanfeng and others.

And above

"Tianpeng star, Tianren star, Tianchong star, Tianfu star and Tianying star!"

"Open, open, open, open!"

A neat and uniform voice came from the mouths of 22 strong people of the northern netherworld polar sect: "resist the thunder god formula, thunder dragon heaven falls!"

Taking the opportunity of Lu Tian ignoring them, 22 strong people of the northern underworld polar sect fought the danger of flesh bursting

"Nine Star Mystery", five stars in a row!

At the same time, they used the joint attack technique to jointly display the sixth move of "Yu Lei Shen Jue", Thunder Dragon falling from the sky!

Above the void, a Thunder Dragon roared and rushed down towards the landing sky!

Once this move was used, the armor of 22 strong people of the northern underworld polar sect was immediately dyed red with blood!

In the case of five stars in a row, such a move is ten times stronger than the one that killed Lu Tian\'s brother before?

"You are... People of the northern underworld polar sect!"

Feeling the destructive power of thunder in the void, Lu Tian\'s face changed and recognized the strongest skill of Beiming Jitian sect... "Thunder god formula"!

His eyes shrunk slightly and his hands pinched!

When the Thunder Dragon appeared in the air, Lu Tian showed a black lotus around him and wrapped him round and round!


The Thunder Dragon roared and circled around the Black Lotus circle after circle.


The endless force of thunder exploded and turned into a thunder prison to completely suppress heilian!

The attack of 22 people of the northern underworld polar sect was originally intended to trap Lu Tian, not to hit him hard by this Thunder Dragon!

Lu Tian\'s carelessness, together with heilian, has been completely suppressed and difficult to move!

"Damn you, how dare you fool me! I want you to die without a place to bury!"

Lu Tian\'s crazy cry came from the Black Lotus.

Then, the Black Lotus rose wildly and seemed to want to break through the shackles of the thunder prison!


Twenty two strong men of the northern underworld jitianzong were bleeding. After they each played a seal formula on the thunder prison, they retreated violently and rushed into the xuandaozong array from the gap.

Lu Tian in the Black Lotus has a crazy impact, but he can\'t break through the suppression of Lei prison for a while and a half.

"What are you idiots still doing? I\'ve stuck the gap of xuandao zonghu Zongda array with \'black devil Tiangang\'. Kill them all!"

"I want xuandaozong to keep chickens and dogs!"

Lu Tian\'s hysterical roar came out of heilian. The shadow moon Legion in the distance was stunned. He immediately roared and rushed towards the gap of xuandao sect\'s Protectorate array!

In xuandaozong, Zhuge Xianer\'s mouth tilted slightly: "scattered!"

All the strong, in a flash, immediately lost their sight.

To save Mo Ge, it was really Zhuge Xianer\'s voice that chiyanfeng asked for help.

But with Zhuge Xianer\'s careful thought, how could Lu Tian get such a chance?

Leave a gap, but follow the trend!

The xuandao sect, who had been prepared, immediately hid into the array.

In xuandaozong, the outermost array immediately began to change into a startling killing array!

The nine holy stripe pillars started up and formed a second killing array in them!

The 9981 peak, except the blood spirit peak just destroyed, all the peaks are completely shrouded by the black fog of death at this moment.


Disappear out of thin air!

The independent array of each mountain peak, all start!


Wuji demon sect took the lead. More than 100000 strong people of the shadow moon army rushed in like a flood through the gap stuck by the "black devil Tiangang"!

Above the sky, only Shen Jianfeng was left, staring at the gap below and panting.

This guy is now more and more like an abyss Lord. He is strong in flesh and can compete with the abyss devil.

Before, a group of strong men of the shadow moon Legion surrounded him and cut the fire with swords, but he couldn\'t help it at all.

And the evil energy released from him, as long as it is stained with a little, the strong of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror will lose their combat effectiveness!

Therefore, more than 100000 people avoided him like a plague and directly threw him aside.

"Have you lost? Is it over? I\'m not willing! I\'m not willing!"

Shen Jianfeng\'s hands clenched the long gun, trembling and trembling.

Even if he had been surrounded by strong enemies before, he had never been so nervous or so desperate.

He rushed out secretly. He wanted to save Mo Ge, and then entangled Lu Tian to buy more time for xuandaozong.

Unexpectedly, because of what he did, the situation reversed, and the xuandaozong protectorate array was opened!

If xuandaozong died because of Shen Jianfeng, how could he forgive himself?

At this time, Chu Qingcheng\'s fine voice sounded in Shen Jianfeng\'s ear: "Jianfeng, come down. The gap is deliberately left by xian\'er. Xian\'er\'s last step plan has begun to be implemented."

"We should use the great array of xuandaozong to hang the enemy!"

"If you stay in a daze, you won\'t have a chance to kill the enemy."

Shen Jianfeng was slightly stunned, and his tears fell down: "isn\'t it because I made a mistake? Even if xian\'er had a final plan, I\'m afraid it was because I messed with it in advance?"

Chu Qingcheng was stunned: "Er, personally, I think it\'s not a good thing that you become smarter at this time."

"You used to be a little more lovely."

Shen Jianfeng yelled, "what\'s your name? I\'ve always been so smart, okay?"

As he spoke, Shen Jianfeng\'s long gun shook, and people had rushed in through the gap like a meteor.

Outside xuandaozong, there are only two battlefields thousands of miles away.

One is the battle between yingyue and Ling Xue and Ling Yue;

Without the help of chiyanfeng, Lingxue and Lingyue have completely fallen into the downwind, and yingyue is more and more proud.

The other is duanmuxie and the king of Yanmo, who fought against Bao Jinyun, the strong man in the triple heaven of Wujing, the emperor of Wuji demon sect;

The two sides have temporarily reached a balance, and no one can do anything.

And in xuandaozong

In the 9981 peak, all the members of the war wolf sat cross legged and released the artistic conception of death.

The artistic conception of the death of thousands of war wolf members, one layer after another.

The endless breath of death permeates the layers of the array and is combined with the array.

And the parts they refined with puppets all rushed into the array and hid the key everywhere.

These are the puppets Shen Lang got from Qianqiu of Honglong road.

Each puppet is at least equivalent to the strong one of Wang Wujing\'s seven heaven, and its body is indestructible.


Under the multiple combination of death artistic conception and large array, the strong demons of all parties who want to keep xuandaozong\'s chickens and dogs alive, as soon as they entered xuandaozong, they found that they had lost their companions and had a lot of illusions!

As soon as a prospective emperor of the evil blood demon sect fell to the ground, he saw the endless skeleton monsters rushing up in front of him.

"With this little skill, I also want to deal with the strong warrior mirror of the quasi emperor?" the man smiled: "the death artistic conception of the primary understanding state is even more meaningful. It\'s embarrassing. The xuandaozong is really at the end of its tether."

The man shook his wrist and waved the short blade in his hand, which turned the skeleton monster in front of him into fly ash.

Suddenly, a giant with a tall body and burning flames came out of the black fog.

DORO, one of the seven generals of Yanmo, glanced at the powerful devil and said calmly, "I\'m sorry, I\'ll take your life."