Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1324

Outside xuandaozong, the startling war has started.

Because of Lu Tian\'s arrival, xuandaozong, which had obvious advantages, was in trouble again!

Chu Qingcheng and Mo Ge were not included in Zhuge Xianer\'s plan.

Xuandaozong did not treat them as an independent existence.

Now it is born in the sky. We fight Lu Tian together!

I saw a black and a white figure, like streamer, spinning rapidly around the land and sky.

The sabre light and sword Qi crisscross and continuously cut to Lu Tian.

"The pearls of rice also shine! Is that the only level of your strength?"

Lu Tian stood still, sneered, and his body made a series of crackling sounds.

Suddenly, with his body as the center, the vigorous wind exploded all around, and the magic Qi surged wildly!

The sword light and sword Qi sent by Mo Ge and Chu Qingcheng were directly broken by this powerful force in an instant!

When the energy surges wildly, the light on the void falls like rain.

Lu Tian laughed wildly, leaving a series of residual shadows in place and a palm print to Chu Qingcheng.


This palm hit Chu Qingcheng\'s chest.

But immediately he went through the body and blasted on the shadow moon army in the rear.

The shadow moon army watching the war, how can it resist the palm of the emperor\'s martial mirror seven strong heaven?

Under one palm, a group of demon warriors in front were shocked into fly ash!

A group of demonic martial arts masters who took risks of the dead retreated madly and dared not come near here any more.

"Virtual shadow?"

Lu Tian took back his palm and was stunned.

He was cheated by the empty shadow of the Qing City of Chu for the cultivation of his emperor\'s martial mirror qichongtian. The anger in the old devil\'s heart flared up.

But just a little generation, can you fool him, a demon giant who has been famous for thousands of years?

Lu Tian appeared in front of Chu Qingcheng again.

Without any hesitation, Lu Tian\'s index finger and middle finger together, oblique stroke, and instantly cut Chu Qingcheng into two sections!

"Another virtual shadow!" Lu Tian was surprised!

He slowly turned around and looked at Chu Qingcheng behind him.

Under the influence of his mind, the Chu Qing City in front of him and the previous Chu Qing City are definitely entities, not illusions.

But when his attack fell on Chu Qingcheng, Chu Qingcheng\'s body appeared in another place!

This speed, fast to the extreme.

It\'s a real blink!

Lu Tian\'s eyes shrunk slightly: "it\'s not blinking, it\'s using space to switch!"

"But how can it be? Even if the rosefinch family, who is at the peak of space mastery, has only such cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to control space like this!"

In the void invisible to the earth and heaven, nine stars are about to form a line.

Among each of the nine stars, there is a figure of Chu Qingcheng, looming and changing between virtual and real.

When Lu Tian attacks Chu Qingcheng, one of the nine stars will shine.

Every time, the shining position is different.

Chu Qingcheng, it is with the help of nine stars to easily complete this unimaginable space jump!

In this case, it is almost impossible for anyone to kill Chu Qingcheng!

Lu Tian chased Chu Qingcheng many times without results, and became more and more angry.

In front of more than 100000 shadow moon legions and xuandaozong, he chased around and couldn\'t touch Chu Qingcheng\'s clothes. It was like a cat playing a mouse game!

And he, the great elder of Wuji demon sect, is the mouse in the game!

"Damn boy!"

Lu Tian was so angry that he gave up chasing Chu Qingcheng and changed his playing method.

Far away, he grabbed Chu Qingcheng directly!

Under this grasp, the space around Chu Qingcheng has been imprisoned!

"Even the surrounding space is limited by me. I see where you\'re going!"


Chu Qingcheng\'s figure was directly crushed.

However, let Lu Tian spit blood again. Chu Qingcheng appeared behind him again.

"Old man, you can\'t kill me. Give up." Chu Qingcheng said lightly.

What a Lu Tian! He is really the No. 1 figure in the devil\'s way!

He actually gave up Chu Qingcheng, turned around and appeared in front of Mo Ge!

Although Mo Ge wears a killing armor, it is difficult to mobilize the power on the killing armor. In case, how can he keep up with this demon giant in speed?

The short knife in his hand hardly had time to lift up. Lu Tian\'s palm had been printed on his chest!


Mo Ge gave a dull hum. His body crashed into the distant shadow moon army like a meteorite, and forcibly killed a large number of powerful demons!

However, under the urging of the ghost king, there is already a layer of killing gas outside the killing armor to form a defense.

Is the defense more than a hundred times stronger than at the beginning?

After this, Mo Ge just gasped a little more. He killed the nearest group of powerful demons with a knife and stood up again!

"Eh! Defence power has increased more than a hundred times on the previous basis?" Lu Tian was not angry but happy.

When he attacked Mo Ge before, he used three success forces at most.

Third, the power of success is enough to crush the strong in the early days of ordinary imperial martial mirror.

That slap has made Mo Ge vomit blood.

Now this tentative palm has used five success forces.

Unexpectedly, the power was borne by the killing armor, and Mo Ge was unharmed!

This killing armour really made Lu Tian ecstatic!

In a flash, Lu Tian chased Mo Ge, shot one after another, and hit Mo Ge with one palm, beating Mo Ge like wood in the sea, rising and falling from time to time!


In xuandao sect, Su Rong\'s shrill cry rang out.

Jun qiluo, the eldest disciple of the shy flower sect standing behind Su Rong, sighed. She gently cut her palm off Su Rong\'s neck and knocked her unconscious.

Later, she handed Su Rong to Su Wenxuan, the leader of xuandao sect.

Zhuge xian\'er turned his head and saw that everyone was looking at her eagerly. The meaning of worry in his eyes was self-evident.

"Before that step, you can\'t use the last move!"

Zhuge xian\'er took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

At this time, the air war became white hot.

The strong men of all forces in the purple Chu state were all attracted. They were far away from each other and wandered around nearby.

Lu Tian starts to attack Mo Ge crazily when he can\'t kill Chu Qingcheng.

Mo Ge joins hands with the ghost king in the killing battle armour and desperately urges the killing spirit to resist hard!

On the other side, Chu Qingcheng\'s long sword drooped, but he didn\'t attack Lu Tian again.

"The formula of destroying the sky and destroying the earth cannot be used. Once used, it will disturb the Xuanyuan old devil in the starry sky outside the territory."

"If Xuanyuan old devil finds out, everything will stop..."

"But if you don\'t use the heavenly script, you can\'t call the power of the nine stars; if you don\'t use the power of the nine stars, you can\'t kill the Lu Tian of the seven heaven of emperor Wujing... This time, it\'s a big trouble."

Chu Qingcheng stood motionless in the void.

But everything around him, every detail of the battlefield, was reflected in his mind through the nine stars.

In the remote wilderness in the west, Shuying fought with the three of the blood clan adola with one enemy. It was a draw. I\'m afraid I can\'t get rid of the entanglement of the three of the blood clan for a while and a half;

Three thousand miles away from the edge of xuandaozong in the East, Ling Xue and Ling Yue fight yingyue, but they fall into the disadvantage. Defeat is sooner or later;

In the south, ChiYan weathering made the original Kirin, cooperated with the heavenly weapon in his hand, and beat Bao Jinyun, the three powerful heavenly strongman of the Wujing of the Wuji demon sect, back and forth, but he was too weak to kill the other party;

In the north, duanmuxie, who is tens of feet tall, dinaros, the king of the Yan devil with the same huge body, and Shi Hao, the leader of the stone people, joined hands to fight against the two powerful heavenly powers of the Wujing of the infinite demon sect. Duanmuxie three people gained the upper hand.

Chu Qingcheng thought and focused on the battlefield of Duanmu evil.

To sum up, the crisis of duanmuxie three people here should be the biggest.

Because the three are all quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian, dinaros, the king of the Yan devil, has only just advanced to the quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian for a few days.

And their enemy * * * * is the double heaven of emperor Wujing!

However, Shen Lang let Shu Ying bring back the divine armor to make up for this gap.

In particular, the divine soldier in duanmuxie\'s hand is still the Trident for killing heaven, one of the top ten Heavenly weapons!

In the void, the huge Duanmu evil, holding a trident to kill the sky, became the main attack, beat hard, and beat the * * * * retreat one after another.

It\'s just Duanmu evil of the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. There is a terrible nether fire all over the body, and one of the ten Heavenly weapons, the sky killing Trident, is in hand. It\'s brave and unparalleled.

Dinaros, the king of the Yan devil, is indestructible. He is wearing heavenly armor and a chopping axe with both hands. He is also a very high-grade heavenly weapon. He splits mountains into flying ash between waves!

The cultivation of Shi Hao of the stone people is much better than dinaros, the king of the Yan devil. It is also a heavenly weapon and is extremely powerful.

The rank of any thing in their hands or on their bodies is far higher than that of emperor Wujing!

In addition, these three people are indestructible and powerful... Among many battlefields, they are the most relaxed and dominant!

Chu Qingcheng\'s eyes swept, and the war at the level of quasi emperor martial mirror was almost in a balanced state.

Then, the shadow moon army is watching the war;

The xuandaozong below is ready to go!

The only fatal thing is the Lu Tian of the seven heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror!

"It is not the more than 100000 shadow moon legions behind that really decide this war, but these powerful imperial martial mirrors, especially Lu Tian."

"Lu Tian has obviously found the strangeness of the killing armor and wants to take it... Although Mo GE has no ability to fight back, he is more and more familiar with the killing armor and can use more and more killing gas. For the time being, Lu Tian can\'t help him."

Chu Qingcheng\'s mind turned: "but my strength didn\'t really show up. Xuandao sect couldn\'t cope with Lu Tian\'s existence!"

"Mo Ge can only hold him for a while."

"In that case, kill an emperor\'s martial mirror first."

"The breach is on duanmuxie\'s side!"

Chu Qingcheng thought and immediately sent a message to Zhuge Xianer: "Xianer, Ling Xue and Ling Yue can\'t support for too long..."

"Let the people of the northern underworld extreme heaven sect fight and help duanmuxie kill * * * *!"

"* * * * once he dies, the pressure will be reduced a lot. Let chiyanfeng help Ling Xue and Ling Yue cope with yingyue, while Bao Jinyun of Wuji demon sect will hand it over to duanmuxie!"