Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1325

Hearing the voice of Chu Qingcheng, Zhuge xian\'er, sitting below, nodded slightly: "OK, I have this intention!"

Immediately, Zhuge xian\'er drank softly: "the war wolf Beiming Department listens to the order!"

The figure flashed, and twenty-five mysterious people with huge breath appeared in front of Zhuge Xianer.

The twenty-five people were dressed in uniform and wore masks.

But the pressure released from them has reached the late stage of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

Moreover, everyone is surrounded by thunder and lightning, which is extremely amazing.

These are the people who came to Beiming Jitian sect of xuandao sect from all over the world in the past half a year!

He is the strongest of the twenty-five disciples of Beiming Jitian sect who came here!

Because considering that there were people in the demon God hall in xuandao sect, Zhuge Xianer never dared to use them when Beiming Jitian sect was really destroyed by the people in the candle Dragon House of the demon God hall.

But at the time of crisis, I can\'t think so much

"Kill Lu Yunfeng with thunder array!"

Zhuge Xianer\'s order is very brief.

Twenty five strong members of the northern underworld polar sect, who were already members of the war wolf, nodded slightly and disappeared on the spot!

When they appeared again, they had surrounded Lu Yunfeng and duanmuxie!

"Lao Duan, back off!"

Dinaros, the king of the devil, gave a violent drink.

Duanmuxie and Shi haoxu shook a move and immediately withdrew from the encirclement of 25 strong Beiming Jitian sect.

As soon as the three of them quit, zizizi\'s voice sounded immediately, and a boundary formed by thunder and lightning trapped Lu Yunfeng in it!

Duanmu evil spewed a mouthful of corpse gas from his mouth and said, "how many times have I said it? My name is Duanmu, not Duan!"

"Call me Duanmu evil, or stiff emperor!"

Dinaros, the king of the Yan devil, did not answer, "OK, Lao Duan, don\'t worry, Lao Duan."

Duanmu evil: "

At this time, Lu Yunfeng, trapped in the border, sneered: "a group of idiots, up to now, don\'t understand the gap between the quasi imperial martial mirror and the imperial martial mirror. Do you think you can trap me by just relying on the border?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yunfeng held the handle of the sword with both hands and cut off the sword in the direction of duanmuxie!


The unparalleled energy burst out, and the border suddenly trembled. The crazy force of thunder rushed back and made Lu Yunfeng\'s blood churn.

"It\'s impossible. How can the prospective emperor\'s martial arts and mirror martial arts send out such a powerful force of thunder? Who are you!" Lu Yunfeng\'s dead souls all braved.

Lu Yunfeng said it was easy before, but he was angry by duanmuxie just now. This sword almost used 90% of its power!

Emperor Wujing\'s double heaven power can\'t shake the boundary!

He was also shocked by the recoil force of the enchantment, and his blood churned. He couldn\'t help himself!

Lu Yunfeng finally panicked.

"You must break the seal as soon as possible, or the border will be completely completed, and I will be trapped alive!"

Shocked, Lu Yunfeng suddenly raised Yuan Gong and wanted to use his unique skill to break the seal.

At this time, the twenty-five strong Beiming jitianzong suddenly spun up quickly.

At the same time of rotation, their hands are constantly changing, and their breath begins to soar wildly!

"Thunder array, lightning!"

Twenty five voices, almost at the same time.

The power of violent thunder on the 25 people immediately gathered on the enchantment!

The boundary of the thunder array burst out dazzling light in an instant.

The power of thousands of thunder gathered together and stabbed the sky like a sea god needle!

"Yes, who are these people? How can the thunder power released by the martial artists of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian make me feel frightened?" within the barrier, Lu Yunfeng was attracted by this amazing power and stopped.

He looked up and the cold sweat came down immediately

I saw that on the nine days, the wind and clouds moved, and a terrible and amazing thunder vortex formed out of thin air!

The so-called thunder array is not to kill the strong enemy with the help of the thunder power of 25 people, but to draw the thunder power of Jiutian against the enemy with the help of their power!

The strength of these 25 people gathered together has made Lu Yunfeng feel difficult to deal with.

They are so powerful that they are just an introduction. How terrible should the next move be?

Lu Yunfeng looked pale and shouted, "brother, help me, help me!"

Magnetic, the thunder whirlpool has been completely formed, and the destructive pressure over the whole xuandaozong is shrouded.

Even people in the xuandaozong array feel a little out of breath!

At this moment, the wars everywhere have slowed down.

Everyone was surprised to put their eyes on it

"You... Want to die!"

Lu Tian on the other side saw the movement and became angry!

Others die, but Lu Yunfeng is his own brother!

Lu Tian swayed and rushed directly to Lu Yunfeng.

Duanmuxie\'s three brave men stood in front of Lu Tian and were ready to fight to stop Lu Tian!

If Lu Tian is allowed to arrive, not only all his previous achievements will be wasted, but I\'m afraid all 25 people of Beiming polar sect will die on the spot!

Duanmu evil\'s trident suddenly shook and made a buzzing sound.

Endless corpse Qi stirred like a dragon. The trident of killing heaven, one of the top ten Heavenly weapons, attracted everyone\'s attention at the moment!

Suddenly, something strange happened

As soon as he approached the thunder array, Lu Tian\'s figure immediately disappeared.

When he appeared again, he returned to the origin!

"How... How possible!"

Lu Tian rushed out again.

The result is still the same and returns to the origin!

"Damn it! Who\'s doing it?" Lu Tian\'s cold sweat flowed down and subconsciously turned to look at Chu Qingcheng.

At this time, Chu Qingcheng sat cross legged in the void, sweating and pinching with both hands.

Chu Qingcheng did this strange scene just now!

As soon as Lu Tianya bit, he slapped Chu Qingcheng!

As before, the blow of this palm was still the virtual shadow of Chu Qingcheng.

The original statue of Chu Qingcheng appeared behind Lu Tian.

"Damn you!" Lu Tiantian was furious!

Lu Tian was dragged by Chu Qingcheng. A little time passed, and the thunder array of Beiming Jitian Sect on the other side finally took shape!

In the thunder whirlpool above the void, a thick red lightning fell directly towards Lu Yunfeng\'s head!

Lu Yunfeng, trapped in the enchantment, can\'t hide. His hands are holding the sky. He roars up and wants to resist


The huge light column released dazzling light, which made everyone subconsciously look away.

Unparalleled energy swept through, destroying the surrounding mountains and razing them to the ground!

When the smoke and dust dispersed and everyone\'s mind was detected in the past, their hearts jumped suddenly!

At the center of the thunder array, duanmuxie held the trident of killing heaven in both hands and plunged into Lu Yunfeng\'s chest like coke.

The netherworld fire was transmitted from the Trident to kill heaven, and wrapped Lu Yunfeng\'s whole body together, burning!

"What weapon are you?" Lu Yunfeng\'s weak voice of mosquitoes and flies sounded.

Duanmu evil smiled coldly: "the trident of killing heaven, one of the ten Heavenly weapons, died under this Trident, you can rest in peace."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Yunfeng\'s body burst into countless pieces.

Each piece, burning the netherworld fire, flew down.

Before they fell to the ground, these fragments turned into fly ash.

"Ah! Bastard, I want you to die without a burial place!" Lu Tian roared and punched duanmuxie out!

Emperor Wujing\'s fist under the wrath of the seven powerful people in the sky is like an epoch-making event!

The terrible fist force seemed to crack the space. With the condensed magic Qi, it turned into a shock wave thousands of miles and shot directly at Duanmu evil!

"Hide!" the people of xuandaozong below exclaimed!


The terrible impact seemed to cross the space, and then folded and turned through the different space. It turned back and blew towards Lu Tian who launched the attack!

It\'s like Lu Tian rushed out before and then returned to the original place!

Lu Tian was stunned. He raised his hands between lightning and flint, crossed his chest and took his attack!


Like the previous thunder array, it was bombarded by nine days of thunder. The sound of frightening heaven and earth sounded. Lu Tian snorted, and his body was directly smashed and flew out!

Although it was his own strength, Lu Tian had been wounded without enough defense!

On the other side, Chu Qingcheng\'s body fell soft, was caught by Mo Ge, and then sent to the xuandaozong array.

"Ah ah ah ah!"

Lu Tian\'s long hair danced like crazy: "you\'re all going to die, you\'re all going to die!"

The endless magic Qi began to sweep in all directions, like a huge wave.


When Zhuge Xianer gave an order, the people on the side of xuandaozong immediately left their opponents and began to return to xuandaozong!

The ChiYan weathered Unicorn roared, left the bag of Jinyun and rushed towards the shadow moon.

With the addition of Kirin, the pressure of Ling Xue and Ling Yue has become much lighter.

And the shadow moon, it is iron green face scolded again and again!

Duanmuxie and the king of Yan devil, together with three strong people of Beiming extreme heaven sect, took over Bao Jinyun, the original opponent of chiyanfeng.

Mo Ge floats in the air and doesn\'t move. He looks like the most leisurely person on the field.

All the others returned to the xuandaozong array.

"You are all going to die, all going to die!"

Lu Tian roared wildly and repeated this sentence.

His figure soared rapidly, turned into a giant more than 100 feet high, and hit the xuandao sect protectorate array with one punch.


The shield of the whole protectorate array seemed to collapse anytime and anywhere.

The strong men of xuandaozong below felt the unparalleled power. They all looked like earth and panicked.

Zhuge xian\'er\'s face remained unchanged and nodded slightly to the 22 strong people of the northern underworld polar sect: "please."

The twenty-two men immediately rose into the air.

One of them said in a loud voice, "all the disciples of Beiming Jitian sect listen to the order and work with us to help the war wolf maintain the eyes of the 9981 peak array!"

As soon as the voice fell, on the 9981 peak of xuandaozong, hidden and repressed violent breath bloomed out!

At the top of each peak, a huge pillar of light was lit up and connected to the protectorate array!

The large array of protectors, which was shaken by Lu Tian, vibrated and rippled, and became firmly established!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

There was no movement in the air for a long time. Mo Ge suddenly burst into trouble and attacked Lu Tian!

This sword is simple and direct, but its power is obviously stronger than Mo GE\'s previous attack, up several grades!

Mo GE\'s long sword is only a sword, but this sword has formed an endless fine sword spirit.

All these sword Qi are condensed from the most pure killing Qi, which contains the killing artistic conception and sword meaning, and exudes the most evil, cold and supreme will!

This will is like an evil god who comes to the world and looks down on all things, so that all sentient beings can\'t help kneeling and submitting!