Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1323

With the murmur of Mo Ge, an inexplicable breath was released from him, spreading outward, and finally enveloping the whole xuandaozong.

"Do you want to use artistic conception to deal with us? It\'s ridiculous!"

Powerful people such as Wuji demon sect and shaxue demon sect felt teased.

Artistic conception is a kind of thing with different levels.

At the same time, it also depends on how high the cultivation of people who use artistic conception is.

At present, the boy\'s breath is so weak that he is at the peak of Huangwu realm at best.

Even want to rely on artistic conception to deal with the strong quasi emperor martial mirror?

He doesn\'t understand that just one thought of these people can make the artistic conception bite back?

A demon head of the limitless demon sect who was covered in a cloak came out: "if you waste my time, let me send you directly to the yellow spring!"

Then the man stretched out his hand to Mo Ge and grabbed it with his five fingers!

At this moment!


Mo GE\'s figure disappeared out of thin air.

"What about people? It\'s impossible!" a group of powerful demons were surprised.

With their eyesight and mind, they can\'t keep up with the speed of a boy in Huangwu territory?

This is simply impossible!

The next moment


The devil, whose whole body was shrouded in a cloak, split in two and burst.

Even Danying didn\'t run away!

At this time, Mo GE\'s figure appeared behind the man.


Both the people of the xuandaozong below and the shadow moon Legion above took a breath of air conditioning!

One by one, it\'s like watching monsters. Look at Mo Ge!

You know, the cultivation of the man killed is at least the cultivation of the second heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

How did such a powerful devil die without knowing that he was killed by Mo Ge on the spot?

Those evil warriors who rushed up with great momentum immediately moved quickly and surrounded Mo Ge in the center.

Mo Ge stretched out his left hand, palm up, and then... Suddenly grasped: "death artistic conception, killing Artistic Conception!"

Superposition of two artistic conception!

At the same time, on the killing armor, the terrorist killing gas controlled and completely restrained by the ghost king is suddenly released!

With Mo Ge as the center, the endless killing gas swept the whole audience like a wave!

The killing gas released from the killing armor is perfectly integrated with Mo GE\'s artistic conception of death and killing.

In an instant, this area turned into a dead area!

Except for some strong people in the later period of the quasi emperor martial mirror, the rest are blood red eyes and full of illusions!

Those martial artists who can\'t cultivate Wang Wujing even regard their fellow disciples as enemies, roaring and fighting madly!

The more than 100000 warriors who almost covered the sky fell into madness in an instant!

The few quasi imperial martial mirror strongmen who did not fall into the illusion also felt cold and scared under the cover of the killing gas. They wandered around madly to break through the artistic conception and break out of the Siege!

All people feel that they are walking on the edge of death!

"Jie Jie!" the ghost King\'s laughter rang out in the killing artistic conception: "a group of things who don\'t know life and death dare to run to xuandaozong to run wild. Don\'t you know how to write the word" death "

"Now, let you see the power of killing armor!"

With the spread of the ghost King\'s voice, Mo GE\'s momentum began to rise madly.

The endless killing spirit surged wildly around Mo Ge.

At this time, Mo Ge is more and more like a killing evil god!


The voice of Mo Ge seemed to announce the death of these people.

The meaning of killing in the artistic conception of killing suddenly increased several times, which made those quasi imperial martial mirror strong who were originally sober fall into a dreamland!

Everyone of xuandaozong below is boiling with blood!

The enemy is threatening. Unexpectedly, just a Mo Ge holds the life and death of so many strong people in his hands!

Nothing is more exciting than this


The fourth ancestor Dongfang sword rushed out in panic: "Mo Ge, stop! Stop!"

The Duanmu family were also trapped in the killing mood by Mo Ge.

Dongfang Jian saw that Mo Ge was ready to kill. Finally, he couldn\'t help rushing out to stop him.

"Hmm?" mogurt paused.

It was such a meal that the opportunity to kill the "shadow moon army" was lost.

A palm as dark as ink suddenly stretched into the killing mood from the outside. Before Mo Ge had time to respond, it printed on Mo GE\'s back!


There was a loud noise on the killing armor, and Mo GE\'s blood spewed out. People have been blown out like meteorites!

And the artistic conception of killing and death he displayed disappeared in an instant!

"A group of waste people were tossed to death by a hairy boy. What\'s the use of you!" Lu Tian, the great elder of Wuji demon sect, sounded through the sky of xuandao sect.

Lu Tian, who was originally arranged by yingyue to guard "Shuying", found it wrong and rushed to xuandaozong!

The joy just brought by Mo Ge suddenly turned into anger and panic!

According to the information of the night soul before, this Lu Tian is the cultivation of the seventh heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror!

The strength is still above the shadow moon!

Now, the elite of xuandaozong have done their best, and no one can deal with such a powerful person

"Now I\'m in trouble..." ZHUGE Xianer\'s mind turned and frowned for the first time.


Mo Ge, who was beaten out, appeared opposite Lu Tian with a cold expression.

"You just attacked me?"

Mo GE\'s voice is as cold as ever, without any emotion.

"What\'s more, can you stand my palm?" Lu Tian rubbed the palm of his right hand with his left hand, and drove out the sharp and unparalleled killing spirit in his palm without any trace.

Then, he took a deep look at Mo GE\'s killing armor and showed a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes: "I thought there was nothing like xuandaozong that could enter my eyes. Unexpectedly, a warrior in the imperial martial arts realm was wearing such armor!"

It\'s a little strange that a warrior in the imperial martial realm could withstand the palm of the seven powerful heavenly masters of the imperial martial mirror because he was wearing such a armor.

Not only that, the killing gas on the armor rushed into Lu Tian\'s palm, almost confusing Lu Tian\'s magic!

"I\'m afraid this is the treasure of the top ten Heavenly weapons!"

"There\'s no place to look for in broken iron shoes. It takes no time to get it! If I can get this armor, even if I encounter the thin shadow, I don\'t have the strength of a war!"

Lu Tian\'s eyes were getting hotter and hotter. He couldn\'t help laughing: "what if it\'s me?"

"Ants are trying to shake the tree and overestimate their strength. You want to stop me?"

At this time, a slightly lazy voice sounded behind Lu Tian: "not only him, but also me."

As soon as the voice came out, not only Lu Tian and the shadow moon corps, but also a group of people of xuandaozong below were surprised!

Chu Qingcheng!

Chu Qingcheng, who was still standing behind Zhuge Xianer, unexpectedly appeared behind Lu Tian out of thin air!

Regardless of the enemy, no one can see how he did it!

Chu Qingcheng shook his wrist and held a long sword in his hand. With a little helplessness, he said, "toss around, or do it myself. Hey, lonely!"

Lu Tian suddenly turned around and cut to Chu Qingcheng with a palm knife.

Is it easy for the strong man of the seven heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror to make a move?

A simple palm knife, but the ink like magic spirit rolled like a tide, condensed into a magic knife, traversed between heaven and earth, and fell straight towards Chu Qingcheng!

"Get out of the way!" many people in xuandaozong exclaimed.

This knife is too terrible.

No one thinks Chu Qingcheng can take it down!

Even Mo Ge on the opposite side is staring round at the moment. He wants to urge the power of killing armor and help Chu Qingcheng!

In the eyes of people who are shocked

The long sword in Chu Qingcheng\'s hand stabbed out feebly.


Tip to tip.

This handy sword was just on the tip of the magic knife!

The next moment, an incredible scene happened.

The terrible magic knife across the sky was like a bamboo that was shot quickly. It separated from the tip of Chu Qingcheng\'s sword towards both sides.

Then, the crazy spirit swept through Chu Qingcheng on both sides, blowing his white robe and long hair.

Chu Qingcheng snorted, and the long sword stirred violently, completely killing the rest of his strength.

Lu Tian\'s eyes flashed with blood: "good, good!"

"I didn\'t expect such a person in xuandao sect! It\'s worth your trip today!"

"Then I\'ll cut you two first, and then step down on xuandaozong!"

The emperor\'s martial mirror seven times the powerful power of the sky, rolling in all directions.

The people of xuandaozong below suddenly sank down