Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1322

In the xuandao sect, there are changes and protrusions.

Mingming has gone to the shadow of the wild and desolate valley. It appears strangely.

Shu Ying was angry and wanted to kill Ying Yue on the spot. When he peeped at the blood clan on the side, he finally couldn\'t help it!

The huge and incomparable blood sword was very fast, with a sharp sound of breaking the air, expelling the air

Instantly fell on the light palm condensed by thin shadow!


This loud noise was much more terrible than the previous attack on the xuandaozong formation.

It made people\'s eardrums ache and their minds rumble.

Unparalleled energy swept in all directions, forming waves of blood.

The more than 100000 powerful forces brought by the shadow moon bear the brunt of the attack. They can\'t avoid it, and they are in great trouble immediately!

Just like being hit by a sudden mountain torrent, thousands of people were thrown out without any resistance.

Scream and cry!

Even yingyue and the other two strong emperor Wujing retreated quickly, completely ignoring others.

More than 100000 people who have not really started a war with xuandaozong have been killed at least one fifth!

Where can these individuals resist the aftershock of the attack of the eight powerful heavenly strongmen of imperial martial mirror?

"A group of idiots, good death! Ha ha!"

On Songduo peak, Shen Jianfeng whistled and laughed!

At this time, a handsome man with a blood red cloak and a pale face appeared in the void.

Behind him were two young men with the same evil and huge breath.

As soon as the three appeared, the whole sky over xuandaozong completely turned into a sea of blood, blocking out the sky and the sun!

"Blood... Blood clan!" the shadow moon god\'s color is very strange.

In her plan, blood clan was not considered.

Not only did she not think about it, she didn\'t even think that the blood clan would appear here.

And the first is the three imperial martial mirror eight strong men!

The color of fear appeared in the shadow moon\'s eyes

In the face of Shuying benzun, she is a dead end;

Facing anyone in the blood family, she is also a dead end!

However, since the blood clan saved her, things may not have no room for turning around.

The shadow moon took a deep breath, and sure enough, she saw that the man of the blood clan headed by him turned and looked at her.

The blood clan man gently pointed to the shadow below and said to the shadow moon, "this woman, give it to us."

"You and I join hands to let xuandaozong... Keep chickens and dogs!"

His voice is very light and slow, but it contains the killing intention, which makes people cold and bristle!

The shadow moon\'s eyes turned twice and nodded fiercely: "OK!"

That\'s it. You can\'t escape.

If she runs away, the blood clan may turn around and kill her first.

"Very good. Let me see how powerful the sect protection array of xuandaozong is?"

The blood man burst out laughing.

He turned his wrist and took a blood red sword in his hand. He was about to cut off the protection array of xuandao sect!

Although the big formation of protecting the clan is strong, after all, Shen Lang\'s cultivation was still a quasi imperial martial mirror when he deployed the array, and he was unable to do much in many key places.

The big array can block the strong in the early days of the imperial martial mirror, but it may not be able to block the strong in the eight heaven of the imperial martial mirror!

"You seem to have forgotten my existence!"

Shuying snorted coldly, and the long sword suddenly came out of its scabbard, but it appeared in front of the three strong blood clan!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The simple three swords directly cut the void and rowed to the three strong blood clan.

"So fast!"

The blood clan has always been very confident in their speed, but the three people didn\'t react until Shuying came to them. They were all surprised!

Seeing the thin shadow, the three swords smiled, and the faces of the three blood families became extremely dignified. They all gave up hard shaking and moved out directly like lightning!

The three seemingly simple but strange sword Qi cut through the void, swept across the past and fell into the shadow moon army!

The strong men brought by yingyue just got a firm foothold. Unexpectedly, the attack of Shuying came again so soon. They didn\'t even scream. A large number of people were cut into two sections and then burst into ash!

This includes at least eight strong quasi emperor martial mirrors!

Those people of the shadow moon Legion were a mob. After these two times, the souls of the dead all took risks. They all hid away from each other and dared not approach again!

Several imperial martial mirror octagonal strongmen really want to fight here. I\'m afraid they will become a dead area for thousands of miles!

Even yingyue and the two strong imperial mirrors showed fear and panic at this time.

I ran here in a fierce manner, but I didn\'t expect to encounter such a scene!

"Give your name."

The thin shadow armor was added to face the north, the long sword drooped, looked up proudly and looked at the blood clan man coldly.

There is a great potential for one man to take over the pass and ten thousand men can\'t open it!

Ling Xue and Ling Yue walked to the East and west of xuandaozong array.

Chiyanfeng\'s long hair danced and appeared in the south of xuandaozong array.

The people of xuandao sect below cheered and shook the sky, and the momentum reached its peak for a while!

The blood clan man smiled and said, "it\'s my honor to fight with Lord Shuying of Zhuque house in the demon God hall. I\'m Dora."

"I wonder if Lord Shuying dare to leave here with us, find a battlefield in the wilderness and let go?"

Adola saw the power of Shuying from the three swords that had just been Shuying.

Knowing that there is thin shadow control here, it is almost difficult to have a chance to break the xuandaozong array.

And if the four fight here, a group of "tools" on the other side of the shadow moon dare not approach, but they will lose the role of "tools".

If not, Shuying took the opportunity to destroy all these "tools". Then this play is not fun.

So adola showed a very "gentleman" appearance and wanted to fight with Shuying in the wilderness.

Seeing that the thin shadow didn\'t speak, Adora smiled again and said, "don\'t worry, the blood clan will come. I have three people. Three people are enough."

"You see, there are more than 100000 murderous people here, and the people of xuandaozong are fierce in war. If they can\'t do it because of our war, won\'t they be disappointed?"

"Life is a play. Now what you and I face is also a play."

"Now that the big play has begun, why don\'t we make the singing more exciting?"

Adora made up her mind to use the knife of yingyue to kill people.

I absolutely don\'t want to see this group of people killed now, nor do I want those people to flee because of fear... What a joke, they all fled, leaving only three of them. What\'s the fun?

If there is no thin shadow, with the strength of the three of them, it will not take too many minutes to crush xuandaozong.

But it\'s hard to say who will win.

Adora works very steadily. She is not absolutely sure and rarely makes moves.

In his opinion, this is the biggest reason why he can live to the present.

He is not afraid to refuse.

Because playing here is not necessarily good for xuandaozong.

The four emperor\'s martial mirrors and the eight strong heaven started to break the xuandao sect array sooner or later.

No matter how powerful the thin shadow is, how can it protect so many people of the whole xuandaozong with one dozen and three?

Adora looked at the thin film with a smile and waited patiently for her reply.

Thin shadow turned his head and looked at the bottom.

Zhuge Xianer nodded slightly below.

"As you wish, you and I will choose a battlefield in the wilderness, and leave it to them." Shuying said indifferently.

"Lord Shuying is refreshing enough!" Adora burst into laughter.

Then, his body shook and turned into a blood light with the other two strong blood clan, flying to the wilderness like a meteor.

Shuying snorted and followed!

"Ha ha ha!"

The strong emperor of Wuji demon sect * * * * laughed wildly: "xuandaozong will completely disappear from this world today!"

The overwhelming shadows scattered and surrounded xuandaozong from four directions of southeast and northwest!

Below, the clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang!

Shadow moon smiled: "Ling Xue, without thin shadow, why do you two fight with me?"

"The waves and snow Shio ogle, and have angered the princess, do you two want to oppose your royal highness?"

Ling Xue angrily scolded: "fart!"

Ling Yue didn\'t speak and stared at Ying Yue coldly.

At this time, Zhuge xian\'er\'s fingers below gently pointed upward: "up!"

Several figures immediately soared into the air!

Lingxue and Lingyue in the air, and ChiYan wind, move quickly!

Ling Xue and Ling Yue, who are at the peak of Emperor Wu Jing\'s five fold sky, stand in front of Ying Yue with their eyes on them;

Chiyanfeng stopped in front of Bao Jinyun, the strong man of Wujing, the emperor of Wuji demon sect;

The huge duanmuxie, holding a trident to kill heaven, and dinaros, the king of the Yan devil, guarded the * * * * of the double heaven of the imperial martial mirror;

The quasi emperor Wujing leaders such as the stone people and the Shura have identified their opponents one by one and divided countless battlefields in the void!

Zhuge Xianer pointed a finger: "kill!"

An amazing war immediately set off around xuandaozong!

Soldier to soldier, general to general, shout to kill Zhentian!

In addition to these battlefields, more than 100000 shadow moon legions, with boundless murderous spirit, rushed towards the xuandaozong array!

The dark crowd just rushed over and didn\'t have time to fight

A dark figure in ferocious armor appeared in front of them.

"Mo Ge!"

Zhuge xian\'er below screamed.

Obviously, the emergence of Mo Ge is not in her plan.

Chu Qingcheng walked slowly and youyou said, "let him kill. Mo Ge was born and grew up in the killing. Now he still wears the killing armor... This is his battlefield."

A group of people of xuandaozong looked at each other.

Many people still don\'t understand the power of this killing armor.

Besides a few people know about killing the ghost king in war armor, others don\'t know anything.

At the moment, I\'m in a cold sweat for Mo Ge!

The people of xuandaozong are still like this, not to mention the shadow moon army rushed over with evil spirits.

Seeing Mo GE\'s sudden appearance, those powerful demons who charged in front burst into laughter

"There is no one in xuandaozong. Unexpectedly, he sent such a hairy boy out?"

"How dare a suckling boy run wild in front of us? Kill him!"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill the boy, join hands to break the big array and attack xuandaozong!"

Mo Ge, who had never spoken, raised his head at this time: "do you really want to die?"