Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1321

The sound of frost knife is cold and heartless, like announcing the death penalty

"The legendary sect of the holy summer region, the limitless demon sect;"

"The dark gold sect of the holy summer region, the blood devil sect;"

"The dark gold sect in the ethereal region, the nether sect;"

"Dark gold level force in Xuantian region, seven evil spirits sect;"

"Dark gold level force in the snow region, Saint witch sect;"

"Snow region spirit copper level force, white bone hall, blood wing demon sect."

"There are also dark iron forces in the snow area, Duanmu family, burning sky Valley, Baihua palace and so on. There is no trace of blood clan for the time being."

The hall, which had been quiet for a while, immediately became noisy again.

"Is it really the limitless demon sect? So what\'s the matter with the limitless demon sect and the abyss devil\'s joint attack on the earth cracks? Is it a conspiracy to lure the tiger away from the mountain to transfer Lord Shuying from xuandaozong?"

"There are so many dark gold forces. What do they want to do?"

"It\'s just a legendary sect. I\'m afraid he\'s a bird! If he comes, they\'ll never come back!"

"The limitless demon sect robbed the earth crack, perhaps for the eternal tree, but what is it for dealing with xuandaozong? It\'s inexplicable!"

Among the crowd, Dongfang Jian, the fourth ancestor of xuandaozong, squeezed out and asked strangely, "that... Shuangjian, which Duanmu family did you just say?"

Frost sword was silent for a moment before he said, "it\'s Duanmu Rongrong\'s Duanmu family."

"What!" the face of Dongfang sword changed greatly and retreated three steps.

In just two words, the old man who looked very obscene changed from red to gray.

Many people present know the story of Dongfang sword more or less.

It is said that Dongfang sword was also handsome, fell in love with Duanmu Rongrong and made a good story for a while.

Unfortunately, Dongfang Jian suddenly changed his temper. He not only ran out to flirt with women, but finally abandoned Duanmu Rongrong.

Therefore, xuandaozong and Duanmu family became sworn enemies.

Oriental sword also got a nickname, "bitch".

When Shen Lang first came to the imperial capital of Zichu state, he met Duanmu Rongrong at the door to chase Dongfang sword.

When Xue Shiyin first found Shen Lang and xuandaozong, she once satirized that Dongfang sword was a "bitch".

Unexpectedly, this time, there was Duanmu family in the sect power against xuandaozong!

The problem is that Dongfang sword abandoned others first. Xuandaozong and Duanmu family have long been sworn enemies. Isn\'t it normal for Duanmu family to appear in the enemy forces now?

What\'s the matter with Dongfang sword?

Lanyan, the ancestor of the shy flower sect, knows something about it.

At the beginning, Shen Lang set up a life and death reincarnation array in the back mountain of xuandaozong, allowing everyone to practice.

As a result, Mo Ge and Dongfang sword were trapped inside.

Dongfang Jian was trapped because it had become his demon.

However, this time is obviously not the time to say this. Gong Lanyan and other people who know the inside story sighed in their hearts and felt a little pity for Dongfang sword.

Just when they were surprised, Dongfang Jian suddenly came out, bent down towards them and said, "I know I\'m an idiot, shameless and shameless, but... If you can, I hope you will show mercy when facing Duanmu family."

"Oriental sword, thank you very much!"

Compassion for the enemy is cruelty to one\'s own people.

So Dongfang Jian said his request was stupid and shameless.

Without waiting for everyone to respond, Dongfang Jian sighed and walked outside.

In a little time, he seems to be much older.

The first ancestor Jianghai Angel winked, and the second ancestor Ren Yongyong immediately followed him out.

Frost Dao and other Dongfang swords went out of the hall. Then he continued: "I entered the wild chiyanfeng a few days ago. I have received the information and returned. At the same time, he has brought a good news... Advanced imperial martial mirror, success!"

The whole audience was immediately boiling: "OK!"

Chiyanfeng, who was originally a Kirin, successfully attacked the emperor\'s martial mirror. He can be regarded as the second person after Shen Lang, the xuandao sect!

Taking into account the advantages of his divine beast Qilin, his strength is probably not much worse than that of emperor Wujing\'s double sky!

Zhuge xian\'er smiled: "now everyone knows what happened and what will happen next."

"Well, now let\'s plan how to resist the enemy."


Broken soul mountain, outside the valley.

Five bronze tripods more than one foot high fell one after another, covering Shuying in them.

Under the bronze tripod, a huge Dharma array that had already been arranged appeared.

The light on the Dharma array is bright, forming a bell shaped boundary that is only a little larger than the bronze tripod, which covers the bronze tripod.

Around the Dharma array, dark magic chains tightly locked the bronze tripod.

There was a loud noise in the bronze tripod, but the bronze tripod and the border just trembled slightly and was extremely stable.

In the void, the figure flashed.

With the Dharma array as the center, dozens of people divided into three layers showed their shapes.

These people are led by Lu Tian, the great elder of Wuji demon sect!

In addition to the three emperor Wujing strongmen of Wuji demon sect, there are also a large number of quasi emperor Wujing strongmen and Emperor Wujing strongmen!

Everyone was holding the formula and sweating on their faces.

It seems that the arrangement and operation of this array are very difficult.

"Imperial martial mirror eight times heaven? That\'s all!"

Lu Tian put down his hands and smiled darkly.

With a wave of his right hand, "leave five quasi emperor Wujing in the middle stage, and others will rush to xuandaozong immediately."

"Lord yingyue, I\'m probably impatient. Ha ha!"


Xuandaozong became busier than ever.

Chu Qingcheng and Shen Jianfeng are really more relaxed.

At the top of Songduo peak, Mo Ge wears a killing armor and is practicing at the edge of the cliff.

Once the killing armor was put on, almost no one dared to approach the area within five miles around mogo.

Even though he tried very hard to control the killing gas, the terrible meaning of killing can almost make the strong in Huangwu territory collapse in an instant!

"Old devil, he said that thing in my body. Why can\'t I feel it after trying so many times and trying so hard for so long?" Mo Ge always spared words like gold and seldom said so much.

The voice of the ghost king immediately came out of the killing armor: "I don\'t know. I just brought the boss\'s words to you without missing a word. I\'m afraid I don\'t know as much about it as you do."

"Mo Ge was speechless for a while.

I know there is a Book of killing in my body, but I can\'t feel it at all. Nothing is more helpless than this kind of thing.

Suddenly, Chu Qingcheng\'s lazy voice came: "feel it with your heart, and you can see it naturally."

Mo Ge was surprised and turned his head.

Chu Qingcheng was lying on the tree trunk thirty meters away, sleeping leisurely!

"When did this guy come? I didn\'t even feel it!" Mo GE\'s eyes shrunk slightly.

Chu Qingcheng seemed to see through Mo GE\'s idea, smiled and said, "I\'ll sleep here before you come. You remember what\'s in your body. Naturally, you can\'t find my existence."

Mo Ge said coldly, "you don\'t even know what I\'m talking about. Isn\'t it completely empty talk to say heart induction?"

Chu Qingcheng shook his fan and said leisurely, "an old man named Gu Feng told me, so I know that the thing in your body is called \'killing heavenly book\'."

The ghost king immediately exclaimed, "shit, old Chu, have you seen ancient customs? The boss is looking for the old immortal!"

Chu Qingcheng took an eye and stared: "speak well. After all, he is an elder... And he is a strange man who can know the past and future. You scold him in the back. Be careful he takes revenge."

"Well, let\'s get down to business."

"I have a pithy formula for you here. You should memorize it and feel it with your heart."

"Nature can summon it and use it for you."

With that, Chu Qingcheng passed the formula to Mo Ge.

Mo Ge was also straightforward. He immediately concentrated on the mantra and began to recite it silently.

Circle after circle of killing gas gathered into a huge vortex and wrapped Mo Ge in it.

The scene is terrible and amazing!

Chu Qingcheng silently took a look at the vortex formed by the killing gas, turned around with a little smile and was ready to leave.

I don\'t know from which day, he has been used to this kind of life.

There are friends, brothers and laughter.

However, how long can such days last?

Chu Qingcheng raised his head and looked at the void coldly.

Ordinary people can\'t see anything, but in the sight of Chu Qingcheng, a huge meteorite with a flame tail has reached the sky of xuandaozong!


Ripples rippled in the sky, and the whole xuandaozong shook suddenly!


Xuandaozong, who had been prepared, seemed to be a sleeping beast and woke up!

Nine hundred and eighty-one peaks, there have been huge figures!

Xuandaozong protectorate array, run at full speed!

It was at this time that dense figures appeared on the void.

The shadow moon in a long dress, like a queen, sat on the throne and said coldly, "the shadow moon, the Dharma king of the rosefinch house, was ordered to subdue the rosefinch house against Shen Lang!"

"Hand over Shen Lang, otherwise, the chickens and dogs will not stay!"

Two figures with huge breath rose into the air, which were Ling Xue and Ling Yue of Zhuque mansion.

"Ying Yue is bold and dare to slander Zuo envoy. Don\'t catch her quickly!" Ling Xue pointed her long sword at Ying Yue.

Shadow moon giggled: "Shen Lang colluded with the blood clan, betrayed the rosefinch house, and threatened and lured your sisters. We already know."

"This time, in addition to arresting Shen Lang, I will bring you two bitches back!"

"It\'s you who are caught!"

Suddenly, the thin shadow and gloomy voice came up from below: "just catch them both? Do you want to catch me together?"

Shadow moon\'s whole body was shocked, and even her voice trembled: "no... impossible, thin shadow, you\'re not..."

"Didn\'t I go to the despicable Valley and get trapped by Lu Tian?" Shuying chuckled, "this little trick can\'t be fooled by a three-year-old child. How can I be fooled? Yingyue, you let me down!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shuying reached out and grabbed it in the air!

The huge palm appeared out of thin air and grabbed the shadow moon who turned and fled!

Just then

A bloody sword that almost dyed the sky red broke through the air and fell on the palm of the air!

The blood clan hidden on the side, finally shot!