Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1320

Xuandaozong, songduofeng.

The songduofeng hall was crowded.

Shuying, Zhuge Xianer, qiyuanzong and yaowanggu, as well as 130000 leaders of different nationalities, gathered together.

It has been half a month since Shen Jianfeng swallowed a group of abyss demons.

During this half month, due to the reminder of Shuying, Zhuge Xianer urgently deployed 130000 strong aliens to help xuandaozong consolidate its defense.

On the basis of the defense originally arranged by Shen Lang, with the participation of several foreign leaders and the assistance of emperor Wujing\'s eight powerful heavenly powers such as Shuying, xuandaozong\'s defense is almost no weaker than the main city such as Shura City, the plague place.

But some people want to deal with xuandaozong. At present, Zhuge Xianer, Shuying, Ling Xue and Ling Yue know it.

The rest are still in the dark.

This time, Zhuge xian\'er called the crowd for resource allocation.

Although today\'s xuandaozong is still called xuandaozong, it actually brings together many forces that were originally incompatible.

First of all, there are four xuantie forces in the purple Chu state: Mahayana sect, Baihong sect, shy flower sect and evil wind valley;

After that, there are two spiritual copper level sects, Qiyuan sect and Yaowang valley;

Then came the disciples of the northern underworld polar sect;

Finally, there are 130000 aliens.

I\'m afraid it\'s hard to find anyone except Zhuge Xianer to arrange and manage such a messy group of people.

In particular, most of the 130000 alien races are special eaters.

It is not easy to feed such a large group of people.

When people are discussing how to expand their sphere of influence towards the wild and exploit a large number of wild veins

Over the hall, the void gently rippled like the water.

Everyone stopped immediately and stared at the void above.

I saw that in the general position of the water, a translucent Buddha bead with bright Buddha light seemed to break the space and appeared on the top of everyone\'s head.


In the crowd, several strong men of the skeleton family covered their eyes with their hands and hummed coldly.

This pure Buddha light is really annoying to them.

Zhuge Xianer grabbed the Buddha beads in the air with his right hand. The Buddha beads immediately burst and turned into light spots all over the sky, condensing into the appearance of Ruyi Buddha.

"Amitabha!" disorderly sent a Buddha horn in the air and said eagerly: "miss xian\'er, there was an accident in the earth crack of the broken soul mountain valley, the crack of the endless abyss was washed away, and an abyss Lord led countless abyss demons out of the ground!"

"The legendary demon sect, the limitless demon sect, took advantage of this time to unite with the abyss demons and want to seize the cracks in the earth!"

"We and Mingxin sword sect can\'t support for three days. In a hurry, we can\'t find other help..."

"It\'s said that xuandaozong has a strong emperor\'s martial mirror, so he sent this note at the first time."

"Please help us, miss xian\'er, or the earth crack will fall, and the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"What is this bullshit limitless demon sect? They want to rob the earth cracks? Do they want to fight against all living races in the world?" a strong man of the stone people shouted violently.

"Miss xian\'er, we skeleton clan have nothing to do recently. Please send us! I also want to see how strong those so-called abyss demons are!" Mo skeleton, the head of skeleton clan, said in a hoarse voice.

At first glance, the skeleton clan is a little similar to the calcaneal devil.

Several other races immediately shouted and asked for war.

These savage aliens are all militants and are eager to encounter such a thing.

The whole songduofeng hall immediately roared.

Chen Tianci, a fat man sitting next to Zhuge Xianer, raised his head and asked, "master luanlai, how many powerful imperial martial mirror warriors have been sent out by the Wuji demon sect? What is the degree of cultivation?"

Luanlai said in a deep voice, "there are three strong imperial martial mirrors. Among them, the great elder Lu Tian\'s cultivation is the seventh heaven of the imperial martial mirror. The other two are the second heaven of the imperial martial mirror and the third heaven of the imperial martial mirror."

"Many years ago, there were five strong emperor Wujing in Wuji demon sect. One of the ancestors was said to have a grudge against Lu Tian and was killed by Lu Tian; Sima Minghe, another strong emperor Wujing, was killed by martial uncle a few months ago."

Songduofeng hall immediately became silent.

All the heads of different races who just kept shouting were mute.

Most of these alien patriarchs are the accomplishments of the quasi emperor Wujing from bachongtian to jiuchongtian.

Such accomplishments are top-notch in the purple Chu state and even in the snow region.

But let them fight with the strong emperor Wujing

You\'re welcome to say that even if this group of people rushed over, I\'m afraid they can\'t help being a first-class strongman of imperial martial mirror!

It\'s easy to kill the enemy at the higher level, but the gap between the quasi imperial martial mirror and the imperial martial mirror can\'t be counted.

There are not many perverts like Shen Lang after all.

Zhuge Xianer was silent for a moment and turned to Shuying: "sister Shuying..."

Thin shadow nodded slightly: "I\'ll solve it."

With that, Shuying\'s mouth tilted slightly and said to the chaos, "little monk, give me the coordinates of the approximate location of the valley."

When he was overjoyed, he pinched the Dharma formula with both hands, and the whole body turned into light, which fell into the hands of Shuying.

Shuying shook his five fingers gently and said calmly, "Ling Xue, you two sit in xuandaozong and obey the arrangement of sister xian\'er."

As soon as the voice fell, her figure had disappeared on the spot.

Zhuge Xianer lowered her head and took a sip of tea with a teacup.

Then she raised her right hand and gently brushed the void in front of her.

The blue light flashed, and the cold moon, flower soul, wind knife and frost sword of the four heavenly kings of "night soul" all appeared in front of Zhuge Xianer.

This "night soul" was founded by Zhuge Xianer many years ago. Its sphere of influence is like a spider\'s Web all over the western wilderness.

After that, under Shen Lang\'s command, the power of night soul continued to expand and began to develop towards other wastelands. Now it is a well-known intelligence agency.

"Sister Lengyue, say it first." ZHUGE Xianer motioned.

Lengyue looked coldly and said in a quick tone: "in addition to xuandao sect, Mahayana sect, Baihong sect, shhua gate and evil wind valley have been blocked. To be exact, the whole purple Chu state has been blocked and can only go in and out."

"What!" the ancestors of Mahayana and other four sects jumped up directly.

"Xian\'er, what\'s going on? What\'s going on?" said Lanyan, the ancestor of the shy flower sect

"Was it because of this that you asked some of our disciples to move to xuandaozong?"

Zhuge xian\'er nodded slightly: "someone has planned to attack xuandaozong."

Everyone was stunned, and their expressions were very strange.

Someone wants to deal with xuandaozong?

Are you kidding?

Now, the power of xuandaozong can crush a dark gold level force even if it puts aside the three strong imperial martial mirrors of Shuying!

And if we add the three strong imperial martial mirrors of Shuying, even many legendary sects can\'t compete at all!

It\'s almost impossible for the common legendary sect to have the powerful eight heavenly beings like Shuying.

Someone wants to attack xuandaozong at this time?

What for?

Without much explanation, Zhuge Xianer turned to the flower soul.

The flower soul nodded slightly and said, "the long-distance portal from xuandaozong to the wilderness has been arranged properly."

"We lied about carrying out a large-scale trial and asked the lower level disciples of the sect to leave through the portal. Two thirds of the people have been transferred in these three days."

"This includes the children of the Shiren, Shura and other races."

Everyone in the hall stood up and said, "ah? The test said a few days ago is false? For transfer?"

"Who dares to be so arrogant?"

"Miss xian\'er, now that we have such powerful power, why should we be afraid of them? If anyone dares to move xuandaozong, we will let him go!"

"There are several adults in Lingxue and Lingyue. Who dares to die?"

Songduofeng hall was in chaos.

"Everyone be quiet!" Chen Tianci said softly, "miss xian\'er is not afraid, just in case."

"Low level disciples can\'t participate in this level of battle."

"Send them away and settle them properly, so that we can let go and fight this war well!"

"Shen Lang taught us that we should defeat the road before going to war."

The hall was quiet again, but everyone\'s eyes began to rise.

After these people gathered around Shen Lang, their confidence was constantly improving!

At this time, he saw that Feng Dao and Yin shanhan, the ancestor of instrumental yuan sect, took two steps forward.

Feng Dao said coldly: "the annihilation thunder has been distributed. With the help of the seven general of Yanmo, I and yinlao went all over xuandao sect and buried the annihilation thunder in the arrays of xuandao sect."

"Combined with the killing array arranged by Lord Shen Lang, even if the strong in the middle and late period of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror are trapped, it is also a dead end!"

Yin shanhan took out a jade slip and came over: "the specific distribution points are all on it."

"Silence... Silence God thunder!" Gong Lanyan and others who didn\'t know this were surprised and happy to hear this.

The legendary annihilation thunder is the most terrible thing!

Can it be said that the Qiyuan sect led by the cold belt of Yinshan can refine the silencing God thunder?

No wonder they have been mysterious for so long!

Zhuge xian\'er nodded slightly: "copy 9981 copies, one for each peak, and hand them to the warwolf leader who is in charge of the peak as soon as possible."

"OK!" Yin shanhan took back the jade slips, walked aside and began to copy.

At this time, frost sword arched his hand and said, "my subordinates have sent a note to Lord Shen Lang, but the ghost king said that Lord Shen Lang should be on the way to Tianxing Pavilion. It\'s very far away from here. I\'m afraid it will take some time."

"The disciples of xuandaozong distributed all over the purple Chu state, with the help of night soul and some zongmen, have hidden their identity and lurked."

"The night soul has investigated the forces that block the purple Chu state. They are..."