Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1319

Shen Lang\'s face was a little dignified and said, "I\'m very happy that you can take your heart out to me; I\'m happier if you think so and do so."

"I have a way to make you stronger than you are now, but there are certain risks and may be very painful."

The ape did not break his eyes and said firmly, "I can suffer any pain. Even if it is death, I am not afraid!"

"Say it, boss. As long as it can make me stronger, I dare to do anything!"

"I\'m not afraid of death, and I don\'t want to live a mediocre life. I\'m just afraid I can\'t help watching the tragedy happen!"

"Very good." Shen Lang nodded slightly, "what I said is not complicated."

"You all know that my blood now has the power of Kirin, the power of green dragon, the power of heavenly crocodile, the power of Kui ox and the power of poverty."

"The blood of my chaotic divine body has surpassed the top ten divine beasts."

"Now after integrating these kinds of divine beasts, it has grown to an unimaginable level."

The ape didn\'t break his throat and gave a thump: "then... Boss, what do you mean?"

Shen Lang turned his wrist and took out a transparent jar.

The jar was filled with dark black powder.

Every tiny powder, like a living creature, vibrated and swam away in the jar.

Xue Shiyin\'s eyes shrunk slightly: "is this... A powder ground from the fragments of the demon God? Why, it seems to be a living creature?"

Shen Lang nodded: "it\'s the powder ground from the fragments of the demon God."

"It took me nine cattle and two tigers!"

"There is no magic power in this powder, but the body of the devil has been tempered for thousands of years. It has also bathed in the power of rules for countless years. Even if it is cut into countless pieces and ground into powder, it still has unimaginable vitality."

"It is with its strong vitality that I am ready to do so."

Shen Lang said slowly, "my idea is not complicated. Gather the power of my blood and instill it into you."

"At the same time, I will grind the powder of this demon God fragment into your body, let it integrate with your flesh, and make you pseudo demon gods!"

"If you succeed, your accomplishments will leap thousands of miles, and may even become comparable to the existence of demon gods!"

"Become an existence comparable to the devil..." Duanmu Zheng several guys, opened their mouths and didn\'t close them for a long time.

Shen Lang sighed and said, "old ape, when you were captured by the beast palace, they used the secret method of Tianxing pavilion to integrate their disciples with monsters. I know you must hate it."

"If you don\'t want to do similar things again, I won\'t force it."

The ape said hurriedly, "no!"

"What the boss wants to do now, how can he compare it with the beast palace?"

"I\'ll kill all those people in the beast palace sooner or later!"

"But everything the boss does is for my good... However, although I am a demon family, my flesh is far inferior to this zombie. I don\'t know if I can withstand the power of your blood, boss?"

Shen Lang\'s blood power has already surpassed the top ten divine beasts.

In the ape\'s view, he may not be able to bear the blood of the top ten divine beasts, let alone Shen Lang?

Shen Lang nodded and said, "your worry is also my worry, so I can only try carefully and come step by step."

"I was thinking about this way three months ago, so in the past three months, I soaked you in potions, tried my best to wash and practice your meridians and enhance the strength of your flesh."

"Among you, the risk of bone one and bone two is the smallest. Their bodies have been soaked in the cold pool by the old ghost for more than 300 years. Later, they have been forged by me to the extent that the King Kong is not bad... Ten thousand steps back, even if they fail, it doesn\'t matter if the body of the Bone Demon is lost."

"As for duanmuzheng, zombies don\'t enter reincarnation. Although the tenacity of the body can\'t compare with the Yan devil, it shouldn\'t be a problem to bear my blood at this level."

Shen Lang sighed and continued, "your flesh is relatively the worst. But you are a wild demon ape. Your flesh is much stronger than other demon families, and your blood is mutated."

"Mutated blood and the power of integrating other blood are the easiest and safest."

"If the integration is smooth, you should be more likely to succeed than duanmuzheng."

"But after all, there is no reference material for this kind of thing. Even I can\'t determine the risk..."

The ape didn\'t break, his face turned red, and said gratefully and firmly, "boss, let me try! I\'ll stick to it!"

"If you really can\'t bear this force and your body collapses, it\'s a big deal to repair the ghost road like an old ghost!"

Duanmu Zhenghe\'s one bone and two bones. They also patted their chest and cried, "boss, come on, we\'ve been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Shen Lang looked at the ape with satisfaction and said, "very good, so let\'s start now."

As soon as he said it, Shen Lang shook his sleeve robe and took everyone into fengtianding.

As soon as he entered fengtianding, Shen Lang opened his five fingers and grabbed the bone in an instant.

Deliberately, the huge body looks like a doll in front of the Shen wave.


Shen Lang knocked on the skeleton of one bone twice and made a clear sound of gold and iron.

Looking closely, the steel skeleton is full of veins, just like blood vessels.

These things were not available long ago.

They didn\'t appear on the skeleton until they broke through Wang Wujing.

Through these "veins", the power of the four bone demons can better control the body and send out more powerful power.

Shen Lang once recorded and observed these for some time.

At this moment, Shen Lang broke his arrogant silver eyes and collected everything in the bone skeleton into his eyes.

At the moment, except for no skin, no internal organs, the meridians are almost the same as the human race.

"Man is the spirit of all things. Demons and beasts become adults when they have achieved success in cultivation. Bone demons also evolve towards human form in the end... So, the later they are, the smaller the gap between the cultivation of bone demons and the cultivation of human warriors."

Shen Lang grinned, and his fingernails scratched gently on the skeleton of bone one, just like drawing a picture, which "opened up" a meridian for bone one!

"Bone one, let your strength flow through this meridian." Shen Lang ordered.

The bones were stunned and acted according to their words.

The power of the bone devil began from the skull and extended downward, and passed through the meridians just developed by Shen Lang in an instant!

The bone immediately howled: "God, since Wang Wujing began to feed until now, I have developed several meridians. Boss, your fingers are one meridians. I knew so..."

"Shut up!" Shen Lang interrupted this guy\'s dry howl and said, "I really think it\'s so easy to open up meridians?"

"It\'s really simple to open up meridians on your body with my power, but meridians are actually part of the spiritual array in your body. They must be connected with other meridians without mistakes."

"Otherwise, if your strength goes wrong, you will eventually lose control and simply kill yourself!"

Xue Shiyin said cautiously, "you have the highest attainments in refining utensils. Can you refine bone demons as utensils?"

"Since the combination of the meridians on the bone devil is the spirit array map, you help them open up one meridians for one bone and two bones, and then build it into a spirit array map equivalent to the emperor\'s martial mirror... And even the great emperor\'s martial realm. Isn\'t it much faster than their own cultivation?"

Bone two bone three bone four one listen, Leng a Leng, and then bang when all knelt down: "ask the boss for success!"

Duan muzheng stood on the side, jealous: "yes, you don\'t need to practice. Let the boss directly refine you into a heavenly weapon? Why can\'t I meet such a good thing?"

Shen Lang smiled: "it\'s not a heavenly artifact, it\'s a bone emperor!"

"Shiyin is right. That\'s what I want to do."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang\'s hands were like the wind. If they were really like the voice of snow poetry, they began to operate.

Transform and open up meridians and build a powerful spirit array in the skeleton of Bone Demon;

Then instill Shen Lang\'s own blood and let the Bone Demon\'s body completely absorb it;

Finally, the powder particles ground from the fragments of the demon God are evenly penetrated into the body of the bone devil one by one, so that the bone devil can begin to become a "pseudo demon God"!

If all goes well, the legendary dark Emperor... Bone emperor will be born in Shen Lang\'s hands!

When Shen Lang here was interested in transforming bone demons and creating "pseudo demon gods".

He didn\'t know that a great disaster would soon fall on the head of xuandaozong

This time, those who want to deal with xuandaozong are not only the people in the demon God hall, but also the blood clan!