Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1318

Endless chasm.

Where Shen Jianfeng devoured a large number of abyss demons.

A slim figure appeared out of thin air.

It is Ling Xue, the strong man of the left envoy Department of Zhuque mansion.

Ling Xue looked around carefully, felt the breath around, and fell into the real endless abyss.

A few hours later, Ling Xue returned to her place again.

She stayed in the small guild quietly. Ling Xue stepped out and disappeared into the darkness.

After Ling Xue disappeared, the dark brown ground suddenly began to become wet, and a circle of blood mist slowly condensed into a human shape.

This is a pale but handsome young man.

The young man was shrouded in a thick blood mist. From the outside, it looked like he was in a dream.

"Interesting, it\'s really interesting. Does anyone want to attack xuandaozong?" the young man smiled strangely: "the blood shadow emperor said that Shen Lang was extraordinary. Let\'s be careful."

"In that case, let these people do it first. I, Adora, will benefit!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The blood fog was completely closed again. The laughter was still wandering in this space, and Adora had disappeared on the spot.


Xuandao zongsong has many peaks.

Ling Xue stands in front of Shuying and is reporting everything found in the investigation.

Shuying\'s eyebrows wrinkled deeper and deeper: "do you mean that after being swallowed up by Shen Jianfeng, the corpses of those abyss demons mysteriously disappeared?"

"And the abyss devil in the nightmare court has also lost its trace?"

Ling Xue nodded and said, "yes, although there was no trace left at the scene, it was obvious that someone had entered it and took away the bodies of those abyss demons."

"As for the nightmare court in the endless abyss, there are obvious signs of fighting in it. I checked it again and can confirm that the abyss demon leader in the nightmare court is at least the level of emperor Wujing abyss Lord."

"But neither the Pit Lord nor the other pit demons disappeared."

"In addition, when I left that place, my heart beat faster for a moment, as if..."

"It seems that someone is peeping on the side!"

"But from beginning to end, my mind completely covered that area, but I didn\'t find any abnormality."

"Even you can easily hide it. This person can\'t be underestimated."

"In a place like the purple state of Chu, such a strong man appears to be coming for the xuandaozong."

Ling Xue nodded and said, "in fact, even in the whole snow area, there is no such person. I doubt..."

"What do you doubt? If you have something to say, don\'t hesitate." thin film said calmly.

Ling Xue slightly bowed her head and said, "there are a lot of people offended by Ambassador Zuo. It is absolutely impossible for people or forces who offended me to have cultivation above me."

"Those who have offended recently, whose strength has reached this level, are only those demon generals and blood families in our demon temple!"

"The big devil generals are frightened by the means and power of the left envoy, and are afraid of the... Backstage of the left envoy, so it should be impossible to do such a thing against the xuandaozong."

"According to the guess of my subordinates, the possibility of blood clan should be the greatest!"

Shuying nodded: "your guess is the same as mine."

"Emissary Zuo first inflicted heavy damage on the blood shadow emperor in yumudong blessed land, and then leveled all blood families in the plague land... If I were the leader of blood families, I should do something against him at this time."

"When your excellency sent us to protect 130000 foreigners here, I thought it was a bit of a fuss to let us go. Now it seems that your excellency Zuo is far sighted and anticipates things like God. As expected, we can\'t compare..."

Shuying\'s sleeve robe shook up: "hum, I want to see what kind of role the blood clan has sent. Dare to do such a thing under my eyes!"

She whispered: "Ling Xue, be careful, you immediately send a message back to the rosefinch house... No, the rosefinch house is too far away. You send a message back to Shura City, the plague place, and let the hundred mile adult send the strong!"

"If the blood clan wants to regard this as a battlefield, we\'ll give him a head-on blow!"

"Hum, if I can\'t even protect the little xuandaozong under the left envoy, I won\'t have to come out to mix in the future!"

"Yes!" Ling Xue bowed slightly and immediately went out of the door.


Xihuang Shizhao mountain range.

A huge Phoenix crane, which is made of spiritual power, flies to the east at a speed as fast as lightning.

On the back of Fenghe, Shen Lang and Xue Shiyin sat cross legged. Xue Shiyin\'s head rested on Shen Lang\'s shoulder and his face was full of smiles.

"What are you going to do after going to Tianxing pavilion? They\'re afraid they won\'t easily hand over the \'ten sides kill guns\'?" Xue Shiyin asked with a little worry.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "according to the information I know, there is an ambiguous relationship between Tianxing Pavilion and the war temple, and they are selfish and stingy. I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy to get all the guns from them."

"But now that I\'m here, whether it\'s stealing or robbing, I must get it. I won\'t go back empty handed."

Xue Shiyin said angrily: "you\'re still the first one I\'ve seen... When you say steal and rob, you can still be just and awe inspiring."

"Yes? Ha ha ha!" Shen Lang laughed.

Shen Lang has got the broken empty knife among the five Heavenly God soldiers.

Under the leadership of Lei Yanzi, all the strong people of the northern underworld polar Tianzong are now in the sealed Tianding like the spore man.

Shen Lang\'s second goal is to kill all ten of the five Heavenly God soldiers.

If Shen Lang hasn\'t broken through to the great emperor\'s martial realm and wants to go wild in Tianxing Pavilion, I\'m afraid he\'s a little short.

But now it\'s different

In these more than three months.

Shen Lang first refined Kui Niu\'s blood, and then swallowed up the power of gods and demons in the fragments of demons and gods.

And thoroughly absorbed all the power of the "source of pain".

Now, it is the double heaven of Emperor Wu territory!

At this time, the power of chaotic gods and the terror of chaotic divine power, but where can the double heaven strong in the emperor\'s martial realm Parry?

It was when he broke through the limits and reached the new bottleneck that Shen langcai leisurely ran out to see the scenery.

Shen Lang summoned duanmuzheng to Feng Tianding.

Duanmuzheng, the ape didn\'t break, and there were four bone demons. They immediately surrounded the city on the back of the Phoenix and crane.

Shen Lang\'s eyes slowly swept over them.

Duan muzheng\'s accomplishments have reached the peak of the seventh heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, which is only a little worse than Xue Shiyin;

Ape unbreakable is the initial state of quasi emperor martial mirror;

The four bone demons, bone one and bone two, are the most pitiful. Up to now, they are just like the two or three Heaven in the Huangwu realm... No way. Shen Lang doesn\'t know much about the cultivation of bone demons, so he can\'t give directions at all.

But now Shen Lang can finally free up his hand to solve the cultivation of these people.

Only by absorbing the power of Yuan force fragments, and then pointing from the side, although it is ten times and a hundred times faster than other martial artists, it is too slow and too slow in Shen Lang\'s view.

The plan of "pseudo demon God" should be implemented after their flesh reaches this point.

"Old ape, do you want to be strong?"

Shen Lang pondered for a moment before saying a word.

Everyone was stunned.

What\'s this called? Who doesn\'t want to be strong?

Don\'t everyone work hard under your guidance?

The ape said in a deep voice, "yes, I think about getting stronger all the time."

Shen Lang then asked, "what do you want to be strong for?"

The ape answered without thinking: "my life was saved by the boss. If it weren\'t for the boss, I might have become a slave to the beast palace, or I might have been destroyed."

"I want to repay my boss and do something for my boss."

The unbreakable voice of the ape is extremely sincere.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I don\'t need your reward. Saving you is just a small effort for me."

In those days, Shen Lang\'s strength was still very weak. One by one, one by one.

Later, the ape did help him a lot.

Listening to Shen Lang\'s words, the ape didn\'t break and didn\'t speak, but his eyes were firm.

Shen Lang sighed and said, "old ape, I saved you. Of course, I hope you can help me, but you should understand that the most precious thing I gave you didn\'t save your life in my opinion."

"It gives you freedom and the opportunity to live freely in this sky."

"If you just want to repay me and want to become stronger, then I won\'t say what I wanted to say next."

"Because in my opinion, anyway, I have already returned your soul blood to you. You are very good now. You can go wherever you want and continue to practice if you want to continue. This itself is a good life."

The ape hesitated for a moment, as if he had summoned up courage before saying, "I... I really want to be strong. I\'m very happy in these days of xuandaozong and around the boss."

"The landlady is very kind to me, and others are also very kind to me."

"They not only didn\'t look down on me and didn\'t exclude me, but treated me as a brother..."

"I like this kind of life and like to be with them. I, I don\'t want such a place to be destroyed by blood clan or some bullshit demon. I don\'t want these people to die in this troubled world!"

"I know that my cultivation and strength don\'t deserve to say such words. I\'m not qualified to protect others."

"But I want to be stronger. I want to do my best to do something for them..."

Shen Lang didn\'t speak.

Snow Shiyin has tears in her eyes.

Duanmu slapped the ape on the shoulder and almost slapped the ape directly on the ground: "old ape, you touched me!"

Bone one bone two bone demons whined, as if they were really crying.

But no tears.