Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1305

Shen Lang first found that he had inadvertently entered the enchantment of the witch clan, and then found that some blood clan strongmen had been trapped in the enchantment, and these blood clans had made friends with the witch clan.

The speed is all open, and the Shen wave has flown past at a speed as fast as lightning.

In this enchantment of the witch clan, layers of space crisscross. Even if Shen Lang\'s cultivation has reached such a terrible situation, he doesn\'t dare to tear up the space and travel in this enchantment.

If you are careless, you may break into a different space, get lost in it, and never return.

Along the way, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger.

In addition to this disgusting blood gas, there is a mysterious and ancient smell, like a mountain, radiating from the front.

Endless killing, wandering in the wild mountains and forests.

Many huge monsters fell on the ground trembling and dared not even lift their heads.

Shen Lang looked up and saw that there were five colors flashing at the end of the sky.

Pieces of weird and unpredictable runes appear on it, wandering back and forth one by one.

Faintly, some cries of killing could be heard.

Shen Lang restrained his breath, but he didn\'t hide his body shape.

He flickered several times in the air and had crossed thousands of miles to the edge of the battlefield.

Just over the jungle, ten witch people wearing robes and holding witches\' sticks scattered in a circle.

Surrounded by them, there are more than 20 strong blood families!

Under the influence of Shen Lang\'s divine thoughts, the cultivation level of the ten witches surrounding the blood clan is equivalent to about the eighth heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror.

And there are 18 of the more than 20 blood families who are surrounded and whose accomplishments are above the eighth heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror!

The power between the two is obviously unequal, and there is a great difference.

But the seemingly strong side is now completely beaten!

Moreover, at the foot of this group of blood families, there is a huge Dharma array, in which endless light points are released, which seems to restrict their freedom of action!

If the blood clan didn\'t hold a witch woman, I\'m afraid this group of people would have been wiped out by the witch clan

"Dark sky meteorite!"

When Shen Lang just arrived, one of the blood clan attacked the peripheral witch clan.

A huge Dharma array was formed out of thin air when a time wind and clouds surged high above the sky!

Then, fiery red meteorites like mountains smashed down at a witch woman below.

Its potential is amazing!

The witch woman snorted, brushed her palm forward, and a dark green circle stood in front of her.

The huge meteorites fell into the circle without any reaction, as if they had fallen into another world and disappeared.


Not without a trace!

As like as two peas of meteorite enter the circle, a green circle is just like the same color behind the blood clan behind it.

The huge meteorite that just blasted into the dark green circle fell out of the circle behind the blood clan!

Those blood clans seem to have encountered this move before and are already ready.

They turned quickly one by one and attacked the huge meteorites, smashing them all to pieces!

In such a small round, the witch woman only moved her palm and let the blood clan attack fall on their own head.

After a group of blood clan burst the meteorite in the air, they were panting!

"It\'s no use. Any attack you send out will be borne by yourself in the end." the leading witch woman said coldly, "no matter how hard you struggle, it\'s futile."

A group of blood clan showed despair in their eyes.

Not to mention the others, the witch family has almost been invincible with this move alone.

Previously, the blood clan had obvious advantages, but finally it fell to this point, which is largely due to this move.

These blood clans have actually heard of this trick of witchcraft.

However, according to the blood clan data, this move must be performed by the strong of the witch clan above the jiuchongtian of the imperial martial mirror.

However, now the leading witch woman is clearly the eighth heaven of the imperial martial mirror!

In terms of strength alone, this woman is far inferior to most of the blood families present!

Shen Lang, who had just arrived, quietly stopped among the branches and leaves of a big tree on the edge.

Seeing this scene, Shen Lang also praised: "is this witchcraft? With the help of the power of the boundary, it can carry such a degree of attack. It\'s really powerful!"

At this time, the witch woman who had transferred the attack suddenly pointed at Shen Lang!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Less than two meters in front of Shen Lang, a dark gray circle with a diameter of no more than one meter appeared, and strands of arrow like sword Qi shot at Shen Lang!

Shen Lang waved his right hand gently, and a violent breath seemed to disperse the smoke, blowing the dense finger wind into fly ash.

Although Shen Lang didn\'t hide his body shape, he hid his breath after all.

I didn\'t expect that the witch woman could find his existence at the first time!

Shen Lang nodded gently, smiled and said, "the speed is very fast and contains the meaning of medium-term sword, but the strength is too weak."

The woman who made the attack raised her eyebrows and seemed to be stimulated by Shen Lang.

Just then, Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed!

Under the cover of his mind, such a dark gray circle appeared behind him, and the same dense and sharp sword Qi roared out of it!

The important thing is that during this period of time, everyone didn\'t move!

The woman who attacked before did not continue to attack!

A simple move, even a steady stream of attacks... The magic of witchcraft is really extraordinary!


Shen Lang gave a faint sound, his body shook slightly, and a circle of vigorous Qi burst out, superimposed layer by layer, forming layers of protection.

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh!"

The sword Qi from the dark gray circle hit the protective layer around Shen Lang, like a clay ox into the sea.

The circle attacks once and disappears.

Then it appeared in another direction, just like gangrene attached to bone!

However, under the power gap, no matter how magical and powerful the witchcraft is, how can it get Shen Lang?

Shen Lang, I stand still!

No matter how the other party attacks or where the other party attacks, it can\'t break the defense anyway. No matter how strange and frequent the attack is, it\'s just a fake move!

"Huh?" there was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the witch woman.

She gently pointed her finger at the Shen wave!

The five witches have surrounded Shen Lang in a flash!

"Wait a minute, everyone!"

Shen Lang stretched out his hand to stop and wanted to talk.

However, the five people around him were cold and looked like puppets. Without saying a word, they clapped their hands in the void in front of him!


The movements of the five people are neat and uniform, and the five sounds are like one.

At the place where their palms fell, there was a strange and unpredictable Dharma array.

As soon as the Dharma array appeared, it was instantly excited - a dark green light came out!

Five dark green lights converged above Shen Lang\'s head.

Then, a curtain of light fell down, forming a border like a big clock, covering Shen Lang in it!

At the foot of Shen Lang\'s standing, a Dharma array appeared out of thin air, firmly absorbing his feet!

All this is clean and fast!

After all this, the three witches flashed back.

There are only two witches standing around Shen Lang and maintaining the seal!

The witch clan really regards all the people who break into this place as enemies.

Not even an explanation.

"How domineering." Shen Lang couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

"Solved" after Shen Lang, the leading witch\'s finger pointed to the blood clan: "hand over the man, or die!"

The Dharma array at the foot of that group of blood clan immediately rotated and formed a huge border, trapping a group of blood clan in it!

"Jie Jie!" the blood clan freak who sent out the "dark sky meteorite" smiled and grabbed the witch woman in the other person\'s hand.

His slender fingers and nails were long, shining like a poisonous blade. He gently drew a stroke on the neck of the witch woman in his hand, and then said, "can you let us go if you hand over the man?"

"Remove the array, or we\'ll tear up the beautiful girl first!"

The witch woman in the blood clan\'s hand was completely sealed, and only two eyes could move.

At this crisis moment, the woman turned her eyes and looked curiously at the trapped Shen wave on the other side.

The peripheral witch families didn\'t speak, but except the leader, they all showed eagerness.

I\'m quite helpless

The leading witch woman was silent for a moment and waved her hand with an expressionless face.

The border that just appeared and trapped the blood clan disappeared.

Except for the two who maintained the boundary around Shen Lang, the others withdrew a large distance.

Not only that, even the Dharma array at the foot of the blood clan turned around and lost its trace!

"Ha ha ha, I like you who know current affairs..." the strong man of the blood clan laughed wildly and said triumphantly, "but don\'t think it\'s over!"

"Even if you go away, in fact, we are still shrouded in a large array."

"We can\'t get out of this formation alone... Well, you guys lead the way and take us out!"

"If you dare say no, the woman in my hand will become a mummy..."



It was like a breeze blowing. Before the blood clan\'s words were finished, the witch woman in her hand had disappeared out of thin air!

The witch clan and blood clan present were surprised!

No one can see what\'s going on!

Shen Lang\'s speed at this time is as fast as lightning, and there is not even a shadow left!


Without waiting for the blood clan to react, the sky suddenly darkened, and a behemoth pressed down against a group of blood clan!

Unimaginable pressure immediately suppressed a group of blood clans on the spot!


Recently, something happened at home. I can\'t calm down to code words, and the plot has a card. It feels boring to write anything.

Sitting in front of the computer in a daze, I can\'t write a word.

This feeling is really uncomfortable

If you can\'t write it tomorrow, you may have to take a few days off. Alas.

Remember to add my wechat public public number: hwy1717, or search "haiwuyan".