Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1306

What fell from the head of a group of blood clan is the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth!

The mountain transformed by "geocentric magnetic mountain" is simple and direct, covering all blood families.

The five colors spread down and imprisoned the power of the blood clan. At the same time, they also imposed the terrible power of the earth core yuan magnetic mountain on these blood clan!

This group of blood clan sent out inhuman screams and tried their best to hold their hands up to resist the terrible mountain!

Among them, a few people with poor accomplishments knelt down directly in the void, and their legs made a clicking sound... It was the sound of bone fracture!

"Aggressive, aggressive!"

"Ten thousand ghost flags" appeared around this group of blood clans, forming an array to envelop all blood clans.

The continuous screams in the eighteen ten thousand ghost flag and the evil smell released by the ten thousand ghost flag made those witch families in the periphery change their complexion and stay away for the first time!

At the same time, all the staff in the hands of the witch clan were in a flash, and a divine light was released to cover their whole body. The whole God was on guard!

Until this time, these powerful people of the witch clan finally understood

It was the Terran youth who had just been trapped!

The problem is... The boundary jointly arranged by the five witches is still intact!

The witch clan is very confident in their forbidden enchantments. They don\'t even believe that anyone can break them easily.

Unexpectedly, this Terran youth walked out calmly without breaking it!

Such a means is incredible!

What\'s more troublesome is that the witch women abducted by the blood clan have now reached Shen Lang\'s hands!

At the moment, right in front of the witch leader, Shen Lang held the witch woman robbed from the blood clan in his left hand and controlled the earth center yuan CI mountain and the ten thousand ghost flag in his right hand.

A look of light wind and light clouds.

"Let her go!"

The leading witch woman gave a cold drink!

The other nine witches shook their bodies and surrounded Shen Lang with great tacit understanding.

Shen Lang put his finger on his lips and made a "Shh" gesture.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

The leading witch woman looked at the yuan CI mountain and the ten thousand ghost flag in horror, and looked flustered.

Before, she was calm even in the face of a group of powerful blood families.

But now in the face of this mysterious Terran youth, Wu yuescar has lost his composure.

It\'s unimaginable that the Terran youth who came out of nowhere has strong cultivation.

And those two strange treasures are so powerful that people are scared!

He trapped a group of blood clans and robbed Shiya. It is difficult to judge whether he is an enemy or a friend.

They also use the strange treasure to refine the blood clan in front of them. The cruelty of the means is unimaginable!

If they were the enemy, they would never be able to resist. I\'m afraid they had to retreat.

The problem is that Wu Shiya is in each other\'s hands now. How can she let it go?

The breath of witch moon trace became thick and heavy. For a moment, it was difficult to choose.

The Shen wave on the other side is very happy at the moment.

The blood clan of emperor Wujing bachongtian met a lot in the plague place, but if they left the plague place, I\'m afraid they couldn\'t meet too many at one time unless they were in the place of the dark gate.

I didn\'t expect that some blood clan was thinking of the witch clan!

It\'s cheaper for him

The combination of the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth and the ten thousand ghost flags is perfect.

Shen langcai has only got it for a few days, and it\'s already handy.

It\'s easy for Shen Lang to kill these blood families.

But it\'s a pity to kill it directly.

Since the ten thousand ghost flag has fallen into Shen Lang\'s hands to devour and refine the blood clan, it\'s the best!

Shen Lang is looking forward to its power growth!

Shen Lang\'s five fingers, like playing a piano, manipulated the ten thousand ghost flag for a while, and constantly refined his blood clan.

When these blood clans completely lost their resistance, Shen Lang\'s palm came back.

At this time, Shen Lang turned his head, looked at the witch woman in his arms and smiled: "are you not afraid of me?"

The witch woman in his arms has been staring at him curiously since she was robbed by him.

"Shiya is not afraid, you are not a bad person." the woman shook her head gently.

Judging from her appearance, this woman called Shiya looks almost eighteen or nine years old.

A pair of eyes are like gemstones, pure and clear.

Mingming was kidnapped by the blood clan before, but now she was robbed by Shen Lang, but there was no fear, anger or panic in her eyes.

"You\'ve been banned by the blood clan. I\'ll help you lift the ban first. It may be a little uncomfortable. You can bear it." Shen Lang said with a smile.

Wu Shiya nodded: "OK."

Shen Lang shook his hand and clapped it on Wu Shiya.

Wu Shiya snorted miserably, and her face showed a look of pain.

"What are you doing!" a group of powerful people of the witch clan want to split their eyes, but they are afraid of Shen waves and dare not come forward!

Just then, Wu Shiya in Shen Lang\'s arms suddenly tilted her head slightly and looked at the sky. Two blood lights in her eyes shot out like a sword!

"Boom, boom!"

The two blood lights bombarded the boundary barrier in the high altitude and inspired a circle of terrible energy ripples!

Its power is no less than the full blow of an emperor\'s martial mirror eight strong heaven!

"The abominable blood clan has left such a hand on Shiya!"

A group of powerful people of the witch clan look after each other.

If they save Shiya, they will die if they suffer such two swords without knowing the hands and feet of the blood clan!

At this time, Shen Lang gently pointed Shiya\'s forehead, then turned his palm and pulled back

A stream of blood gas from evil to evil escaped from Shiya\'s forehead and was absorbed by the small black hole in Shen Lang\'s palm!

Shiya groaned and fainted directly.

When the strong ones of the witch family changed color again, Shen Lang gently pushed Shiya to the witch moon mark of the leading witch woman.

Wu yuehen was stunned and hurriedly caught it.

Shen Langyou said, "I have lifted the ban of blood clan in her body, and I have extracted the blood energy in her body. She will feel a little tired and weak. She will be fine after a sleep."

With that, Shen Lang put away the geomagnetic mountain at the center of the earth, waved his right hand casually, and the eighteen ten thousand ghost flag contracted rapidly, and began to accelerate the refining of that group of blood clan.

A group of blood clan of emperor Wujing bachongtian didn\'t even have the least resistance within the eighteen ten thousand ghost flags.

Soon it was thoroughly refined and became a member of the ghost among the ten thousand ghost flags.

After all this, Shen Lang took a move with his right hand and put away the eighteen thousand ghost flags.

At this time, the powerful people of the surrounding witch clan have dispersed. They look at Shen Lang strangely one by one, and their vigilance is still not all put down.

Shen Lang turned his wrist and took out the secret mirror.

That day, the machine mirror was bright and suddenly burst into dazzling light, like the scorching sun in the sky!

"Tianji mirror? You are Shen Lang!" Wu yuehen exclaimed.

Shen Lang said with a grin, "it\'s just me. I\'m going to see the witch elders in the secret place of the witch family. Please lead the way."

Wu yuehen snorted and said, "even if the heavenly mirror is in your hand, it doesn\'t mean you must be Shen lang."

"The streamer you just used carries the breath of evil and evil, and the means of refining blood clan is cruel... It\'s not so easy to make us believe that you are Shen Lang!"

With that, a group of witches stepped back and their bodies became faintly visible.

Fearing the strength of Shen Lang, they have begun to make plans to defend and leave with the help of this powerful border power.

Shen Lang smiled bitterly and said: "the ten thousand ghost flag is one of the most precious treasures of the thousand soul hall in ancient times. It contains the ghosts and spirits of countless blood families, as well as the residual souls of some heroes who fought against blood families."

"This ten thousand ghost flag has been obtained by the blood clan. For countless years, it has been bathed in the glory of the blood ancestor. It makes sense for you to feel evil and evil."

"But the magic weapon is only a tool after all. Whether it is evil or not depends on who holds it."

"As for the girl, it\'s even more strange for me to say that my means are cruel... Although the witch clan is hidden in the depths of the wilderness, it can\'t be strange to the blood clan. The blood clan\'s means to treat other races are much more cruel than mine!"

"I\'m just treating him in his own way."

"Sophistry!" Wu yuehen snorted coldly, "they say the Terran is insidious and cunning. You can see one or two from you!"

"Take out other proofs, otherwise, we will trap you through this large array, and then summon you back to the secret territory to send the strong to come. Then you can\'t fly!"

"You can\'t leave this barrier at all, no matter how you cultivate yourself into heaven!"

"Shen Lang was speechless.

The secret mirrors are all taken out. The other party has to come up with other proofs. Isn\'t it difficult to force people?

It\'s really troublesome for the witch woman to be so stubborn.

Shen Lang shook his head helplessly and shook his hands!


Like an angry thunder, Shen Lang\'s whole body was immediately wrapped by the light of thousands of lightning!

Electric snakes swim around Shen Lang quickly, releasing the breath of destruction, making Shen Lang like a Thor at the moment!

"What are you doing!"

Wu yuehen was surprised and became more and more alert.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "girl, don\'t you want me to provide other proof? You have a good look!"

With that, Shen Lang pinched out the Dharma Seals with his left hand, and then raised his right hand over his shoulder, as if holding a boulder, suddenly propped it up in the air!


Endless thunder sounded in the sky, and a circle of rapidly rotating huge thunder clouds immediately took shape.

The terrible force of thunder began to gather rapidly towards the thunder cloud!

A huge Thunder Dragon slowly took shape and poked its head out of the vortex

"This is the sixth floor of the \'Thunder God\'s formula\' of the northern underworld polar sect, and the Thunder Dragon falls from the sky." Shen Lang said calmly: "Lei Yanzi and other predecessors of the northern underworld polar sect are in the secret territory of the witch family. Haven\'t you seen this move?"

Ten strong members of the witch clan looked at each other.

Just when Wu yuehen was still hesitating, Shen Lang stretched out his hand to the huge Thunder Dragon on the void!


The huge Thunder Dragon roared, and most of his body came out of the thunder cloud!

"Be careful!"

The witch moon trace shouted, and the witch staff glowed, forming layers of defense like the sea in the air!

The rest of the witch clan also changed color. They retreated in panic and laid defense at the same time.

Such a powerful Thunder Dragon can\'t be countered by the warrior of emperor Wujing bachongtian!


The Thunder Dragon suddenly darted down from the thunder clouds.

But the target is not the witch people, but Shen Lang himself!