Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1304

When Shen Lang swallowed the source of pain and a piece of demon bone blood fragment with Taiji diagram, under the refining of the tree of the world

Shen Lang\'s previous speculation about demon blood descendants and "pseudo demon gods" has become a reality.

With all the information about the demon blood descendants in the God of war hall, Shen Lang finally figured out the secret of refining the demon blood descendants through three-quarters of reasoning and one-quarter of speculation!

First capture the supreme power of all major races, erase their consciousness, and then pour blood energy with the meaning of rules to completely control them;

Through witchcraft and blood god atlas, he refined the supreme power year after year and completely transformed it into a puppet like demon blood descendant;

Then, the formed demon blood descendants are placed in the blood sea of the blood ancestral mausoleum, soaked for thousands of years, and the body of the demon blood descendants is made into a King Kong;

At the same time, collect the corpse of the demon God and smash the demon God\'s body into fine powder through supreme magic and secret methods.

Then mix the blood of the blood ancestor itself with the blood of the corpse ancestor and the soul ancestor, use the "blood god atlas" to fuse and refine the three kinds of blood, and finally integrate into the powder after the crushing of the demon God\'s body;

At this time, there is only the last step left

Fuse this powder with the already indestructible demon blood!

Let the demon blood generation change, and the body begins to transform towards the degree of demon God!

As long as the demon blood descendants can withstand the power of blood ancestors, soul ancestors, corpse ancestors and the remnant souls of demon gods, and finally integrate successfully... The demon blood descendants can practice the skills of blood ancestors, soul ancestors and corpse ancestors, and their flesh is hard, and they begin to approach the real demon gods!

The corpse ancestor has no soul, and the soul ancestor has no body.

The two are perfectly combined through the reconciliation of blood ancestral blood and blood god atlas.

Finally get the demon shell

This is the latest generation of demon blood!

In this way, the demon blood descendants not only did not have the shackles of the cultivation of the demon blood descendants in ancient times, but also grew rapidly and unimaginable!

The demon blood descendants created by this means have been completely killing machines.

Is it more than a hundred times and a thousand times stronger than the demon blood descendants in ancient times?

If Shen Lang hadn\'t interrupted the blood sacrifice and didn\'t wake up all the power of the demon blood descendant in the plague place, and Shen Lang lost a silent killing God thunder king, I\'m afraid mother-in-law Feng didn\'t kill it so easily.

How terrible would this kind of demon blood descent be in its heyday?

Even if it is difficult to reach the level of the great emperor in the end, it has been regarded as a "pseudo demon God", which is definitely a god of destruction in this world.

Shen Lang\'s eyes became more and more dignified: "if a large number of demon blood descendants were created, the forces such as the God of war hall and the ten thousand demon house in their heyday would not be able to resist the blood clan."

"Is it to deal with the demon temple that the blood ancestor created such a terrible demon?"

"Hum, no matter who it is to deal with, this demon will eventually cause unimaginable crisis to the human race and the demon race. We must find its flaw according to its forging method as soon as possible!"

How strong are the demons and blood descendants of the second heaven in the great emperor\'s martial realm?

I\'m afraid it\'s hard for many Terran emperors to compete with the triple heaven strong in the martial realm!

The three ghosts of qianhun hall and the three emperors of Wanyao house can\'t compete at all!

Once such a powerful demon appears in batches, it is simply a nightmare in the world!

Shen Lang flashed in his eyes and said to himself, "it seems that I have to start making this\' pseudo demon God \'as soon as possible... When it comes to the strength of the flesh, how many races or strong people can compare with the Yan devil?"

"Yan devil, corpse clan, these are the best objects to become pseudo demon gods!"

"As for blood, the blood of chaotic gods is unparalleled in the world. Is it not better than blood ancestors?"

"The only trouble is that I only have such a small piece of demon God fragments in my hand. I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy to find the demon God\'s body."

"By the way, the witch family is equivalent to the descendants of Pangu Protoss. They can know the past and the future. Let them think of a way!"

"After going to the secret place of the witch family, go to Dugu family... Find a way to release the demons, become my help, and help me find the corpse of the demon God!"

After being properly arranged in his heart, Shen Lang closed his eyes again and began to analyze every step of creating a "pseudo demon God".

Can\'t wait to go back to xuandaozong to find dinaros, the king of the Yan devil

Shen Lang\'s idea is to start with Duanmu Zhenghe, one bone and two bones!

Although the accomplishments of these guys are still very poor, they soak in the potion refined by Shen Lang all day and bathe in the pure vitality on the edge of Yuan Li fragments. Their flesh is strong. They have reached the point where they can envy the strong people of ordinary demon families to death.

With thousands of incarnations, Shen Lang\'s cultivation became easier and simpler.

I don\'t even have to spend too much time on cultivation.

The artistic conception of death, the artistic conception of abyss, the artistic conception of creation, the artistic conception of knife, etc. Shen Lang designated a separate person to comprehend day and night;

Shen Lang also left a separate part of the "thunder god formula". He began to practice again from the most basic, integrated with the power of robbing thunder, and wanted to create a new "thunder god formula"!

The unique skill of the soul emperor of qianhun hall, the "soul devouring infinite formula", is no longer like waste products. Shen Lang also designated a separate person to practice.

He made up his mind to let this part no longer shape the flesh, but turn to the ghost road!

Only by turning to the ghost way and appearing as a soul body can we cultivate the "soul eating infinite formula" to the peak!

It\'s not over

Shen Lang left a full 10000 separate bodies and began to study the book of heaven. He wanted to practice "swallowing nature and burying demons" as soon as possible!

There are also 10000 separate bodies, which are invested in the Enlightenment of "Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing".

There is no doubt about the horror of "Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing", which has become Shen Lang\'s strongest killing move.

At that time, the emperor Zhan started and only understood the first few moves. But if the emperor Zhan had not gathered thousands of skills and laid a solid foundation, it would be difficult to reason and create the next few moves even if there were many shenlang adventures.

Over the past few years, Shen Lang has been running around and really put too little time on the study of "Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing".

After all, separation lacks skills.

But now it\'s different

Thousands of incarnations, who can match?

There are 10000 people who can understand the "Five Emperors dragon boxing" every minute. I\'m afraid the seventh move of the "Five Emperors dragon boxing" will appear soon!

Apart from these, the rest of the separation is all about understanding and studying everything about the refining of Tai Chi.

When all this is going on, all the separated bodies seem to soak in the water and absorb the power of gods and Demons surging out of the Tai Chi diagram.

Shen Lang\'s power is advancing by leaps and bounds, thousands of miles a day!

After a drop of poor and strange blood essence stimulated the chaotic divine body to change, Shen Lang was really reborn.

In the whole world, even if those gods and Demons hidden somewhere are included, there is absolutely no one whose cultivation speed can be compared with Shen Lang!

This way of cultivation is no longer understood or imagined by any strong man in the world.

It\'s less than five years since the nine star Lianzhu really came.

However, Shen Lang\'s confidence is much stronger than ever!

In five years, it will develop like this, and get the blood essence of other divine beasts

It\'s nothing to punch Xuezu and kick the devil!


Seven days later.

Shen Lang suddenly opened his eyes.

The huge Phoenix crane stopped at this time and suspended in the air.

Although he had closed his eyes before, Shen Lang kept looking at everything around him.

"The route of the Phoenix crane has always been a straight line, and my perception of God will never go wrong. How can I return to the place I passed an hour ago?"

In the sight of Shen Lang, the mountains are towering, the rain forest is confused, and miscellaneous flowers and trees are a place like a paradise.

But the Phoenix and crane actually passed this place an hour ago.

Shen Lang can even distinguish every leaf on the surrounding trees, which is the same as before!

"It\'s interesting that I entered the border without realizing it!"

With Shen Lang\'s supreme attainments in the array and the fierce spirit of the enemy under the great emperor, he didn\'t feel anything wrong, so he penetrated into a huge barrier!

It seems that this place is not far from the secret place of the witch clan.

Who can arrange such a strange and unpredictable boundary except the witch clan?

Broken false silver eyes immediately turned, and Shen Lang swept around.

Breaking false silver eyes is driven by divine thoughts. The stronger the divine thoughts are, the stronger the breaking false silver eyes are.

However, it didn\'t matter. Shen Lang unexpectedly showed a bitter smile: "is the forbidden array transmitted to Pangu Protoss so terrible?"

"There are multiple layers of space superposition, and each layer of space is moving at an extremely fast speed. Even if you see a flaw, you don\'t have time to open it!"

With the strength of Shen Lang\'s breaking false silver eyes, we can find an opportunity to break through.

However, Shen Lang admired the skill revealed by the witch clan.

If someone else, even with the cultivation of the second and third heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm, he will be trapped in this area alive!

Unless we reach the emperor\'s level and break the skill with strength, we can only continue to cycle in this side of heaven and earth until Shouyuan is exhausted.

Shen Lang turned slowly, starting from the east to the West

When he got to the west, Shen Lang picked at the corner of his mouth: "there are blood families near the secret place of the witch family in the wilderness, and he also touched the witch family. It\'s interesting!"

Then the huge Phoenix and crane turned into a cloud and disappeared into the palm of Shen Lang\'s right hand.

Shen Lang stepped out to the west, and the man had disappeared into the jungle.