Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1303

After the Kui niumo prison fire burst, the momentum of destruction swept in all directions.

The blood clan turned into Shen Lang also swallowed it.

The big "ball" that fled quickly in the distance seemed to be washed away by the flood that burst the dike, fluctuated wildly in the air, and fled to the distance at a faster speed!

In an instant, it was three thousand miles away!

"Click, click, click!"

A sharp and harsh sound came out, and the French shield on the outer layer of the big "ball" was broken inch by inch.

Kui Niu\'s huge body appeared completely again, made a sudden sprint towards the front, and rushed thousands of miles.

At the moment, the armor on Kui ox was as broken as the previous legal shield.



Kui Niu\'s head was flashing red, and he suddenly jumped to the void in front of him at a speed as fast as lightning!

A huge crack immediately appeared in the void.

Mo Qi broke away from the "claw", which is to escape quickly through the space crack!

However, as soon as the crack appeared, it didn\'t have time to open out. With a click, it closed again!

"Impossible! How can the whole space be forbidden? How powerful is this......" Kui Niu, turned into Mo Qi, was frightened.

When the blood clan shot, he already knew that it was hard to resist.

But I never thought that the other party would be strong. Jos could ban such a wide range of space!

And now the prohibition has not been eliminated, which shows that... The last killing move just didn\'t kill the other party!

"Where do you want to go?"

The sound of Mo Qi\'s fear sounded in the rear.

The big hand of blocking the sky and the sun, before Mo Qi reacted, poked out from the strong wind and grabbed Kui Niu\'s tail!

Shen Lang turned into a blood clan, snorted, grabbed Kui Niu\'s tail and threw it down!

"Boom, boom!"

The terrible force pulled Kui ox\'s tail and body straight and hit the ground hard.

Kuinu\'s mountain like body expels the air at an unimaginable speed, making a loud noise and smashing a high mountain below into fly ash!

With Kui Niu\'s contact with the ground as the center, a circle of breathtaking energy overturned the earth, and the earth radiated around like waves!

"Kui Niu, a divine beast, has two sons, but it is only limited to these two sons."

Shen Lang turned into a sneer from the blood clan, and the palm of his hand scratched at the bottom!

At the moment Kui Niu just stood up, a blood red palm several times larger than before appeared out of thin air and grabbed Kui Niu in the palm!


Kui Niu shouted madly: "you dare to kill me, Kui Niu mansion will never let your blood clan go!"

Shen Lang turned into a blood clan and said with a gloomy smile, "if I don\'t kill you, can you let our blood clan go?"

"In the plague land, aren\'t there few blood families killed in Kui Niu mansion?"

After saying this, the huge palm pinched hard!

Mo Qi escaped before because of the outbreak of the greatest power of the purple blood Kui ox and the defense of his armor.

This time, I was not so lucky

In the roar, the powerful Kui ox was pinched into a ball, and the scream of Mo Qi stopped suddenly!

Just such a pinch, Kui Niu, one of the top ten divine beasts, died on the spot.

Even Danying was destroyed in an instant!

Shen Lang pinched the Jue with his left hand and pointed to the huge fist clenched below like a sword!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The divine light went in, and Kui Niu\'s body was broken down. The remaining strength of Dan Ying was extracted with his blood in an instant!

Shen Lang\'s practice is not to take a drop of Kui cattle\'s blood essence, but to extract all the blood power of Kui cattle!

The gushing - thin blood and the broken fragments of Danying gathered madly in the air to form a shocking blood cell.

The blood cells began to spin in the air, faster and faster.

The blood of Kui cattle was extracted and integrated into blood cells.

After a while, the Kui cow\'s body turned into a piece of dried corpse

The blood cells were further compressed and became the size of kiwi fruit, glittering like blood ruby.

Shen Lang threw his sleeve robe and took in the Kui cow\'s body and that blood cell.

Then, his figure mysteriously dissipated in the void, leaving no trace of breath.

Before long, the fierce and powerful breath came from all around, and figures of different sizes but the same terror appeared over the place where Kui cattle died.

These people are the strong men of some alien races in the wilderness.

The previous movement was so amazing that it had shocked thousands of miles around.

These people took a look at the destroyed mountains and forests below, and then smelled the rich bloody gas left in the air. They all swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Then, without saying a word, everyone turned around and returned.

Mangmang mountain forest, once again restored calm.


Two days later, Shen Lang, who had been restored to its original state, had appeared in the dangerous and wild depths.

There are more than three million - miles away from the plague. The environment of the jungle has further deteriorated. Under the condition of a little breath released by the Shen waves, there are still many powerful wild animals who are not afraid of death.

Shen Lang took out the magic mirror of the witch family, put his palm on the mirror and passed in a spiritual power.

That day, the machine mirror immediately flew up from Shen Lang\'s hand, turned in the air, and shone a ray of colorful light towards the northwest.

Shen Lang pinched the formula with his left hand and grabbed it with his right hand. A huge Phoenix crane appeared out of thin air in front of him.

When the wings of the Phoenix and crane shook, two strong winds flew in the air, carrying Shen waves in the direction of the heavenly mirror.

Shen Lang sat cross legged on the back of the Phoenix crane, turned his wrist and took out the blood cells that condensed all the strength of Kui cattle.

This blood cell seems insignificant, but it has at least gathered more than 60% of the power of Kui niumo banner!

If the cultivation of jiuchongtian in the imperial martial mirror did not use the Taiji diagram, Shen Lang could not concentrate the power of this blood and the power of Danying and get it in his hand after killing it.

If we use the "star sucking Da Fa", more than 90% of Kui Niu\'s power can be obtained by Shen Lang.

However, this move has almost become Shen Lang\'s signature trick. It is easy to reveal the stuffing if you are careless.

So Shen Lang didn\'t make the "star sucking Da Fa" in the end.

"The effect of poor and strange blood essence continues, and thousands of avatars are still growing. It seems that it will take at least a month and a half to use this blood cell."

"Sure enough, the longer the time interval between swallowing the blood essence of other divine beasts!"

Shen Lang turned his wrist and collected the blood cells again.

He closed his eyes and began to feel the information of Tai Chi refining the "source of pain".

First, we found the similarity between the source of pain and the body material of demon bone blood descent, and then refined the source of pain through the tree of the world.

Shen Lang pushed upward and was approaching the truth of creating demon blood ancestry

To put it bluntly, this discovery can definitely shock the whole world!

In ancient times, the blood clan was the most feared by the Allied forces of all ethnic groups, that is, three points.

First, the blood of the blood clan can spread like a virus, which makes the major races worried;

Second, the unimaginable power of the blood ancestor... It is said that even gods and demons can suppress the existence. After countless years, it is still like a mountain in the hearts of the strong of all races;

Third, a large number of powerful demon blood descendants!

Now, millions of years later, the blood clan has caused trouble in the world again, and even the demon blood descendants of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s Wu territory have emerged

Although this news will not make all forces in the world despair, it can definitely make people uncomfortable for a long time.

In ancient times, the devil\'s bones and blood were strong, but their strength could not break through the double heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm.

Finally, the Allied forces of all nationalities tried to eliminate them one by one.

But now... The demon blood has broken through this shackle and has almost become a pseudo demon God!

Even Shen Lang is not sure whether there will be more powerful demon blood descendants in the blood clan!

As soon as possible, through refining the source of pain, as well as absorbing the power and information on the fragments of demon bone blood descendants, it is very important to obtain the methods and routes of blood ancestors to create demon bone blood descendants for dealing with blood families and blood ancestors!

Once all this is dug out, Shen Lang can find the weakness or flaw of the demon blood descendant;

Once all this is in hand, Shen Lang can draw gourds according to the same pattern and create a powerful "pseudo demon God" comparable to the blood descendants of demons!

Before that, Shen Lang had some conjectures, but it needs to be confirmed.

At this time, Shen Lang sank down and felt the information of the fragments of demon bone blood drawn from the tree of the world.

The forging, shaping and growth of demon blood descendants... Pictures are flashing in Shen Lang\'s mind.

At the same time, the formation of the source of pain and the perfusion of blood energy containing the meaning of rules also appeared in Shen Lang\'s mind.

Three days passed.

Shen Lang just sat cross legged and motionless.

In the sky, many demon birds pounced on him and the Phoenix crane. As soon as they approached the hundred feet range of the Phoenix crane, they dissipated like dust.

Under the shadow of destruction, almost no monster can get close.


Suddenly, Shen Lang exhaled a foul breath and opened his eyes.

"If so..."

When all kinds of trivial and complicated information are controlled by Shen Lang and sorted out.

The secret of the devil\'s blood was finally clear.

I\'m afraid I can\'t imagine that the blood ancestor, a legendary evil god, has been excavated so simply by integrating the "blood god atlas" and the secret arts of the witch family!

Shen Lang\'s brain combines the information extracted from the fragments of demon bone blood and the source of pain.

The steps and even the know-how to create a demon blood descendant appeared in Shen Lang\'s mind