Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1302

East wasteland, forest of fear.

Over the forest, a huge colorful magic butterfly flew by with a circle of light and shadow, and its speed was amazing.

But strangely, such a fast speed left only a colorful light and shadow that dissipated quickly in the air, and there was no wind at all.

And the birds and animals below did not respond at all.

It seems that they can\'t see the colorful magic butterfly in the air at all, nor can they sense the smell of the colorful magic butterfly.

Sitting on the back of the colorful demon butterfly, it was with the candle dragon that he agreed to deal with the demon girl yingyue of xuandaozong.

The expression of shadow moon at this time did not have the composure when she was with candle dragon.

Instead, he looked a little restless and his face was cloudy and sunny

"Damn it, what medicine does Taotie bastard take and make the whole East wasteland three steps, one post, five steps and one whistle? I don\'t even dare to let go of the speed!"

"If this goes on, when can we catch up with the western wilderness and snow area?"

"Out of the eastern wasteland, we have to pass through Zhongzhou. From the eastern wasteland to the Western wasteland, we almost cross the star continent... Even if there are multiple transmission arrays in the middle, it has been several months."

"Well, bear it more. Only by doing this successfully can you leave this place of right and wrong."

"Hum, the demon temple is very powerful, but where is the blood ancestor? If the demon lord doesn\'t call back, I\'m afraid the blood ancestor alone can hang the demon temple!"

"Expect those venerable people who were crippled by the war emperor to deal with the blood ancestor? It\'s a joke!"

"Not only that, the candle dragon also told me that there is a problem with the seal door of Tongtian Canyon in the foreign battlefield. The demon clan is ready to move. I\'m afraid it will break through the seal and enter the world soon!"

"For this matter, Zhulong mansion has fought with Murong aristocratic family in Tongtian canyon. They all want to seize the opportunity to deal with the demon clan!"

Shadow moon\'s face is full of anger, and her eyes are full of murderous spirit.

"Well, whether the demon clan or the blood clan, no matter how hot they fight with the demon temple, it has nothing to do with me... Before they really fight, it\'s the most important to escape from this troubled star continent!"

"With the cultivation of our emperor\'s Wujing liuchongtian peak, it\'s absolutely easy to destroy xuandaozong, but how can we be perfect?"

"The people of Zhulong mansion can\'t use it, and the people of Zhuque mansion don\'t dare to use it. Do you think I\'ll go up alone and destroy xuandao sect?"

"I\'m alone. I want to borrow the name of Zhuque mansion. My credibility is not high. If I want to separate Shen Lang and LAN Mengling, I have to make a good plan."

With a slight frown, the shadow moon smiled: "yes!"

"In the name of rosefinch mansion, I can mobilize those evil forces who want to climb the enchanted temple!"

"Many evil forces have been in contact with the devil temple and know the power of the devil temple... For example, the white bone temple in the West wasteland and snow area and the blood wing devil cult. These Lingtong forces try their best to curry favor with the younger generation of the devil temple, just want to enter the devil temple!"

"As long as I reveal my identity, do they dare not obey orders? Take this group of people to xuandaozong at that time, make the momentum bigger, crush xuandaozong in the name of Zhuque mansion, and there will be a good play!"

Ying Yue\'s face showed pride: "only in this way can the relationship between Shen Lang and LAN Mengling be completely frozen!"

"Only after really destroying their relationship will the candle dragon fulfill his promise to help me leave the star continent and go to the extraterritorial starry sky!"

"Blue Mengling, blue Mengling, you give up such a character as me, but you value Ling Xue and Ling Yue, two stupid women with poor cultivation, so don\'t blame me for stabbing you in the back!"

The colorful Magic Butterfly left a long ribbon in the air and disappeared into the sky in an instant.


In the wilderness, the grass grows over the body and the tree is over a hundred feet high.

In the strange field, countless powerful wild animals walk through it, releasing a fierce and domineering atmosphere.

Above the void, a small boat carrying several people turned into a startling rainbow and was flying rapidly at a speed far exceeding that of the ordinary emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian strong man.

There were five people sitting on the boat, and the leader was mo Qi of Kui Niu mansion.

At this time, Mo Qi\'s face was pale and half dead. He had lost his original high spirited attitude.

When he came to this plague place, he didn\'t get much benefits. Shen Lang robbed the treasure of the town house, "geocentric yuanci mountain", and was seriously injured by Shen Lang.

It\'s not worth the loss!

It\'s a big problem how to explain to the head of kuiniu mansion after returning.

"Sir, do you think we should catch some blood clans and go back to Kui Niu mansion?" a man on the boat summoned up his courage and said.

He is mo Qi\'s confidant. Naturally, he knows why Mo Qi is sad now.

If you can catch a few strong blood clan, you can make a job at least after you go back to Kui Niu mansion.

Mo Qi sighed and said, "of course I also want to catch some blood clans, but the blood clans in the plague land have been leveled. Where can I find them for a while?"

"It\'s no use catching an ordinary blood clan."

"At least the blood clan with more than eight days of emperor Wujing will be meaningful if they are caught!"

The others looked at each other.

In the land of plague, blood families were everywhere.

Now, it\'s hard to find a blood clan.

Not to mention the emperor\'s martial mirror more than eight days.

Just then!

The void ahead cracked, and a big hand with a strong bloody smell grabbed down the boat like a mountain!

"Are you looking for blood clan?"

An evil hoarse voice is like the birth of an evil god.

The thundering sound of the sky was blowing, and the huge palm was like blood colored lightning across the sky, ferocious and terrible!

Dark clouds rolled over the sky and the world was gray.

On the ground, the vigorous wind is blowing and the sand is flying!

That invisible but terrible pressure made Mo Qi\'s five people on the boat block their chest and almost want to vomit blood!


Say blood clan, blood clan will come, and it is such a terrible strong man!

The five people in the boat were frightened and ran out in five different directions.

This time, the five people\'s faces changed again... Their speed was less than one tenth of that in normal times!

The whole space seemed to be forbidden, making them feel trapped in the mire!

The speed of the five people in Kui niufu is less than one tenth of that in normal times, and the big hands falling from the sky are as fast as lightning


In the loud noise, the world is gray except blood red!


In the cry of despair, the huge palm suddenly closed inward!

The terrible blood mist sprayed - and turned into a huge blood cloud.

It is at this time

The loud noise of "boom" came out again from the clenched palm!

The palm of the hand, which was so terrible, trembled violently!


The owner of the bloody palm gave a light sigh.


The fury burst from the palm, and a huge Kui ox rushed out with blood!

Kui ox is as big as a mountain. It is purple all over. It is also covered with a thick layer of dark gold armor. It is ferocious and terrible!

In the face of such strength, the Kui cow carried it and rushed out!

The beast is really extraordinary!


As soon as the mountain Kui ox rushed out, its big mouth suddenly opened!


A huge Kui Niu demon prison fire, like a meteorite, whirled wildly towards the big hand!

The huge Kui ox demon prison fire was obviously different from that ejected by Mo Qi when he fought against Shen waves.

On this Kui ox demon prison fire, there are clearly sharp spikes!

The sharp thorns are shining with dazzling brilliance and releasing the boundless violent atmosphere!

These spikes are all fierce swords that have been hammered after countless killings!

This is the "Kui Niu magic prison fire" created by Mo Qi after he inspired all the power of purple blood Kui Niu\'s blood and cooperated with more than 100 anti heaven magic soldiers!

The Kui niumo prison fire itself has been extremely strong. After integrating so many magic soldiers, once it explodes, the magic soldiers deliberately created on it will explode one by one.

These terrible forces can almost blow an ordinary emperor\'s martial mirror into ashes!

In a small range, its power has even exceeded the silent God thunder king!

This is the biggest card and the strongest killing move of Mo Qi in addition to the geomagnetic mountain!

"A little interesting!"

Shen Lang\'s blood clan strong man walked out of the space crack, smiled and caught it directly according to the bombarded Kui Niu magic prison fire!

This is not weaker than the kuiniu demon prison fire that silences the God thunder king. If he meets it when he is still the emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian, he must also enter the Fengtian tripod to avoid it.

But for him now, even if he doesn\'t wear black hell armor, the Kui Bull Demon prison fire still doesn\'t pose much threat!

Shen Lang\'s accomplishments have long been beyond the power system of the world. Where can we measure them with the great emperor\'s martial realm?

Other strong men in the great emperor\'s martial arts might be afraid of Mo Qi.

Unfortunately, Mo Qi met Shen Lang!

At the next moment when the fire of Kui Bull Demon prison blew out, Mo Qi showed a trace of ruthless color and pride in his eyes. At this moment, the huge body had been coiled together like a snake!

A series of legal shields came out of him, making a clicking sound, and began to combine and coerce him layer by layer.

These French shields immediately wrapped Mo Qi into a ball and smashed it in the opposite direction!

Just when Mo Qi smashed the "ball" in the opposite direction


The unique "Kui Niu magic prison fire" was caught and burst by Shen Lang!

It was like a moment of silence, the thunder King exploded, and an unimaginable mushroom cloud rose into the sky!

The breath of destruction fills the world!

Centered on the place where the Kui niumo prison fire exploded, the incredible and terrible energy swept in all directions.

All the places where this fierce energy passes, whether mountains or others, are turned into powder!