Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1301

Yu Jialan continued: "the spirit of life is conceived from the spring of life when the world was first opened. Once you leave the spring of life, it will be difficult to exist in the world for too long."

"To be more precise, unless it is among the top ten gods and demons, the life spirit liquid can be stored for up to one year. If it is not absorbed in the human body, the storage time will not exceed one month."

"Xiaolang, since you have been able to get the spirit of life for several years, it means that there is either a strong man at the level of Pangu Protoss elders in your body;"

"Or it\'s the fountain of life... It\'s in your body!"

Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed violently: "there\'s such a thing!"

This news is really amazing. Shen Lang\'s state of mind is also shaken, surprised and happy.

Yujialan continued: "Pangu Protoss said that no one can control the fate of the son of destiny, and they will not deliberately influence it."

"So they left the star continent."

"In this case, my guess is more inclined to the latter... The spring of life is likely to be in your body!"

"I\'m afraid you have to explore it yourself."

Shen Lang nodded slightly, "I see."

Yu Jialan\'s voice continued, "Xiaolang, it\'s no small matter!"

"Even a drop of life spirit liquid is coveted by all gods and demons, let alone the spring of life."

"No matter how much you trust others, you must keep it a secret, even the four great emperors."

"If you are not careful, you may cause a war between gods and demons, which will doom hundreds of millions of small worlds!"

"This... Is not just a matter of the world of stars, remember!"

Then, Yu Jialan\'s voice never sounded again.

Shen Lang walked out of the amber dream with unspeakable shock.

The fountain of life, which caused the six world wars for countless years.

Countless gods and Demons fall

Is it in fengtianding now?

Who is the master of fengtianding?

Is that the man in purple?

It is also the heaven sealing and the spring of life. What is the origin of the purple robed man?

Shen Lang has both joy and sorrow.

The artistic conception of destruction has just broken through to the perfect realm, invincible;

Thousands of incarnations are successfully cast, and the cultivation is thousands of miles a day;

Cultivation breaks through the martial realm of the great emperor, turning hands into clouds and covering hands with rain;

This kind of joy could have made Shen Langxin like it for a while

But as soon as the news of the spring of life came out, Shen Lang\'s mind was shaken again.

When he first met Li Su of the tiancrocodile family, Shen Lang already knew that this life spirit liquid was no small matter.

Li Su said that the crocodiles came to this world to look for the emperor star. As a result, an evil demon God was attracted because of a drop of life spirit.

Finally, the powerful tiancrocodile family suffered a great disaster

Just a drop.

A fountain of life, if in this world, will not make all demons crazy?

Now the retrograde channel from the upper world to the lower world has been closed, but if this news reaches the upper world, who knows whether the upper world demon God will come to the lower world through other gods?

For those powerful demons, one finger can crush the world.

If you accidentally cause a war between gods and demons, it must be a nightmare for hundreds of millions of small worlds!

"The spirit liquid of life floated from the door of creation in the sealed tripod. It seems that we need to take a time to go to the door of creation."

The unknown things involved behind Feng Tianding and the spring of life make Shen Lang very uneasy and look forward to it.

However, it was useless to think too much at the moment. Shen Lang restrained his breath and soon left the plague land and guarded the western edge of the plague land.

This is the nearest place to Liusha city. It\'s a good place to do business.

There are still two things to do now. Shen Lang is not in a hurry to leave the plague land.

The first thing is to hunt Mo Qi, a strong man in kuinu mansion;

When Shen Lang injured Mo Qi, he not only robbed the "geocentric yuan magnetic mountain" from Mo Qi, but also left a prohibition in his body.

This guy is wounded. Now there is no oil or water in the plague place. Shen Lang expects that he will leave soon.

When he came out of the plague, it was when Shen Lang shot.

A drop of Kui cattle\'s blood essence, Shen Lang is going to be settled.

The second thing is to find an opportunity to give the candlelight dragon hiding place to Taotie mansion;

Taotie mansion is located in the East wasteland, and the candle dragon is hidden in the East wasteland.

At that time, Taotie mansion will move quickly and see where the candle dragon is going.

Shen Lang glanced faintly at the direction of Liusha city. His body flashed and he had entered the fengtianding.

While waiting for Mo Qi, Shen Lang was ready to deal with the "source of pain".

Quietly outside the array shrouded in the "source of pain", Shen Lang urged to break the arrogant silver eyes and analyze everything on the source of pain.

The source of this pain is very strange. Even outside the array, it makes people feel that they are in the thick blood color of mountains and rivers, land and blood!

If an ordinary martial arts person is not mentally strong, I\'m afraid that seeing the source of pain, he may have frequent illusions and collapse his mind!

This is just a casual look at the appearance of the "source of pain".

But now Shen Lang is using the broken false silver eyes to check the interior of the source of pain!

Shen Lang\'s feeling is like going deep into the depths of hell.

It\'s getting colder and worse

Shen Lang in the great emperor\'s martial realm is still like this. What if someone else is changed?

Under the gaze of broken false silver eyes, Shen Lang saw clearly the interior of the source of pain.

At the center of the source of pain, a small mass of energy, like the embryo of heaven and earth, is slowly creeping, pregnant with the breath of heaven and earth Avenue.

Shen Lang can clearly feel that the "embryo" is gently "breathing". It seems that there are signs of life

This "embryo" breathes and releases incomparably powerful energy.

This kind of breathing, which is difficult for ordinary strong people to notice, looks very weak.

But in Shen Lang\'s eyes, the breath of the "source of pain" seemed to shake the stars in the universe!

This is the meaning of law!

The unspeakable meaning of the law is the meaning of the creation law in the legendary "Atlas of blood god"!

"The gift from the blood ancestor is not light!"

After standing for a while, Shen Lang stepped forward as if he had crossed a layer of water and entered the array,

The blood threads spreading everywhere in the Dharma array immediately sensed the existence of Shen Lang and shrouded towards Shen Lang!

Shen Lang completely ignored the erosion of these blood threads, and the chaotic God shook all the blood threads with a slight shock.

Those blood threads felt the power of the chaotic divine body, and even seemed to be conscious and scared to hide in all directions.

It makes a lot of space around shenlang!


The "star sucking Dharma" immediately ran, and the huge black hole swallowed all the blood and the whole source of pain!

Of course, the heavenly book on Shen Lang can also absorb and refine the source of pain.

However, the heavenly book "swallow heaven and bury the devil" corresponds to the law of death. It is not generally difficult to refine the corresponding law of creation.

However, the Tai Chi diagram is different

The universe, stars, heaven and earth, all things can be refined!

Before long, the source of pain appeared again in front of Shen Lang.

But this time the source of pain has shrunk by two-thirds.

And there was no brilliance on it, and there was no trace of blood exposed.

The source of terrible pain has become an ordinary stone.

In the Tai Chi picture, Shen Lang sits cross legged, urging the tree of the world to refine the "embryo" inside the source of pain.

"Creating artistic conception" is slowly taking shape in the sea of Shen Lang!

It\'s so cheap to refine blood ancestors to control and transform the source of pain of other races.

Shen Lang should not only completely extract this huge force for his own use, but also refine it and open up a road to the law of creation!

Not only that, Shen Lang is constantly looking for the breath of "blood god atlas" through the tree of the world!

Only by understanding the "blood god atlas" can we find a way to restrain the "blood god atlas"!

Shen Lang handed over the work of refining the source of pain to the tree of the world, and once again produced the Tai Chi diagram.

"It looks familiar."

Shen Lang picked up the dull source of pain on the ground.

This thing has changed a lot compared with before.

Before extracting the power of the source of pain, this thing is like a blood stone.

Now, it\'s like a dark brown stone.

Shen Lang turned his wrist and took out a stone very similar to this one.

This is the fragment of the demon blood descendant obtained by Shen Lang before!

Put the two together, the color is surprisingly similar!

Grain, amazing similarity!


Shen Lang was stunned and took out the fragment of the demon God and put it next to the source of pain.

The broken false silver eyes run again and begin to penetrate the three "stones", enter the interior of the three "stones" and check the internal structure of the three things!

It doesn\'t matter. Shen Lang was surprised and happy: "the source of pain is refined from demon fragments and a variety of materials!"

"The body of the demon bone blood descendant smashed the \'source of pain\' into particles, integrated into the flesh of the ancient strong, and finally took shape!"

To put it simply, take a fragment of a demon God and mix it with various materials and forge it with supreme mana to form hundreds or even more sources of pain;

After grinding a number of sources of pain into powder, they are integrated into the ancient strong who have been refined, creating a new generation of demon bone blood descendants!

This new generation of demon bone blood descendant body not only integrates a large number of real demon God particles, but also integrates the blood of soul ancestors and corpse ancestors. Only in this way can it break through the great emperor\'s martial realm and become King Kong not bad!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Shen Lang laughed: "the blood ancestor is really creative. Using the corpse of a demon God can create a large number of \'pseudo demon gods\'

"Well, I was still having a headache. How can I help Duan muzheng and Gu Yigu? They greatly improved their cultivation? Unexpectedly, Xuezu gave me charcoal in the snow and helped me so much!"

"You can create a group of pseudo demons like demon blood descendants. How can I not?"

"The emperor of war trained all the refining tools to the master level, and now they can really come in handy!"

Suddenly, Shen Lang smiled and raised his eyebrows: "hmm? Kui Niu Mo flag came out? I\'ve had good luck recently!"

When his body shook, Shen Lang\'s whole body made a noise like fried beans, and his face and height began to change.

Endless bloody Qi swept out of Shen Lang.

After a while, Shen Lang became a white faced middle-aged man!

A complete blood clan strong man!

"Mo Qi, I\'m really sorry. I took your \'geomagnetic mountain\' last time, but I have to kill you this time."

In a flash, Shen Lang has made a heavenly tripod.