Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1300

In the amber dream, at the moment when the nine day robbery thunder fell on Shen Lang\'s head

In the Moonlight City, Wang Yueqing, the golden winged ROC who has been closing his eyes, opened his eyes with a brush!

The strong demon rhinoceros of the ten thousand demon mansion was surprised and hurriedly came forward and asked, "king, but what happened?"

The strong men in the surrounding ten thousand demon mansion and thousand soul hall were stunned and looked at the moon.

Yue Qingqian was a little uncertain and said, "there is a very weak smell of thunder robbery, as if... Someone attacked the great emperor\'s military territory in the plague land!"

"What!" all the strong people present were surprised.

Powerful thoughts immediately swept out and spread around the plague with Moonlight City as the center.

However, in the plague land, everything is normal, the sky is high and the clouds are light.

Yue Qingqian sighed and said, "don\'t look at it. The king has just investigated it. There is no abnormality in the plague land."

"That\'s why I feel strange."

"The smell is very obscure, but I can tell it\'s 99 thunder robbery, and the location should be less than 500000 - Li from the Moonlight City, but everything around is normal, and I can\'t determine the specific location... And even the direction!"

Everyone looked at each other.

To say that the moon is light may be an illusion, that\'s impossible.

To the strong of this level, unless the demons invade, how easy is it to make her have such an illusion?

If it\'s not an illusion, others don\'t feel it, and the whole plague place is very normal.

Is it easy to do such a thing as thunder robbery, especially the thunder robbery that impacted the martial realm of the great emperor?

Even outside the plague land, as long as within a million miles, these powerful people in the later stage of imperial martial mirror will feel a little bit.

"That\'s all." Yue Qingqian waved his hand and said, "go on with the previous topic. I have some feelings recently. I\'m going to close down in the Moonlight City for a period of time to impact the martial realm of the great emperor."

"Lord ghost can\'t stay here too long."

"You study how to arrange it next."

With these words, yueqingqian closed his eyes again.

As soon as I closed my eyes, the moon\'s shallow eyelashes trembled slightly and said in a secret way: "the breath of thunder robbery can\'t be mistaken, but it makes me unpredictable. In this way... It should be in the amber dream?"

"I just don\'t know whether the eight heavenly kings in the God of war hall are advanced or... That bastard."

Thinking of that person, the moon\'s light and stable state of mind fluctuated again.


Two days later.

In the amber dream, Shen Lang stepped in the void and appeared under the eternal tree.

Everyone stood up except Zuo Wentian, who tried to attack the emperor\'s martial realm at the other end.

In people\'s eyes, Shen Lang is still Shen Lang, and it doesn\'t seem to have changed much.

But his slightly thin body standing in the air gives people a feeling of being indomitable and breaking mountains and rivers!

Others are just fine. The three emperors of the dragon family and the corpse emperor were surprised when they looked at the Shen wave in the air... Their feeling in the face of Shen wave is deja vu. It was actually their feeling in the face of the real demon God during the war countless years ago!

Moreover, Shen Lang\'s terrible breath of destruction, even the existence of the four emperors, felt frightened!

You\'re kidding!

Isn\'t Shen Lang an advanced emperor?

The great emperor\'s martial arts realm is still a hopeless distance from the great emperor!

How did Shen Lang, who successfully advanced into the martial arts realm of the great emperor, make people feel like a true demon God?

The existence of the four great emperors immediately released a powerful divine mind and shrouded Shen Lang.

However, as soon as their terrible thoughts shrouded Shen Lang, they felt like a clay ox into the sea and disappeared!

"Good guy!"

The seven Dragon Emperor exclaimed, "Shen Lang, are you advanced in the martial arts of the great emperor, or have you become the great emperor?"

If the existence of the great emperor level is heard by the strong outside, I don\'t know how to laugh at it.

How many light-years is the difference between the great emperor and the great emperor.

On the bright side, the great emperor is also in the great emperor\'s martial realm, such as the six or seven heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm.

But these days are two completely different worlds

Especially the understanding on the avenue of heaven and earth is completely different.

The distinction between the two is too simple and easy.

The seven dragon emperor can\'t tell the advanced situation of Shen Lang!

The faces of the others were embarrassed.

That is, the seven Dragon Emperor said it frankly.

In fact, they didn\'t find out!

The Shen wave in the air didn\'t see his action. The man had fallen below and smiled: "of course, it\'s the advanced emperor\'s martial arts realm. Now it\'s a heavy day in the emperor\'s martial arts realm."

"How could it impact the emperor?"

The existence of the four great emperors immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

If Shen Lang really changed from the emperor\'s martial mirror to the great emperor, it would be a great blow to them.

It\'s embarrassing!

Even if they all know that this guy is the reincarnation of the war emperor.

But in the case of reincarnation, the body is destroyed. Even if it inherits the power of the previous war emperor, it can\'t be so advanced.

Which strong man reincarnated, not painstakingly starting from scratch?

However, it was only the advanced emperor\'s martial arts realm that revealed the terrible smell of gods and demons. It was just a freak among freaks!

Shen Lang glanced at Zuo Wentian, who was approaching the critical moment on the other side, nodded slightly, and then said, "things have been done here. I\'m ready to leave the amber dream and then go to look for the god soldier and the book of heaven."

Don\'t dance lightly and say hurriedly, "let\'s follow the emperor!"

The other heavenly kings looked at Shen Lang with expectation.

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "what are you going to do with me? Travel?"

"Now the chaos has come. You can\'t do too much for cultivation like this. Stay here and practice well. Under the guidance of several great emperors and bathed in the abundant life and spiritual power of the eternal tree, it\'s right to break through the martial realm of the great emperor as soon as possible."

"If you can\'t break through the martial arts of the great emperor, don\'t come out to see me!"

The four heavenly kings were so red that they hooked off their heads.

"Well..." Mo Qingwu boldly took Shen Lang\'s hand and said, "how about letting his subordinates follow the emperor? At least they can take care of the emperor\'s daily life?"

If people see this scene and know that it is the heavenly king of the eight heavenly kings who said this, don\'t dance lightly. I\'m afraid people\'s chin will fall to the ground.

The other three heavenly kings immediately raised their heads as if counting the stars.

The strong people around him smiled bitterly and shook their heads again and again.

Shen Lang rolled his eyes and said, "if you can break through the martial arts realm of the great emperor, I can agree to let you take care of my daily life."

"Yeah!" Mo lightly danced and jumped up: "you have no jokes. This is what emperor you said! OK, I\'ll practice now!"

With that, Mo Qingwu turned around and ran to the eternal tree under Shen Lang\'s stunned gaze.

After a long time, she dug a hole and waited for herself here!

The other three heavenly kings closed their lips and kept themselves from laughing. They almost suffered internal injuries.

Shen Lang smacked his mouth. After a while, he coughed and said to the ghost night ghost, "master ghost, we said to deal with the candle dragon when we were in the dragon scale temple. I don\'t know if you have a plan?"

Everyone present was stunned.

For Shen Lang, the candle dragon must have been a big threat in the past.

But now, Shen Lang can crush the candle dragon with one finger. How can Shen Lang still think of the candle dragon?

Other devil generals\' house and candle dragon\'s house were put together by Shen Lang before. They lost their strength in Luocha city!

Ghost Zun night Youming was a little embarrassed and said, "yes, but I forgot."

"Shen Lang was speechless.

The ghost Zun night ghost saw everyone staring at him and hurriedly said, "yes, the Wu XingKong in the God of war hall has calculated the hiding place of the candle dragon, and then gave it to me. I\'m also going to tell Shen Lang when I get to the plague place."

"But on the eve of coming to the plague place, I broke through to the martial realm of the great emperor. At that time, I wanted to deal with a candle dragon. Where could I have so much trouble? Since I came to the plague place, I could crush a group of dregs in the candle Dragon house!"

"That\'s it. I\'ve left it behind..."

"Er, your cultivation has reached such a terrible situation. Are you still going to use the contradiction between candle dragon and gluttonous to let them kill each other?"

Shen Lang pondered for a moment before saying, "the witch family reminded me not long ago to be careful of the candle dragon."

The strong men in the presence immediately widened their eyes.

Even if Shen Lang didn\'t advance to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, how could he threaten the candle dragon or candle dragon mansion with his ability?

But these strong people all know that the witch clan is weird and powerful, and they know that the witch clan can\'t be targeted.

Therefore, several people present pondered one by one.

Shen Lang continued, "although I don\'t understand what the candle dragon can do to threaten me, I\'m careful to drive a ten thousand year ship."

"At least, he has a chance to deal with the people around me."

"If I am threatened, I like to strangle it in the cradle early."

"Since the witch clan asked me to be careful of the candle dragon, this person can\'t be underestimated."

"So, master Guizun, tell me where the candle dragon is hiding. I\'ll try to pass it on to Taotie... Even if I can\'t get rid of the candle dragon for the time being, at least let him busy for a while so as not to interfere with my search for the divine soldier."

"If possible, it\'s best to crush the big - Snake directly."

Everyone nodded: "good."

At this time, a dead ghost claw was born in the dark fog of ghost Zun\'s night.

In the palm of the ghost claw, a jade amulet glittered.

Shen Lang took the jade amulet and stuck it on his forehead.

After a while, his eyes lit up: "what a candle dragon, he hid under the eyes of Taotie!"

"Sure enough, is the most dangerous place the safest place?"

Shen Lang crushed the jade talisman, which turned into light and dissipated in the air.

Then he arched his hands at the three dragon emperors and corpse Emperors: "gentlemen, I\'m leaving now."

"When the life spirit reaches a certain amount, I will return to the amber dream."

The presence of the four great emperors immediately returned the courtesy politely.

Shen Lang did not stop, but immediately prepared to leave the amber dream.

As soon as he reached the exit of the amber dream, Yu Jialan\'s voice rang in Shen Lang\'s mind: "Xiaolang, there\'s one thing I\'ve been hesitant to tell you, because even I\'m not sure about it, just guess."

"About the fountain of life..."

"Oh?" Shen Lang\'s pace slowed down immediately.