Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1299

The ten divine beast particles are still transforming, turning into human form and beginning to appear hands and feet

Shen Lang\'s mind is expanding more and more slowly, but the distance is still increasing!

The expansion of Shen Lang\'s mind finally stopped after the ten divine beasts turned into a "villain" just like Shen Lang\'s appearance.

Exactly 1.88 million - Li!

Each of the ten sacred animal particles turned into a pill baby.

Tens of millions of Danying\'s divine senses gather together and connect with Shen Lang\'s sea knowledge, which makes Shen Lang\'s sea knowledge expand wildly and change like this!

"This feeling is as if everything is in my hands, surpassing the world of the heavens and thousands of demons... Unimaginable, unimaginable!"

Shen Lang\'s face showed a look of ecstasy.

As like as two peas, all the "villains" have revealed the same color of ecstasy.

Shen Lang felt every Danying carefully, felt their feelings and felt their strength.

The power of poor and strange blood essence is not very great, but the function of this poor and strange blood essence is like a catalyst.

After this transformation, every Danying is more powerful than when it was a ten divine beast particle!

And that\'s what they just took shape!

At the moment, every Dan baby is madly absorbing and refining the power of gods and demons in the Tai Chi chart!

Once the power of gods and demons in the fragments of demons and gods is swallowed up, even Shen Lang can\'t judge how strong the pill baby can be!

Not only that, the stimulation of poor and strange blood essence continues, and ten beast particles are still being born rapidly - no, strictly speaking, it is not the birth of ten beast particles.

But the birth of Danying!

After the successful granulation of the ten divine beasts, it was stimulated by the poor and strange blood essence and the power of gods and demons. Each one is a pill baby, not the former ten divine beasts!

The number of Danying is increasing;

Danying\'s individual strength is getting stronger and stronger madly!

Everything, even Shen Lang with the memory of the emperor of war, was ecstatic to the point that it was difficult to control himself


When Shen Lang was ready to observe each baby carefully, a huge roar came from the sky.

Shen Lang raised his head and immediately smiled: "I haven\'t bothered much yet. Robbing thunder has come."

"It\'s the 99 thunder robbery again... It seems that I really have a relationship with the 99 thunder robbery."

Shen Lang:

The black Pluto armor turned into pieces of nail cap size and escaped into Shen Lang\'s body.

This time, Shen Lang not only wants to make use of this thunder robbing forging body again, but also absorbs the power of this thunder robbing, and uses Taiji diagram to devour and refine the thunder robbing in the martial realm of the great emperor!

Shen Lang is crossing the thunder robbery here. On the other side of the amber dream, the three dragon emperors and corpse emperors are all disturbed.

"This movement has far exceeded the time when the emperor advanced to the martial arts realm of the great emperor... Alas, it\'s really a new generation for the old." the corpse emperor sighed.

The three dragon emperors were heartless and heartless. They didn\'t have any ideas at all. They were also stimulated by the corpse emperor and sighed again and again.

Several of the eight heavenly kings clenched their fists like children and wanted to run over at once to see how Shen Lang survived the robbery.

However, Shen Langdu\'s thunder robbery is different from others. There are many crises, but the eternal tree does not allow them to pass.

A group of people can only stretch their necks and urge their minds to explore to see what happened.

Under the cover of the strong minds, Shen Lang sat cross legged quietly in the void with his eyes closed.

Above the sky, robbery clouds are gathering madly.

It seems that the thunder robbery will take at least more than a day to start.

"What an expectation..." the corpse emperor couldn\'t help sighing.

The three emperors of the dragon clan looked at each other and nodded secretly.

Of course, Shen Lang also knew the time of the thunder robbery, so he ignored the thunder cloud at all.

At this time, Shen Lang communicated the poor and strange essence and blood through destroying the artistic conception, and was understanding the strongest artistic conception he could master now!

Unicorn blood essence corresponds to the law of death;

Green dragon blood essence corresponds to the law of fate;

And poor and strange blood essence corresponds to the law of destruction!

At first, Shen Lang understood and improved the artistic conception of death because he absorbed the blood essence of Qilin.

Now it is the opposite. When Shen Lang\'s destruction artistic conception reaches the peak, he absorbs and refines the poor and strange essence.

The meaning of the law of destruction on the poor and strange blood essence surged out and was extracted into the artistic conception of destruction.

Let the artistic conception of destruction, which is advanced to the peak, become more substantial and more stable.

"This time, we should make good use of the 99 thunder robbery. Take this opportunity to enter the destruction space again and see if we can break through the destruction artistic conception to a perfect state!"

The levels of artistic conception are as follows: primary comprehension state, Xiaocheng state, medium-term state, Dacheng state, peak state and great perfection state.

Once you reach the perfect state, it means you are not far from the field!

It is likely to be transformed into a field at any time!

In the field, it can almost become the symbol of the great emperor!

With the field, even if it is not the great emperor, it is not far away!

A guy who is preparing to advance to the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, but now he has focused on the field

It\'s absolutely incredible to put this kind of thing outside!

Shen Lang immersed himself and established contact with all Danying.

At this moment, he seemed to have left this space;

At this moment, he seems to be everywhere!

Feeling lost, like the beginning of heaven and earth.

Countless strange visions rise and fall in Shen Lang\'s mind, with violent passion and soft thoughts intertwined.

Death and life meet, the old and the new blend;

The state of mind is clear and the yuan God is stable;

Tao follows nature, and heaven and man are one!

At the same time, the aura of life in the amber dream was like a rainbow absorbing water, rolling to Shen Lang.

A terrible vortex formed around him.

In the body, the power of gods and demons in the Tai Chi diagram is still "irrigating" countless incarnations of Shen Lang;

Outside the body, the pure life aura billows and is absorbed, Nourishing Shen Lang\'s meridians and incarnations;

The nine hidden caves that must be opened in the great emperor\'s martial realm are strung into a whole by Shen Lang at this moment.

Blending Yin and Yang, blending dragon and tiger.

********, light and darkness are combined, solitary Yin is not long, and only Yang is not born.

Yang is hidden in Yin, and the cathode generates Yang. The combination of yin and yang can give birth to life.

Shen Lang\'s body seemed to be intertwined with invisible "lines".

The meaning of the death law corresponding to the unicorn, the destruction law corresponding to the poverty and wonder, and the fate law corresponding to the green dragon, which is an unknown law, has been infinitely amplified and released after the ten divine beasts granulated the baby.

It turned into order, derived mysterious power, and built various lines in Shen Lang\'s body.

Shen Lang is like peeling a cocoon. He distinguishes and captures all this.

Put every bit into the sea of your heart.

The understanding of the war emperor in the early days of the great emperor\'s martial territory can be called unprecedented.

However, compared with what Shen Lang has done and absorbed, it is no longer at the same level.

If the cultivation of emperor Zhan is to surpass the great emperor and reach the limit of the world.

What Shen Lang is doing now is surpassing the gods and demons!

The starting lines of the two are at different levels

"All right."

The whole day passed, and Shen Lang suddenly whispered.

At this moment, the nine hidden acupoints are connected in an instant!

The power of all incarnations has increased tenfold!

Emperor Wu Jing, it\'s done!

Shen Lang grew up, pointed to the robbery cloud above the sky and shouted, "I want the power of thunder!"