Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1298


In the Tai Chi diagram, the seal in the fragment of the demon God was broken, and a terrible shadow was forcibly extracted by the power of the Tai Chi diagram!

The huge pillars of thunder, which had been prepared for a long time, immediately released huge purple chains and penetrated the body of the demon shadow.

The branches of the world tree, one by one, tangled the demon God\'s head and limbs.

"Human, you will regret it! You... Small world? This is impossible! How is this possible?"

"Spare your life, my Lord, spare your life!"

"Please spare my life. I\'m still useful and useful!"

As soon as the huge shadow appeared, he was panic stricken and begged for mercy before his anger.

At this time, Shen Lang\'s figure appeared next to the tree of the world.

Shen Lang was stunned by the gaffe of the ghost of the demon God.

The demon God in the upper world is called Shen Lang, a mortal "adult".

And it\'s rare to start begging for mercy before even struggling.

"Little world? How much do you know about my world?" Shen Lang asked.

In this Tai Chi diagram, he can clearly feel the power of the demon God.

Speaking of it, if it is the demon God himself, it is much better than killing evil gods.

But if it is only a wisp of remnant soul, it is far inferior to the one who kills evil gods.

Killing evil gods can\'t resist the refining of the tree of the world. Where can this wisp of evil spirit run away?

Seeing Shen Lang\'s words, the demon shadow was overjoyed and said respectfully, "Sir, you must be a legendary small world and the avenue of heaven and earth that the God King of the upper world has been pursuing!"

"This is a height that even the master can\'t reach. It\'s a level above thousands of gods and demons!"

"Once the world is really opened up, it is the real master, unmatched!"

Shen Lang snorted coldly, "it\'s useless to say these messy things. Tell me how useful you are."

"I can\'t tell you why. I can only refine you completely and devour your magic power."

The evil shadow seemed to have a cold war, trembled all over, and hurriedly said, "spare your life, sir, small sentences are true... The so-called small world is the embryo of the real world, or the early stage of a world!"

"Your world has not really taken shape. For example... The fragment in front of me is shaking violently now because it is rejected by the world."

"I\'m afraid the world can only devour energy or soul, and it\'s difficult to accommodate physical objects."

Shen Lang\'s eyes immediately fell on the dim fragments of the demon God.

In the Tai Chi diagram, he can clearly feel the rejection of the Tai Chi diagram to the fragments of the devil and God.

The devil shadow is right. I\'m afraid the fragments of the devil God won\'t stay here for much time.

If you forcibly leave the demon God fragment here, I\'m afraid the demon God fragment will eventually be crushed into fly ash by the power of the world!

This fragment of demon God, even if the power of the gods and demons in it has been collected, it is a part of the body of the demon God after all.

It is much harder than the scales and sharp corners of those divine beasts that forge the immortal sky sword.

It may even be of other use.

"Keep it to upgrade immortal sky sabre."

Shen Lang thought and immediately threw the demon God fragment out of the Tai Chi diagram.

"Since you say that this is a small world and the embryo of the real world, do you know how to make this small world advanced?" Shen Lang asked.

The evil shadow immediately said, "we must find and refine all kinds of origins in order to really turn the world from virtual to real."

"I don\'t need you to tell me this." Shen Lang knew all this in the memory of the ghost of the devil.

He asked faintly, "I need to know how to get all kinds of origins."

Among the information Shen Lang knew before, the most direct way is to find the heavenly book.

Because there is a source in the heavenly book.

For example, in the heavenly book of Shen Lang, there is a source called "causal source".

The key is, where is it so easy to find?

The ancient wind said that if you find the heavenly book and the Heavenly God soldiers, you can strive for a glimmer of vitality by gathering the number of 99.

If you can find all the heavenly books, what else do you need the Heavenly God soldiers to do?

The emergence of three heavenly books can bring indelible disasters to the world. If there are nine

Besides, the possibility of nine heavenly books appearing in the star continent is too small.

Without the book of heaven, even Shen Lang now doesn\'t know how to find the source.

"This origin......" the demon concluded.

It seems that this guy is just hearsay about these things in the world.

With his strength, he can\'t touch anything at this level.

Knowing that he couldn\'t ask anything, Shen Lang frowned and read in his heart

The tree of the world made a rumbling sound, and immediately began to draw the power of the devil and memory of the ghost of the devil!

It\'s much easier to ask around or extract memory.

Shen Lang must get the power of the gods and demons in the remnant soul of the demon God and use it to enhance the power of the chaotic God body.

Since you want to get it, after extracting the power of the gods and demons, the ghost of the demons will basically lose its function.

Shen Lang really can\'t think of a reason to keep the ghost of the demon God.

Keep this demon ghost who has been extracted from the power of gods and demons. If he is still in this world, which day will he be attracted, wouldn\'t it be troublesome?

Less is better than more.

"No! No, let me think, let me think, there must be a way!" the shadow cried out in fear: "I\'m just a ghost, and I can\'t remember a lot of things."

"But since I know the small world, I must know how to get this source."

"Please give me a chance and give me some time!"

Shen Lang\'s face was expressionless and indifferent.


Shen Lang\'s mind seemed to light up like a lightning, thinking of the demon lord and killing armor!

Maybe the ghost of the demon God can know something about the demon lord or killing armor!

Now the ghost of the demon God is like the original Zuo Wentian, with incomplete memory.

Over time, it should still be useful for him to restore all his memory.

The moment of the world stopped.

Shen Lang\'s eyes changed slightly. After a moment of meditation, he said, "I need all your strength, but if you can satisfy me, I don\'t mind keeping you alive."

The demon immediately shouted, "no problem, my strength can be fully contributed to you, as long as you don\'t erase my consciousness."

"I am willing to go through fire and water for adults!"

Power is gone. What can you do?

You have to have that ability to go through fire and water!

Shen Lang shook his head slightly, his heart moved, and once again urged the tree of the world to extract the power of the ghost of the demon God.

And he himself made a Tai Chi diagram.

When he opened his eyes, Shen Lang took the demon God fragment in front of him in his hand.

After losing the ghost of the demon God and the power of the demon God, the fragment of the demon God is like a black stone and completely loses its light.

Shen Lang\'s two fingers had enough strength and ruthlessly attacked the remnant of the demon God!


The devil fragments made a crisp sound, but there was not even a scratch left.

"What a hard thing! Is this the body of gods and demons?"

With a sigh, Shen Lang collected the demon fragments and took out poor Qi\'s blood essence.

"Chaotic gods, it\'s time for qualitative change..."

Shen Lang sat cross legged and swallowed poor Qi\'s blood essence. Then he looked at his nose and heart.

The blood essence of poor Qi obtained this time is from the master of poor Qi mansion.

The power in the blood is very different from that in the green dragon blood essence.

But this time, Shen Lang is more careful than the last time!

At present, the ten divine animal particles of chaotic God body are vibrant and have reached a certain limit.

It seems that you will live in the next moment

It is indeed time for qualitative change when the chaotic divine body has grown up to now!

Even if the power of this poor and strange blood essence is very weak, after absorbing the meaning of the divine animal law in it, Shen Lang has more than 90% assurance and will achieve "thousands of incarnations"!

This step must not be lost!

Once this step is taken, it will be a new world!

Relatively speaking, this is more exciting and happy than Shen Lang\'s breakthrough to the great emperor!

At this time, the unicorn and green dragon among the ten divine beasts roared up to the sky.

Countless light spots converged towards the ten divine beast particles.

The poor and strange virtual shadow in the ten divine beast particles is also changing from virtual to real, and begins to be bright!

Shen Lang can feel the ecstasy of every ten divine beast particles!

"Sure enough, it began to change!"

Shen Lang was overjoyed: "but there is still something missing... The power of gods and demons!"

When the mind moved, the Tai Chi diagram was like opening the gate, and began to pour out the power of gods and demons on the chaotic God body!

This is the power of gods and Demons just extracted from the fragments of demons and gods!

The power of gods and Demons like flood spread in Shen Lang\'s body, drowning all the ten divine beasts.

In an instant, all the beasts in the ten divine beast particles roared up to the sky!

That was originally a spherical ten divine beast particles, began to stretch slowly and change towards the human shape!

All this is as like as two peas!

This is all the ten divine beast particles. They are going to turn into babies!

Shen Lang looked at all this and felt very happy. He wanted to roar up to the sky.

But a heart mentioned his throat, but Shen Lang didn\'t dare to make any changes at this time!

At this time, he completely allowed all this to proceed spontaneously.

Like a spectator.

With the beginning of granulation of all the ten divine beasts, an unspeakable feeling swept Shen Lang\'s whole body.

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s knowledge of the sea expanded a hundred times in an instant!

Shen Lang\'s mind was released, thinking that the amber dream spread away.

100000 Li, 200000 Li, 300000 li... One million Li!

It was not until 1.6 million - Li later that the expansion speed of Shen Lang\'s mind slowed down.

The area, or limit, that can be covered by this divine idea has far exceeded any imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian strongman!

Even, it has surpassed the double heaven strongman in the martial realm of the great emperor!

At this time, Shen Lang is still at the peak of emperor Wujing jiuchongtian!