Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1297

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "first, the three of you escort the 130000 aliens now in Shura city out of the wilderness to xuandaozong;"

"Don\'t delay on the way, the faster the better;"

Then Shen Lang took out a Xumi ring and handed it to Shuying and said, "second, Shuying, take this Xumi ring with you. There are four Xumi rings in this Xumi ring, which are all some things I collected in the plague place. Three of them should be handed over to Zhuge Xianer of xuandaozong in person."

"The green Xumi ring inside is the killing armor I robbed from Murong Changfeng. You have to hand over the killing armor to xuandao Zong moge without loss!"

Thin shadow three people immediately double eyes round stare: "ah!"

Shen Lang didn\'t care about the surprised appearance of the three people and continued: "if you encounter a crisis you can\'t cope with, Shuying, open this green Xumi ring for the first time and put on the killing armor!"

"With this killing armor, even the first-class strong in the great emperor\'s martial arts realm can\'t help you."

"And when you take out this killing armor, I will know for the first time and come as soon as possible."

Shuying was stunned. She took over the xumijie with a dignified face and was included in the sea of knowledge.

At this time, she said: "now the blood clan in the plague place has been killed, and even a small group of people still alive can\'t stir up the storm; the people in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall think they are the head of the right way and can\'t attack the foreign clan; as for our demon god house, the major demon generals also know that these 130000 foreign clan are adults..."

"Escorting 130000 aliens to xuandaozong is not very difficult. It should... Not use killing armor?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "nothing is absolute. No one can predict everything."

"Although the blood clan was leveled, there was a strong emperor Wujing jiuchongtian who escaped."

"His name is Adelaide. He can control the artistic conception of emptiness. His cultivation is far stronger than Nora who has just been refined by me."

"At the beginning, he led a group of blood clan strongmen to set up a god killing array and photographed me to destroy my form and spirit... If mother-in-law Feng hadn\'t arrived in time, it\'s still a matter of two words whether I can stand in front of you now."

"Adelaide was wounded by mother-in-law Feng and was hit hard by me when he fled... Theoretically, he won\'t appear again in a short time. But you can see that Nora\'s cultivation is far inferior to him, and he was also seriously injured. He is so arrogant that he dares to run to the edge of Shura City and dare to attack me!"

"The blood clan\'s arrogance is not much worse than those demons in the demon temple..."

The three of Shuying looked at each other and nodded fiercely.

Shen Lang said again, "as for the people in the demon temple... Hum, are there few demon generals I have offended in this plague place?"

"No one dares to fight against me in the open, but it\'s hard to say if they do it secretly."

"In my opinion, the most likely person to stab in the back is one of them."

"So don\'t think the task is very simple!"

"You must be very energetic and go all out. Do you understand?"

The three of Shuying responded in unison: "I see!"

Shen Lang nodded with satisfaction: "after you send them to xuandaozong, stay in xuandaozong for a few months."

"Xuandaozong is a force of my men. Help me train them."

Shen Lang began to use public affairs for personal gain.

"Yes!" the three of them answered respectfully.

Shen Lang finally didn\'t say anything about the candle dragon.

The witch elder asked Shen Lang to be careful of the candle dragon. Shen Lang thought about it and finally suspected that the candle dragon would send someone to deal with xuandaozong.

If the candle dragon wants to deal with xuandaozong, it can\'t make a big fuss, and it can\'t appear.

If he really dares to do so, I\'m afraid Dingdang will bring people to wipe out the candle dragon house without Shen Lang talking.

The current Shen wave is no longer what the seriously injured candle dragon can afford.

As long as it wasn\'t the master of Zhulong, and then put aside the thin waist saved by Shen Lang and seriously injured, no one in Zhulong mansion could get the thin waist.

Moreover, Mo GE has a killing armor in hand. He cooperates with the ghost king to control the killing armor. The strong emperor martial mirror can\'t resist it!

With so many arrangements, Shen Lang can finally feel at ease.

"You can tell Bai libing about escorting 130000 aliens. But don\'t tell anyone what I just said!" Shen Lang gently waved his hand and said, "go back as soon as possible to avoid long dreams."

With these words, Shen Lang turned and went out of the plague.

Obviously, I want to return to the amber dream, but there is no way. Although the plague place is not small, it is completely under the eyes of the strong forces of all parties.

Shen Lang can only go out of the plague, circle around, and then return quietly.


Within the amber dream.

Shen Lang did not stop at all, and immediately entered the fengtianding.

Inside the sealed heavenly tripod, there are two arrays in front of Shen Lang\'s station, which are sealed with two things.

One is a fragment of the demon God brought by the ghost of the night;

One is the source of pain in Moonlight City;

The fragment of the demon God was only the size of a palm, and there was a frightening smell around it.

In the face of such a breath, people will naturally have a fear in their hearts, a feeling of wanting to kneel down and worship

According to the night ghost, it is sealed with a wisp of demon ghost.

However, Shen Lang had refined the ghost of heavenly demons more than half a year ago. He could feel the smell of demons and gods without what the night ghost said.

The surging and unpredictable power of gods and Demons and the terrible smell of demons and gods, even if they were sealed and suppressed by powerful people such as the soul emperor of the thousand soul hall, now they are shrouded in arrays, which still makes Shen Lang feel shocked.

Compare the smell of this demon God fragment with that of the demon ghost of heaven. It is obvious that the demon ghost of that day is far inferior!

The power of gods and Demons contained in it makes Shen Lang uncontrollable!

"The gift from the soul emperor is really big..."

Shen Lang couldn\'t help sighing.

He looked away, and Shen Lang looked at the source of pain again.

The source of pain seems to be a "blood stone" with whole body blood red and two feet long.

It burns a vicious blood flame outside, and burns in case of blood, which is extremely vicious.

But the more terrible source of pain is not the blood flame burning on it.

But it contains the power of heaven and earth, but it is extremely evil!

This force, from evil to evil, contains the meaning of rules.

It was this force that released the unimaginable air of death and shrouded the whole moonlight forest land.

The original vibrant moonlight forest land has been turned into a dead plague land!

This terrible force corrodes the moonlight, woodland land, vegetation, and... All creatures!

Many weak creatures were just shrouded in this breath for a period of time. They didn\'t have time to struggle. They were corrupted into undead or blood clan!

Standing outside the array, Shen Lang can clearly see that strands of blood visible to the naked eye permeate the whole array.

It was this blood that "purified" Nangong Jianqiu and others into blood families in the blood pool.

At this time, the blood filaments, like small snakes, gathered and entangled together, are constantly impacting the array!

It\'s like an evil god wants to break the seal!

When the blue dream spirit uses the rosefinch fire to suppress its power, the "source of pain" is still ready to move!

The source of pain created by the blood ancestor is no weaker than the fragment of the demon God

However, Milos threw such an object against the sky in Moonlight City, which was definitely ill intentioned.

Shen Lang has long refined Milos and extracted Milos\' memory through the ten thousand ghost flags. Naturally, Milos is actually calculating the ghost respect night and the nether world!

The things made by the blood ancestor, except that the blood clan can use them, others touch it is a dead word!

According to Milos, the one who got this must be the ghost with the strongest cultivation, the night Nether.

At that time, the dark night covets the source of pain. If it can\'t stand the temptation and confusion of this thing, it will absorb the powerful power of the source of pain.

Once the night nether gets the powerful power of the source of pain, while the cultivation soars, I\'m afraid it will completely become a blood clan ghost

This contains the meaning of rules. Thousands of strong people can be transformed into blood clan. Although the night nether is strong, how can it resist?

It\'s a pity that Milos didn\'t calculate it. This thing will fall into Shen Lang\'s hand.

The only person who can\'t do anything about the source of pain is the boy who didn\'t make him value at the beginning!

"Although the source of pain also contains surging and unpredictable power, it is more difficult to control only relying on Lan\'er\'s seal than the fragments of demon God."

"To impact the great emperor\'s martial arts, the power of the gods and demons in the devil fragments is the most suitable."

Shen Lang held his chin and thought, "it\'s not possible to study the \'blood god atlas\' and creation rules of blood ancestors through the source of pain in a short time."

"Well, let\'s start with the fragments of the demon God and add the poor and strange blood essence to impact the great emperor\'s martial realm!"

Shen Lang stretched out his hand and picked up the fragment of the demon God, and then immediately got out of the fengtianding.

In the amber dream, Shen Lang chose a vast plain and sat directly on the ground.

The demon God fragment was placed on the ground. It seemed to feel bad. Under the powerful seal, it began to vibrate

Shen Lang stared at the remnant of the demon God with a dignified face and his mind turned.

The remnant soul in this demon God fragment is definitely much better than that of the original day.

However, compared with the evil gods in the killing armor, it must be far inferior.

Originally, Shen Lang wanted the three emperors of the dragon family and the corpse emperor to help again.

But on second thought, he gave up again.

"Star sucking Dharma" can devour flesh and blood very early.

When he was in Tianfeng City, Shen Lang robbed the nine immortal Ganoderma lucidum of Ji Chengwu, a demon martial artist, and was chased by Ji Chengwu. He used this move at the last time and swallowed Ji Chengwu\'s arm.

Later, when practicing, he also used this move to devour the flesh and blood of many monsters.

However, compared with swallowing the soul body, this move seems a little chicken ribs, so Shen Lang rarely takes it out.

Now the Tai Chi diagram has been so strong that if the whole devil God fragment is swallowed, are you afraid that the devil God will resist or escape?

Just do it!

Shen Lang gave a soft drink and immediately urged the "star sucking Da Fa"!

A terrible black hole is formed in an instant!

At the same time, the nine branches of the world tree swept out at the same time, wrapped the fragments of the demon God and swallowed them directly!