Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1296

"Really? Can\'t it really be a threat?" Nora said with a murderous look in her eyes. "Are you really willing to look at these two beauties and lose their beauty in front of you?"

"And for you?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "it doesn\'t matter whether it\'s true or false."

Nora was stunned and obviously didn\'t understand Shen Lang\'s words.

Shen Lang sneered and said, "the important thing is that you really shouldn\'t appear in front of me again!"

As soon as the voice fell, a heavy wave emerged silently behind Nora!

"It\'s a phantom!"

Nora was surprised and finally realized that Shen Lang, who had been talking before, was an illusion!

She couldn\'t imagine that it was only a few days before her injury had healed. Shen Lang\'s cultivation and speed had been raised to an unimaginable level!

When Nora sensed something wrong, there was a heavy wave behind her. If lightning shone on her head, it was a blow!

When they first met, Shen Lang\'s cultivation was equivalent to Emperor Wu Jing\'s seven heaven, which was far from being compared with Nora, and his speed was completely weak.

However, Shen Lang successfully advanced the imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian before attacking the moonlight city.

In the more than ten days of amber dream, it has been the peak of emperor Wujing\'s nine heaven!

Now he\'s only faster than Nora!

It was a silent blow, but the speed was unimaginable!


Nora\'s whole body was smashed into a blood mist and scattered in all directions.

However, the evil woman\'s means are extremely vicious. In the face of such a crisis, she refuses to let Ling Xue and Ling Yue go!

Before being hit by Shen Lang, she threw up her hands and crushed Ling Xue and Ling Yue in her hands!

"Ling Xue..." the distant shadow jumped in the corner of his eyes and bitter in his mouth.

At the next moment, the light of thin shadow\'s eyes soared: "Ling Xue and Ling Yue are not entities, but virtual shadows!"

It turned out that Ling Xue and Ling Yue, crushed by Nora, were scattered into countless light spots!

Shen Lang was talking about an illusion before. Unexpectedly, even Ling Xue and Ling Yue were illusions!


At the time of Shuying\'s surprise and joy, Shen Lang\'s figure has appeared more than 1000 miles away in the southeast!

As soon as he appeared, his right hand was thrown.

The small geomagnetic mountain was thrown out by him, turned into a huge mountain in the air, and suddenly pressed down!

Nora\'s figure appeared in the rumble.

Nora\'s ferocious face and hands were lifted up to support the sky to resist the suppression of the earth\'s central yuan magnetic mountain!


Shen Lang snorted coldly, his left hand was also thrown, and the eighteen ten thousand ghost flags flew out like lightning.

This eighteen pole ten thousand ghost flag immediately shrouded the area with the geocentric yuanci mountain as the center and a radius of three thousand miles!

"Take it!"

In the soft sound of Shen Lang, the eighteen ten thousand ghost flag immediately began to shrink its range.

The endless black fog swept away and filled the whole enclosed space.

Fog dragons are generally interspersed in this space. Before Nora can resist the geocentric magnetic mountain in the air, the whole array has been formed in an instant!

Nora, who thinks he has unparalleled speed and extraordinary hiding ability, never thought

Just a few days ago, Shen Lang was so terrible!

And in the hands of these two powerful magic weapons, she is completely difficult to resist!

In particular, the 180000 ghost flag trapped her in the array within a few seconds of being held down by the geomagnetic mountain town!

"It\'s impossible..." Nora screamed: "I\'ve followed you quietly since you appeared in the plague. When did you do your hands and feet? Did you say you were an illusion when you first appeared? I don\'t believe it!"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "at the beginning, of course, it can\'t be an illusion. I can\'t predict. How can I know you\'re still in the plague?"

"I just found that after you followed me, I came to Shura city. When I killed those idiots, I took the opportunity to hide my Buddha, and then asked the sea king in Shura city to help condense the illusion of Ling Xue and Ling Yue."

"Shen Lang!" Nora screamed hysterically, "you can\'t trap me! I won\'t let you go!"

"I\'m sleepy," said Shen, a cold smile. "Has the final say."

The "ten thousand ghost flag" immediately ran, and a terrible ghost suddenly rushed out and rushed towards Nora, who was difficult to move!

"Mi... Milos!" Nora saw the shadow clearly and was in a trance.

Milos grinned, "Nora, long time no see. Come and stay with me."

As soon as the voice fell, Milos turned into a ten thousand ghost flag and passed through Nora\'s chest like an electric drill!


Nora screamed up into the sky.

At the next moment, the power of the 180000 ghost flag and the power of the geomagnetic mountain in the air burst out at the same time!

The geomagnetic mountain in the sky, with a rumbling sound, pressed down again;

In this space surrounded by eighteen thousand ghost flags, the terrible pressure is compressed from all directions!

Nora\'s strength disappeared crazily. Under the combined attack of these two forces, it even turned into a blood mist, which could not be

The Shen wave outside pinched his hands and danced up and down like a butterfly.

One by one, Yin Jue broke into the eighteen ten thousand ghost flags.

The eighteen ten thousand ghost flags once again narrowed the circle!

The fire of the dark earth Yin was burning, making Nora scream!

It\'s the same eighteen ten thousand ghost flag. There\'s a big difference between Milos and Shen Lang!

What\'s more, when Shen Lang got it, he refined the Milos of the Ninth Heaven of the imperial martial mirror!

Now, with the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth, I\'m afraid it\'s impossible for ghost Zun night to be trapped in it!

It was only twenty seconds. The thin film had just come for a little time, and Nora\'s voice had completely disappeared.

Shen Lang takes back the geomagnetic mountain. His hands are faster and faster. He begins to refine Nora!

Wangui luofan, another emperor martial mirror nine heaven will be added soon!

At present, this refining is much better than Shen Lang\'s direct absorption of the strong emperor\'s martial mirror with Taiji diagram.

Because this means that Nora or Milos exists in another form and becomes a slave of Shen Lang and one of the ten thousand ghost flags.

The ten thousand ghost flag has added such a guy with nine heaven in the imperial martial mirror, but its power has been greatly improved!

This is the magic weapon of this type, which can continuously improve its power by swallowing and refining all kinds of creatures!

However, Shen Lang, who has a Tai Chi diagram, was not so ecstatic when he got the ten thousand ghost flags.

When it comes to swallowing, where can we find something that can be compared with the Tai Chi diagram?

At that time, if we use the Tai Chi diagram to devour all kinds of strong people, and then use it to enhance the power of the ten thousand ghost flags, ten thousand ghost flags, it\'s very expected!

There is no doubt about the terror of Taiji diagram, but its power in attack is currently limited to "star sucking Da Fa".

Tai Chi diagram is now a bane of the soul type, but for creatures with the flesh body, threat has not been exaggerated to unmatched level.

The speed of swallowing and refining by the ten thousand ghost flag is too cumbersome and slow. It is almost refining one by one, which can never be compared with the Tai Chi diagram.

If you like in the hungry ghost path of the dragon scale temple, you can devour and refine the soul through the Tai Chi diagram, and finally instill it into the ten thousand ghost flag

How far can the power of this ten thousand ghost flag develop?


When Shen Lang was refining Nora, Shu Ying was escorting the side with a long sword.

In the void, powerful thoughts are constantly wandering.

This place is only more than 1000 miles away from Shura city. When Shen Lang and Nora started fighting, the strong ones of the demon temple in Shura city had been attracted.

At the moment, seeing Nora, the powerful nine sky warrior of the blood clan emperor\'s martial mirror, almost didn\'t send a decent attack, so he was killed by Shen Lang and refined

The strong men of the great devil generals in Shura city were all cold.

Especially those people in Bifang mansion have a feeling of near death!

No matter how bad Nora is, he is also the strong man of the imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian

Unexpectedly, it just appeared for a while and ended like this!

If it was one of the four heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha, I\'m afraid it couldn\'t be so clean and easy, right?

Forty minutes later, Shen Lang put away eighteen ten thousand ghost flags.

The last time Milos was refined, his cultivation was less than the Ninth Heaven of the imperial martial mirror, which took more than an hour.

This time, it only took 40 minutes, and the face was not red and the heart did not jump.

At this time, Ling Xue, Ling Yue and the "king of ocean and water" came out of Shura city.

"Hahaha, brother Shen\'s means, I admire it more and more!" far away, the king of the sea and water said in a loud voice: "in an instant, I solved a strong warrior of the blood clan emperor, and greatly increased the prestige of my demon temple!"

Shen Lang arched his hand at the king of the sea and water and said, "my brother is too famous. If I didn\'t do it myself and condense the illusion of Ling Xue and Ling Yue, how could I deceive Nora?"

"If I can\'t deceive this woman, I\'m afraid I\'ll have to deal with it!"

At this moment, the strong men of the great devil generals in Shura city finally understood.

It seems that Shen Lang found Nora when he returned to Luocheng, and then sent a message to sea king long ago to condense the illusion of Ling Xue and Ling Yue!

Then, Shen Lang deliberately neglected to take precautions, left Shura city with Ling Xue and Ling Yue, and was taken by Nora!

All this is just to attract Nora and hit him hard at one fell swoop!

"Shen Lang, I\'m afraid he\'s no weaker than any demon general\'s house master in terms of means and strength!"

"Too terrible, this little evil star is too terrible!"

"When Princess rosefinch gets such a figure, the prestige of rosefinch house rises greatly. I\'m afraid she\'s sitting on the throne of the first devil general house!"

Thoughts are communicating and sighing in the void.

Shen Lang grabbed with his right hand and directly brought Ling Xue and Ling Yue to his side.

Then, Shen Lang blasted out his thoughts impolitely, shaking away the thoughts that stayed around!

The strong of all sides felt Shen Lang\'s hostility and were afraid to take back their thoughts.

At this time, Shen Lang once again threw out the eighteen thousand ghost flag.

The ten thousand ghost flags stand in the void and surround Shen Lang, forming an independent space and isolated from the outside world.

"Thin film, you three help me do something." Shen Lang said directly.

The three of them said respectfully, "please tell me!"