Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1290

The third field is the field of the seven dragon emperor, the field of power;

Under the cover of this power field, the power of those who use the field, or friendly forces, will increase ten times and one hundred times!

It\'s also a coincidence that the four great emperors here today are all muscular, strong and strong characters who are good at strength!

Even without the bonus of this power field, the world can stand their punch or two, I\'m afraid we can\'t find much!

Now, with the power field of the seven dragon emperor, the four emperors shot at the same time. Even if the sixth ancestor was trapped in it, it was estimated that he would be hit with tears

At the beginning, the Immortal Emperor of the blood clan sneaked into the eternal tree. The war came without warning and did not last long. Therefore, although the performance of the green dragon family was good, the preparation was obviously insufficient.

If the seven dragon emperor had opened up this field early and circled the Immortal Emperor into it, it would be two things to say whether the Immortal Emperor of the blood clan could leave alive.

After all, without liberalizing the power field, the seven Dragon Emperor smashed the Immortal Emperor and fled.

The fourth field is the field of the three Dragon Emperor, the field of reproduction;

The variation state of this replication field far exceeds that of the other three fields.

In the field of reproduction, you can reproduce a bunch of three dragon emperors... If you choose to fight in groups, you can see if you can beat a group of three dragon emperors; If you choose to fight alone, I\'ll choose you from a group of three Dragon Kings.

Although the sustainable time is the shortest of the four fields, it is even less than a quarter of the time in the power field.

But the field of reproduction is definitely the most rogue, shameless and changeable of the four fields!

The three dragon emperor doesn\'t talk much at ordinary times, but he plays Yin better than anyone else. Even his field is also the best field of Yin people.

If the green dragon family had a little preparation during the last war against the three great kings of the blood family, I\'m afraid they could beat all the blood family by relying on the three Dragon Emperor.

Just around the eternal tree, let go of the reproduction field, wait for the three great kings of the blood clan to throw themselves into the net, and then a group of three dragon emperors jumped on it

The picture is so beautiful that Shen Lang dare not see it.

Shen Lang just studied the fields of the four supreme powers and arranged the superimposed four fields!

When all the four fields are released, the array operates

Everyone in the array is motivated and ready to go!

Shen Lang read the formula in his mouth and pointed to a position on the right like a sword.

A wisp of rosefinch flew out with a sneer, as if it had been thrown into the oil pan!


Circle after circle of rosefinch fire, immediately began to burn, covering up the whole array!

Among these terrible rosefinch fires, there are only a maze of small passages.

This is for the four great emperors and the ghost Zun night Youming wearing Jiuyou demon soul blade.

In the middle of the rosefinch fire, a small array is still running.

The killing armor was placed in that array by Shen Lang!

The killing evil god was overcast by Shen Lang once when Shen Lang advanced to the emperor\'s martial mirror.

But there has been no movement for some time.

Perhaps he is too confident to believe that Shen Lang can threaten him;

Perhaps he was awed by the power of fengtianding and did not dare to act rashly here;

Or maybe he won\'t give up Shen Lang, such a "wonderful" host, and will eat Shen Lang

Anyway, I\'ve been safe for some time.

Otherwise, where can the killing armor be controlled by a mere array?

Unfortunately, man is not as good as heaven.

Evil gods are not gods after all... Even gods sometimes miscalculate.

No matter how the evil god calculated, he could not calculate that Shen Lang had found four emperors in such a short time!

Not only the existence of the four great emperors, but also the elite of the green dragon family and the elite of the corpse family are gathered here!

Not only that, the "ten thousand ghost flag" and "Jiuyou demon soul blade" of the thousand soul hall, as well as the "divine sword Tianqi", one of the ten Heavenly weapons, also appeared here!

If the evil god knows all this, I don\'t know if he will be so calm.

Shen Lang\'s right hand condenses the divine power of chaos, and the sixth move of "Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing" is ready to go;

And his left hand pinched an Indian formula, and then bent his fingers to the small array.

"Boo Boo!"

Several finger winds quickly hit the array shrouded in the killing armor.


That array was broken!

"Right now!"

"The gods and Demons disappear and return to chaos. The ultimate destruction of heaven and earth!"

In the flash of light, Shen Lang slapped the killing armor a little to the left of the chest!

That position is the hiding place of evil spirits in the killing armor!

Shen Lang exhausted all his strength and used the sixth move of the most powerful "Five Emperors dragon fist"!

The fierce and domineering fist intention, carrying the chaotic divine power to destroy the artistic conception, immediately penetrated the killing armor and blew on the evil god!


Angry thunder exploded in the killing armor, and the evil god could not hide. He was forced to get a "Five Emperors\' dragon fist"!

Although this fist is powerful and Shen Lang\'s cultivation is hundreds of times stronger than before, it may not be able to hurt the killing evil god after passing through the killing armor.

But this punch completely angered the evil god!


The evil god who was hiding in the depth of the killing armor roared, and the matchless killing gas burst out directly from the killing armor, turned into a ghost claw that seemed to be able to break the sky, and grabbed it towards the Shen wave!

This power is as strong as God and devil!

The speed is as fast as lightning!

Seeing this, I will completely devour the Shen waves in an instant!


Four cold grunts came out at the same time, and four figures appeared around Shen Lang.

Two Dragon Kings, two corpse kings!

The four fields have been put into operation!

Long Huang Lu, Yun Tian and Shi Huang shot at the ghost claw made by the gasification of killing!

This is equal to the four emperors whose power has increased dozens of times!

The huge ghost claw broke in response to the sound, and the incredible violent energy swept away

At this moment, Shen Lang smiled darkly and patted the position where the punch had just hit!

"Suction - star - Big - method!"

A black hole with a diameter of ten feet appeared in front of Shen Lang and shrouded the whole killing armor!

Now Shen Lang is more powerful than the cultivation when he got the killing armor?

In the business of plague land, Shen Lang made "war money" and swallowed up a large number of blood clan strong people, and even the demon blood descendants of the second heaven of the great emperor\'s martial realm.

Tai Chi diagram has grown to the point of terror and unpredictability!

At this moment, the terrible attraction on the Tai Chi diagram immediately released from the black hole, pulled the angry evil god in the killing armor with great accuracy, and dragged it out crazily!

The evil god was also unlucky. Angered by Shen Lang\'s fist, he couldn\'t help but want to rush out of the killing armor and directly refine Shen Lang.

As a result, he rushed and couldn\'t stop. A wave of suction that completely restrained the soul body had enveloped him!

In an instant, two black arms were pulled out of the killing armor by the "star sucking Da Fa"!


The evil god in the killing armor screamed, which almost knocked Shen Lang out!

Fortunately, Shen Lang was ready. He urged the black Pluto armor to protect him all the time early in the morning.

It was just a scream!

It can be seen that the evil god is powerful!

However, even so, even if the evil god is powerful and unparalleled, it is still difficult to resist when encountering the "star sucking Da Fa"!

In an instant, no matter how the evil god struggled with fear, half of his body was exposed in front of Shen Lang!

The evil god has two horns on his head, his eyes are red with blood, and his scream is fierce and boundless. He wears gold and cracked stone!

The most pure killing gas, even the presence of several emperors on the field, changed their complexion!

Shen Lang sneered and retreated violently. He directly withdrew to more than thirty feet!

Meanwhile, two as like as two peas, the king of the seven dragon appeared from behind the killing.

The two seven dragon emperors are all released with golden dragon Qi. They take root at their feet. One person pulls the killing armor and controls its life!

The black killing gas on the killing armor was entangled with the Golden Dragon Gas on the seven Dragon Emperor\'s hand, making a Zizi sound.

The killing armor trembled wildly, but under the control of the two seven dragon emperors, it was really impossible to break free!

Just at that moment, the killing armor had been fixed by the two seven dragon emperors, and Shen Lang had retreated to more than 30 feet away.

And connected among them is the body that is huge and almost solid to kill evil gods!

The killing evil god\'s arms have been pulled in by the Tai Chi diagram, most of his body is exposed, and the remaining section is still in the killing armor!

Before the evil god could react, the rosefinch fire rolled over and shrouded the body of the evil god!

Under the bonus in the cloud sky flame field of longhuang Road, the power of the rosefinch divine fire increased sharply. In an instant, it burned the evil god and shouted wildly!

However, before he called out twice

Above the void, the shadow of the eighteen thousand ghost flag suddenly appeared, surrounded in a circle, and released 18 Black chains, which pierced the body of the evil god and locked the 18 life gates of the evil god like black lightning!


The evil killing God was in crisis and roared.

The endless killing spirit pushed the rosefinch away!

Seeing that the rosefinch\'s divine fire is difficult to work, Shen Lang still has no expression.

Without the origin of rosefinch, Shen Lang\'s rosefinch fire is really not a true rosefinch fire.

Even if there is a bonus in the flame field, it is still difficult to pose a threat to the killing evil god.

However, Shen Lang\'s intention to use the rosefinch fire is just to induce the killing evil god to urge the force to resist!

As long as killing evil gods urges such a resistance, the field of corpses will devour this force!

And then

Longyan, which is much stronger than Shen Lang\'s rosefinch fire, gushed out of the mouth of Yuntian on longhuang road at this moment!

The endless golden dragon fire completely enveloped the evil god and burned wildly on him at the moment of killing the evil god and pushing away the rosefinch fire!

This is the real dragon inflammation, the Dragon inflammation of the strong dragon of the great emperor!

The power of killing evil gods has just been swallowed up by the field of corpses, just like the moment when a person hits a fist and has not had time to recover, the defense is the weakest!

The powerful dragon inflammation directly invaded the body of the killing evil god and swept away towards the interior!

"Shen Lang, dare you!"

The killing evil god howled wildly.

He opened his mouth, and a terrible force began to brew in his mouth.

It seems that the breath that can destroy the whole world is released from the killing evil god!

The eighteen thick chains locked on him made a rumbling sound, which turned out to be a sign of fracture!

This is a large array made of 180000 ghost flags as array flags, and it is controlled by 200 strong imperial martial mirrors of the green dragon family and the corpse family!

The power of this evil god makes several emperors look pale!

If this force breaks out completely, even the great emperor can\'t stop it