Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1289

"Yes." Shen Lang nodded and said, "I don\'t know the correct way to refine this life spirit liquid. I just absorb it like other spirit liquids or pills, but it\'s obviously wrong."

"Over the past few months, the life spirit liquid stored in my body has become more and more difficult to absorb."

Yu Jialan smiled: "refining this life spirit really needs a unique method, and it needs the power of gods and demons to really refine it. Otherwise, its power can\'t be really excavated."

"This drop of life spirit liquid in Xiaolang\'s hand is far less pure than that of Pangu Protoss."

"But this is the treasure that can make the gods and Demons crazy."

"What? The gods and demons are crazy about it?" the existence of the four great emperors and the ghost statue night ghost were all shocked.

We all know that this thing must be against the sky. I didn\'t expect it to be so against the sky!

Even gods and demons are crazy about it!

When it comes to the human world

Everyone pricked up their ears for fear of missing a word.

Yu Jialan said solemnly, "the spirit of life comes from the only spring of life in the six realms."

"The spring of life is in the Pangu world of the six worlds. It is said that it is the spring that gave birth to all things at the beginning of the creation of the world. It once triggered the Six Worlds War, countless gods and Demons fell and thousands of faces collapsed!"

"It was not until a great genius was born to sweep the six realms and formulate rules that the war of the six realms was calmed down."

"When the Pangu Protoss left the world, I heard the elder of the Pangu Protoss talk about it."

The seven Dragon Emperor plumped, swallowed his saliva and said, "I\'ve heard of the spring of life, but I really don\'t know. It\'s so rebellious... It can lead to the sixth World War?"

"What happened in the sixth World War?"

The cloud sky on longhuang road was knocked by another burst of chestnuts: "I said don\'t interrupt, let alone deviate! Gossip can be heard later. Now we\'re talking about the spirit of life. What\'s in your head when you talk about the six world war?"

The rest of them turned their eyes.

The corpse emperor found a chance to interrupt and said, "what Lu Yuntian said is that other things can be said slowly in the future. Excuse me, Lord Jialan, how much will this drop in Shen Lang\'s hand do to Ben... To my injury?"

Yu Jialan\'s mind shrouded the corpse emperor\'s whole body. After a careful investigation, he said: "after my refining, it only takes three drops to heal his Majesty\'s injury within a year."

The corpse emperor was overjoyed: "when... Seriously?"

Yu Jialan did not answer the words of the corpse emperor. His face was incomparably solemn and said, "if there can be ten drops of such pure life spirit liquid, I am 50% sure to use it to help his Majesty the Dragon Emperor and His Majesty the corpse emperor refine the divine body."

"Then, extract the meaning of the rules of life, and use one to two years to help his Majesty the corpse emperor and the Dragon Emperor break through the existing bottleneck and reach a higher level."

Everyone present was stunned.

Then, except Shen Lang and Yu Jialan, everyone opened their mouths and their chins were about to fall to the ground!

The corpse emperor and the Dragon Emperor are now at the level of the great emperor!

Breaking through the existing bottleneck and reaching a higher level... Doesn\'t it mean surpassing the great emperor and reaching the sixth ancestor?

Isn\'t the realm of the six ancestors the legendary realm of creation?

The realm of demigod

Before, I didn\'t even dare to think about this kind of thing!

Even if Shen Lang knew that this thing was extremely against the sky, but he had never been allowed to enter it, he never thought that it would be so terrible!

The drop he just took out is actually accumulated over the past six months.

Ten drops is equivalent to five years.

Can a great emperor break through the existing bottleneck in just five years?

This is unimaginable!

But that\'s the problem. It\'s only more than six years since the birth of xuezuling.

Accumulate five years of life liquid, plus one to two years as Yu Jialan said

It is impossible for the three dragon emperors and corpse emperors to break through before the birth of the blood ancestral mausoleum.

What\'s more, after getting the method of refining life spirit liquid, Shen Lang himself needs a lot of life spirit liquid!

"Bang bang!"

Shen Lang was still meditating. There were two explosions, and then the sharp pain came from his arms.

As soon as he looked up, Shen Lang saw the cloud sky of longhuang road and the corpse emperor, and grabbed his left and right hands!

The two men stared at Shen Lang with burning eyes, just like a wolf who had been hungry for three days and saw a fat lamb. They all wanted to pull themselves to them!

Shen Lang urged all his strength to resist these two powerful and unparalleled forces, held back the pain, and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor and your Majesty the corpse emperor, do you want to divide me?"

The Dragon Emperor and the corpse emperor were startled. They let go at the same time and kept making compensation to Shen Lang.

Because of the existence of the two great emperors, Yu Jialan completely lost the dignity of the great emperor and bowed to Shen Lang!

It\'s for this life liquid!

Surpass the Emperor

Even if it\'s just a possibility, even if it\'s only 50% chance, it can make the four in the boundary crazy!

Not only these four, but also the ghost zunye Youming who didn\'t speak!

As long as Shen Lang still has this thing, he doesn\'t worry that Shen Lang won\'t give it to him.

The war emperor was born in the thousand souls hall. He had a good relationship with Wenxiang ghost Zun, who raised the war emperor at night. If Shen Lang didn\'t give him a little... Or the thousand souls hall, it wouldn\'t make sense!

Now the key is, how much life spirit liquid does Shen Lang have?

Enough points?

At that time, if there are too few, these guys fight hard to compete for this thing. He can only watch the excitement in the dark at night!

At this time, even if you want to ask your majesty ghost emperor for help, it\'s too late.

Night Youming wanted to ask Shen Lang, but he was worried about the existence of several great emperors. It was hard to make a noise. It was like 10000 ants crawling around in his heart, which was terrible.

Shen Lang knows he has to say something.

He smiled and said, "the three dragon emperors have been guarding the eternal tree with the green dragon family for so many years for the world. If you can help the three dragon emperors further, you will never refuse!"

"In ancient times, his majesty led the corpse family to fight the blood family and save the world from water and fire. Now he is willing to lead the corpse family to fight the blood family again. The boy also dare not be stingy."


Everyone was nervous except yujialan.

I have to say, "but" is really terrible. The seven Dragon Emperor began to sweat.

Shen Lang pondered for a moment, organized a language and said, "well, I can get a drop of life spirit every other month..."

"The drop I just took out is the sum I got in six months."

"If I can continue to get this thing as before, I will provide the life spirit liquid needed by the four to break through the bottleneck, even if you don\'t say it."

In this sentence, the hearts of several people who had just been startled by "but" were finally completely put down.

Ten or eight years is just a sneeze time for these old guys.

"Just now, Lord Jialan said that refining this life spirit requires the power of gods and Demons..."

Shen Lang\'s left hand shook and released a chaotic power.

The chaotic power, like a gray fog, slowly turned in his palm.

Shen Lang then said, "my power is also a kind of divine power. Therefore, please tell me the way to refine this thing."

"OK." Yu Jialan nodded gently, and a finger turned gently in the air.

A leaf of the eternal tree full of runes appeared immediately and flew into Shen Lang\'s forehead with light.


It\'s easier for Shen Lang to deal with the killing of evil gods.

Both the green dragon clan and the corpse clan listen to Shen Lang.

First of all, in addition to the existence of the four great emperors, Shen Lang also selected 100 strong men of the green dragon family and the corpse family;

These people, together with the ghost zunye Youming with "Jiuyou demon soul blade", have a strong lineup, which is unimaginable!

Secondly, Shen Lang led the existence of the four great emperors and the 200 strong ones to use the "Eighteen pole ten thousand ghost flags" to decorate the sky shaking array in the fengtianding!

Ten days later, when the formation finally took shape, the three dragon emperors and corpse emperors took a breath of air conditioning

This large array has 180000 ghost flags as the array flag, tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones and 200 strong imperial martial mirrors. It is mysterious and powerful;

Inside, under the guidance of Shen Lang, the four great emperors sat in it and urged their respective fields to overlap with each other!

Really destroy everything, destroy everything!

Even if one of the six ancestors enters this array, I\'m afraid it\'s unknown whether he can come out!

How powerful is the evil god in the killing armor that needs Shen Lang to work so hard?

No matter how strong the evil god is, in the face of such a lineup, such a large array, and the superposition of these four fields... The existence of the four great emperors began to pity the evil god.

"Everybody, let\'s start now!" Shen Lang nodded slightly.

The existence of the four great emperors, as well as many strong ones, immediately raised their spirits and stood in their respective positions!

Four distinct fields, with the cooperation of the four people, began to display and maintained to the peak!

The first important field is the field of cloud and sky on longhuang road and the field of flame;

In this field, the power of fire increases ten times and one hundred times. Under the bonus of this field, even the great emperor will howl!

Shen Lang put Lu Yuntian\'s field in the first place. In addition to using the Longyan of longhuang road Yuntian, he also arranged the rosefinch fire in the inner layer of the big array!

Through this important field, rosefinch Shenhuo and Longyan, even the real gods and Demons should be cooked into roast duck!

The second field is the field of the corpse emperor, the field of the corpse;

In the field of corpse, any power will be transformed into corpse Qi, and then used by the corpse emperor.

Even the attack sent by the other party is just to provide vitality for the corpse emperor. It is strange and terrible.

In addition, the corpse emperor is so fierce and powerful that few people dare to fight with him in the field of corpses.

Shen Lang arranges this important area not for attack, but for defense, so as to transform and consume the power of evil gods!