Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1291

At the time of crisis, Shen Lang drank softly: "Your Majesty the three Dragon Emperor!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure flashed past and appeared in front of the head of the killing evil god.

It is the three Dragon Emperor who has never appeared!

The three Dragon Emperor smiled, held a long sword in his hands, and inserted it in the head of the killing evil god like lightning!

It\'s right in the middle of those two corners!

The long sword glowed until it reached the handle.

Impressively, it is one of the top ten Heavenly weapons Shen Lang gave to Xue Shiyin. The divine sword cries in the sky!

The divine sword Tianqi stabbed into the evil god\'s head. The pure and powerful dragon power of the three Dragon Emperor and the power of the unicorn, the spirit of the divine sword Tianqi, burst out suddenly in the evil god\'s body through dozens of times of the urging of the divine sword Tianqi!

In the roaring sound, the power just brewing by the evil god dissipated in an instant.

The breath of the whole head also withered!

The same magic sword, Tianqi, is more powerful than ten thousand times in the hands of xueshiyin in the martial mirror of the quasi emperor and in the hands of the three Dragon Emperor repaired by the great emperor?

After Shen Lang told the three Dragon Emperor how to control the divine sword Tianqi, the three Dragon Emperor had already been able to use the divine sword Tianqi freely.

If the three Dragon Emperor didn\'t do it, he would have stopped the cohesion of the evil god and beat the evil god half disabled!

That\'s not enough

"The Golden Dragon will fight, and God will be angry!"

A large group of "three dragon Emperors" appeared from both sides of the killing evil god\'s body. At the same time, they made every effort to hit the killing evil god\'s body!

Every punch is like a small planet falling to the ground!

The fierce and unparalleled energy swept in all directions, and the killing spirit was scattered and shot in all directions.

If this is not in the Fengtian tripod and there is a large array to protect it, I\'m afraid thousands of miles have been razed to the ground!

At this time, the field of corpse runs at full speed under the urging of the corpse emperor, and these scattered killing gases are swallowed up in an instant!

"Jiuyou demon soul fist, ten square demon prison!"

The voice of the dark night sounded from the sky. A huge skeleton fell from the middle of the eighteen ten thousand ghost flags, stepped on the body of the killing evil god and hit it with a hard blow!

With the help of the power of the "ten thousand ghost flag", this fist gathered the power of the ten thousand ghost flag on the Jiuyou demon soul blade, and then inspired by the unique skill of the night ghost "ten square demon prison".

It\'s a fist, but it\'s actually a ten fold "ten Party Magic prison"!

"Ten thousand ghost flag" and "Jiuyou demon soul blade" are the most precious treasures of the thousand soul hall. After the superposition of their forces, they urge to send out the "ten square demon prison". Unexpectedly, it makes the "ten square demon prison" a little similar to the unique skill "broken soul original world" of the soul ancestor!

However, this is also normal. The unique skills of the night ghost "ten square demon prison" and the soul emperor of the thousand soul hall "soul eating immeasurable formula" were originally born from the "broken soul original world" of the soul ancestor.

Originally, the strength of cultivation was far from that of the great emperor. When this move was played, the huge square like "ten square demon prison" directly swallowed up part of the body of the evil god.

The body of the evil god seems to be directly cut out by this square, and then... Refined into nothingness!

Although the move of ghost Zun night ghost gathers the power of the two most precious treasures in the thousand soul hall, it is still a big difference from the three Dragon Emperor in power.

However, although the fist of the three Dragon Emperor is fierce, the harm to the evil god is not as good as the move of the night nether "ten magic prison"!

If there were not a lot of three dragon emperors here, it is estimated that the three Dragon Emperor would be a little embarrassed

"It\'s so powerful to kill evil gods. The power is so terrible! Even the emperor\'s killing intention suppressed at the bottom of his heart has been attracted by him!" the corpse emperor beside Shen Lang showed tension in his eyes, clenched his hands and was ready to fight at any time.

"No wonder Shen Lang is so cautious and wants to gather our strong strength to deal with it! With the superposition of replication field and power field, so many \'three Dragon Kings\' can only temporarily suppress the power of the evil god, but can\'t inflict heavy damage on it, let alone destroy it!"

"The killing evil god is really not the animal soul sealed in the killing armor, nor the soul of some powerful creature, but it is produced by absorbing the killing gas through the killing armor!"

"Sure enough... Sure enough, it\'s a true evil god!"

As soon as the corpse emperor changed his previous careless appearance, his eyes were shining with blood, and his whole body skills were used!

"Chaos devil skill, corpse dance!"

The main duty is to protect Shen Lang\'s corpse emperor. Finally, he also shot, punched up and hit the chest of the killing evil god!

Part of the power secretly gathered by the killing evil gods will be completely dispersed!

All of this, sooner or later!

The killing of evil gods has hardly aroused the strength to resist. Most of the strength has been scattered and controlled!

As soon as the power of killing evil gods was weak, there was a bang, and the head was pulled into the black hole formed by the Tai Chi diagram!

At this moment, the whole body of the killing evil god has been pulled out of the killing armor except that his feet are still in the killing armor!

"Boom, boom!"

In the deafening noise, the divine sword heaven sobbed in the air like a dragon and fell into the hands of the seven dragon emperor at the back.

The seven dragon emperor was expressionless and stabbed forward with the divine sword

The other three emperors and Shen Lang were sweating.

The seven dragon emperor has no special hobbies. He likes this hand... Poke chrysanthemum flower.

The last time the three great kings of the blood clan attacked, he poked one of them with a halberd.

At that time, Shen Lang thought it was just a coincidence.

Unexpectedly, he still won\'t let go of the evil god of this soul body. It\'s still this move


Unimaginable screams came out of the body of killing evil gods.

Because it was just at this time that the seven Dragon Emperor stabbed the sky with his divine sword, and they couldn\'t tell clearly

Is this the pain caused by the black hole pulling the head of the killing evil god?

Or the pain of the seven Dragon Emperor stabbing him - Chrysanthemum - flower?

Or is it the move of the seven dragon emperor that brought the evil god an indelible disgrace?

Everyone was sweating again, and the tense atmosphere was dissipated by the seven Dragon Emperor.

"Not enough, not enough!" Shen Lang roared.

The Tai Chi diagram has been running at full speed, but so far it has only swallowed the evil god\'s arm and head, not even one third!

The eighteen pole ten thousand ghost streamers in the air rolled around, and the released black chain immediately expanded wildly, twice as thick as before!

Outside, a group of strong people of the green dragon family and the strong people of the corpse family frantically injected power into the 180000 ghost flag and locked the killing evil god.

Here, the eyes of Yuntian in longhuang road become more and more tyrannical. The gushing dragon inflammation consumes the power of evil gods madly;

Over there, there are a large group of "three dragon Emperors" smashing and smashing in the dark night!

"Star sucking Da Fa" is an anti heaven skill based on Tai Chi diagram. It is a divine and evil skill to restrain energy and soul body.

Just as Shen langcai advanced into the quasi emperor martial mirror, he once swallowed the remnant soul of heaven demons and caught the book of heaven!

After such a long time, the Tai Chi diagram is more powerful than it was in the dragon scale temple?

Unexpectedly, under such a laborious situation, the evil god could not be completely extracted from the killing armor!

If you can\'t take it out, it\'s difficult to completely devour the killing evil god!

Shen Lang shouted, "Your Majesty, help me pull him out of the killing armor!"

The corpse Emperor didn\'t ask anything else. His body moved and appeared in front of the seven Dragon Emperor.

His body suddenly expanded and his hands circled around the waist of the killing evil god!


In the roar of the corpse emperor, the forces in the field of corpse no longer devour the killing gas of evil gods, but all converge on the corpse emperor!

The corpse Emperor himself has infinite power and restrained the soul body.

Now, with his power in the field of corpse and the bonus in the field of power, even a giant dragon can be torn off by him!

"Bang bang!"

The voice of thunder burst from the waist of the killing evil god. As expected, it was pulled out by the corpse emperor!

"Only a little is left in the killing armor! A dangerous breath is released on the killing evil god. It can\'t be dragged any longer!"

Shen Lang looked at all this and his heart turned.

At this time, the seven Dragon Emperor\'s face was like an expression, holding the divine sword, and heaven sobbed at the position where the evil god was killed, and another sword stabbed out!

"Dragon clan, I want you to die without a burial place!"

Killing evil gods spread a terrible idea and threatened the seven Dragon Emperor.

But the terrorist forces he had just gathered were delayed.

It seems that this powerful killing evil god still cares about "chrysanthemum flower".

Even the corpse emperor in front of the seven Dragon Emperor looked at all this and was stunned. He almost forgot what he was doing

"Shen Lang, you forced me! I said you would regret it!"

The idea of killing evil gods spread out and made people feel frightened.

With the struggle of evil gods, endless black fog burst out, forming a terrible vortex. The vortex became more and more turbulent, showing one ferocious and terrible face after another.

Endless cold breath and killing breath entangled together and burst out in all directions.

Even the existence of several emperors felt cold all over!

This unimaginable cold seems to come from the nine nether world prison and penetrate into the nerves, blood, bone marrow and soul of all people here.

No matter how strong the cultivation is, no matter how strong the physical strength is, when you feel this breath, you can\'t help but feel cold all over.

The more the evil god\'s body is exposed in the killing armor, the stronger the cold and terrible breath.

The fog was cloudy, the shadows were heavy, and the ghosts were crying. The area five thousand miles around seemed to have become a ghost.

The strong wind swept the whole audience, and the dark fog swept the whole audience. It was dark inside the sealed tripod, which made people unable to distinguish between East, West, North and south.

At this time, even the existence of the four great emperors showed panic in their eyes!

Four fields plus the terror array, and then everyone goes all out. In this case, the killing evil god can still not be solved, and there is an unimaginable force in his body, which is about to burst out

What to do?

Suddenly, Shen Lang smiled, "regret? There is no such word in my dictionary!"

Then Shen Lang paused a little and said, "Your Majesty, let him go and let him go."

All the strong people present were stunned.

The corpse emperor tried his best, but he still couldn\'t pull out the killing evil god. Why did he let him go at the critical moment?