Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1286

From Ling Xue\'s mouth, Shen Lang knows that the search for the divine beast in the demon temple is for the power of the law in the divine beast\'s blood!

This is consistent with his previous speculation!

It seems that as long as you have a heavenly book on your body, you can also extract the power of various laws in the blood of divine beasts.

However, in addition to the law corresponding to the heavenly book, the extraction speed of others will be very slow.


For a demon God like the demon lord, there can be no lack of time without anything!

Shen Lang\'s state of mind is as firm as a rock, but now he has confirmed it, and his face still becomes a little ugly.

Ling Xue didn\'t pay attention to Shen Lang\'s expression and said, "it\'s just a rumor. The status of his subordinates is not qualified to know about the venerable. I just heard a little. I don\'t know whether it\'s true or false."

Shen Lang was silent for a moment and asked the last question: "although I have become the left envoy of Zhuque mansion, I heard that I have to go to the general hall and go through the final review and approval of the general hall?"

"The demon temple has strict levels, including demons. How to ensure the loyalty of people entering the demon temple?"

Ling Xue nodded and said, "yes, at that time, adults need to go to the general hall and go through the review of the general hall."

"The general Hall of the demon God hall has a special audit procedure, which will carefully check anyone who enters the demon God hall."

"As for the \'loyalty\' you said, in addition to the set of audit procedures just mentioned, in fact, no one dares to betray the demon temple and no one is willing to betray it."

"Otherwise, there will be no place for him in heaven and earth!"

"However, only the existence of the head of the government and above will be required to donate soul blood and hand it over to the law enforcers."

"I see. Thank you, Ling Xue." Shen Lang smiled and said, "go out and help me call uncle adami and the heads or leaders of different races in."

Ling Xue was flattered when she heard Shen Lang say thank you. Her face turned red: "yes, sir!"

Soon, the chiefs or leaders of adami, huonishang and other races came in.

A group of people looked at Shen Lang with a little excitement and a little tension.

If they gathered around Shen Lang at the beginning, they just looked at Yu CHENFENG\'s face because they believed that Yu CHENFENG would not be wrong

Now, people of all races are really "bowing down to be ministers" and treat Shen Lang as a God.

It was Shen Lang\'s action that saved their people;

It is precisely because of Shen Lang\'s action that their races can survive in the vortex of this war;

It was because of Shen Lang\'s action that the blood clan was finally driven out of the plague!

These alien races, who are unruly and have all kinds of hatred against each other, have now gathered together very united and become a force in Shen Lang\'s hands.

Although this force is a little different from Shen Lang itself.

After looking at the people who came in, Shen Lang motioned them to sit down. Then he said, "gentlemen, the blood families in the plague land have been destroyed, but your home has been destroyed. I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to restore the way it used to be."

"Even if it can be restored, because of the eternal tree, this place has become a vortex of war. The blood clan will not die out, and the war will continue day by day."

"Have you decided where to go?"

Adami, the oldest and shrewdest, sighed and said, "before your excellency came back, in fact, we had discussed this problem... Even if the plague land recovers and turns back to the moonlight forest land, it is not the moonlight forest land before."

"Our races are too weak to compare with those big races of barbarians and demons. It\'s really not suitable for us to survive here."

"Now we have seen the situation outside. The strong forces of all parties are working hard to build defense... They are going to fight a long war!"

"As long as the eternal tree is here, as long as the blood clan is not completely destroyed, they will stare at the eternal tree."

"The moonlight woodland is no longer quiet, only fear, only war."

"Our races are too weak. Once we get involved in the vortex of this war, we will only end up in ashes."

All the leaders or chiefs of the surrounding nationalities have their heads hooked off one by one.

This strong man of different sizes, regardless of men and women, young and old, has a circle of tears in his eyes.

The destruction of their homes is painful enough.

When the blood clan was expelled, they still couldn\'t rebuild their homes and had to choose to leave.

Adami said with a little expectation, "we heard that you have a sect in Zichu state called xuandaozong. If you can, we are willing to follow you and go to Zichu state and xuandaozong..."

When he said this, adami summoned up his courage.

For these barbarian aliens, they used to be very exclusive of Terrans and unwilling to enter Terran territory.

Huonishang immediately answered and said, "our races have lived in the wilderness for thousands of years. Our ability to survive must be stronger than the human race. We can be self-sufficient. Adults don\'t have to worry about our survival."

"We just want to follow adults. That\'s enough."

"And now the troubled times have come, and the blood clan is a disaster to the world... Our homes have been destroyed by them, and our brothers and sisters have been cruelly abused - killed by them, and even turned into dead souls. If this hatred is not reported, we are ashamed of our ancestors!"

"We want to follow the adults, integrate into the Terran society, and contribute a little to the fight against the blood clan!"

Shi Hao and others immediately shouted, "yes, that\'s what we mean!"

"Please don\'t rush us to Zhuque mansion. If we go to xuandaozong, we won\'t bring you any trouble!"

Shen Lang nodded and said, "I\'m looking for you. In fact, that\'s what I mean. Since everyone has the same idea, it\'s easy to do."

"Give me a few days. After I deal with one thing, I will send Ling Xue to escort you to xuandaozong."

"As for now, I need to surprise you."

Shen Lang opened his palm and released a circle of white light to cover the people present.

"Relax, everyone. I\'ll take you to meet some people."

When the white light dissipated, a group of people were immediately brought into the fengtianding by Shen Lang.

In a large array in fengtianding, the sound of snow poetry was suspended in the air, and the wooden spiritual power was released around the body, enveloping the whole array.

Below her, more than 30000 people, either lying or sitting, or bound, are bathed in the spiritual power released by the sound of snow poetry.

These people are the ones rescued by Shen Lang from the blood sacrifice of the blood clan.

Among them, those bound are basically people of all ethnic groups who have been transformed into blood families.

"My Lord, this is..."

Shi Hao, the leader of the stone people, shouted loudly.

Among these bloodstained people, there are many stone people. Shi Hao recognized them at a glance.

Previously, Shi Hao and others thought they had died under the blood clan.


Hearing the sound, everyone present opened their eyes.

There was a mess of crying and laughter.

Shen Lang stepped out and stood beside Xue Shiyin.

With a gentle palm, he pressed the back of Xue Shiyin, and the surging spiritual power was instilled into Xue Shiyin from his palm.

Shen Lang said with some blame, "just let you stabilize their injury for a while. Why do you consume your spiritual power so recklessly?"

Xue Shiyin, who looked a little pale, opened his eyes, smiled and said, "I just want their injuries to recover as soon as possible. It won\'t hurt."

"Next, leave it to me." Shen Lang said softly.

Then he said in a loud voice, "let\'s be quiet and listen to me."

The field was immediately quiet. Everyone looked up and looked at the Shen waves above.

Shen Lang sighed and said, "you can take care of your injuries and treat them slowly. It\'s urgent for me to solve these people who are eroded by blood first..."

"Solve?" Shi Hao was surprised: "Sir, are you going to kill them? Although they have been transformed into blood clan, they are our people. Can\'t you even help them?"

All the people present were immediately panicked.

Blood clan is blood clan. It\'s more frightening to be transformed into blood clan than to die.

In those years, the blood clan swept through the four wastelands of Zhongzhou. It was by this hand that the virus generally spread all over the world

There are now more than 30000 people here, almost more than half of whom are bound.

Do you really want to kill them as blood clan?

But what should we do if we don\'t kill them?

"You\'ll die if you don\'t talk?" adami was so angry that he ran over and kicked Shi Hao and said, "are you full of stones in your head? If adults want to kill them, do you still need to bring them back here? Adults said that there is certainly a way to solve the problem of blood energy!"

Huonishang also came to persuade him, "clan leader Shi Hao, don\'t disturb adults. Although blood energy is strange and powerful, adults must have a way."

"Everyone is quiet!"

Shi Hao gave a thump in his throat and looked at Shen Lang with an apology and nodded fiercely.

Shen Lang didn\'t speak. He grabbed it with his left hand downward!

Those who were bound were immediately banned and gathered in the middle.

The ropes and other things tied to them broke and fell to the ground.

"This adult is so powerful! When he saved us, he easily killed the powerful blood clan in the five or six days of emperor Wujing. Now he can easily ban more than 10000 people... It\'s unimaginable!"

"It\'s nothing. It\'s really powerful to draw out the blood that invades their bodies!"

"Yes, I\'ve never heard that if you become a blood clan, you can change back to the original!"

Although the heads of all ethnic groups were not allowed to speak, some young people still lowered their voices and talked when they saw this scene.

Shen Lang smiled calmly and said, "don\'t worry... If they have been transformed into blood clan for a year and a half, and blood energy has been entangled with their souls, I really have no way."

"But if it\'s only a month or two, or even a few days, it\'s not much difficult for me."

"Well, everyone who has not been eroded by blood, please go outside the array with uncle adami."

After a crash, more than 10000 people immediately dispersed and came out of the battle.

Standing outside the array, they can no longer see the situation inside the array.

In the big array, except those who have been transformed into blood clan, there are only Shen Lang, Xue Shiyin, ape unbreakable, ghost king, Duanmu Zhenghe and four bone demons.

With a flash of human shadow, Shen Lang has reached the position among the banned group of people.

The next moment, his whole body began to be filled with the rolling blood of terror, and began to urge the method he had learned from Yu CHENFENG to transform himself into a blood clan!