Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1287

When Shen Lang opens his eyes again

His eyes were red, his blood was surging, and he became extremely evil.

It\'s not much different from a strong blood clan.

This breath is stronger than those blood princes. I don\'t know how many times!

Even if the ape on the edge didn\'t break a few people, they were scared to step back!


With a gentle wave of Shen Lang\'s palm, he untied the prohibition on everyone.

All the "blood clans" in the array roared, got up one by one, bowed their heads, looked at Shen Lang respectfully and dared not move rashly.

In front of these lower "blood families", Shen Lang, who is no different from the higher blood families, is like their supreme God.

Blood clan captures people of all races and transforms them into blood clan in order to control them with blood.

In ancient times, blood clan transformed other creatures into blood clan by sucking blood. Those transformed blood clan may not be completely controlled by blood clan, even have feelings and know joys and sorrows.

This time, the blood clan came out again, and the "source of pain" refined by the blood ancestor with great magic power can directly transform all kinds of creatures into obedient "blood clan"

This blood clan is not so much a blood clan as a puppet!

"Sit cross legged and listen to my orders." Shen Lang began to give orders.

All the "blood clan" immediately sat down obediently.

"Run all the forces in your body, pass through Guanyuan, Shenque and Tanzhong, reach shenting, and finally gather in Baihui!"

Shen Lang stretched out his hands as he spoke. A blood red light ball appeared in the palms of both hands.

Gathering strength at Baihui acupoint is a great risk.

If you are hit hard at this time, it is likely to bring serious consequences and even die on the spot.

However, none of the "blood clan" resisted or questioned. They immediately gathered their strength to Baihui acupoint above their heads according to the steps said by Shen Lang.

At that time, everyone of these "blood families" was wrapped in a circle of blood mist, and the blood light was emitted from the top of his head, like stones thrown on the lake.

Shen Lang closed his eyes, approached the blood red light ball of his hands, and then merged into one.

The strong spirit spread and shrouded all the "blood families" present.

Shen Lang began to feel the blood energy on the heads of these people.

Soon, the blood red light ball between his hands began to send out silk threads, connecting Baihui acupoints on the head of all blood families present!

In an instant, Shen Lang established a connection with the blood energy of all "blood families".

Shen Lang could clearly feel that the blood on these "blood clan" could be entangled with their original spiritual power, as if it were hemp rope wound round and round.

It was precisely because he knew these things before and knew the strangeness and terror of blood energy that Shen Lang used this skill.

But did not directly urge "star sucking big - Method".

If you directly urge the "star sucking Dharma" to these people, while extracting their blood energy, they will also extract all their original spiritual power or demon power.

Eventually, these people ran out of oil, the lamp dried up and died on the spot!

After clearly sensing the energy gathered by all the "blood families" on the scene, Shen Lang\'s heart moved and urged the blood energy between his hands.

The silk threads released from this bloody light mass, like small snakes, began to enter from everyone\'s Baihui cave.

Then, among the blood energy attached to them, they move forward along the blood energy, just like following the vine.

Time passed bit by bit

When the snow poetry on the edge and the sweat drops on the ape\'s face appeared, the Shen wave in the air drank softly: "separate!"

At this moment, under the action of the blood energy released by Shen Lang, there was a short separation between the blood energy on all "blood families" and their own strength!

It\'s like two wires stuck together, separated

"Star sucking big - method!"

In the cold sound of Shen Lang, the Tai Chi diagram worked wildly!

A black hole no more than three feet in diameter appeared in front of the Shen wave and swallowed the blood red light ball between his hands!

At the next moment, the silk lines connecting with each "blood family" seemed to become pipes, which suddenly increased several times!

A huge stream of blood energy quickly converges towards the black hole in front of Shen wave through this pipe!

"Bang bang!"

In the blink of an eye, everyone held their heads and fell to the ground!

And their blood energy has been extracted and swallowed into the Tai Chi diagram!

"Shen Lang!"

A scream came from the crowd.

A woman with wings on her back flew towards Shen Lang.

It\'s Nangong Jianqiu, the eldest lady of the shadow building!

Nangong Jianqiu has a lot of courage. As soon as he flies over, no matter how Shen Lang reacts, he hugs Shen Lang firmly!

"Woo woo! I knew you would save me... You really did it!" Nangong Jianqiu held Shen Lang in her arms with a runny nose and tears.

The snow poetry below, a face all black.

The ghost king immediately comforted: "don\'t care, landlady. If I were saved, I would hold the boss like this."

Xue Shiyin stared at the ghost king, and his face changed a little better.

"Young lady, it\'s all right. Your snot has soiled my clothes." at this time, Shen Lang has restrained his blood gas, recovered his blood and returned to his normal posture.

Nangong Jianqiu stretched out his hand and wiped it. He was a little embarrassed and let Shen Lang go.

At this time, those people holding their heads below finally responded and raised their heads.

"What\'s going on?"

"Are we still under blood clan control?"

"No, we have entered the blood pool and become a blood clan?"

A group of people looked at the sinking waves in the air with surprise, joy and fear.

"It\'s Lord Shen Lang! It\'s Lord Shen Lang who saved us!" several people in the shadow building shouted, and they had recognized Shen Lang.

Shen Lang\'s mind moved, and his majestic mind grabbed out like two big hands.

Adami and others outside the array were immediately pulled in by a huge force.

Ye Juexin, who has been practicing alone on the other side, also appeared beside Nangong Jianqiu.


"Jue Xin!"

The two women looked at each other and were stunned. Then they hugged each other and cried together.

Below, more than 30000 people gathered together and became a mess.

One by one, they cried and laughed like crazy.

Seeing this situation, Shen Lang has mixed feelings.

Anyway, seeing such a scene made him feel

No matter how much it costs, it\'s actually worth it.

Xue Shiyin flew up and wiped Shen Lang\'s sweat: "are you tired? The matter has finally been solved. Can you breathe a sigh of relief?"

Others had no reaction, but ye Juexin suddenly looked up: "snow jingle? No... you, you\'re not jingle!"

Duanmu came over with a big swing, leaned over her head and said in a voice: "our boss\'s wife is not Dingdang, but her ancestor!"

Xue Shiyin and Shen Lang\'s face are green

The two men shot at the same time, slapped Duanmu Zheng fan and flew out.

Xue Shiyin directly chased up and kicked duanmuzheng to death.

No, I can\'t flatter. - don\'t flatter?

How can there be such a flattery. - fart?

Seeing the opportunity, bone four at the bottom immediately came out and said, "duanmuzheng, this fool, is really stupid enough. What can you say and what can\'t be said? Don\'t you know to learn from us?"

"Although the landlady is really jingle\'s ancestor, you can\'t say it?"

The already quiet array suddenly became dead silent.

The needle can smell!

Before Xue Shiyin rushed over, bone one, bone two and bone three had caught bone four and beat him violently!

Xue Shiyin doesn\'t care about anything, just this.

Seeing this zombie and a bone demon, he said all these words. The sadness and grievance in his heart burst out like a flood.

Tears swirled in my eyes

Shen Lang was surprised and immediately ran over: "what\'s the matter? These two bastards are just kidding. How can you rest assured?"

Duanmu Zhenghe and Gusi also knew that they had made a big mistake. The two idiots held their heads on the ground and trembled like ostriches burying their heads in the ground.

After a long time, snow poetry returned to normal.

She glared fiercely and walked out of the array with her fart - share Duanmu Zhenghe four.

Shen Langgang was about to go out with her, but she was stopped by huonishang: "Sir, let me persuade her. Don\'t worry, give it to me."

"Please." Shen Lang nodded gratefully.

As soon as they went out, Shen Lang frowned and drank softly: "you two, don\'t get up!"

Duanmu Zhenghe and Gusi jumped up like a spring on their knee.

Shen Lang said angrily, "next time you talk nonsense to me, I\'ll grind you two into bone powder!"

Duanmu Zhenghe was shivering all over his body and nodded like pounding rice.

Shen Lang turned his head again: "old ghost, take good care of them in the future!"

"I\'m so angry!"

The ghost king immediately flew over with bone four and Duanmu Zheng.

His cultivation is far weaker than Duanmu zhengleng, but Duanmu zhengleng doesn\'t dare to answer back with the support of Shen Lang.

Ye Juexin in the air looked at Shen Lang dimly and quietly, pursed his lips, and didn\'t speak.

Nangong Jianqiu looked at ye Juexin\'s eyes and sighed secretly.


It was late at night after the alien affairs were handled.

After explaining a few words to the people of Zhuque mansion, Shen Lang restrained his breath and sank to the bottom of the earth. God unknowingly went out of Shura city and went outside the plague land.

It\'s time to enter the amber dream again.

However, this time Shen Lang did not enter alone.

But to bring the ghost respect, the night nether world, and the corpse Emperor

So careful.

That\'s because there are still two people in this plague land that Shen Lang is afraid of.

One is the haunted Eastern Emperor, the other is the golden winged ROC Wang Yueqing.

"The devil fragments sent from the thousand souls hall, the source of the blood clan\'s pain, plus the power of the gods and Demons remaining in the Jiuchong heaven of the advanced emperor\'s martial mirror, and the absorbed blood clan energy, impact the great emperor\'s martial realm, almost..."

————————Something happened at home. I\'m exhausted. Generally speaking, I still have no money to cause trouble. I really can\'t write it down. I\'ll have a day off tomorrow (April 17). We don\'t have to wait.

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