Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1285

Ling Xue said with fear: "when he was in charge of the God of war hall for a few years, the black dragon demon king led the strong people of the God of war hall to deal with him, and the whole army was destroyed... Even the black dragon demon king outside the battlefield was badly hurt by the emperor of war, and fell directly into several boundaries. He is still healing until now!"

"That\'s not enough..."

"Almost thirteen years ago, there was a war between the demon God Temple and the God of war temple. Although the war was not known by the world, it was probably the cruelest and most terrible war in hundreds of thousands of years."

"Although my subordinates and rosefinch house are outside, I heard a little later."

"It\'s said that in this war, the war emperor fought one enemy against nine, fought nine venerable people, and finally..."

Seems to be worrying about something, Ling Xue didn\'t say anything more.

Without waiting for Shen Lang to ask, Ling Xue carefully and carefully read the voice and said, "in the end, the three dignitaries were killed, and the other six were seriously injured!"

"What!" Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed violently.

It was a pretence, but Shen Lang was really frightened!

It is said that Shen Lang has deeply integrated with the soul of the war emperor. Even if all the memories of the final World War I were sealed by the war emperor, Shen Lang can actually reason about the real accomplishments of the war emperor.

In Shen Lang\'s calculation, the war emperor who surpassed the great emperor should be in a position equivalent to the sixth ancestor.

Maybe it has exceeded, not necessarily.

But after all, the war emperor did not contact the six ancestors, let alone fight a war, which is really difficult to compare.

Now, hearing all this from Ling Xue\'s mouth, Shen Lang suddenly felt an extremely absurd feeling... Emperor Zhan, has he become so strong?

Is this still the power of the human world?

In ancient times, the blood ancestor plagued the world, and it was nothing to say that one enemy was ten thousand.

The five great emperors, the five ancestors and the supremacy of other races ended in a tragic victory.

However, in the war 13 years ago, in addition to the nine venerable ones, there were a large number of demon kings in the demon God hall!

Was beaten like this by the war emperor?

Ling Xue was surprised to see Shen Lang and didn\'t think there was anything wrong.

On the contrary, if Shen Lang is not surprised, it is not normal.

Ling Xue said again, "the war emperor is so powerful that he is the only person in the demon Temple who has been treated as an opponent for thousands of years."

"If the demons hadn\'t summoned the Demon Lord at the time of crisis, the demon God hall would have been defeated!"

Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed: "the huge face he dreamed of in his dream is indeed the devil\'s master and a part of the devil\'s master!"

"Damn it, since the war emperor capital has reached the limit of the human world, why will he be defeated by the devil Lord?"

"Compared with the two, it should be the limit of the power of the human world. Even if it\'s worse after a fight, the demon lord can\'t enter the human world, and it\'s impossible to get him?"

"Why explode and send the war temple into the space-time crack?"

"The war emperor said he understood. What did he understand? He understood that he was my part, and did I come to this world at that time?"

"Or did he understand that what the devil Lord appeared at that time was separation, for fear that after defeating the devil Lord\'s separation, he would attract me and destroy the star continent?"

Countless thoughts flashed in Shen Lang\'s mind, but his thoughts were completely unclear.

Ling Xue said to herself: "in the first World War, the rosefinch house was outside, and luckily escaped."

"The war emperor was so terrible that he almost fought our demon temple with one person\'s strength, but he didn\'t lose the wind at all... In the back, even when some respected people entangled him together, he beat the black dragon demon king seriously thousands of miles away and fell several realms!"

"You know, although the strength of the black dragon demon king is weaker among the 23 demons, it is the black dragon after all. Among the 23 demons, the flesh is definitely the most powerful!"

"In this way, they almost disappeared..."

"Later, the Demon Lord was summoned by the altar built by the demon kings with Yuanli fragments, and finally defeated the God of war hall."

"The war emperor fell, but the war Temple escaped into the crack of time and space."

Speaking of this, Ling Xue sneered and said, "hum, space-time crack, this is not a space crack! The God of war hall is likely to be lost in the long river of time and difficult to return, which is no different from the total annihilation of the God of war hall."

"The hateful thing is..."

She turned and said, "Damn, the three old monsters peeped on the side early in the morning. After the God of war hall disappeared and the space-time crack was not closed, they suddenly shot and pushed the Demon Lord in!"

"Damn it!"

The calm Shen wave just recovered, and he was stunned again: "which three old monsters? Pushed the Demon Lord into the space-time crack? What\'s the matter?"

Shen Lang had a dream. Unfortunately, that dream was just a fragment, and the final scene was the self explosion of the emperor of war.

Shen Lang doesn\'t know what\'s going on behind him!

Ling Xue gnashed her teeth and said, "it\'s the three old monsters of corpse ancestor, soul ancestor and demon ancestor!"

"These three old monsters have been hiding on one side and haven\'t done anything!"

"Until the moment when we thought the demon temple was finally over, they were ready to go. The corpse ancestor and the demon ancestor entangled the demon lord, and then the soul ancestor showed his unparalleled unique skill \'broken soul original world\', trapping the Demon Lord in it!"

"You demons think that the soul ancestor wants to use the \'broken soul original world\' to kill the demon master. He is going to rescue him desperately, but unexpectedly, the old monster has another idea..."

"After urging the \'broken soul original world\' to trap the demon lord, he joined forces with two other old monsters to push the whole \'broken soul original world\' into the space-time crack that is about to close!"

"These shameless guys..."

Ling Xue holds her pink fist and blushes like an angry tigress.

Shen Lang leaned against the back of the chair and said leisurely, "so it\'s true, so the major demon generals are frantically collecting yuan force fragments to welcome the demon lord\'s separate return to the world?"

Ling Xue nodded: "yes."

"Now the nine stars are about to appear, and the rumors of extinction are rampant, and the so-called emperor star doesn\'t know where it is sacred."

"The black dragon devil himself is still healing, and he is unwilling to turn to other demons, so he can only deal with it by welcoming the Devil Back separately."

"Now, it\'s more important to look for Yuan Li fragments to build an altar and welcome the devil\'s return... Because the eldest lady appears in this world! If the eldest lady has a mistake, the devil can\'t afford the consequences."

"Because of jingle..." Shen Lang nodded gently: "by the way, according to the previous statement, the power of the demon king is quite small or close to the great emperor. Except for the black dragon demon king, the other demons have gone to the extraterritorial starry sky and fought in other small worlds."

"How does the demon Temple deal with the blood ancestor?"

"Among the five emperors and five ancestors... The war emperor fell; the demon ancestor and the demon family were still sealed in the demon domain; the witch family went to the blood ancestor mausoleum with the blood ancestor, and their life and death were uncertain; and the demon ancestors you just mentioned were all wounded; if the master of the demon God hall didn\'t fight, I\'m afraid no one could get the blood ancestor."

Ling Xue smiled and said, "adults don\'t have to worry. The events of Xuezu and the eldest lady broke out almost at the same time. In a few days, the other 22 demons in the star mainland will return!"

"Just a blood clan, what\'s the point?"

"What we care more about is actually the safety of the eldest lady... After all, when she was in yumudong blessed land, her identity had been leaked. Even the bloodless king ladaos had shot for her!"

"Now, the 22 demon kings are still on their way back to the star mainland, and there are already four venerable masters in the Zhuque mansion!"

"If the blood clan dares to make a big miss\'s idea, it\'s just impatient!"

"I see." Shen Lang nodded slightly.

He wanted to know about the system of the demon temple, but he didn\'t expect to know so many secrets of the demon temple at once.

But I don\'t know. As soon as I understand these, Shen Lang\'s pressure is even greater.

The separation of the nine demons, the nine venerable ones!

Twenty three demons equivalent to the great emperor!

This is just a branch of the star continent!

There is also an upper demon behind

It\'s a miracle that the forces of war temple and ten thousand demon mansion can exist in this world for so long.

"The demon temple was founded in ancient times. The time is similar to the chaos of the blood clan. When Pangu Protoss tracked down the blood ancestor, they found the figure of the demon lord... Over the years, the demon temple has not directly taken the world. Is it because they are worried about Pangu Protoss?"

"Or, in fact, the demon lord doesn\'t value other resources in the world. What he values is only the origin of the world and the laws contained in the blood of the major divine beasts?"

Shen Lang doesn\'t understand.

He felt as if he had pressed a mountain in his heart.

After a while, Shen Lang pretended not to care and asked, "Why are so many masters of the Magic general\'s house, either divine or wild? Even the name of the Magic general\'s house... Looks like the ten thousand demon house of the demon family?"

"Although the divine beasts are incomparably powerful, there are thousands of families in the world, and there are no creatures stronger than them... For example, the Yan devil king in ancient times, that is, there is a terror equivalent to the level of the great emperor, but these guys are the same in all the great devil generals\' houses."

This time, Ling Xue didn\'t answer as quickly as before.

She frowned and said with a little apology, "my Lord, Ling Xue can\'t answer this question?"

"In fact, many people in the demon Temple don\'t understand."

"I just heard a rumor..."

Shen Lang\'s eyes moved slightly: "what rumors?"

Ling Xue said slowly with a little uncertainty: "it seems that several venerable beings want to find or collect the power of law contained in their blood from the blood of divine beasts?"

"So it is!" Shen Lang\'s eyes shrunk slightly.