Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1278

Under the bombardment of Shen Lang\'s "sugar coated shell", the corpse emperor finally agreed to enter the amber dream.

To promise to enter the amber dream is actually to promise the birth of the corpse family.

A man\'s mouth is short and his hand is short.

No matter how thick skinned the corpse emperor is, he is embarrassed to take the contradiction between the human race and the corpse race at this time, and then refuse to be born.

But it was Shen Lang who helped him. In the end, he said it was to give Shen Lang face

A group of corpse families around felt very ashamed. One by one, they had to raise their heads and look at the top. They were embarrassed to look at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang smiled, put away the drop of life spirit, and said, "although it\'s hard to find the corpse ancestor, his majesty still needs to find a way. After all, it\'s a big deal..."

"Without him, let alone deal with the demon temple. Even the blood ancestor, we have nothing to do."

In front of the corpse emperor, Shen Lang used this language again and lowered his posture.

It seems that only corpse ancestors and corpse families can deal with blood ancestors all over the world.

The corpse ancestors and the corpse clan were carried to an extremely high position.

"Yes." the corpse emperor replied very simply this time.

"Then, I\'ll leave." Shen Lang arched his hand.

It\'s also the spirit of life, and he claims to be a younger generation. Shen Lang finally let the corpse emperor agree to the birth of the corpse family, which also increased the favor of the corpse emperor to him.

Even if the corpse emperor\'s prejudice against the war temple has not decreased, at least it is not so exclusive to this new generation of war emperors.

There was a trance in front of him. When Shen Lang settled down, he was out of the field of corpses.

To the valley of refining Milos again.

The corpse clan works cleanly and without any delay.

Just as Shen Lang was about to leave, the voice of the corpse emperor sounded again in Shen Lang\'s mind: "the \'black Ming seal thunder armor\' of the black Ming clan is not as simple as you see now."

"If you have time, go to the white Ming clan separated from the black Ming clan, find the spirit of the \'black Ming sealed thunder armor\' extracted by the white Ming clan countless years ago, and let the spirit integrate with the \'black Ming sealed thunder armor\', then you can completely stimulate the power of this thing."

"The emperor doesn\'t know how strong this thing is, but many years ago, I heard the corpse ancestor mention it. The corpse ancestor once wanted to seize this thing to deal with the blood ancestor, but he found that there was a powerful demon God in the black and Ming family, so he had to give it up at last."

"Since the nine day demon luoniao can seize this thing from the black Ming clan, I\'m afraid the demon God has already left the black Ming clan."

The "black hell seal thunder armor" said by the corpse emperor is the original name of the black hell armor.

"Thank you for your guidance." Shen Lang nodded slightly,


Outside the Moonlight City, people in the demon temple, including the rosefinch house, are preparing to attack the moonlight city.

First of all, no blood clan has escaped from Moonlight City for a long time;

Secondly, just three hours ago, the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha rushed back, brought back the news of the total annihilation of the blood family reinforcements, and then killed into the Moonlight City;

Again, King Nara, one of the eight heavenly kings in the God of war hall, brought back another good news... The blood family Milos was killed by Shen Lang, and the most precious treasure of the thousand soul hall "ten thousand ghost flag" in his hand was also seized by Shen Lang!

This time, it\'s definitely a real victory!

Nora and Adelaide, the only two remaining Imperial martial mirror nine heaven strongmen known to the blood clan, are seriously injured and at large.

Even if you come out, you can\'t turn over any big waves.

In this case, the blood clan will never have any chance or means to reverse!

Under the command of the powerful generals of the major demons, the people in the demon God hall began to enter the Moonlight City in batches.

On the other side, Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall also arranged their formation and began to enter the moonlight city.

Youwuxie followed the king of Nara and angrily argued with the king of Nara: "is your head fooled by Milos? The \'ten thousand ghost flag\' is the most powerful treasure of our thousand soul hall in ancient times. How can you publicize it everywhere as soon as you come back?"

"I also want to tell Lord Guizun quickly, and then take the Shen wave to intercept the plague before returning to the plague, and then grab it back!"

"Now you explode directly, the demon temple will certainly take action... How can we rob this thing if you do so?"

"And this is clearly the thing of our thousand soul hall. Now it has fallen into Shen Lang\'s hands. Where is the face of our thousand soul hall? Are you deliberately raising the prestige of the demon temple?"

"If I hadn\'t known you for so many years, I would have suspected that you were a traitor in the demon temple!"

The dragon king Qi Tian frowned and looked at you Wuxie. He also looked at the king of naluo, nodded and said, "Lao Ye is right."

A group of strong men in the qianhun hall around also looked ugly.

Nara Wang youyou said, "anyway, Shen Lang robbed the \'ten thousand ghost flag\', relying on his real strength. Why not admit it?"

"Even if we don\'t say, as soon as Shen Lang comes back, won\'t they still know?"

"This man is as wise as a demon. Since he let us leave, would he not prevent the ghost Lord from going to intercept?"

"Before, his Highness the moon king wanted to deal with him outside the plague land. Now he must have been prepared already?"

The dragon king Qi Tian looked at the king of Nara, and then looked at youwuxie. He nodded fiercely: "reincarnation is right."

You Wuxie didn\'t speak, but she was still angry.

The king said again, "well, why do you want to be so angry?"

"If Shen Lang hadn\'t shot, I\'m afraid the three of us would be the dead in the ten thousand ghost flag."

"Anyway, in this plague land, we are comrades in arms with him. It is most important to find and guard the eternal tree. Take your time."

The dragon king Qi Tian looked at the king of naluo, looked at Youwu evil, and nodded fiercely again: "reincarnation is right."

You have no evil spirit to death: "Qi Tian, can you say anything else besides these words? No matter who says, you are right. At least you are one of the eight heavenly kings. Can you have some opinions?"

Qi Tian, the Dragon King, held his chin and thought for a while. He looked at Youwu and nodded very sincerely: "you\'re right!"

Youwuxie almost died of anger. Without saying a word, he took a large group of people and horses into the moonlight city.

The king of naluo laughed behind him.

As soon as he came back, he told Shen Lang about seizing the "ten thousand ghost flags". In fact, he deliberately solved some problems for Shen Lang.

After all, it\'s the treasure of qianhun hall. When Shen Lang took it out one day, it\'s a little hard to explain.

Speak out as king Naro and make it clear that it was robbed from Milos, which not only made the people in the demon temple have no doubt, but also boosted the morale of the people in the demon temple!

Because this is tantamount to pulling back a game in the contest between the demon God hall, the God of war hall and the ten thousand demon house!

The king of naluo was so angry that he was half dead. The faces of the strong people in the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall were not good-looking.

However, the next time Shen Lang takes out the "ten thousand ghost flag" and uses it, it will be justifiable.


When Shen Lang hurried back to the rear Zhuque mansion and Xuanwu mansion, he was ready to enter the moonlight city.

"The left envoy is back!"

Ling Xue has sharp eyes. As soon as Shen Lang appears, she cries.

Everyone looked at Shen Lang in unison.

"It seems that the war has come to an end? In that case, kill it!" Shen Lang waved gently.

Hundreds of thousands of aliens who had been waiting for a long time shouted in unison: "kill!"

These guys waited so long and held back for so long. All of a sudden, they finally broke out.

Although the cultivation of these alien races is too weak compared with the strong ones in the demon God hall, driven by hatred, the momentum is still very good.

Resentment swept, murderous!


Just like answering the roar of the 100000 aliens, the dazzling fire came out of the moonlight city.

The whole Moonlight City seemed to suddenly turn into a sea of fire!

The terrible heat, even across a large array, still swept outward, so that the people of Zhuque mansion stopped and dared not move forward!

"Rosefinch fire?"

The right envoy Baili Bing exclaimed: "it\'s the forbidden move of the rosefinch family \'Phoenix wings flying in the sky\'!"

When the rosefinch family disappeared for thousands of years, it is only Shen Lang and LAN Mengling who can arouse the rosefinch\'s divine fire and make the Phoenix fly in the sky.

The royal highness of the princess even used the forbidden trick of "Phoenix wings and heaven". Is there any change in it?

A group of strong men in Zhuque mansion all looked at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang is now the backbone of Zhuque mansion

"Don\'t worry too much. No one in the moonlight city can get Lan\'er. It must be... She\'s tricking on purpose!" Shen Lang said with a smile.

Bai libing and others were stunned: "trickery?"

Shen Lang doesn\'t really worry about LAN Mengling.

Mother-in-law Feng has always been around her. The strong of the blood clan are dead and injured, and the ghost Zun can\'t get out of the night. Where else in the Moonlight City threatens to get the rosefinch?

When Shen Lang wants to urge his eyes to see the truth

"Bang bang!"

Like the sound of a copper bell.

Then, the big array of Moonlight City shook violently and became dim!

The energy to support the big array seems to be insufficient, and the big array seems to collapse at any time!

"It seems that Milos really took the source of pain as the energy source of the big array." Shen Lang nodded secretly: "not long after the emergence of \'Phoenix wing Tianxiang\', the big array changed so much. It seems that the source of pain has been taken out... It may have been in LAN er\'s hands."

Shen Lang shamelessly let LAN Mengling enter the Moonlight City in order to rob the source of pain.

He not only asked LAN Mengling to help, but also asked ghost zunye Youming to do it early in the morning.

Anyway, this thing falls on the blue dream spirit or the night nether world. It\'s all in Shen Lang\'s bag.

Don\'t be taken away by the golden winged Dapeng king or the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha.

"Everybody back."

Shen Lang said calmly, turned his wrist and took out the "geocentric magnetic mountain".

At the sight of Shen Lang\'s posture and "geomagnetic mountain", a group of people in Zhuque mansion knew what he was going to do.

A group of strong men with 100000 aliens immediately withdrew back at an extremely fast speed, far away from the "gate" of the moonlight city.

At the next moment, Shen Lang\'s body swelled wildly, reaching a hundred feet!

Just like an indomitable demon!

Under the intense gaze of the people in the rear Zhuque mansion, the geomagnetic mountain in Shen Lang\'s hand also turned into a huge mountain, which was swung round by him and hit directly at the Moonlight City array!