Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1277

Shen Lang learned about the God of war hall from Shen Lang\'s mouth, and the corpse emperor was silent.

The strong men of the corpse clan around them could no longer control and kept talking.

The temple of the God of war, which has been famous all over the world since ancient times, was defeated and fled?

And finally the war emperor blew himself up and sent them into the crack of time and space with this power, so that they could be preserved?

It\'s unbelievable!

In those years, the war with the blood clan was full of blood, and the world fell apart. It never made people so desperate!

The light in the corpse emperor\'s eyes dissipated, and there was a rare worry: "in ancient times, we felt that there was still a powerful and strange force. Before we could investigate, the demon God hall had surfaced."

"But they were not involved in the war between the Allied forces of all ethnic groups and the blood clan, and they were even more low-key than those in Dongtianfudi. Unexpectedly, they were even more terrible than the blood clan!"

"But how powerful is the demon temple?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "I don\'t know how powerful it is."

The corpse emperor showed a trace of anger in his eyes: "you have fought with them and have been mixed in the demon temple for so long. How can you not know how powerful the demon temple is?"

Shen Lang pondered for a moment and revealed the eternal tree, the three emperors of the green dragon family and the ultimate fear one by one.

Finally, Shen langcai said, "I still have a lot of memories in the seal, such as the amazing war 13 years ago. I just dreamed a little in my dream, but I don\'t know the details."

"Therefore, even if you know the horror of the ultimate fear from the eternal tree, you still can\'t measure it by the power of the human world... Anyway, the superior demon God is not what ordinary people in the human world can guess."

"I can only be sure that the war emperor\'s strength had surpassed the great emperor, but he still lost, and it was a disastrous defeat."

Hearing this, the corpse emperor was surprised: "what you said, surpassing the great emperor... Is it the legendary realm of creation? The realm of the six ancestors?"

"Reaching the realm of the six ancestors, what we face is only a separate body, and finally we are defeated miserably?"

Shen Lang nodded: "good."

Dead silence, needle dropping can be heard!

The youngest war emperor, who the corpse clan has never even heard of, has reached the realm of the sixth ancestor... The realm of fortune!

And such a character, commanding the war god temple and the devil Lord, finally failed miserably.

Then Lien Chan\'s temple disappeared into the crack of time and space!

What kind of power can this world have to deal with such evil?

Ultimate fear, ultimate fear, this is the ultimate... Fear!

The realm of creation, which is a legendary realm, is already equivalent to the realm of gods and demons.

The ancestors of corpses, witches, blood, demons, demons and souls all reached this level in the legend.

Among them, the blood ancestor was so powerful that it could be an enemy of five, which made all ethnic groups in the world pay a heavy price before sealing it to the blood ancestor mausoleum and breaking into the crack of time and space.

In fact, at the point of the great emperor, you can fly up to the upper boundary at any time.

And beyond the realm of the great emperor, even those real gods and demons from the lower world can\'t match it!

Now the "ultimate fear" is just a separate body, which shows a posture of "self-respect in heaven and earth"!

This world is full of ups and downs

No wonder the demon temple has been so calm for so many years.

In their view, the small human world is nothing at all, and it will be in their bag sooner or later.

Their object is the stars, the sea and hundreds of millions of small worlds!

The corpse emperor sighed and said, "I have been hiding in the secret place for thousands of years. I think I have made great progress in the realm of cultivation. I can\'t imagine... I can\'t imagine that the Terran has such an amazing talent again."

"It\'s true that the Terran can command the world. It doesn\'t just rely on cunning and treachery. Alas!"

"However, you bring such desperate news. Even if you let the corpse family be born, what can we do?"

In ancient times, the corpse emperor, who commanded the devil\'s way, even said such discouraged words, which made the strong people of the corpse family feel very heavy.

Before Shen Lang spoke, the corpse emperor said, "as you said, the blood clan is at most arrogant in the world; while the demon God Temple is fighting the stars and the sea, and the Demon Lord is the legendary \'ultimate fear\', the superior God and devil..."

"The emperor\'s serious injury has not healed, and the corpse ancestor has disappeared without a trace. How can we cope with the nine star Pearl robbery?"

"Son of destiny, ha ha, son of destiny, how should you change the emperor\'s destiny?"

In his words, the emperor of the corpse family who dominates the world also has a sense of despair at the end of the road.

He doesn\'t need to know how powerful the demon temple is.

Just a demon lord, who can defeat him in the world?

In the face of such a demon, what can blood ancestor count?

Just a blood ancestor, it almost wiped out the corpse race and other races in those years

Is there anything more desperate than this?

When the corpse emperor and the strong men of the corpse family were pessimistic, Shen Lang suddenly asked, "Your Majesty is healing in the hell, but is he thinking of the eternal tree?"

"Yes......" the corpse emperor replied casually.

As soon as these two words were said, the corpse emperor immediately responded: "bastard! What an identity the emperor is, how can he make the idea of the eternal tree!"

A group of corpse clan strongmen snickered around.

The majesty of the corpse emperor is incomparable. This is the first time he has been seen through, and then he lost his temper!

Of course, the strong of the corpse family all know that for so many years, his Majesty the corpse emperor has been constantly looking for this kind of Yin acupoint to heal the wounds and strengthen the corpse family at the same time.

Finally, after I found the Yin cave here, I haven\'t left for tens of thousands of years. Isn\'t it because the next door is the moonlight woodland and there is the eternal tree?

Although the corpse clan can use Yin Qi, corpse Qi and dead Qi, which are the most Yin energy.

But all things have spirits. Any kind of life is inseparable from life energy.

Because of this, when the earth crack appeared, many demon sect doors coveted the eternal tree at the edge of the earth crack and wanted to find an excuse to grab the eternal tree.

The eternal tree body of the moonlight woodland can heal the wounds of the whole world. How huge is its spiritual power?

Because he was afraid of the three emperors of the dragon family and was unwilling to beg for help because of his identity, the corpse emperor took a group of strong corpse family to hide here secretly and "steal" the life spirit released by the eternal tree to heal!

"Emperor Zhan, are you provoking the emperor? Do you have the consciousness of being a younger generation?"

The corpse emperor was a little angry. He even said the words "younger generation" and began to rely on the old and sell the old.

Shen Lang hurriedly said, "I didn\'t mean that. Your Majesty the corpse emperor misunderstood."

"I mean, I can ask the eternal tree to help his majesty... Even if I can find the corpse ancestor, even the injury of the corpse ancestor can be healed by the eternal tree."

The corpse emperor was silent for a moment and said hesitantly, "is this eternal tree really strong enough? Are you sure you can convince her?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "the eternal tree was planted by the Pangu Protoss to heal the wounds of the earth, but I\'m not sure whether her life energy is enough to treat his Majesty the corpse emperor and the corpse ancestor."

"Shen Lang!" the corpse emperor was so angry that he was full of tricks: "how dare you play with the emperor?"

uncertain? I\'m not sure, you say a hair!

Just then

Shen Lang turned his wrist, and the pure breath of life immediately came out of his palm.

A drop of green life liquid floated slowly on his palm.

It is said to be a drop. In fact, it is a collection of more than ten drops of life spirit, which has been concentrated for more than ten months!

"This is!"

Not only the corpse emperor, all the corpse families stretched their necks and stared at the drop of life spirit in Shen Lang\'s palm.

Shen Lang said softly, "this is the \'life spirit liquid\' from the legendary spring of life in Pangu. As I said before, after the seeds of the eternal tree were planted in the moonlight lake, the Pangu Protoss dropped a drop of life spirit liquid in the moonlight lake, and the eternal tree began to thrive."

"I\'m not sure how different the Pangu drop is from my current drop."

"But I can get it for a long time... So far, I haven\'t understood the mystery of this life spirit. I just absorb it into the body and use it to wash essence and cut marrow. It\'s a bit outrageous."

"But I can\'t make the most of this thing, it doesn\'t mean that the eternal tree can\'t."

"If the eternal tree absorbs this life spirit liquid and completely transforms it into life energy to help his Majesty the corpse emperor and the corpse ancestor recover as soon as possible, what\'s the difficulty?"

Finally, Shen Lang said with a little mystery: "even, it is possible to help his majesty break the bottleneck that has been difficult to break through for thousands of years!"

The corpse emperor had lost his composure at the moment, and said, "good boy! Good boy!"

Excited, he can only say these three words.

Shen Lang said again, "I\'ve got this thing for several years, but I haven\'t explored its mystery at all, but at least I already know that in addition to the power of life and death, human flesh and bones, it can also change the marrow and improve cultivation."

"When I was going to leave the plague land, I went to the amber dream again, and then gave it to the eternal tree to repair the broken moonlight forest land."

"If your Majesty the corpse emperor agrees, you can enter the amber dream with me in a few days."

The corpse emperor hesitated and said, "this..."

The corpse clan is the corpse clan. Even a strong man like the corpse emperor can\'t pretend to be a little gangster like the Terran.

Shen Lang almost didn\'t laugh when he saw this.

But he\'s not in a hurry.

Even if the corpse emperor wants to go to the amber dream in his heart, he still needs to be able to live in face.

After a long time, when the corpse families around couldn\'t help but want to persuade, the corpse emperor said, "well, your majesty Zhandi is so kind. If the emperor refuses, it would be too embarrassing."

"When you go to the amber dream, say hello to the emperor."

"The emperor will lead all the strong corpses here into the amber dream!"

This is a promise to Shen Lang in disguise. The corpse family is ready to be born!