Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1279


In the deafening sound, all the people in the Zhuque mansion, together with the 100000 aliens, continued to retreat with a sad face and ears covered!

The big array of Moonlight City swayed wildly, and the terrible storm swept in all directions!

In the Moonlight City, the strong of all forces only felt the shaking of the sky and the earth, and one by one immediately scolded: "yes, which bastard is breaking the array outside? As for such a big noise?"

"Depend on his grandmother, I\'m almost deaf!"

"Shut up! If you can make such a big noise, the only people outside are Donghuang and Shen lang. you want to die!"

Thinking of Shen Lang\'s evil star, a group of swearing people immediately shut their mouths.


The second time it has been smashed.

Being fooled around by him, both people inside and outside the Moonlight City were crying and covering their ears.

It\'s not a big problem for the strong people from all sides to enter the moonlight city. After all, the strong people who enter here are more than three days of emperor Wujing.

But those weak blood clans in the moonlight city who didn\'t escape were unlucky. One by one, they directly sprayed blood at their mouth and were stunned.


The third came immediately.

This way of breaking the array is simple, direct, crazy and violent.

The powerful power of Shen Lang\'s chaotic divine body is undoubtedly revealed at this time!

Even the demon blood descendants cultivated with special materials can\'t compare with Shen Lang now!

"Ambassador Zuo... How fierce!"

"What\'s the status of his cultivation? The imperial martial mirror, which was advanced more than ten days ago, is now......"

The strong man in Zhuque mansion subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"This madman!" right envoy Bai libing glanced at the shenlang like a demon and frowned.

"Boom, boom!"

The speed of sinking waves is getting faster and faster, and the geomagnetic mountain is falling madly!

Before he really controlled the geomagnetic mountain, Shen Lang wanted to break the shaky array by relying entirely on the power of chaotic gods and the geomagnetic mountain itself.

This is pure brute force!


When the Shen wave hit the 18th, there was a harsh sound, as if the ice had cracked like a spider\'s web.

Before the crack closed, Shen Lang swung round the geomagnetic mountain again and hit the crack!

"Click, click..."

Where do countless cracks start and quickly extend around.

The thick "iceberg" is full of shocking huge cracks, and the amazing spiritual power surges out of those cracks, forming a hurricane.



The whole moon city array finally burst and disappeared!

Chaotic energy swept through the audience and roared wildly.

Even the people in Zhuque mansion who are far away still feel like a lonely boat in the raging waves

At this time, the situation in Moonlight City was completely exposed in front of a group of people in Zhuque mansion!

The endless swarm of insects made a buzzing sound and rushed in all directions.

It\'s like black clouds!

It has been several days since powerful people such as demon temple and ten thousand demon house entered the moonlight city. This dense swarm of insects still has such a scale

A light drink came, and the right envoy of Zhuque mansion Baili Bing had already shot!

As soon as the "star god evil wheel" was thrown out, there were a series of circles all over the sky. Each circle sprayed - shot out a blue flame, burning the insects like black clouds falling!

Although these insects are powerful, it\'s a pity that they are not driven at all.

What\'s more, the Baili ice, which has reached the peak of Emperor Wu Jing\'s eight heaven, just came out, it made a harsh sound and fell down in pieces.

Shen Lang hurriedly stopped and said, "Hey, don\'t burn it all to ashes? There are immature gold eating insects, iron fire ants and golden silkworms... These are rare medicinal materials! They are very valuable!"

At this time, I still want to be valuable. As soon as Bai Li Bing\'s white eyes turned and his mental method changed, the cyan flame on the "star god evil wheel" closed and sent out circles of visible ripples.

These ripples are like visible "sound waves". As soon as they are sent out, all the insects tremble wildly, as if they were stunned.

Then, fall down faster!

Shen Lang waved back: "Uncle adami, go down and put those insects away. It\'s all money... No, it\'s all spirit stones!"

One hundred thousand foreign people cheered and rushed down in the eyes of a strong man in the Zhuque house and began to collect the mountain of insect corpses.

In order to prevent other situations, the strong man of Zhuque mansion reluctantly followed up.

At this time, Shen Lang turned around and looked into the moonlight city.

In the black fog, you can clearly see that in the center of the Moonlight City, the tall pain source tower goes straight into the sky, and the flame on it is burning vigorously.

This flame, in a strange red color, has an extremely high temperature. It is the fire of the rosefinch!

When they looked at it, they saw the strangeness

There is a little difference between the flame and the rosefinch fire. The rosefinch fire has condensed into essence and formed a real rosefinch.

On the rosefinch, even the feathers are clearly distinguishable!

At the moment, the source of pain tower is said to be burned by a rosefinch fire, rather than a huge rosefinch formed by a rosefinch fire, surrounded by groups!

This is the forbidden move of the rosefinch family "Phoenix wings flying in the sky"!

"What is the princess\'s Royal Highness that brings out the" Phoenix wing heaven ", and surrounds the source tower of pain, and is actually the source tower for pain? Is this what they want to grab with the moon?

A group of people in Zhuque mansion understood a little.

The forbidden move of the rosefinch family is very debilitating. Of course, it can\'t be used casually.

When there are obviously no powerful blood clan figures here, the house leader has another purpose.

Just when a group of people in Zhuque mansion were still guessing

Everywhere in Moonlight City, thousands of dormant blood shadows rise into the sky!

Seeing that the big array was broken, the escaped fish of these blood families immediately wanted to take advantage of it to escape the moonlight city!

"Kill them all!"

The voices of the two heavenly kings, ghost zunye Youming and Tiangang Disha, sounded at the same time.

Strong people such as demon temple and ten thousand demon house scolded and chased out together!


Shen Lang waved his hand.

These blood clan miscellaneous fish don\'t need him anymore.

As soon as the strong man of Zhuque mansion led 100000 foreign families, he was murderous and joined the ranks of chasing and killing the disabled soldiers and defeated generals of the blood clan.

Shen Lang\'s body became smaller rapidly and recovered to its original state. After a leap in the air, he had already stood at the edge of the pain source tower.

At the edge of the pain source tower, whether it is the people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, or the people of demon God hall, subconsciously gave Shen Lang a space.

"Two heavenly kings help keep this place, so that some people won\'t do damage!"

In a word, Shen Lang was shrouded in a circle of rosefinch fire and rushed directly into the source of pain Tower!

A group of people in the demon Temple looked at each other: "it is estimated that this boy is the only one who dares to let the two heavenly kings of Tiangang and Disha \'help\' so casually? Even if the main devil generals want to ask the heavenly king of Tiangang and Disha to help, they all have to say a lot of good words!"

"Ha ha ha!"

With a long smile, the "king of sea and water" and "king of sky and wind" led the strong in the demon temple to surround the huge pain source tower.

In fact, they do not need to do so. Under the "Phoenix wing Tianxiang", it is impossible for ordinary strong people to break through this layer and enter the source tower of pain.

Even if Wang Yueqing, a golden winged ROC, wants to break through this layer and go in, he has to pay a heavy price.

Moreover, in the space wrapped by this huge "rosefinch", the "divine fire artistic conception" of Dacheng realm has been spread out and forced to break in, which is tantamount to falling into a trap!

Only Shen Lang is different. Shen Lang can also control the fire of rosefinch.

He urged layers of rosefinches to cover his whole body with divine fire, and Shen Lang tried his best to fly towards the source of pain in the tower.

After entering the shrouded space of "Phoenix wings flying in the sky", even if he could urge the rosefinch to be angry, he also felt trapped in the mud and his action became slow.

The terrible heat, even with the resistance of rosefinch fire and black Pluto armor, still made Shen Lang frown slightly.

"It\'s the same move, \'Phoenix wings soar in the sky\', which lacks the origin of the rosefinch. It\'s impossible for me to use it with Lan\'er. If this move is hostile to me, I\'m afraid I can urge the rosefinch\'s divine fire, but I can\'t resist it."

"The forbidden move of the rosefinch family is really scary!"

Shen Lang swayed and rushed into the place where Alice used to live.

As soon as I entered here, Shen Lang gently grabbed a corner with one hand!


The king of thunder, the God of annihilation, which he placed here, immediately fell into his hands.

The white light of Shen Lang\'s palm flashed, and he had collected it into Xumi ring.

He originally wanted to put the annihilation God thunder king here, and then Yin a blood clan and the demon God hall.

Unfortunately, things went too smoothly, and the blood clan collapsed into an army. Now it is useless.

As soon as I put away the silent God killing thunder king, it was like a sun appeared out of thin air behind me in the induction of Shen waves, and endless heat waves invaded me like waves

And LAN Mengling\'s voice, right now, rang behind Shen Lang: "how did you come in?"