Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1276

Although Shen Lang\'s cultivation in front of him is far from being compared with that of the corpse emperor, after knowing that Shen Lang is the war emperor, the corpse emperor has put him in an equal position with himself.

But it still seems impolite.

The corpse clan is not very friendly to the war temple.

Shen Lang pondered for a moment and said, "the blood clan will make a comeback soon after the birth of the blood ancestral mausoleum, and the demon temple has finally moved from the dark to the light. Now his Majesty the corpse emperor leads the corpse clan to hide and stay out of the matter, which seems to damage the reputation of the corpse clan?"

"It should be noted that there are no finished eggs under the nest. Once they are allowed to control the world and wait for thousands of races in the world, they will only be enslaved or perished."

The corpse emperor in the dark laughed: "the young generation of war emperor, is he still a boy who likes to talk big truth?"

"Anyone can say this to the emperor, that is, you, the God of war temple, which leads the human race, can\'t say it to the emperor!"

The previous sentence was still smiling;

The latter sentence is really furious!

Shen Lang didn\'t speak. As the Lord of the God of war hall, he certainly knew the reason why the corpse emperor was angry.

The hatred of the corpse clan against the human clan is not caused by the blood clan rebellion, but dates back to the mythological era.

In addition to the temple of the God of war and other places, there are a little records in the mythical era. Most people have regarded this era as a legendary era.

In the mythical age, countless races had existed in the world. At that time, the Terran was only a very weak race in the world.

No other race has the same talent and power, and the body is very weak. It is almost treated as food by those powerful demon races.

Even the small cave people living underground don\'t pay attention to the Terrans.

The Terrans are mixed among these races and struggle to survive in this land

At that time, countless powerful gods and Demons walked on this land, whether human or demon, were their slaves;

In such a chaotic era, the corpse clan and soul clan began to rise.

Corpse clan, also known as Zombie clan.

It is the corpse of the dead Terran or the demon clan who has absorbed the essence of the sun and moon.

Steel muscles and iron bones are invulnerable to knives and guns. Water and fire are difficult to invade, and the power is infinite.

The sudden rise of the zombie family has triggered a huge catastrophe.

These ferocious, extremely bloodthirsty corpse families, people are not human, ghosts are not ghosts, demons are not demons, demons are not demons.

Almost all races are regarded as enemies!

Among them, the most powerful one is the Terran!

The contradiction is that most of the ancestors of the corpse clan are Terrans!

Even if they become corpse families, many corpse families still retain some memories and recognize their relatives and friends.

But the Terrans not only abandoned them completely, but also regarded them as monsters.

I just want to wipe them out with the help of various forces!

The contradiction between the corpse clan and the human clan has begun since the mythological age

In the early and middle of the ancient period, gods and Demons fought constantly to seize the resources of the world.

The world was torn apart and the sun and moon were shining.

The major races controlled by these gods and Demons began to hold together when the strength of the gods and Demons weakened, trying to get rid of the control of the gods and demons.

At this time, the demon family and the demon family rose with their congenital conditions and became the master of this land.

Terrans and other races began to be enslaved by demons and demons.

The corpse clan, which has been suppressed for thousands of years, has found an opportunity to persuade the Terran to deal with the demon clan and the demon clan together through the "special" relationship between the corpse clan and the Terran.

The Terran promised on the surface, but secretly sold the corpse clan to the demon clan.

Leading to the ashes of a large number of corpses

The contradiction between Terran and corpse has reached the extreme at this time!

At the end of the ancient period, the Terran race finally rose at this time because its reproductive ability was far higher than that of other races, and it was easier to practice the skills taught by gods and demons, and advanced faster!

Terrans can finally compete with demons and demons.

Become a race second only to these two races and one of the three major races in the world.

At this time, the contradiction between Terran and corpse has eased.

Throughout the world, thousands of ethnic groups stand and flourish.

But it didn\'t last long

At the beginning of ancient times, the blood clan was born in the sky, sweeping the whole world like a plague, almost reaching the top and dominating everything.

Ten thousand families began to unite against blood families.

The corpse clan, discovered at this time, is the most restrained blood clan!

They have infinite power and are invulnerable to weapons. They are not afraid of the erosion of the blood energy of the blood clan, and they will kill the blood clan!

The human race, which was originally behind the demon family and the demon family, immediately showed sincerity, united the corpse family, took advantage of the situation to grow and press the demon family, the demon family and other races.

It has become the first race in the star continent!

Under the leadership of the Terran, the corpse clan became the vanguard of exterminating the blood clan and fought with the blood clan again and again!

When the war ended, the blood ancestors were finally suppressed and sealed, and the blood clan finally disappeared.

And all races have reached the weakest position, and it will take a long time to recover.

However, at this time, the corpse clan found that although each race has fallen countless strong men and suffered great damage, the Terran is inexplicable... The more they fight, the stronger they are!

In these hundreds of thousands of years, their number has increased.

The number of peerless strong men among them is even more unimaginable!

Many of them created their own unique skills, which can cultivate everyone and develop rapidly!

The Terran, however, ascended to the top through the blood clan rebellion and became the largest family in control of the world!

Not only that, they still exclude the corpse clan.

The corpse clan is still like a rat crossing the street... Everyone yells at him!

Moreover, the corpse clan was completely damaged, and even the corpse ancestor and the corpse emperor were seriously injured.

At this point, the corpse clan was disheartened and hid in a secret place. They were no longer willing to intervene in the world.

Like the corpse Yin sect where Duanmu evil is located, it is actually a strange combination of half the strong of the human race and half the strong of the corpse race. It came out after the corpse race disappeared for many years.

Not really recognized by the corpse family.

The corpse clan really hates the cunning and treachery of the Terran clan.

If there are strong people of the corpse clan, it is absolutely impossible to cooperate with the Terran like the corpse Yin sect.

When the corpse clan disappeared

In the middle of ancient times, the demon clan set off war and wanted to trample the Terran under its feet.

Finally, it was suppressed by the human race and the demon race. Although the demon race was strong, it could only retreat to the demon realm.

The channel between the devil Kingdom and the human world was jointly sealed by many great powers in the human world.

In ancient times, the upper world began to recall the gods and Demons scattered in the lower world. Countless powerful gods and demons who could move mountains and fill the sea began to leave the human world. The Terran continued to grow and grow, and no other race could compete.

Ten thousand years ago, the upper world issued an ultimatum to summon the gods and demons of hundreds of millions of small worlds to return, and then completely shut down the retrograde channel from the upper world to the lower world.

So far, the Terran dominates the world and is known as the supreme race!

However, the so-called supreme race, in the view of the corpse family, is not well-known.

This race completely suppressed their corpse clan and made them unable to lift their heads;

This race has driven the witch race, who is also a comrade in arms, to the depths of the wilderness

The prejudice and even hatred of the corpse clan against the human clan can be explained in one or two words?

Where is one or two words that can be resolved?

Feeling the suppressed anger of the corpse emperor, Shen Lang said with a bitter smile: "I don\'t want to say anything like \'natural selection\' in front of the corpse emperor, and I\'m not qualified to comment or explain the development of the human race over millions of years."

"But thousands of years have passed, and now the Terran can live friendly with many races... There are even many sects formed by the strong of the corpse clan in the four wastelands in the southeast, northwest and Zhongzhou."

"Race does not mean glory. People should not make rash judgments about their different existence."

"I know that in the distant past, the God of war hall did something sorry for the corpse family, but I will find a way to compensate."

"I will try my best to help the corpse clan and other races get recognition. I am also willing to divide the corpse clan into a regional life as the Lord of the war temple, and all races are equal."

Thousands of years of gratitude and resentment can not be solved by one or two words or one or two promises.

Shen Lang made a promise in front of the corpse emperor.

This commitment of the Lord of the war temple, I have to say, is still very tempting to the corpse family.


The corpse emperor said coldly, "how can the emperor believe what the people in the God of war said?"

"As the war emperor, you don\'t take the war god temple to deal with the blood clan or the demon God Temple, but you find this place to let the corpse clan be born and fight with the blood clan again?"

"How can you make the emperor believe what you said!"

With this sentence, the thousands of corpse families released their bad breath and gathered together like a mountain on Shen Lang.

Shen Lang spread his hands and said, "Your Majesty asked me before, which great emperor is reincarnated, isn\'t it?"

"As you can see, when I came to this plague land, cultivation was just a quasi emperor martial mirror... There really can be no war emperor of quasi emperor martial mirror in this world."

"And in this era of almost peace, why should the war emperor reincarnate?"

All the commotion of the corpse clan stopped.

Even the corpse emperor\'s eyes were slightly cold and stared at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang continued: "thirteen years ago, I led the war between the war temple and the demon temple, but underestimated the strength of the demon temple..."

"In this war, the emperor of war fell and sent the whole hall of the God of war into the space-time crack by self explosion."

"Now in the God of war Hall of the great emperor, there are only five color flags and eight heavenly kings."

The corpse emperor\'s blood red eyes suddenly flashed: "what!"

Thousands of strong men of the corpse clan immediately talked about it