Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1275

As soon as his eyebrows were raised, Shen Lang immediately urged the emperor\'s artistic conception to resist the momentum of the corpse emperor!

The imperial mood immediately enveloped Shen Lang, making Shen Lang seem to be covered with a layer of imperial Qi.

Although Shen Lang\'s imperial artistic conception is only in the middle stage, which is far from being able to compete with the corpse emperor, coupled with the protection of black hell armor, Shen Lang finally didn\'t make a fool of himself.

Then, with a flash in Shen Lang\'s eyes, the emperor\'s artistic conception swept out and shrouded in this space!

The imperial power of the country, do my best;

Against my king\'s way, I will kill you!

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s momentum soared, and the king came to the world!

Feeling the emperor\'s artistic conception, the strong men of the corpse family on both sides of the channel turned pale, turned their heads and stared at Shen Lang!

Shen Lang is extraordinary. They already know a lot.

In fact, what happened in the plague land can not escape the eyes of these strong corpse clan?

But all the strong men of the corpse clan did not expect that the mysterious boy who came had the artistic conception of emperor!

What does that mean?

"Imperial mood? Which great emperor is reincarnated?"

At the end of the darkness, there came a surprised voice.

This voice is flat and faint, but every word has the power to destroy mountains and mountains!

It is not unusual for the corpse emperor to guess that Shen Lang is the reincarnation of the great emperor.

The emperor\'s artistic conception can not appear in the non emperor warrior.

Even if there is such a one in ten million probability, it is difficult to cultivate the imperial artistic conception to such a pure.

Shen Lang, from the quasi emperor Wujing Jiuchong sky to the current emperor Wujing Jiuchong sky, including entering the amber dream, is under the eyes of the corpse emperor.

If the corpse emperor can\'t guess this, he might as well step down and let duanmuxie sit in this position.

At this time, Shen Lang\'s mental method urged him, and the golden words "war" spread from him and enveloped his whole body.

Then, the thousands of "war" words gathered on Shen Lang\'s forehead, forming a dark golden "war" word that releases the sense of war and light!

The word "war" vibrated gently and regularly on Shen Lang\'s forehead, just like the beating of his heart.

After all this, Shen langcai said humbly: "God of war hall, war emperor, Shen Lang!"

"Wow!" thousands of corpse families immediately exclaimed!

You know, the plague place is next door here. They have been paying attention to what has happened in the plague place for some time!

No one can imagine that this guy who went to the Zhuque mansion of the demon God hall as a left envoy would be the war emperor of the war god hall!

In the dark space, thoughts immediately exchanged.

"A new generation of war emperors? They are not timid!"

Those huge and blood red eyes didn\'t change much.

As the master of the God of war hall, it\'s really brave to break into the demon God hall.

Just then, those mountain corpse families standing on both sides began to stir.

Among them, hundreds of corpses as high as 100 feet stepped out of the queue and walked towards Shen Lang.

Far away, before reaching Shen Lang, hundreds of corpses suddenly knelt down on one knee!

"See the emperor, Nangong Xiao of the God of war hall!"

"The cold waning moon in the God of war hall, see the emperor!"

"Overlord of the God of war hall, see the emperor!"

"The war Temple bathes in the wind, see the emperor!"


A harsh, hoarse, but deafening voice shouted out of the mouths of these mountain corpse giants.

These strong men of the corpse clan who knelt on one knee were transformed from the peerless strong men in the temple of the God of war in ancient times!

In the calm waves, my chest suddenly seemed to press a boulder, and I was a little out of breath.

And his eyes began to turn red

The corpses kneeling in front of him are all from the God of war hall. They are human heroes countless years ago!

Although the God of war hall does have relevant records, seeing it with your own eyes still makes Shen Lang very uncomfortable.

These once strong men in the temple of the God of war fell during the chaos of the blood clan.

In the distant past, countless strong men in the war Temple fought with the blood clan, and finally lost their souls.

One by one, the strong with the highest cultivation fell like a comet.

But they still miss the world, care about their relatives and comrades in arms, cling to their thoughts, and refuse to enter reincarnation

Finally, some of the strong people with broken flesh and broken soul chose to turn to ghost road and enter the thousand souls hall;

Some of the strong people whose bodies are still there and whose souls are almost annihilated have chosen to give their bodies to the corpse family. After being tempered by the corpse family, they have become a corpse family beyond the six samsara!

And these kneeling in front of Shen Lang are the latter!

In fact, the number of them is more than hundreds?

It can\'t be wrong to say thousands.

However, those gathered here are the most powerful ones.

Shen Lang began to suspect that the corpse emperor was healing in the hell cave. He didn\'t expect that so many strong corpse clan gathered here.

Unexpectedly, I saw the corpse family who was originally a member of the God of war hall in the legend

Quietly looking at the mountain like figures, Shen Lang has mixed feelings.

With the further integration of Shen Lang and the soul of the war emperor, he accepted the concept of the war emperor more and more.

At the beginning of that year, even if Shen Lang had a dream of being a hero, he didn\'t want to do anything to save the world and protect the supreme human race.

A person who can\'t cultivate himself and needs to be taken care of by others is either a fool or a fool.

Even later, when his strength was increasing, what Shen Lang wanted was to protect his relatives and lovers.

Even if he has the memory of the war emperor, he still has a "mortal heart" in many times.

However, when the memory of the war emperor is unlocked, the soul of the war emperor is deeply integrated with him, and then contact the war temple and thousand soul Temple step by step

Shen Lang feels more and more like the emperor of war and accepts everything about him more and more.

The world is facing a huge crisis.

Blood clan or demon temple is like a cancer in the world.

When they erupt, the whole world may be destroyed.

If the whole world is destroyed, how can you protect your home? How can you protect the people around you?

Shen Lang\'s concept has been slowly changing under the influence of the emperor of war and the Yumu nationality and other races or things he has come into contact with.

There is no doubt that the war emperor is him and he is the war emperor.

At the moment, whether standing as the Lord of the temple of war or as a mortal in the human world, he feels speechless and choking in the face of these real heroes in ancient times.

These people, in that distant era, fought evil for the world and did not regret until they died!

Even if you die, it\'s hard to put it down.

A wisp of afterthought is left in the body by the secret method of the corpse clan. It becomes an immortal corpse clan. You want to stand in the world again!

What are they doing for?

For the sake of history?

Or for other interests?

After countless years, they have become legends and history.

The creatures in the world may even have forgotten them.

I don\'t know they existed

What a tragedy!


The waves roared up into the sky.

Unparalleled energy swept away in all directions with the howling, setting off layers of angry waves.

Shen Lang tried his best to hold his hands up!

A force lifted up all the giants who knelt on one knee.


Holding up the waves of all the giants, he knelt down towards them.


The corpse clan who just stood up exclaimed!

"You don\'t need to kneel down to me, but I should kneel down to you!" Shen Lang said in a low voice: "the war temple is incompetent, didn\'t eradicate the blood clan, didn\'t destroy the demon temple..."

"Even the words recording your deeds and meritorious deeds have not been spread."

"I owe you too much, and the war god temple owes you too much..."

Many of the hundreds of corpse giants began to sob.

In fact, such words should not be said by Shen Lang.

Not into reincarnation, into the corpse family, all this is their own choice.

As for what the God of war hall owes them

After all, Shen Lang is the latest generation of war emperor, not the previous generations.

If you want to say this, it should be said by those old guys in the God of war hall!

Shen Lang said again, "but please believe me. I swear I will lead the war temple to sweep the world!"

"I will do my best to eradicate the demon temple and return all the creatures to a bright future!"

In front of the corpse emperor and thousands of strong corpse families, Shen Lang said such arrogant and unparalleled words.

All the corpse families behind are silent.

Among the corpse families transformed by the strong men of the war Temple standing in front, there was a suppressed cry.

After a while, Shen Lang calmed his mood, and then said, "everyone, step back first."

"Please believe me, when that day comes and your wishes come true, I will try my best to help you free and let you reincarnate."

"You are still my comrades in arms and my brothers!"

Among hundreds of corpse families, many people can no longer stand it and cry!

Thousands of years later, they can stand the boundless darkness, the long loneliness and the pain of the cone heart.

But at this moment, the emotion that has been suppressed for a long time poured out like a flood breaking the dike

With a roar, a group of strong men knelt down towards Shen Lang again!

The corpse spirit and death spirit shrouded in them dissipated at this moment and were replaced by unparalleled war spirit!

The roar sounded, and these huge strong men stood up one by one, saluted Shen Lang respectfully, and then returned to the queue.

A thousand words, needless to say.

This young man in front of us is destined to become the strongest war emperor and surpass the war emperor!

When the war starts again, they will come back to him and defend justice and protect their homes with him.

fight to the bitter end!

After a moment of silence, the voice of the corpse emperor finally sounded again: "why did the war emperor come here?"