Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1274

No response.

Dead silence.

After a moment of silence, Shen Lang\'s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, prompting the broken false silver eyes!

However, the invincible broken false silver eyes, this time, unexpectedly lost the effect

Under the broken false silver eyes, there is only boundless death Qi and corpse Qi!

The more you look into the depths of the ruins, the more you feel trapped in a bottomless black hole, as if you are going to lose it!

The sea of knowledge, which urged to break the false silver eyes, surged uncontrollably, just like the power in the previous eighteen ten thousand ghost flags was rolled out!


Shen Lang was shocked and immediately closed his eyes.

At the same time, Feng Tianding was slightly shocked and released a circle of white light, tightly covering the sea.

This avoids the terrible consequences of the collapse of the sea!


In the depths of darkness, there seemed to be a faint and inaudible sound.

It\'s like an illusion. Even Shen Lang can\'t tell if there is such a sound!

"What a terrible \'corpse field\', which is only half open, has become a space of its own, and can spontaneously deal with all unfriendly acts or actions!"

"The corpse emperor who shocked the world in ancient times is really extraordinary!"

After taking a deep breath, Shen Lang made a bold and fearless move!

He was here, urging the Tai Chi diagram and running the "star sucking Da Fa"!

As soon as the huge black hole vortex appeared, the Yin Qi of this heaven and earth immediately gathered together!

This is provocation!

He\'s trying to force the corpse emperor to show up!

Sure enough

As soon as the "star sucking Dharma" was put into operation, it was an unspeakable feeling that shrouded Shen Lang\'s whole body!

Although there is no change around, Shen Lang still feels his mind trembling!

In his induction, it was like death standing behind him, waving the sickle of death surrounded by countless ghosts to him!

"Young man, how dare you!"

The voice of death king in the world sounded in Shen Lang\'s mind.

It wasn\'t a big sound, but it blew up huge waves in the sea, as if countless angry thunder had exploded!

If it weren\'t for fengtianding to protect the sea, Shen Lang\'s divine sense would be greatly damaged or even collapse!

At the next moment, under the induction of the potential of heaven and earth, an unimaginable terrible force rose from the front empty air without warning and hit Shen Lang\'s chest


Shen Lang gave a soft drink and opened his mouth to spray out the "geomagnetic mountain".

The geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth suddenly became larger and stood in front of the Shen wave between the lightning and flint.

At the same time, Shen Lang instilled strength into the black Pluto armor and urged the black Pluto armor to maximize;

At the same time, he called all the chaotic powers and gathered them in his hands. His hands were wrong and crossed in front of his chest!


The most Yin and evil, powerful and unparalleled power bombarded the earth\'s core yuanci mountain.

The geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth shook violently, moved back and caught two palms crossed by Shen waves!

At this moment, chaotic power surged out of Shen Lang\'s hands!

The black Pluto armor naturally protects the Lord and bounces out with strong power defense!


Centered on the contact point between Shen Lang and geomagnetic mountain, a circle of terrible energy burst out, sweeping everything, destroying the withered and decayed, shaking the ruins into fly ash!

Shen Lang snorted and flew out backward!

Amid the chaotic sound, Shen Lang ploughed out a long gully on the ground with his feet.

"Hoo Hoo!"

Shen Lang gasped heavily under the churning of Qi and blood!

When you grow up to the chaotic God body of the Ninth Heaven of the emperor\'s martial mirror, together with the strong armor of the black underworld clan, the black underworld armor, and the geomagnetic mountain in the center of the earth, you can block this simple blow!

It is said that the corpse emperor has the greatest power. Although he is called emperor, he has surpassed the five emperors of that year.

Now it seems that it is not empty!

"It\'s a little interesting."

The dull and dignified voice sounded again.

In the darkness, a huge and terrible palm appeared out of thin air, as if it shrouded the whole sky and grabbed down at the Shen wave!

If someone else encounters such a fierce attack, he will either fight to the death or run away frantically.

Shen Lang is different.

Seeing the huge palm grasp, Shen Lang didn\'t hide, and his body stood straight. Instead, he put away the geocentric yuan magnetic mountain!

"Swallow heaven, make fortune and bury the devil" corresponds to the origin of death. Shen Lang, who has this heavenly book, is the most sensitive to corpse Qi and death Qi.

When the power of heaven and earth surged, Shen Lang felt clearly... There was no killing intention in the terrible corpse Qi and death Qi!

If you really want to kill, even the earth center yuan magnetic mountain and the black hell armor can\'t resist the corpse emperor.

Shen Lang entered the field of corpse again just to see the corpse emperor. How can he shrink back at this time?


As soon as the palm reached Shen Lang\'s head, it suddenly disappeared.

But Shen Lang clearly felt a force that made him completely unable to struggle!

This force almost imprisoned the surrounding space directly.

Compared with the "God killing array" arranged by the blood clan not long ago, it is more terrible than a hundred times and a thousand times?

This force bound Shen Langke\'s whole body. He shouted and pulled him into another space!

This space is nothing in all directions.

Complete darkness, the purest darkness!

It\'s like being in an empty cosmic sky.

Different from the void of the universe, there is a very oppressive breath in the dark!

These smells, any one, are actually on the Jiuchong heaven of the imperial martial mirror!

Such a breath, if only two or three, is still enough.

But in Shen Lang\'s induction, there are hundreds and thousands of them!

So powerful, so many breath together, how terrible should it be?

Even the temple of the God of war in its heyday can\'t have such a strong lineup

Shen Lang\'s eyes shrunk slightly: "this time, it\'s right."

At this time, under the strong and unparalleled breath, Shen Lang\'s body seemed to be suppressed by mountains and was difficult to move.

But Shen Lang was not worried.

Whether the owner of the "corpse field" is the legendary corpse emperor or not, Shen Lang is not worried that the other party will suddenly find it difficult to deal with him.

The strong at this level will not lower their status to do such things.

Moreover, in Shen Lang\'s guess, he should be of "research value" to the other party.

The reason is simple

Since this one has been so strong, he should have "seen" everything that happened in the plague place and Shen Lang\'s actions.

Even to the point of the great emperor, if you see Shen Lang, I\'m afraid you\'ll want to explore his secret.

Since ancient times, in less than a month, it has changed from the quasi imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian to the imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian

Apart from Shen Lang, there will never be a second person!

Even the brilliant war emperor born in the sky can\'t do such incredible things in a month!

There must be a secret in such people.

And it\'s a big secret!

Although speaking, Shen Lang was lucky.

First, he got the green dragon blood essence, and the growth of chaotic God body advanced by leaps and bounds;

Moreover, the Taiji map was refined and successfully robbed thunder during the advanced imperial martial mirror period, which made Shen Lang enter the destruction space;

After that, he made a war fortune in this plague land... Plotted against the blood clan and the demon bone blood clan, and swallowed up the power of a large number of blood clan strongmen and the demon bone blood clan.

But anyway, this is definitely not a "talent" to describe.

Shen Lang\'s things have already attracted the attention of all forces and powerful people.

If it hadn\'t been for mother-in-law Youfeng, and Shen Lang\'s own means and strength were amazing and overbearing, I\'m afraid someone would have made up his mind long ago.

The corpse Emperor didn\'t directly catch him here to check his secret. In Shen Lang\'s opinion, he should be afraid of the three great emperors of the dragon family!

Obviously, when the three dragon emperors fought with the immortal blood emperor, the corpse emperor was definitely watching!

Maybe I\'m still enjoying it!

Shen Lang found the entrance to the amber dream and entered the amber dream. How can he hide it from others? How can he hide it from the corpse emperor next door to the plague?

It was precisely because he had calculated these things that Shen Lang dared to enter the "field of corpses" again!

Looking at the deep darkness, Shen Lang said in a loud voice, "I\'m here to present something to my predecessor. I don\'t mean to offend you. Please show up!"

As soon as this sentence was said, there was a faint light in the dark.

Although the light did not completely illuminate the darkness, it made Shen Lang see everything around him

Here is like the bottom of a great lake. You can vaguely see the rippling water and mountain corpses everywhere.

tens of thousands of!

The strong and arrogant breath that Shen Lang felt before came from these bodies with different postures, such as sitting or lying flat!

Each corpse has a terrible corpse gas wriggling, which is released to destroy the breath of mountains and rivers!

As for the lake

It turned out to be concentrated to the extreme, liquefied Yin Qi!

It seems that this place should be deep in the Yin cave.

Just as Shen Lang looked at the bodies, those bodies also turned their eyes and looked at Shen Lang.

Strangely, the bodies were curious and surprised in their white and black eyes.

Shen Lang, however, seemed to be looking at a pile of wood without changing his face!

The corpse clan led by the corpse emperor has not appeared for many years.

Although Shen Lang has not been in contact with the corpse emperor and the real corpse family, the records of the war temple are very detailed.

Just then

The lake slowly drained away and a huge passage appeared.

The corpses with different postures stood up and stood on both sides of the passage.

With their every move, in the "Great Lake", the last time is a raging wave!

Countless terror whirlpools immediately formed, forming an unimaginable tearing force around Shen Lang!

Shen Lang\'s mind moved and his body was shocked. The black Pluto armor immediately generated a force to eliminate the surrounding pressure and tearing force.

Shen Lang stood still and looked towards the end of the passage.

At this time, at the end of the unknown passage, a pair of huge and blood red eyes emerged.

But at the first sight, Shen Lang snorted like a heavy hammer!

These eyes are full of danger. They are evil and evil. They dominate the world, like the king of demons!

Just take a look at it, even Shen Lang\'s mind feels that his soul has fallen into the nine nether world prison in an instant!