Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1273

Just when youwuxie and the dragon king Qi Tian\'s face changed dramatically

Sudden change!

The huge Yin Qi absorbed by the ten thousand ghost flag suddenly rolled back like a wave!

With a loud noise, the eighteen ten thousand ghost flag not only failed to devour the Yin Qi to the hell, but also directly extracted a small half of its power!

And like a long river into the sea, it is still pouring towards the black hole!

Youwuxie three people only felt that their whole body was loose, and the power from all directions dissipated a lot!

"This... This is?"

Milos didn\'t understand, and the three of you Wuxie didn\'t understand either.

Although they have never seen the legendary ten thousand ghost flags before, they have always heard of them.

What kind of power can break the "Zhiyin ghost killing array" and finally pull out the power on the ten thousand ghost flag?

Even the ghost of the great emperor\'s martial arts level can\'t do it?

Only Shen Lang understands

Although the ten thousand ghost flag is powerful, it depends on who controls it.

But no matter who controls it, who else can be found at the end of the sky besides the soul emperor of the thousand soul hall, who can rob Yin Qi with the corpse emperor?

Milos wouldn\'t dare to come here if he knew that the Yin cave had been occupied by the corpse emperor and gave him a hundred courage!

Not to mention fighting with the corpse emperor for the Yin Qi of the hell.

Shen Lang stood motionless in the void, still sensing the 180000 ghost flags.

"Finally saved!" the three of you Wuxie were curious and surprised!

But Milos is really going to vomit blood

He practiced the ten thousand ghost flags for tens of thousands of years. Although he failed to completely control the ten thousand ghost flags, he has a trace of mind connected with the ten thousand ghost flags.

Therefore, the power on the eighteen ten thousand ghost flags was constantly extracted, and he felt it clearly!

What is stealing chicken without eating rice?

This is stealing chicken without eroding rice!

Sure enough, something will happen when his little evil star appears!

Clearly the winner is in hand, this kind of completely incomprehensible thing will still happen!

Milos doesn\'t understand.

There is no chance for him to think

Just when he was angry and wanted to spit blood, Shen Lang finally moved!

Shen Lang pinched the formula with his left hand, his lips wriggled rapidly, and his right hand pointed like a sword at the ten thousand ghost flags suspended in front of him!

"Woo woo!"

The cheers of thousands of fierce ghosts and ghosts came from the ten thousand ghost flags!

The ten thousand ghost flag that originally pointed to Shen Lang\'s heart, just shouted, turned upside down and pointed to Milos below!

Milos\'s ghost took a big risk. He didn\'t want to. He turned around and wanted to escape!

Ten thousand ghost Luo fan not only can\'t cope with each other, but is manipulated by each other. Milos has completely lost his confidence.

At this time, he just wanted to escape here immediately.

Never meet this evil star again!


Milos has no chance to stay away from the sinking waves.

The Shen wave in the air waved his palm gently

At the moment Milos turned around, the blood fog just dispersed!

The ten thousand ghost flag seemed to cross the space, and immediately pierced through his back heart, and then nailed his body to the barrier formed by the "Zhiyin ghost killing array"!

The blood mist that had just dispersed from Milos seemed to be attracted by something. With a brush, it all gathered on Milos.

And Milos\'s body, which had become virtual, became solid again!

"Ho, Ho, Ho..."

Milos made a strange sound in his throat.

The powerful force sealed the meridians of his whole body and... Soul!

The most evil and evil force wrapped his whole body and pulled him crazy into an unknown space like the nine netherworld prison!

Milos could not speak and resist.

In an instant, his whole body began to melt like snow, and then at an extremely fast speed, it penetrated into the ten thousand ghost flags that pierced his body!

In less than five seconds, Milos, one of the blood giants, completely disappeared in this world!


The ten thousand ghost flag suddenly shook in the air, turned into a flash of streamer, and escaped into the ten thousand ghost flag nearest to Milos.

As soon as the streamer entered the center of "Zhiyin ghost killing array", a huge face immediately appeared, covering the whole void!

The face seemed to be in great pain, twisted and immature, and sent out a silent scream.

It was Milos who had just been killed by the ten thousand ghost flag!

At this time, Shen Lang snorted and his hands danced up and down like butterflies!

The power of "Zhiyin ghost killing array" immediately surged and changed in bursts!

First, the gap where the power of the 180000 ghost flag was pulled out was closed;

Then several people found that the pressure that squeezed them to breathe disappeared without a trace;

Finally, he saw that the endless ghosts in the "Zhiyin ghost killing array" made a fierce voice and rushed towards Milos!

Shen Lang wants to thoroughly refine Milos and integrate it into the ten thousand ghost flag in front of youwuxie people!

The king of Nara and the Dragon King are just making peace. Although they are frightened, they can keep calm.

But youwuxie really had weak legs and almost screamed several times!

You know, the ten thousand ghost flag is the treasure of the thousand soul hall in ancient times!

The blood clan has taken this thing for so many years, but it can\'t really control it.

The boy of Zhuque mansion in the demon Temple easily grabbed the control right first, and then easily controlled the 180000 ghost flag, trying to refine the original "master" Milos!

How can anyone do such a thing unless the ghost of the thousand souls hall is here?


Youwuxie looked at Shen Lang\'s ceaseless movements and noticed Shen Lang\'s skillful technique and printing formula. Her heart was cold.

Although he can\'t recognize these techniques and printing formulas, as the strong man of the thousand soul hall, he just knows that this is definitely the printing method of the thousand soul hall!

The mantra and mental skill of ten thousand ghosts and flags is a secret in the thousand souls hall.

Even the identity of youwuxie is only heard from the legend, and there is no chance and right to touch it.

Unexpectedly, it was obtained by the demon temple!

Has the demon temple really been so terrible?

You Wuxie is in a complex mood and feels very uncomfortable.

On the contrary, King Nara reincarnated as a marquis. Looking at Shen Lang\'s means, he became more and more convinced of his judgment.

None of the three made a sound or made other movements.

Just watch Shen Lang refine Milos.

Just more than an hour passed, and the huge face of namilus in the void was completely calm.

The eyes in that face, no more fear, no more hatred, no more pain

Then he turned around slowly and said respectfully to Shen Lang: "dear master, Milos is willing to serve you."

Milos has really become one of the millions of ghosts in the ten thousand ghost banner.

At this time, Shen Lang leaned out with one hand and caught the void!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The sound of breaking the air continued.

Eighteen ten thousand ghost flags rose from the ground, narrowed to two feet long, and fell into Shen Lang\'s hands.

The fate of man is so strange.

Just a few minutes ago, Milos wanted to refine the three Naro kings.

A few minutes later, he was refined by Shen Lang.

And the magic weapon he used was the biggest and most secret card... Ten thousand ghost flags!

Watching Shen Lang put away the ten thousand ghost flags, you Wuxie wanted to speak several times.

I want to ask for the ten thousand ghost flags from Shen Lang.

After all, this is the legendary treasure of qianhun hall!

However, the mighty strong man of qianhun hall was quiet and innocent. Looking at Shen Lang\'s back, he couldn\'t say a word.

The guy in front of him has exceeded his cognition.

It\'s not common sense anymore.

If he had to choose between Shen Lang and Milos, you Wuxie would rather face Milos than Shen Lang.

At this time, Shen Lang slowly turned around and looked at this side faintly.

Youwuxie and the Dragon King took a step back and made a defensive posture!

Although Shen Lang removed the "Zhiyin ghost killing array" and took back the 180000 ghost flags, it doesn\'t mean he won\'t deal with them.

Here, after all, is not in the land of plague.

If they meet other people in the demon temple and have such a good opportunity, they will never let go.

"Milos has been solved. Now the war in Moonlight City is almost over. You three go back now." Shen Lang said in a flat tone.

You Wuxie was stunned: "you... Envoy Zuo, are you going to let us go?"

The Dragon King on the side is so angry... What\'s this little thing asking? Are you reminding Shen Lang to scrape the oil before letting us go?

This guy is a thing that even the demons in the demon Temple walk around when they see them!

It is said that this guy "splits the refined meat on the egret\'s leg and the fat in the mosquito\'s belly", which makes a group of demons in the demon Temple miserable!

Unexpectedly, Shen Lang smiled and said, "you\'re not a beauty. What\'s the use of leaving you? I\'m not like the woman with a clear moon. I\'ll kill you if I catch the opportunity."

"It was my idea to unite the demon temple with you, and it was also my contribution."

"In the face of the blood clan, the three are brave soldiers who are independent... It\'s better to keep you against the blood clan than to kill you."

"Come on, don\'t wait for me to change my mind and refine you!"

The reincarnation of King Nara, the Marquis, took a step forward and stopped youwuxie from talking.

King Naro took a deep look at Shen Lang, arched his hands and said in a loud voice, "thank you!"

Then king Nara turned around, winked at you Wuxie and the dragon king Qi angel, tore open the space directly and went in.

Youwuxie and dragon king Qi Tian looked at each other. Seeing that Shen Lang stood with his hands down and had no sign of action, they immediately fled and left with King Nara.

Shen Lang\'s face was expressionless. He quietly watched the three people disappear in front of him.

The valley was calm again.

Shen Lang once again entered the "field of corpse" of the corpse emperor.

"Younger generation Shen Lang, please show up."

Among the ruins, Shen Lang arched his hand and said in a loud voice.