Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1272

Shen Lang\'s appearance was unexpected.

The faces of the four people in the "Zhiyin ghost killing array" suddenly changed and became extremely strange!

Youwuxie and dragon king Qi Tian were surprised and happy;

It\'s amazing that the little evil star of the demon God hall came to this place... This is outside the plague land. Even if he broke the ten thousand ghost flag, the three of them left the wolf\'s mouth and entered the tiger\'s mouth again!

King Nara\'s eyes flashed with ecstasy, and a breath grew. The whole man seemed to collapse and almost sat down to the ground.

Milos was angry and unbelievable... There were other people in the "Zhiyin ghost killing array" formed by the ten thousand ghost flag he controlled, but he didn\'t realize it. Isn\'t he a joke?

And the person who appears is the little evil star who pits the blood clan to death!

The blood clan is falling back day by day. It\'s all thanks to him!

The point is, how on earth did he get in?

How did you hide it from yourself?

"Heaven has a way, you don\'t go, hell has no door, you break in!" Milos\'s face became extremely ferocious, a little hysterical shouted: "Shen Lang, you\'re looking for death! Looking for death!"

The previous calm was completely gone.

Milos\'s face was only crazy and murderous.

This time he didn\'t treat the three King Nara as leisurely as he did. Just after this sentence, Milos pinched and printed with both hands!

The eighteen ten thousand ghost flags shook wildly, and a virtual shadow like one came out on the edge of each ten thousand ghost flag.

Then all the virtual shadows quickly gathered together and fell in front of Milos!

Still a ten thousand ghost flag.

But it is more powerful than the one just used to deal with youwuxie!

The ten thousand ghost streamers lay in front of Milos. You Wuxie and King Nara just took a look at them and felt that their souls were going to leave the body!

Such a ten thousand ghost flag explodes - shoot it, who can stop it?

"This ten thousand ghost flag gathers the power of eighteen ten thousand ghost flags, and the Yin Qi accumulated in the valley for thousands of years. You can only Dodge, not fight!"

Youwuxie screamed and reminded Shen Lang.

Although he regarded Shen Lang as his enemy, he didn\'t want to be the enemy of the Savior and be killed at once.

After all, even falling into Shen Lang\'s hands is better than being refined by Milos!


The Shen wave in the air asked faintly.

He still held his hands on his chest, as if he could not feel the power of the ten thousand ghost flags in Milos\'s hands!

Although the whole valley was like nine Youming prison, he turned a blind eye, stood still and was as stable as Mount Tai.

Youwuxie secretly complained: "although this guy\'s means are extraordinary, he has just advanced the imperial martial mirror. After a while, he can\'t cope with the ten thousand ghost flag... The key is, where does his self-confidence come from?"

"In front of absolute power, there is no joke between life and death!"

Don\'t wait for youwuxie to remind again, Milos below has shot!

He pointed his hands together like a sword and suddenly pointed to the ten thousand ghost flag in front of him!

The ten thousand ghost flag turned quickly, brought endless wind and pointed to shenlang!

Milos is also very afraid of Shen lang. even if he doesn\'t believe that Shen Lang can have the ability of emperor Wujing jiuchongtian, he is still afraid that Shen Lang will have other means to harm him.

"Ten thousand ghosts, kill my enemy!"

With a light drink, Milos released the spiritual power with dense runes on his hands and fingers, like blood lightning, into the ten thousand ghost flags!


The huge ten thousand ghost streamers expel the air, like breaking the space, forming a terrible hurricane in the air, and immediately appeared in front of Shen waves!

The speed is incredible!


Milos\'s pride on his face was completely frozen at the next moment!

The Wangui luofan, which was castrated very quickly and ferocious, stopped less than a foot in front of Shen Lang and didn\'t move!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Milos screamed hysterically.

This ten thousand ghost flag cost him a lot of accomplishments and accumulated the power of eighteen ten thousand ghost flags.

It can almost kill the nine strong heaven in an instant!

How could this happen?

Whether Milos or youwuxie, in fact, they can clearly see that this is not that the ten thousand ghost flag is blocked by the black Pluto armor

In fact, the breath of black Pluto armor is introverted, and even the defense has not been started!

However, how could the ten thousand ghost flag, which is threatening to destroy everything, stop so strangely in front of Shen Lang?

Just now, if the three were quiet and innocent, I\'m afraid they would have been pierced and strung into a string!

The three of you Wuxie couldn\'t understand it, and Milos didn\'t understand it even more.

No one can see that although Shen Lang\'s hands are held in front of his chest, the fingers of his hands... Have been kneading and printing since the ten thousand ghost flags condensed into shape!

Not only are his hands holding the Yin formula, Shen Lang\'s lips are still wriggling slightly and reciting the formula!

The formula to control the "ten thousand ghost flag"!

What is the "ten thousand ghost flag"?

It is one of the most precious treasures of qianhun hall in ancient times!

Who is the war emperor?

It is a character raised by ghost respected Haiwen incense in the thousand souls hall!

Thousands of skills and countless secret skills in the thousand soul hall. Can\'t the war emperor?

Even the unique skills of the three ghost masters... Even the immortal unique skills of the soul emperor, the war emperor knows all of them!

Of course, whether it will be used is one thing, and whether it can be used is another.

The thousand souls hall skill is a skill that can only be activated and used by the soul body. It is not suitable for Shen Lang to practice and use.

Therefore, even if there is the soul emperor\'s "soul eating infinite formula" in his mind, Shen Lang has never practiced or used it.

Milos is really unlucky. It\'s very unlucky.

If he takes out other powerful magic weapons, Shen Lang may have to work harder to deal with him.

Unexpectedly, he took out the ten thousand ghost flags that had been lost in the thousand soul hall for millions of years!

Shen Lang didn\'t know how to control the ten thousand ghost flag, which was originally the treasure of the thousand soul hall?

Although the ten thousand ghost flag fell into the hands of the blood clan, Milos could not control the magic formula of the treasure of the thousand soul hall.

Although he has practiced for thousands of years, he can\'t enter without his door and completely master the key. The ten thousand ghost flag can\'t be his magic weapon at all.

Otherwise, when dealing with youwuxie before, you don\'t have to spit out a mouthful of blood essence and urge the ten thousand ghost flags at the cost of the loss of your cultivation!

To exaggerate, now the ten thousand ghost flag is basically a ownerless thing!

An ownerless thing meets Shen Lang who is proficient in its control methods and pithy formulas

Then Milos used it to deal with Shen waves.

Nothing is more absurd than this.

"Why... Why? Who the hell are you? Why is the ten thousand ghost flag out of my control as soon as you appear?"

Milos screamed wildly.

A generation of blood clan giants completely lost their composure and became lost.

All this almost completely defeated his mind!

"I don\'t believe it, I don\'t believe it!"

Milos madly patted the ten thousand ghost flags in front of him and wanted to use the biggest card - Zhiyin cave!

Dayton time, just behind him, there was a huge black hole!

Although the three Nara kings in the air are far away, they can still clearly see the surging terrible Yin Qi in the black hole!

"Kill him, kill him!"

Milos shouted like a madman.

The ten thousand ghost flags in front of him gave a shout of joy and immediately released a terrible suction to absorb the Yin in the black hole behind Milos!

"Come on! Stop him!" you Wuxie shouted.

If the huge Yin Qi is absorbed by the ten thousand ghost flag, the pressure of the whole "Zhiyin ghost killing array" will be increased ten times and one hundred times.

At that time, as long as Milos has a thought, they can be crushed into powder by the pressure of killing the array alone!

The waves were motionless.

He looked at the ten thousand ghost streamers floating in front of him, sensing the breath in them and trying to communicate with them.

When the eighteen ten thousand ghost flag appeared and laid the "Zhiyin ghost killing array", Shen Lang read the mental formula and established contact with the eighteen ten thousand ghost flag.

This connection is still very weak, far from complete control.

However, even if there is only such a connection, it is enough to reverse everything and deal with Milos!

Shen Lang is very curious about this thing that only exists in the legend of qianhun hall.

If you have to compare, the power of the countless "ten thousand ghost flags" that killed the strong of the blood clan in ancient times may be higher than the "Jiuyou demon soul blade" handed over by Shen Lang to the night ghost!

A true evil soldier of emperor level!

Seeing this, Shen Lang finally understood... Why only Milos and ox were put in the plague land when the blood family emperor shot.

It\'s more than enough to deal with the ghost statue of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, the ghost blood descendant of the double heaven of the great emperor\'s martial arts realm, and the 180000 ghost flags.

Emperor Wujing Jiuchong heaven strong man, come and die, there will be no other possibility!

Unfortunately, the strongest demon blood descendant just came out and was tossed by Shen waves;

Milos couldn\'t control the eighteen thousand ghost flags at all, so he didn\'t use them in Moonlight City. Instead, he came here to fight guerrilla warfare.

"Shen Lang, you..."

Seeing that Shen Lang completely ignored Milos\'s actions below, you Wuxie had an impulse to curse his mother

When is it? Can you see the flowers again?

Are you overconfident?

It\'s too much!


Just when you were jumping without evil Qi, the Yin Qi in the black hole below gathered towards the ten thousand ghost flags!

"It\'s over..."

You Wuxie sighed.

With the instillation of Yin Qi, he who supports the soul shield to resist the pressure of the kill array can feel the growth of the kill array power more than anyone!

Even if he tried his best to feed, I\'m afraid he couldn\'t last ten seconds with the indoctrination of Yin Qi into the ten thousand ghost flags.

Shen Lang can rely on the black Pluto armor to resist for a while, but whether the black Pluto armor can resist such a terrible force is also two things to say.

A hundred steps back, even the dark Pluto armor of Shen wave can resist it.

That\'s none of their business!

Shen Lang may be fine.

But ten seconds later, the three people in the soul shield will... Disappear!